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Synopsis The continent of Africa has a wide variety of inland waters ranging from rift valley lakes to endorheic and coastal lakes, floodplains and rivers. This paper makes a preliminary comparison of the number of species in different eco-ethological sections of the reproductive guild categories of non-guarders, guarders and bearers in ancient African Great Lakes (Malawi, Victoria and Tanganyika), fluctuating endorheic lakes (Ngami, Chad and Chilwa), typical rivers (Orange-Vaal, Limpopo, Phongolo, Sabi-Lundi, Middle and Lower Zambezi, Kafue, Cunene, Okavango, Niger, Luongo, Lower Zaire) and wetlands (Okavango Delta and Kafue floodplain). The results indicate that the highest percentage of bearers and guarders is found in the ancient African Great Lakes, which are characterised by relatively predictable physico-chemical regimes, whereas a higher percentage of non-guarders is found in the rivers and wetlands, which have less predictable physico-chemical regimes. The management implications of this observation are discussed, and the usefulness of the species as a unit in ecology is assessed.  相似文献   
For effective fauna conservation and management, ecologists are required to identify the resources that are critical for species to survive, and consider how these are distributed across landscapes. The critical resources usually considered are food and water, but the availability of appropriate shelter resources can be a key driver of habitat suitability for terrestrial reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles are important components of dryland ecosystems, yet we have little understanding about how anthropogenic disturbances affect the availability of shelter resources and reptile survival in drylands. In this study, we used VHF radio‐tracking to assess the importance of shelter resources in determining the habitat use patterns of a Near‐Threatened reptile species, the woma (Aspidites ramsayi; Pythonidae), in modified and intact dryland landscapes of Queensland, Australia. We compared the structural and thermal attributes of locations that were used, with those that were available. Using an information‐theoretic approach, we found that the occurrence of womas was strongly associated with the presence of ground burrows, which are excellent thermal insulators. No other shelter type was capable of buffering our study species from sub‐zero temperatures during winter, although summer temperatures of >40°C were buffered by hollow logs and piles of woody debris. Habitat use patterns were influenced more by the occurrence of underground shelters than by habitat type. Clearing status per se (cleared, regrowth or intact) had minimal influence on occurrence. Thermally buffered underground shelters are a vital resource for our focal species, and the availability of this shelter resource drives habitat suitability in modified dryland landscapes. Due to the key trophic role of reptiles in dryland ecosystems, and the excellent thermal buffering capacity of underground shelters, we propose that ground burrows may be potentially considered as keystone structures in drylands, and require a similar level of protection to ‘habitat’ or ‘legacy’ trees in forested ecosystems.  相似文献   
The effects of suspensoids on fish   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
M. N. Bruton 《Hydrobiologia》1985,125(1):221-241
High suspensoid loads are a common feature of many Southern Hemisphere inland waters. Case studies on a natural lake (Chilwa), a man-made lake (Le Roux) and S.W. Indian Ocean estuaries reveal that the effects of turbidity on fish in these systems differ widely. In Lake Le Roux, high suspensoid loads influence fish by causing a reduced growth rate, a decrease in size at first maturity and maximum size, and a movement inshore by large fishes to feed on phytobenthos. High turbidities in Lake Chilwa sharply reduce food availability in benthic offshore zones, and restrict fishes to pelagic and inshore food resources. The resuspension of sediments by wind action may cause fish mortalities through deoxygenation of the water column. Moderate turbidity levels appear to be beneficial to fish in estuaries by affording protection from predators in shallow, food-rich areas. Turbidity gradients may also provide a navigational aid to fish entering estuaries.While ecological studies on Southern Hemisphere inland waters are fairly advanced, experimental work is restricted. Such research in the Northern Hemisphere has revealed that high suspensoid loads may influence breeding success, egg and larval survival, population structure and size, as well as food availability and feeding efficiency. The effect of suspensoids on the breeding success and feeding efficiency of Southern Hemisphere fish needs further investigation.Moderate suspensoid loads are a natural feature of many inland waters, but sustained high levels reduce the photic zone, blanket the benthos and interfere with the feeding efficiency of fish. The curtailment of soil erosion should therefore be regarded as a priority in the management of inland fisheries, especially in Third World countries where poor land-use practises have resulted in a marked deterioration of water quality. The need to study and manage river catchments holistically is emphasized.  相似文献   

Wetland fish stocks can usually be sustained as long as the natural flood regime is maintained, but unnatural disruption of the flooding pattern can interfere with fish spawning and feeding. The dynamics of the Phongolo floodplain fish community are determined by periodically changing abiotic factors, especially water level and water temperature, and biotic factors, especially food availability. Water level fluctuations have several important functions and result in pulses of nutrient input and fish abundance. This paper examines the implications of the timing, magnitude and duration of simulated flood releases from the Pongolapoort Dam on the downstream fish and fishery.  相似文献   
In order to shuttle substrates across the lipid bilayer, membrane proteins undergo a series of conformation changes that are influenced by protein structure, ligands, and the lipid environment. To test the effect of lipid on conformation change of the ABC transporter MolBC, EPR studies were conducted in lipids and detergents of variable composition. In both a detergent and lipid environment, MolBC underwent the same general conformation changes as detected by site-directed EPR spectroscopy. However, differences in activity and the details of the EPR analysis indicate conformational rigidity that is dependent on the lipid environment. From these observations, we conclude that native-like lipid mixtures provide the transporter with greater activity and conformational flexibility as well as technical advantages such as reconstitution efficiency and protein stability.  相似文献   
The autoantigenic polymyositis/scleroderma (PM/Scl) complex was recently shown to be the human homologue of the yeast exosome, which is an RNA-processing complex. Our aim was to assess whether, in addition to targeting the known autoantigens PM/Scl-100 and PM/Scl-75, autoantibodies also target recently identified components of the PM/Scl complex. The prevalence of autoantibodies directed to six novel human exosome components (hRrp4p, hRrp40p, hRrp41p, hRrp42p, hRrp46p, hCsl4p) was determined in sera from patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (n = 48), scleroderma (n = 11), or the PM/Scl overlap syndrome (n = 10). The sera were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and western blotting using the affinity-purified recombinant proteins. Our results show that each human exosome component is recognized by autoantibodies. The hRrp4p and hRrp42p components were most frequently targeted. The presence of autoantibodies directed to the novel components of the human exosome was correlated with the presence of the anti-PM/Scl-100 autoantibody in the sera of patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM), as was previously found for the anti-PM/Scl-75 autoantibody. Other clear associations between autoantibody activities were not found. These results further support the conception that the autoimmune response may initially be directed to PM/Scl-100, whereas intermolecular epitope spreading may have caused the autoantibody response directed to the associated components.  相似文献   
A characteristic feature of the sperm P1 protamines of eutherian mammals is the constant presence of six to nine cysteine residues per molecule. During spermiogenesis these residues become oxidized to form a three-dimensional network of disulfide bridges between, and within, protamine molecules in the sperm chromatin. This covalent cross linking strongly stabilizes eutherian sperm nuclei. In contrast, protamines sequenced from teleost fish, birds, monotremes, and marsupials all lack cysteine residues and their sperm nuclei, without the stabilizing cross links, are easily decondensed in vitro. We have now found that one genus of tiny, shrewlike dasyurid marsupials, the Planigales, possess P1 protamines containing five to six cysteine residues. These residues appear to have evolved since the divergence of Planigales from other members of the family Dasyuridae, such as the marsupial mouse, Sminthopsis crassicaudata. We believe this constitutes a case of convergent evolution in a subfamily of dasyurid marsupials toward the cysteine-rich eutherian form of sperm protamine P1.   相似文献   
The role of reduced muscle pH in the development of skeletalmuscle fatigue is unclear. This study investigated the effects oflowering skeletal muscle intracellular pH by exposure to 30% CO2 on the number of isometrictetani needed to induce significant fatigue. Isolated single mousemuscle fibers were stimulated repetitively at intervals of 4-2.5 sby using 80-Hz, 400-ms tetani at 28°C in Tyrode solution bubbledwith either 5 or 30%CO2. Stimulation continued until tetanic force had fallen to 40% of the initial value.Exposure to 30% CO2 caused asignificant fall in intracellular pH of ~0.3 pH unit but did notcause any significant changes in initial peak tetanic force. During thecourse of repetitive stimulation, intracellular pH fell by ~0.3 pHunit in both normal and acidified fibers. The number of tetani neededto reduce force to 40% of the initial value was not significantlydifferent in 5 and 30% CO2Tyrode. The sole effect of acidosis was to reduce the rate ofrelaxation of force, especially in fatigued fibers. It is concluded that, at 28°C, acidosis per se does not accelerate the development of fatigue during repeated tetanic stimulation of isolated mouse skeletal muscle fibers.

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