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KATP channels are heteromultimers of KIR6.2 and a sulfonylurea receptor, SUR, an ATP binding cassette (ABC) protein with several isoforms. KIR6.2 forms a channel pore whose spontaneous activity and ATP sensitivity are modulated by the receptor via an unknown interaction(s). Side by side comparison of single-channel kinetics and steady-state ATP inhibition of human beta-cell, SUR1/KIR6.2, versus cardiac, SUR2A/KIR6.2 channels demonstrate that the latter have a greater mean burst duration and open probability in the absence of nucleotides and approximately 4-fold higher IC50(ATP). We have used matched chimeras of SUR1 and SUR2A to show that the kinetics, which determine the maximal open probability (Pomax), and the ATP sensitivity are functionally separable and to identify the two segments of SUR responsible for these isoform differences. A region within the first five transmembrane domains specifies the interburst kinetics, whereas a C-terminal segment determines the sensitivity to inhibitory ATP. The separable effects of SUR on ATP inhibition and channel kinetics implies that the cytoplasmic C terminus of SUR either directly modulates the affinity of a weak ATP binding site on the inward rectifier or affects linkage between the binding site and the gate. This is the first identification of parts of an ABC protein that interact with an ion channel subunit to modulate the spontaneous activity and ATP sensitivity of the heteromeric channel.  相似文献   
The bacterial effector VopS from Vibrio parahaemolyticus modifies host Rho GTPases to prevent downstream signalling, which leads to cell rounding and eventually apoptosis. While previous studies have used [α-(32)P] ATP for studying this enzyme, we sought to develop a non-radioactive chemical probe of VopS function. To guide these studies, the kinetic parameters were determined for a variety of nucleotides and the results indicated that the C6 position of adenosine was amenable to modification. Since Fl-ATP is a commercially available ATP analogue that is fluorescently tagged at the C6 position, we tested it as a VopS substrate, and the results show that VopS uses Fl-ATP to label Cdc42 in vitro and in MCF7 whole cell extracts. The utility of this probe was further demonstrated by immunoprecipitating Fl-ATP labeled Cdc42 as well as several novel substrate proteins. The proteins, which were identified by LC-MS/MS, include the small GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42 as well as several proteins that are potential VopS substrates and may be important for V. parahaemolyticus pathology. In total, these studies identify Fl-ATP as a valuable chemical probe of protein AMPylation.  相似文献   
The development of vaccines against malaria and serodiagnostic tests for detecting recent exposure requires tools for antigen discovery and suitable animal models. The protein microarray is a high‐throughput, sample sparing technique, with applications in infectious disease research, clinical diagnostics, epidemiology, and vaccine development. We recently demonstrated Qdot‐based indirect immunofluorescence together with portable optical imager ArrayCAM using single isotype detection could replicate data using the conventional laser confocal scanner system. We developed a multiplexing protocol for simultaneous detection of IgG, IgA, and IgM and compared samples from a controlled human malaria infection model with those from controlled malaria infections of Aotus nancymaae, a widely used non‐human primate model of human malaria. IgG profiles showed the highest concordance in number of reactive antigens; thus, of the 139 antigens recognized by human IgG antibody, 111 were also recognized by Aotus monkeys. Interestingly, IgA profiles were largely non‐overlapping. Finally, on the path toward wider deployment of the portable platform, we show excellent correlations between array data obtained in five independent laboratories around the United States using the multiplexing protocol (R2: 0.60–0.92). This study supports the use of this platform for wider deployment, particularly in endemic areas where such a tool will have the greatest impact on global human health.  相似文献   
Developmental changes in fine structure were studied in plastids of etiolated bean leaves during the time required for the protochlorophyllide-chlorophyllide transformation and the following lag phase prior to chlorophyll accumulation. In agreement with some other workers, two distinct stages of change in the fine structure of proplastids were found to occur upon illumination during this period. The first involves a dissociation of the previously fused units in the prolamellar bodies of the proplastids and occurs simultaneously with the protochlorophyllide-chlorophyllide conversion in light of 655 mµ, but not of 682, 700, or 730 mµ. The effect of the red light could not be reversed by a simultaneously supplied stronger far-red irradiation. The energy requirements for these structural changes parallel those for the pigment conversion. During the following step the vesicles which arose from the fused units of the prolamellar body were dispersed in rows through the stroma, and the prolamellar bodies themselves disappeared. For these changes to occur, higher light energies were required and the leaves had to be illuminated for longer periods. A red preillumination seemed to accelerate the development somewhat. The structural changes could be induced by light of 655 mµ, but also, to a lesser degree, of 730 mµ. No measurable additional chlorophyll accumulated during this period. Thus, the structural changes observed were independent of major changes in pigment content.  相似文献   
Plant laccases are thought to function in the oxidation of monolignols which leads to higher order lignin formation. Only a hand‐full of laccases in plants have been functionally evaluated, and as such little is known about the breadth of their impact on cell wall chemistry or structure. Here, we describe a previously uncharacterized laccase from Populus, encoded by locus Potri.008G064000, whose reduced expression resulted in transgenic Populus trees with changes in syringyl/guaiacyl ratios as well as altered sugar release phenotypes. These phenotypes are consistent with plant biomass exhibiting reduced recalcitrance. Interestingly, the transgene effect on recalcitrance is dependent on a mild pretreatment prior to chemical extraction of sugars. Metabolite profiling suggests the transgene modulates phenolics that are associated with the cell wall structure. We propose that this particular laccase has a range of functions related to oxidation of phenolics and conjugation of flavonoids that interact with lignin in the cell wall.  相似文献   
Forest soils, rather than woody biomass, are the dominant long‐term sink for N in forest fertilization studies and, by inference, for N from atmospheric deposition. Recent evidence of significant abiotic immobilization of inorganic‐N in forest humus layers challenges a previously widely held view that microbial processes are the dominant pathways for N immobilization in soil. Understanding the plant, microbial, and abiotic mechanisms of N immobilization in forest soils has important implications for understanding current and future carbon budgets. Abiotic immobilization of nitrate is particularly perplexing because the thermodynamics of nitrate reduction in soils are not generally favorable under oxic conditions. Here we present preliminary evidence for a testable hypothesis that explains abiotic immobilization of nitrate in forest soils. Because iron (and perhaps manganese) plays a key role as a catalyst, with Fe(II) reducing nitrate and reduced forms of carbon then regenerating Fe(II), we call this ‘the ferrous wheel hypothesis’. After nitrate is reduced to nitrite, we hypothesize that nitrite reacts with dissolved organic matter through nitration and nitrosation of aromatic ring structures, thus producing dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). In addition to ignorance about mechanisms of DON production, little is known about DON dynamics in soil and its fate within ecosystems. Evidence from leaching and watershed studies suggests that DON production and consumption may be largely uncoupled from seasonal biological processes, although biological processes ultimately produce the DOC and reducing power that affect DON formation and the entire N cycle. The ferrous wheel hypothesis includes both biological and abiological processes, but the reducing power of plant‐derived organic matter may build up over seasons and years while the abiotic reduction of nitrate and reaction of organic matter with nitrite may occur in a matter of seconds after nitrate enters the soil solution.  相似文献   
Genistein effects on growth and cell cycle ofCandida albicans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Microbial virulence is generally considered to be multifactorial with infection resulting from the sum of several globally regulated virulence factors. Estrogen may serve as a signal for global virulence induction in Candida albicans. Nonsteroidal estrogens and estrogen receptor antagonists may therefore have interesting effects on yeast and their virulence factors. Growth of C. albicans was monitored by viable plate counts at timed intervals after inoculation into yeast nitrogen broth plus glucose. To determine if increased growth of yeast in the presence of estradiol was due to tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling, we measured growth in the presence of genistein, estradiol or genistein plus estradiol and compared these conditions to controls, which were not supplemented with either compound. Unexpectedly, genistein stimulated growth of C. albicans. In addition, genistein was found to increase the rate of germination (possibly reflecting release from G(0) into G(1) cell cycle phase) and also increased Hsp90 expression, demonstrated by a dot blot technique which employed a commercial primary antibody detected with chemiluminescence with horseradish peroxidase-labeled secondary antibody. These biological effects may be attributable to genistein's activity as a phytoestrogen. In contrast, nafoxidine suppressed growth of Candida and mildly diminished Hsp90 expression. This study raises the possibility of receptor cross-talk between estrogen and isoflavinoid compounds, and antiestrogens which may affect the same signaling system, though separate targets for each compound were not ruled out.  相似文献   
Centrioles are self-reproducing organelles that form the core structure of centrosomes or microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs). However, whether duplication and MTOC organization reflect innate activities of centrioles or activities acquired conditionally is unclear. In this paper, we show that newly formed full-length centrioles had no inherent capacity to duplicate or to organize pericentriolar material (PCM) but acquired both after mitosis through a Plk1-dependent modification that occurred in early mitosis. Modified centrioles initiated PCM recruitment in G1 and segregated equally in mitosis through association with spindle poles. Conversely, unmodified centrioles segregated randomly unless passively tethered to modified centrioles. Strikingly, duplication occurred only in centrioles that were both modified and disengaged, whereas unmodified centrioles, engaged or not, were "infertile," indicating that engagement specifically blocks modified centrioles from reduplication. These two requirements, centriole modification and disengagement, fully exclude unlimited duplication in one cell cycle. We thus uncovered a Plk1-dependent mechanism whereby duplication and segregation are coupled to maintain centriole homeostasis.  相似文献   
Abstract: High doses of methamphetamine (METH) produce a long-term depletion in striatal tissue dopamine content. The mechanism mediating this toxicity has been associated with increased concentrations of dopamine and glutamate and altered energy metabolism. In vivo microdialysis was used to assess and alter the metabolic environment of the brain during high doses of METH. METH significantly increased extracellular concentrations of lactate in striatum and prefrontal cortex. This increase was significantly greater in striatum and coincided with the greater vulnerability of this brain region to the toxic effects of METH. To examine the effect of supplementing energy metabolism on METH-induced dopamine content depletions, the striatum was perfused directly with decylubiquinone or nicotinamide to enhance the energetic capacity of the tissue during or after a neurotoxic dosing regimen of METH. When decylubiquinone or nicotinamide was perfused into striatum during the administration of METH, there was no significant effect on METH-induced striatal dopamine efflux, glutamate efflux, or the long-term dopamine depletions measured 7 days later. However, a delayed perfusion with decylubiquinone or nicotinamide for 6 h beginning immediately after the last METH injection attenuated the METH-induced striatal dopamine depletions measured 1 week later. These results support the hypothesis that the compromised metabolic state produced by METH administration predisposes dopamine terminals to the neurotoxic effects of glutamate, dopamine, and/or free radicals.  相似文献   
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