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Summary A temperature shift-up accompanied by a reduction in RNA polymerase activity in Escherichia coli causes an increased rate of initiation leading to a 1.7- to 2.2-fold increase in chromosome copy number. A temperature shift-up without a reduction in polymerase activity induces only a transient non-scheduled initiation of chromosome replication caused by heat shock with no detectable effect on chromosome copy number.  相似文献   
The control of subcellular mRNA localization and translation is often mediated by protein factors that are directly or indirectly associated with the cytoskeleton. We report the identification and characterization of a rice seed protein that possesses both RNA and microtubule binding activities. In vitro UV cross-linking assays indicated that this protein binds to all mRNA sequences tested, although there was evidence for preferential binding to RNAs that contained A-C nucleotide sequence motifs. The protein was purified to homogeneity using a two-step procedure, and amino acid sequencing identified it as the multifunctional protein (MFP), a peroxisomal enzyme known to possess a number of activities involved in the beta-oxidation of fatty acids. The recombinant version of this rice MFP binds to RNA in UV cross-linking and gel mobility shift experiments, co-sediments specifically with microtubules, and possesses at least two enzymatic activities involved in peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation. Taken together these data suggest that MFP has an important role in mRNA physiology in the cytoplasm, perhaps in regulating the localization or translation of mRNAs through an interaction with microtubules, in addition to its peroxisomal function.  相似文献   
1. Ants are widespread in tropical rainforests, including in the canopy where territorially dominant arboreal species represent the main part of the arthropod biomass. 2. By mapping the territories of dominant arboreal ant species and using a null model analysis and a pairwise approach this study was able to show the presence of an ant mosaic on the upper canopy of a primary Neotropical rainforest (c. 1 ha sampled; 157 tall trees from 28 families). Although Neotropical rainforest canopies are frequently irregular, with tree crowns at different heights breaking the continuity of the territories of dominant ants, the latter are preserved via underground galleries or trails laid on the ground. 3. The distribution of the trees influences the structure of the ant mosaic, something related to the attractiveness of tree taxa for certain arboreal ant species rather than others. 4. Small‐scale natural disturbances, most likely strong winds in the area studied (presence of canopy gaps), play a role by favouring the presence of two ant species typical of secondary formations: Camponotus femoratus and Crematogaster levior, which live in parabiosis (i.e. share territories and nests but lodge in different cavities) and build conspicuous ant gardens. In addition, pioneer Cecropia myrmecophytic trees were recorded.  相似文献   
As the climate warms, species that cannot tolerate changing conditions will only persist if they undergo range shifts. Redistribution ability may be particularly variable for benthic marine species that disperse as pelagic larvae in ocean currents. The blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, has recently experienced a warming-related range contraction in the southeastern USA and may face limitations to northward range shifts within the Gulf of Maine where dominant coastal currents flow southward. Thus, blue mussels might be especially vulnerable to warming, and understanding dispersal patterns is crucial given the species'' relatively long planktonic larval period (>1 month). To determine whether trace elemental “fingerprints” incorporated in mussel shells could be used to identify population sources (i.e. collection locations), we assessed the geographic variation in shell chemistry of blue mussels collected from seven populations between Cape Cod, Massachusetts and northern Maine. Across this ∼500 km of coastline, we were able to successfully predict population sources for over two-thirds of juvenile individuals, with almost 80% of juveniles classified within one site of their collection location and 97% correctly classified to region. These results indicate that significant differences in elemental signatures of mussel shells exist between open-coast sites separated by ∼50 km throughout the Gulf of Maine. Our findings suggest that elemental “fingerprinting” is a promising approach for predicting redistribution potential of the blue mussel, an ecologically and economically important species in the region.  相似文献   

Microorganisms capable of aerobic respiration on ferrous ions are spread throughout eubacterial and archaebacterial phyla. Phylogenetically distinct organisms were shown to express spectrally distinct redox‐active biomolecules during autotrophic growth on soluble iron. A new iron‐oxidizing eubacterium, designated as strain Funis, was investigated. Strain Funis was judged to be different from other known iron‐oxidizing bacteria on the bases of comparative lipid analyses, 16S rRNA sequence analyses, and cytochrome composition studies. When grown autotrophically on ferrous ions, Funis produced conspicuous levels of a novel acid‐stable, acid‐soluble yellow cytochrome with a distinctive absorbance peak at 579 nm in the reduced state.

Stopped‐flow spectrophotometric kinetic studies were conducted on respiratory chain components isolated from cell‐free extracts of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Experimental results were consistent with a model where the primary oxidant of ferrous ions is a highly aggregated c‐type cytochrome that then reduces the periplasmic rusticyanin. The Fe(II)‐dependent, cytochrome c‐catalyzed reduction of the rusticyanin possessed three kinetic properties in common with corresponding intact cells that respire on iron: the same anion specificity, a similar dependence of the rate on the concentration of ferrous ions, and similar rates at saturating concentrations of ferrous ions  相似文献   
Nuclear genes that appear to encode both cytosolic and plastid isozymes of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), an essential glycolytic enzyme, have been isolated from three diploid species of the annual wild flower genus Clarkia (Onagraceae). The genes do not contain introns and are expressed to varying degrees in Escherichia coli when cloned in either Charon 35 phage or pUC plasmid vectors. The PGI proteins synthesized in E. coli form dimers, are catalytically active, and their electrophoretic mobilities are similar to those of appropriate Clarkia PGIs. The nucleotide sequence of a gene encoding a plastid isozyme of C. unguiculata is described.  相似文献   
In his book, Art and agency , Alfred Gell presents a theory of art based neither on aesthetics nor on visual communication. Art is defined by the distinctive function it performs in advancing social relationships through 'the abduction of agency'. Art objects are indexes of the artist's or model's agency. This article examines Gell's use of agency, particularly in relation to the ritual art that is central to his argument. Focusing on Gell's employment of Peirce's term 'index' (out of his triad of index, icon, and symbol), I note that Peirce's approach deflects attention from signification towards the link between art works and the things to which they refer. I consider what Peirce meant by abduction, and conclude that while Gell makes a good case for the agency of art objects he does not explain the distinctive ways in which art objects extend their maker's or user's agency. Gell lacked the time to make detailed revisions before publication and I acknowledge that, given more time, he might have revised some parts of the book.  相似文献   
We investigated the neural bases of navigation based on spatial or sequential egocentric representation during the completion of the starmaze, a complex goal-directed navigation task. In this maze, mice had to swim along a path composed of three choice points to find a hidden platform. As reported previously, this task can be solved by using two hippocampal-dependent strategies encoded in parallel i) the allocentric strategy requiring encoding of the contextual information, and ii) the sequential egocentric strategy requiring temporal encoding of a sequence of successive body movements associated to specific choice points. Mice were trained during one day and tested the following day in a single probe trial to reveal which of the two strategies was spontaneously preferred by each animal. Imaging of the activity-dependent gene c-fos revealed that both strategies are supported by an overlapping network involving the dorsal hippocampus, the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) and the medial prefrontal cortex. A significant higher activation of the ventral CA1 subregion was observed when mice used the sequential egocentric strategy. To investigate the potential different roles of the dorsal hippocampus and the DMS in both types of navigation, we performed region-specific excitotoxic lesions of each of these two structures. Dorsal hippocampus lesioned mice were unable to optimally learn the sequence but improved their performances by developing a serial strategy instead. DMS lesioned mice were severely impaired, failing to learn the task. Our data support the view that the hippocampus organizes information into a spatio-temporal representation, which can then be used by the DMS to perform goal-directed navigation.  相似文献   
The natural aversion of rats to ethanol was overcome by subjecting rats to immobilization stress for a two-week period during which increasing concentrations of ethanol were offered in the drinking water. The rats subjected to this regimen consumed 47% of total calories as ethanol, indefinitely, following removal of the stress. Ethanol was consumed at a rate of 17.1 g/kg body weight along with sufficient stock diet to assure adequate nutrition in the absence of ethanol.  相似文献   
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