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Adiponectin is an adipokine whose plasma levels are inversely correlated to metabolic syndrome components. Adiponectin protects against atherosclerosis and decreases risks in myocardial infarction. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are a heterogeneous population of circulating cells involved in vascular repair and neovascularization. EPCs number is reduced in patients with cardiovascular disease. We hypothesize that the positive effects of adiponectin against atherosclerosis are explained in part by its interactions with EPCs. Cells were obtained from healthy volunteers' blood by mononuclear cell isolation and plating on collagen‐coated dishes. Three sub‐populations of EPCs were identified and characterized using flow cytometry. EPCs' expression of adiponectin receptors, AdipoR1, and AdipoR2 was evaluated by quantitative PCR. The effects of recombinant adiponectin on EPCs' susceptibility to apoptosis were assessed. Finally, expression of neutrophil elastase by EPCs and activity of this enzyme on adiponectin processing were assessed. Quantitative PCR analysis of EPCs mRNAs showed that AdipoR1 mRNA is expressed at higher levels than AdipoR2. Expression of AdipoR1 protein was confirmed by western blot. Adiponectin significantly increased survival of two sub‐populations of EPCs in conditions of serum deprivation. Such effect could not be demonstrated in the third EPCs sub‐population. We also demonstrated that EPCs, particularly one sub‐population, express neutrophil elastase. Neutrophil elastase activity was confirmed in EPCs' conditioned media. Adiponectin protects some EPCs sub‐populations against apoptosis and therefore could modulate EPCs ability to induce repair of vascular damage. Neutrophil elastase activity of EPCs could locally modulate adiponectin activity by its involvement in the generation of the globular form of adiponectin.  相似文献   
Bewick  Guy S. 《Brain Cell Biology》2003,32(5-8):473-487
The basic mechanisms underlying chemically-mediated neurotransmission at synapses are well established. Synaptic vesicles release their contents of neurotransmitter by exocytosis, and are then recycled and refilled before re-priming for re-release. It is less clear, however, what determines the differences in the quantitative aspects of this process at synapses with different in vivo activity patterns, and the extent to which they can be adapted to changing patterns of usage. The neuromuscular junction is particularly suited to investigations of these issues, due to the presence of distinctive muscle fibre types, with well-differentiated physiological roles and hence, activity patterns. The relative accessibility of NMJs means that chronic recording and manipulation of in vivo activity patterns of single motor neurones are possible. Several laboratories around the world now examining how transmitter release at NMJs is adapted to maintain (or not) release under these identified activity patterns. This review will cover the current state of knowledge and briefly highlight areas where more research is required. For example, current knowledge is largely derived from invertebrate preparations, indicating a need for more detailed comparisons at mammalian NMJs with different activity patterns. Finally, it is not yet clear in any species whether adaptations observed with imposed activity can be driven to complete transformation, with appropriate stimulus regimes.  相似文献   
A three month experimental acidification was carried out on lotic bottom communities. Experiments were conducted under semi-natural conditions in plasticized wooden channels. Acidified communities (pH 4.0), with or without added aluminum, were compared with a reference community (pH 6.3–6.9). Added aluminum concentrations were respectively 0.2 and 0.4 mg 1–1 in experiments performed in 1982 and 1983. Water chemistry and taxonomic composition of the macroinvertebrate communities were monitored. Under acidified conditions, results were similar, with or without added aluminum. Mean abundances of all groups of organisms were lowered. Mayflies nearly completely disappeared from the acidified channels. The only organism not affected by the acidification was Microtendipes sp. Differences in the organism response were observed: Orthocladiinae (Rheocricotopus, Parametriocnemus, Corynoneura, Thienemanniella, Nanocladius, Cricotopus) and Ephemeroptera (Baetis, Habrophlebia, Habrophlebiodes, Paraleptophlebia, Ephemerella), especially early instars, were very sensitive to low pH, Chironomini and Tanypodinae were much less sensitive, while Tanytarsini were intermediate; Oligochaeta and Nematoda were difficult to classify, their response being different from one year to another. Organisms inhabiting the surface of artificial substrates disappeared very rapidly from the system, while those buried inside had a delayed reaction to acidification. Aluminum which was mainly in the monomeric form was not responsible for community modifications. Direct action of hydrogen ions through a physiological stress seems a more credible explanation. These results, induced by a continuous experimental acidification, suggest that if this small headwater stream undergoes acidification, the resulting invertebrate community will be very simplified, with only resistant species able to cope with the acid conditions.  相似文献   
Summary The morphological substrate of putative serotonin (5-HT)/neuropeptide Y (NPY) interactions in thé suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) was investigated by combined radioautography and immunocytochemistry after intraventricular administration of (3H)5-HT in the rat. In the ventral portion of the SCN, the distribution of (3H)5-HT uptake sites overlapped closely the NPY-immunoreactive terminals. Previous investigations have shown that the dense 5-HT and NPY innervations of the SCN originate in different structures, i.e., the midbrain raphe nuclei and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, respectively. Accordingly, in the present study, destruction of 5-HT afferents by 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine was not found to induce any modification in NPY staining and, in ultrastructural immuno-radioautographic preparations, two distinct pools of axonal varicosities could be identified. Both 5-HT and NPY terminals established morphologically defined synaptic junctions, sometimes on the same neuronal target. Some cases of direct axo-axonic appositions between the two types of terminals were also encountered. These data constitute additional criteria for characterizing the cytological basis of the multiple transmitter interactions presumably involved in the function of the SCN as a central regulator of circadian biological rhythms.  相似文献   
Acid rinsing, used to decontaminate filters in 14C productionstudies, caused cell rupture and resulted in elevated 14C countsin the filtrates of six out of seven phytoplankton samples.Large volume (50 ml) rinses using only water caused some, butlesser, damage. Comparing the recovery of 14C-labelled cellsand chlorophyll a on glass-fibre, polycarbonate and celluloseester filters revealed unaccountable losses at times with allthree filter types. These losses could not be explained by cellrupture, attachment to the filter funnel wall, filter treatmentor self-absorption during scintillation counting. Compared tothe whole sample acid bubbling method, recovery on the glass-fibrefilters was highest. Results for the polycarbonate filters weremore variable, while, in all cases, recovery on cellulose esterfilters was much lower.  相似文献   
Focal-animal feeding data obtained from 64 adult baboons during a 3-year period were used together with equivalent data from 46 infants to evaluate hypotheses predicting selection for a birth peak and to study the baboon’s eclectic/selective feeding adaptation, with emphasis on differential feeding by sex, developmental trends, and seasonal use of food classes (fruit, leaf, flower, grass, etc.). The findings suggest that feeding conditions are better in the wet season than in the dry season. Despite large sexual dimorphism, estimates of total amounts eaten were virtually identical for males and females. Infants used all of the same plant-food classes as adults, but proportional differences occurred for some food classes in amounts eaten. Foods eaten proportionately less by infants were probably harder for them to obtain and process or were chosen through inexperience or for exploration. There was considerable between-year variation in amounts of food classes eaten, but the within-year standard deviations were similar, as were also the mean amounts eaten per year. An eclectic/selective feeding adaptation has the advantage of permitting long-run acquisition of adequate nutrition within a context of high feeding variation from season to season and year to year. Mixed results were obtained from hypotheses about selection for a birth peak. Although a peak occurred in the early dry season, this was not the optimal time of birth for survival. Survival was highest for individuals born in the late wet season, when the availability and probably the quality of food for lactating mothers were greatest.  相似文献   
Medicago truncatula has all the characteristics required for a concerted analysis of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis withRhizobium using the tools of molecular biology, cellular biology and genetics.M. truncatula is a diploid and autogamous plant has a relatively small genome, and preliminary molecular analysis suggests that allelic heterozygosity is minimal compared with the cross-fertilising tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa). TheM. truncatula cultivar Jemalong is nodulated by theRhizobium meliloti strain 2011, which has already served to define many of the bacterial genes involved in symbiosis with alfalfa. A genotype of Jemalong has been identified which can be regenerated after transformation byAgrobacterium, thus allowing the analysis ofin-vitro-modified genes in an homologous transgenic system. Finally, by virtue of the diploid, self-fertilising and genetically homogeneous character ofM. truncatula, it should be relatively straightforward to screen for recessive mutations in symbiotic genes, to carry out genetic analysis, and to construct an RFLP map for this plant.  相似文献   
A thermophilic anaerobic which produced methane from formate and H2 and CO2 was isolated from a bench-scale digester treating a mixture of solid wastes at 55°C, after enrichment cultures on sodium acetate. The cells were slightly crooked rods occurring singly or in filaments. The bacterium was not motile, and stained Gram positive. Colonies appearing after 1 week of incubation were white with filamentous edges and 1 mm in diameter. The organism used H2:CO2 or formate as an energy source. Yeast extract was not required but stimulated growth significantly. Casamino acids were stimulatory and could serve as a nitrogen source. Cysteine was used as a sulfur source. The optimum pH for growth was 7.5. Growth occurred from 35 to 70°C with an optimum at 55°C. The deoxyribonucleic acid base composition was 49.2 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Though this isolate conforms to Methanobacterium thermoformicium, its proper assignment awaits further studies. It has been deposited in the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen as strain DSM 3012.This work was supported in part by the Conseil Régional Nord/Pas-de-Calais  相似文献   
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