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1. Ants are widespread in tropical rainforests, including in the canopy where territorially dominant arboreal species represent the main part of the arthropod biomass. 2. By mapping the territories of dominant arboreal ant species and using a null model analysis and a pairwise approach this study was able to show the presence of an ant mosaic on the upper canopy of a primary Neotropical rainforest (c. 1 ha sampled; 157 tall trees from 28 families). Although Neotropical rainforest canopies are frequently irregular, with tree crowns at different heights breaking the continuity of the territories of dominant ants, the latter are preserved via underground galleries or trails laid on the ground. 3. The distribution of the trees influences the structure of the ant mosaic, something related to the attractiveness of tree taxa for certain arboreal ant species rather than others. 4. Small‐scale natural disturbances, most likely strong winds in the area studied (presence of canopy gaps), play a role by favouring the presence of two ant species typical of secondary formations: Camponotus femoratus and Crematogaster levior, which live in parabiosis (i.e. share territories and nests but lodge in different cavities) and build conspicuous ant gardens. In addition, pioneer Cecropia myrmecophytic trees were recorded.  相似文献   
Flushing measurements and a resin cast of a burrow inhabited by Sesarma messa and Alpheus cf macklay were taken from a Rhizophoraspp. forest. The burrow had 9 openings and occupied a swamp surface area of 0.64 m2. Passive irrigation of the burrow was investigated by recording change in conductivity of burrow water in a chamber 45 cm below the swamp surface during tidal inundation of the swamp. The chamber was completely flushed within approximately one hour, i.e. by a single tidal event. Burrow morphology was determined by means of resin casting. The investigated burrow was of discrete structure, with an overall depth of 1.2 m and a total volume of 68 l, i.e. ca. 9% of the volume of swamp soil. The below ground surface area of chambers and tunnels was 3.8 m2. The mean and maximum chamber/tunnel diameter was 7 cm and 11 cm respectively. The soil in the close vicinity of the burrow was extensively penetrated by roots, and any two parts of the burrow were located no further than 20 cm away from each other. By reducing diffusion distances within the soil and by being well flushed, the burrows provide an efficient mechanism for removal of excess salt accumulated in the soil around mangrove roots due to exclusion.  相似文献   
Primates possess the remarkable ability to differentiate faces of group members and to extract relevant information about the individual directly from the face. Recognition of conspecific faces is achieved by means of holistic processing, i.e. the processing of the face as an unparsed, perceptual whole, rather than as the collection of independent features (part-based processing). The most striking example of holistic processing is the Thatcher illusion. Local changes in facial features are hardly noticeable when the whole face is inverted (rotated 180°), but strikingly grotesque when the face is upright. This effect can be explained by a lack of processing capabilities for locally rotated facial features when the face is turned upside down. Recently, a Thatcher illusion was described in the macaque monkey analogous to that known from human investigations. Using a habituation paradigm combined with eye tracking, we address the critical follow-up questions raised in the aforementioned study to show the Thatcher illusion as a function of the observer''s species (humans and macaques), the stimulus'' species (humans and macaques) and the level of perceptual expertise (novice, expert).  相似文献   
We investigated the neural bases of navigation based on spatial or sequential egocentric representation during the completion of the starmaze, a complex goal-directed navigation task. In this maze, mice had to swim along a path composed of three choice points to find a hidden platform. As reported previously, this task can be solved by using two hippocampal-dependent strategies encoded in parallel i) the allocentric strategy requiring encoding of the contextual information, and ii) the sequential egocentric strategy requiring temporal encoding of a sequence of successive body movements associated to specific choice points. Mice were trained during one day and tested the following day in a single probe trial to reveal which of the two strategies was spontaneously preferred by each animal. Imaging of the activity-dependent gene c-fos revealed that both strategies are supported by an overlapping network involving the dorsal hippocampus, the dorsomedial striatum (DMS) and the medial prefrontal cortex. A significant higher activation of the ventral CA1 subregion was observed when mice used the sequential egocentric strategy. To investigate the potential different roles of the dorsal hippocampus and the DMS in both types of navigation, we performed region-specific excitotoxic lesions of each of these two structures. Dorsal hippocampus lesioned mice were unable to optimally learn the sequence but improved their performances by developing a serial strategy instead. DMS lesioned mice were severely impaired, failing to learn the task. Our data support the view that the hippocampus organizes information into a spatio-temporal representation, which can then be used by the DMS to perform goal-directed navigation.  相似文献   
C L Rümke 《Blood cells》1985,11(1):137-140
Ratios of two percentages observed in differential counts of leukocytes or lymphocytes are very imprecise if they are based on relatively small numbers of cells. This is shown by the length of the 95% confidence intervals for such ratios. A formula is given for computing the limits of such intervals. They should accompany each observed value for a ratio.  相似文献   
A possible experimental design for combination experiments is to compare the doseresponse curve of a single agent with the corresponding curve of the same agent using either a fixed amount of a second one or a fixed dose ratio. No interaction is then often defined by a parallel shift of these curves. We have performed a systematic study for various types of doseresponse relations both for the dose-additivity (Loewe additivity) and for the independence (Bliss independence) criteria for defining zero interaction. Parallelism between doseresponse curves of a single agent and those of the same agent in the presence of a fixed amount of another one is found for the Loewe-additivity criterion for linear doseresponse relations. For nonlinear relations, one has to differentiate between effect parallelism (parallel shift on the effect scale) and dose parallelism (parallel shift on the dose scale). In the case of Loewe additivity, zero-interaction dose parallelism is found for power, Weibull, median-effect and logistic doseresponse relations, given that special parameter relationships are fulfilled. The mechanistic model of competitive interaction exhibits dose parallelism but not effect parallelism for Loewe additivity. Bliss independence and Loewe additivity lead to identical results for exponential doseresponse curves. This is the only case for which dose parallelism was found for Bliss independence. Parallelism between single-agent doseresponse relations and Loewe additivity mixture relations is found for examples with a fixed doseratio design. However, this is again not a general property of the design adopted but holds only if special conditions are fulfilled. The comparison of combination doseresponse curves with single-agent relations has to be performed taking into account both potency and shape parameters. The results of this analysis lead to the conclusion that parallelism between zero interaction combination and single-agent doseresponse relations is found only for special cases and cannot be used as a general criterion for defining zero-interaction in combined-action assessment even if the correct potency shift is taken into account.  相似文献   
The results of recent randomized trials to test the influence of antioxidants on coronary-event rates and prognosis in patients with coronary-artery disease were disappointing. In none of these studies did the use of vitamin E improve prognosis. In contrast, treatment of coronary-artery disease with angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduced coronary-event rates and improved prognosis. ACE inhibition prevents the formation of angiotensin II, which has been shown to be a potent stimulus of superoxide-producing enzymes in atherosclerosis. The findings suggest that inhibition of superoxide production at enzymatic levels, rather than symptomatic superoxide scavenging, may be the better choice of treatment.  相似文献   
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