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We present a method for the measurement of hydrogenase (H(2)ase) activity in aquatic sediments. The assay is based on the H(2)ase-mediated isotopic exchange between dissolved molecular hydrogen (H(2)) and water. A slurry of sediment material is incubated with a tritiated hydrogen (HT) headspace in a glass syringe on a rotary shaker. The method includes a procedure for preparing HT from radiolabeled sodium borohydride, which is a useful alternative to purchasing HT directly. A method for measuring HT specific activity based on liquid scintillation counting is also presented. Validation tests were run using live and frozen cultures of Clostridium pasteurianum and Desulfovibrio vulgaris, and freshly collected marine sediments. Adherence to Michaelis-Menten kinetics was demonstrated. An interassay coefficient of variation of 15% was determined using frozen C. pasteurianum cultures as reference material. Serial dilutions of cultures and sediments showed that measured H(2)ase activity scales with cell concentration, and indicate that the method can detect C. pasteurianum cell concentrations of between 300 and 3000 cells/ml. This technique allows measurement of H(2)ase activity in a variety of environmental samples, and will be particularly useful in the study of deep marine sediments with low microbial activity.  相似文献   
Some studies have demonstrated that a few biological systems are affected by weak, extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs), lower than 10 mT. However, to date there is scanty evidence of this effect on Protists in the literature. Due to their peculiarity as single-cell eukaryotic organisms, Protists respond directly to environmental stimuli, thus appearing as very suitable experimental systems. Recently, we showed the presence of propionylcholinesterase (PrChE) activity in single-cell amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum. This enzyme activity was assumed to be involved in cell-cell and cell-environment interactions, as its inhibition affects cell aggregation and differentiation. In this work, we have exposed single-cell amoebae of D. discoideum to an ELF-EMF of about 200 microT, 50 Hz, for 3 h or 24 h at 21 degrees C. A delay in the early phase of the differentiation was observed in 3 h exposed cells, and a significant decrease in the fission rate appeared in 24 h exposed cells. The PrChE activity was significantly lower in 3 h exposed cells than in the controls, whereas 24 h exposed cells exhibited an increase in this enzyme activity. However, such effects appeared to be transient, as the fission rate and PrChE activity values returned to the respective control values after a 24 h stay under standard conditions.  相似文献   
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) C is involved in the recognition of a variety of bulky DNA-distorting lesions in nucleotide excision repair. Here, we show that XPC plays an unexpected and multifaceted role in cell protection from oxidative DNA damage. XP-C primary keratinocytes and fibroblasts are hypersensitive to the killing effects of DNA-oxidizing agents and this effect is reverted by expression of wild-type XPC. Upon oxidant exposure, XP-C primary keratinocytes and fibroblasts accumulate 8,5'-cyclopurine 2'-deoxynucleosides in their DNA, indicating that XPC is involved in their removal. In the absence of XPC, a decrease in the repair rate of 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OH-Gua) is also observed. We demonstrate that XPC-HR23B complex acts as cofactor in base excision repair of 8-OH-Gua, by stimulating the activity of its specific DNA glycosylase OGG1. In vitro experiments suggest that the mechanism involved is a combination of increased loading and turnover of OGG1 by XPC-HR23B complex. The accumulation of endogenous oxidative DNA damage might contribute to increased skin cancer risk and account for internal cancers reported for XP-C patients.  相似文献   
Ant queens mate when young and store sperm in their spermatheca to fertilize eggs for several years until their death. In contrast, workers in most species never mate. We have compared the histological organization of spermathecae in 25 poneromorph species exhibiting various degrees of queen-worker dimorphism. The spermathecae of both castes in all species are similar in having a reservoir connected by a sperm duct to the ovary, and a paired gland opening into this duct. The reservoir of queens typically has a columnar epithelium in the hilar region (near the opening of the sperm duct), whereas the epithelium in the distal region is cuboidal. Abundant mitochondria together with apical microvilli and basal invaginations indicate an osmoregulatory function. In contrast, the reservoir epithelium of workers is flattened throughout and lacks these transport characteristics. This single difference shows the importance of a columnar epithelium in the reservoir for sperm storage. However, our data have not revealed inter-specific variations in the development of the hilar region linked with higher fecundity. We have found no consistent differences in associated structures, such as the spermatheca gland or sperm ducts, or in the musculature between queens and workers.This work was funded by IWT, FWO, KULeuven OT and JSPS.  相似文献   
In archaeal rRNAs, the isomerization of uridine into pseudouridine (Ψ) is achieved by the H/ACA sRNPs and the minimal set of proteins required for RNA:Ψ-synthase activity is the aCBF5–aNOP10 protein pair. The crystal structure of the aCBF5–aNOP10 heterodimer from Pyrococcus abyssi was solved at 2.1 Å resolution. In this structure, protein aNOP10 has an extended shape, with a zinc-binding motif at the N-terminus and an α-helix at the C-terminus. Both motifs contact the aCBF5 catalytic domain. Although less efficiently as does the full-length aNOP10, the aNOP10 C-terminal domain binds aCBF5 and stimulates the RNA-guided activity. We show that the C-terminal domain of aCBF5 (the PUA domain), which is wrapped by an N-terminal extension of aCBF5, plays a crucial role for aCBF5 binding to the guide sRNA. Addition of this domain in trans partially complement particles assembled with an aCBF5ΔPUA truncated protein. In the crystal structure, the aCBF5–aNOP10 complex forms two kinds of heterotetramers with parallel and perpendicular orientations of the aNOP10 terminal α-helices, respectively. By gel filtration assay, we showed that aNOP10 can dimerize in solution. As both residues Y41 and L48 were needed for dimerization, the dimerization likely takes place by interaction of parallel α-helices.  相似文献   
Influential research in terrestrial habitats indicates that several ecosystem processes are related to plant biodiversity, yet these links remain poorly studied in marine ecosystems. We conducted one field and one mesocosm experiment to quantify the relative effects of macroalgal species identity and richness on primary production in coral reef macroalgal communities off the north coast of Jamaica. We measured production as the net accumulation of algal biomass in the absence of consumers and as photosynthetic rate using oxygen probes in sealed aquaria. We used two recently developed techniques to attribute deviations in expected relative yield to components associated with species identity or diversity and then to further partition diversity effects into mechanistic components based on dominance, trait-dependent complementarity, and trait-independent complementarity. Our results indicate that algal identity had far greater effects on absolute net growth and photosynthesis than richness. The most diverse mixture of macroalgae did not outperform the most productive monoculture or the average monoculture in either measure of primary production (i.e. we did not find evidence of either transgressive or non-transgressive overyielding). Trait-independent complementarity effects were positive but dominance and trait-dependent complementarity were both negative and became stronger when richness was increased. Thus the potentially positive influence of species interactions and niche partitioning on production were negated by dominance and other negative selection effects. These results demonstrate that the counteracting influence of component effects can diminish the net richness effects on production. This could explain frequently observed weak net richness effects in other aquatic and terrestrial systems and suggests that life history tradeoffs greatly reduce the potential for ecologically relevant plant biodiversity effects on ecosystem properties.  相似文献   
The functional basis of a primary succession resolved by CSR classification   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CSR classification aims to apply CSR theory to large numbers of plants in situ, thereby allowing the investigation of communities within a functional context. However, it has only ever been applied to British vegetation, during the development of the technique, and has not yet been used to investigate specific vegetation processes. Here, a vegetation primary succession on a glacier foreland (Rutor glacier, Aosta, Italy) was used as a 'test bed' for the hypothesis that CSR classification can distinguish functional shifts during this vegetation process. Morpho-functional traits were used to calculate CSR coordinates for 45 species throughout the glacier foreland. General functional similarities between species were verified using principal components analysis (PCA). CSR classification demonstrated a functional shift from broadly ruderal pioneers towards stress-tolerance in late succession. PCA 1 correlated with S and R strategies, confirming this gradient. Till deposited at the retreating glacier terminus provides a substrate that can support faster growing species (with high foliar N contents), but is only tenable to those that can avoid physical disturbance via rapid phenological development (i.e. ruderals). Stress-tolerance and lower N contents in late succession suggest selection for efficient nutrient use. CSR classification demonstrated that competitive traits were ubiquitous but of much lesser importance than stress-tolerance or ruderalism (also correlating with PCA 2 and 3). The detailed visualization provided by CSR classification, combined with its mechanistic explanation of community change, demonstrate the promise of this methodology as a quantitative tool for comparative community ecology.  相似文献   
Since the 1970s the area under sugarcane in Brazil has increased from 2 million to over 5 million ha (M ha), and it is expected to pass the 7 M ha mark in 2007. More than half of the cane is harvested to produce bioethanol as a fuel for light vehicles. The distilleries produce approximately 13 L of distillery waste (vinasse) for each litre of ethanol produced. In the 1980s there was considerable concern over the long-term effects of the disposal of this material (containing about 1% carbon and high in K) on cane yields if it was applied to the field. At the same time there was a growing movement to abandon the practice of pre-harvest burning and some research was showing that some Brazilian varieties of sugar cane were able to obtain significant contributions of N from plant-associated biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). For these reasons an experiment was installed on a cane plantation in the state of Pernambuco, NE Brazil to investigate the long-term effects of vinasse and N fertiliser additions and the practice of pre-harvest burning on crop and sugar yield, soil fertility parameters, N balance and soil C stocks. The results showed that over a 16-year period, trash conservation (abandonment of burning) increased cane yields by 25% from a mean of 46 to 58 Mg ha−1. Vinasse applications (80 m3 ha−1 crop−1) increased mean cane and sugar yield by 12 to 13% and the application of 80 kg N ha−1 as urea increased cane yields by 9%, but total sugar yield by less than 6% (from 7.0 to 7.4 Mg ha−1 crop−1). The total N balance for the soil/plant system when only the surface 20 cm of the soil was considered was positive in plots where no N fertiliser was added. However, the data indicated that during the 16 years of the study considerable quantities of soil organic matter were accumulated below 20 cm depth such that the N balance considering the soil to 60 cm depth was strongly positive, except where N fertiliser was added. The data indicated that there were considerable BNF inputs to the system, which was consistent with its low response to N fertiliser and low N fertiliser-use-efficiency. There were no significant effects of vinasse or urea addition, or trash conservation on soil C stocks, although the higher yields proportioned by trash conservation had potentially significant benefits for increased mitigation of CO2 emissions where the main use of the cane was for bioethanol production.  相似文献   
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