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Bacterial delivery systems are gaining increasing interest as potential vaccination vectors to deliver either proteins or nucleic acids for gene expression in the recipient. Bacterial delivery systems for gene expression in vivo usually contain small multicopy plasmids. We have shown before that bacteria containing a herpesvirus bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) can reconstitute the virus replication cycle after cocultivation with fibroblasts in vitro. In this study we addressed the question of whether bacteria containing a single plasmid with a complete viral genome can also reconstitute the viral replication process in vivo. We used a natural mouse pathogen, the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV), whose genome has previously been cloned as a BAC in Escherichia coli. In this study, we tested a new application for BAC-cloned herpesvirus genomes. We show that the MCMV BAC can be stably maintained in certain strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium as well and that both serovar Typhimurium and E. coli harboring the single-copy MCMV BAC can reconstitute a virus infection upon injection into mice. By this procedure, a productive virus infection is regenerated only in immunocompromised mice. Virus reconstitution in vivo causes elevated titers of specific anti-MCMV antibodies, protection against lethal MCMV challenge, and strong expression of additional genes introduced into the viral genome. Thus, the reconstitution of infectious virus from live attenuated bacteria presents a novel concept for multivalent virus vaccines launched from bacterial vectors.  相似文献   
To elucidate the interaction between bacteria and saprophagous Diptera larvae, the amounts of bacteria in leaf litter, individual gut compartments, and feces of three species of Bibionidae (Bibio pomonae, Bibio marci, and Penthetria holosericea), feeding either directly on leaf litter or on fecal pellets produced from leaf litter by larvae of the same species, were assessed by determining total direct counts and viable counts on solid media at different pH. In P. holosericea, the effect of various cultivation temperatures on direct counts of bacteria in individual compartments was also demonstrated. In all species, the amount of bacteria in the anterior mesenteron was lower than in the consumed food, regardless of whether the larvae were feeding on leaf litter or feces, and increased again in the posterior part of the gut. The amount of bacteria in these compartments was generally higher in larvae feeding on feces than in those feeding on leaf litter, whereas the amount of bacteria found in the ceca varied. In B. marci, the amount of bacteria in the mesenteron sections able to grow on alkaline medium (pH 9) was higher than that of bacteria able to grow on slightly acidic medium (pH 5.5) during both the first and the second gut passage. In B. pomonae and P. holosericea, this increase was observed only during the second gut passage. The effect of gut passage in P. holosericea on changes in direct counts of bacteria was more pronounced when the larvae were fed at 5 degrees C as compared to 20 degrees C. Radiolabeled bacteria were digested in the gut and utilized as a source of energy and nutrients by the larvae; digested bacteria represented up to 10% of the material assimilated by the larvae. Lysozyme activity in whole-gut extracts of P. holosericea had a pH optimum of at pH 7, indicating a low in situ activity in the alkaline mesenteron. Proteinase activity, however, had an optimum at pH > 12, suggesting that the digestion of bacteria in the bibionid gut is caused by a combination of digestive proteinases and alkaline pH in the anterior mesenteron.  相似文献   
The rate of release of inorganic phosphate (Pi) from cycling cross-bridges in rabbit portal-anterior mesenteric vein smooth muscle was determined by following the fluorescence of the Pi-reporter, MDCC-PBP (Brune, M., J. L. Hunter, S. A. Howell, S. R. Martin, T. L. Hazlett, J. E. T. Corrie, and M. R. Webb. 1998. Biochemistry. 37:10370-10380). Cross-bridge cycling was initiated by photolytic release of ATP from caged-ATP in Triton-permeabilized smooth muscles in rigor. When the regulatory myosin light chains (MLC20) had been thiophosphorylated, the rate of Pi release was biphasic with an initial rate of 80 microM s-1 and amplitude 108 microM, decreasing to 13.7 microM s-1. These rates correspond to fast and slow turnovers of 1.8 s-1 and 0.3 s-1, assuming 84% thiophosphorylation of 52 microM myosin heads. Activation by Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation subsequent to ATP release resulted in slower Pi release, paralleling the rate of contraction that was also slower than after thiophosphorylation, and was also biphasic: 51 microM s-1 and 13.2 microM s-1. These rates suggest that the activity of myosin light chain kinase and phosphatase ("pseudo-ATPase") contributes <20% of the ATP usage during cross-bridge cycling. The extracellular "ecto-nucleotidase" activity was reduced eightfold by permeabilization, conditions in which the ecto-ADPase was 17% of the ecto-ATPase. Nevertheless, the remaining ecto-ATPase activity reduced the precision of the estimate of cross-bridge ATPase. We conclude that the transition from fast to slow ATPase rates reflects the properties and forces directly acting on cross-bridges, rather than the result of a time-dependent decrease in activation (MLC20 phosphorylation) occurring in intact smooth muscle. The mechanisms of slowing may include the effect of positive strain on cross-bridges, inhibition of the cycling rate by high affinity Mg-ADP binding, and associated state hydrolysis.  相似文献   
In common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), Fusarium root rot (caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli) disease severity is increased by environmental factors that stress the plant. The current study used reciprocal grafting techniques with the resistant cultivar FR266 and the susceptible cultivar Montcalm to determine if the genetic control of resistance is conferred by the rootstock (root genotype) or the scion (shoot genotype) and if root vigor played a role in resistance. The influence of a compacted layer on root and shoot genotype response and root rot resistance was studied. Root rot resistance was found to be controlled by the root genotype, such that on a scale of 1 to 7 (severe disease) the FR266 root had an average score of 2.3 and the Montcalm root had an average score of 4.4. However, when grafted plants were grown in the presence of a compacted layer, the FR266 root and/or shoot genotype in any graft combination with the susceptible Montcalm had reduced root rot (score = 2.4 average) than the Montcalm self graft (score = 4.5). Root mass was shown to be controlled by the root genotype in the absence of compaction such that the FR266 root was 26% larger that the Montcalm root when grafted onto a FR266 shoot or a Montcalm shoot. When a compacted layer was present the root and shoot genotype both contributed to root mass. Average root diameter was controlled by the shoot genotype, as the FR266 shoot grafted to Montcalm or FR266 roots had thicker roots (average diameter 0.455 mm) than the Montcalm shoot (average diameter 0.418 mm). This study shows evidence that root vigor in the presence of Fusarium disease pressure should be evaluated to effectively develop common bean lines resistant to Fusarium root rot across a range of environments.  相似文献   
An unusual propionigenic bacterium was isolated from the intestinal tract of the soil-feeding termite Thoracotermes macrothorax. Strain TmPN3 is a motile, long rod that stains gram-positive, but reacts gram-negative in the KOH test. It forms terminal endospores and ferments lactate, glucose, lactose, fructose, and pyruvate to propionate and acetate via the methyl-malonyl-CoA pathway. Propionate and acetate are formed at a ratio of 2:1, typical of most propionigenic bacteria. Under a H2/CO2 atmosphere, the fermentation product pattern of glucose, fructose, and pyruvate shifts towards propionate formation at the expense of acetate. Cell suspensions reduce oxygen with lactate, glucose, glycerol, or hydrogen as electron donor. In the presence of oxygen, the product pattern of lactate fermentation shifts from propionate to acetate production. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain TmPN3 is a firmicute that clusters among the Acidaminococcaceae, a subgroup of the Clostridiales comprising obligately anaerobic, often endospore-forming bacteria that possess an outer membrane. Based on phenotypic differences and less than 92% sequence similarity to the 16S rRNA gene sequence of its closest relative, the termite hindgut isolate Acetonema longum, strain TmPN3T is proposed as the type species of a new genus, Sporotalea propionica gen. nov. sp. nov. (DSM 13327T, ATCC BAA-626T).  相似文献   
The bacterial candidate phylum Termite Group I (TG-1) presently consists mostly of “Endomicrobia,” which are endosymbionts of flagellate protists occurring exclusively in the hindguts of termites and wood-feeding cockroaches. Here, we show that public databases contain many, mostly undocumented 16S rRNA gene sequences from other habitats that are affiliated with the TG-1 phylum but are only distantly related to “Endomicrobia.” Phylogenetic analysis of the expanded data set revealed several diverse and deeply branching lineages comprising clones from many different habitats. In addition, we designed specific primers to explore the diversity and environmental distribution of bacteria in the TG-1 phylum.  相似文献   
Anaerobic co-digestion of algal sludge and waste paper to produce methane   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The unbalanced nutrients of algal sludge (low C/N ratio) were regarded as an important limitation factor to anaerobic digestion process. Adding high carbon content of waste paper in algal sludge feedstock to have a balanced C/N ratio was undertaken in this study. The results showed adding 50% (based on volatile solid) of waste paper in algal sludge feedstock increased the methane production rate to 1170+/-75 ml/l day, as compared to 573+/-28 ml/l day of algal sludge digestion alone, both operated at 4 g VS/l day, 35 degrees C and 10 days HRT. The maximum methane production rate of 1607+/-17 ml/l day was observed at a combined 5 g VS/l day loading rate with 60% (VS based) of paper adding in algal sludge feedstock. Results suggested an optimum C/N ratio for co-digestion of algal sludge and waste paper was in the range of 20-25/1.  相似文献   
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