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Isolation and mapping of the first ruminant multidrug resistance genes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The first ruminant multiple drug resistance gene (MDR1) has been cloned and sequenced from sheep. Sequence data revealed the sheep MDR1 gene to have high sequence and structural similarity to other characterized MDR proteins from humans and rodents. A restriction fragment length polymorphism was discovered using the EcoRI enzyme and used to map the MDR1 gene to sheep chromosome 4. Physical mapping using fluorescent in situ hybridisation confirmed this map placement and assigned the MDR1 locus in the region 4q15-q21. The ovine MDR2 gene was also cloned and found to map to the same region as MDR1.  相似文献   
Journal of Insect Conservation - Although diversity and abundance of arthropods have been shown to decline globally, they are underrepresented in nature conservation efforts and policies....  相似文献   
The current enthusiasm for the circular economy (CE) offers a unique opportunity to advance the impact of research on sustainability transitions. Diverse interpretations of CE by scholars, however, produce partly opposing assessments of its potential benefits, which can hinder progress. Here, we synthesize policy-relevant lessons and research directions for a sustainable CE and identify three narratives—optimist, reformist, and skeptical—that underpin the ambiguity in CE assessments. Based on 54 key CE scholars’ insights, we identify three research needs: the articulation and discussion of ontologically distinct CE narratives; bridging of technical, managerial, socio-economic, environmental, and political CE perspectives; and critical assessment of opportunities and limits of CE science–policy interactions. Our findings offer practical guidance for scholars to engage reflexively with the rapid expansion of CE knowledge, identify and pursue high-impact research directions, and communicate more effectively with practitioners and policymakers.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of weight loss on sleep‐disordered breathing (SDB) in obese teenagers attending a residential treatment center. We also assessed whether the presence of SDB at the start of the weight management therapy was correlated with the amount of weight loss achieved. Obese teenagers were recruited and underwent anthropometry and sleep screening. Subjects with SDB (apnea hypopnea index (AHI) ≥ 2) received a follow‐up screening after weight loss therapy. Sixty‐one obese subjects were included (age = 14.8 ± 2.3; BMI z score = 2.7 ± 0.4). Thirty‐one subjects were diagnosed with SDB with 38% continuing to have residual SDB after a median weight loss of 24.0 kg. Subjects with SDB had a higher median relative decrease in BMI z score compared to subjects without SDB which was 30.5, 33.6, and 50.4% in the group with AHI of the baseline screening study < 2, 2 ≤ AHI < 5, and AHI ≥ 5, respectively (P = 0.02). AHI of the baseline screening study correlated significantly with the relative decrease in BMI z score (partial r = 0.37; P = 0.003), controlling for gender, age, initial BMI z score, and time between both studies. In conclusion, weight loss was successful in treating SDB in obese teenagers. In addition, there was a positive association between the severity of SDB at the start of the treatment and the amount of weight loss achieved. These findings are in favor of considering weight loss as a first‐line treatment for SDB in obese children and adolescents.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometry‐based proteomics has been extensively used to map bacterial proteomes, which has led to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial infection and bacteria–host interactions. Quantitative proteomics using selected or parallel reaction monitoring is considered one of the most sensitive and specific quantitative MS‐based approaches and has significantly advanced proteome studies of pathogenic bacteria. Here, recent applications of targeted proteomics for bacteria identification, biomarker discovery, and the characterization of bacterial virulence and antimicrobial resistance are reviewed among others. Results of such studies are expected to further contribute to improve the fight against the most common human pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   
Heteromorphs are ammonoids forming a conch with detached whorls (open coiling) or non-planispiral coiling. Such aberrant forms appeared convergently four times within this extinct group of cephalopods. Since Wiedmann's seminal paper in this journal, the palaeobiology of heteromorphs has advanced substantially. Combining direct evidence from their fossil record, indirect insights from phylogenetic bracketing, and physical as well as virtual models, we reach an improved understanding of heteromorph ammonoid palaeobiology. Their anatomy, buoyancy, locomotion, predators, diet, palaeoecology, and extinction are discussed. Based on phylogenetic bracketing with nautiloids and coleoids, heteromorphs like other ammonoids had 10 arms, a well-developed brain, lens eyes, a buccal mass with a radula and a smaller upper as well as a larger lower jaw, and ammonia in their soft tissue. Heteromorphs likely lacked arm suckers, hooks, tentacles, a hood, and an ink sac. All Cretaceous heteromorphs share an aptychus-type lower jaw with a lamellar calcitic covering. Differences in radular tooth morphology and size in heteromorphs suggest a microphagous diet. Stomach contents of heteromorphs comprise planktic crustaceans, gastropods, and crinoids, suggesting a zooplanktic diet. Forms with a U-shaped body chamber (ancylocone) are regarded as suspension feeders, whereas orthoconic forms additionally might have consumed benthic prey. Heteromorphs could achieve near-neutral buoyancy regardless of conch shape or ontogeny. Orthoconic heteromorphs likely had a vertical orientation, whereas ancylocone heteromorphs had a near-horizontal aperture pointing upwards. Heteromorphs with a U-shaped body chamber are more stable hydrodynamically than modern Nautilus and were unable substantially to modify their orientation by active locomotion, i.e. they had no or limited access to benthic prey at adulthood. Pathologies reported for heteromorphs were likely inflicted by crustaceans, fish, marine reptiles, and other cephalopods. Pathologies on Ptychoceras corroborates an external shell and rejects the endocochleate hypothesis. Devonian, Triassic, and Jurassic heteromorphs had a preference for deep-subtidal to offshore facies but are rare in shallow-subtidal, slope, and bathyal facies. Early Cretaceous heteromorphs preferred deep-subtidal to bathyal facies. Late Cretaceous heteromorphs are common in shallow-subtidal to offshore facies. Oxygen isotope data suggest rapid growth and a demersal habitat for adult Discoscaphites and Baculites. A benthic embryonic stage, planktic hatchlings, and a habitat change after one whorl is proposed for Hoploscaphites. Carbon isotope data indicate that some Baculites lived throughout their lives at cold seeps. Adaptation to a planktic life habit potentially drove selection towards smaller hatchlings, implying high fecundity and an ecological role of the hatchlings as micro- and mesoplankton. The Chicxulub impact at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary 66 million years ago is the likely trigger for the extinction of ammonoids. Ammonoids likely persisted after this event for 40–500 thousand years and are exclusively represented by heteromorphs. The ammonoid extinction is linked to their small hatchling sizes, planktotrophic diets, and higher metabolic rates than in nautilids, which survived the K/Pg mass extinction event.  相似文献   
As the cost of single-cell RNA-seq experiments has decreased, an increasing number of datasets are now available. Combining newly generated and publicly accessible datasets is challenging due to non-biological signals, commonly known as batch effects. Although there are several computational methods available that can remove batch effects, evaluating which method performs best is not straightforward. Here, we present BatchBench (https://github.com/cellgeni/batchbench), a modular and flexible pipeline for comparing batch correction methods for single-cell RNA-seq data. We apply BatchBench to eight methods, highlighting their methodological differences and assess their performance and computational requirements through a compendium of well-studied datasets. This systematic comparison guides users in the choice of batch correction tool, and the pipeline makes it easy to evaluate other datasets.  相似文献   
The Southern Ocean represents a continuous stretch of circumpolar marine habitat, but the potential physical and ecological drivers of evolutionary genetic differentiation across this vast ecosystem remain unclear. We tested for genetic structure across the full circumpolar range of the white‐chinned petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis) to unravel the potential drivers of population differentiation and test alternative population differentiation hypotheses. Following range‐wide comprehensive sampling, we applied genomic (genotyping‐by‐sequencing or GBS; 60,709 loci) and standard mitochondrial‐marker approaches (cytochrome b and first domain of control region) to quantify genetic diversity within and among island populations, test for isolation by distance, and quantify the number of genetic clusters using neutral and outlier (non‐neutral) loci. Our results supported the multi‐region hypothesis, with a range of analyses showing clear three‐region genetic population structure, split by ocean basin, within two evolutionary units. The most significant differentiation between these regions confirmed previous work distinguishing New Zealand and nominate subspecies. Although there was little evidence of structure within the island groups of the Indian or Atlantic oceans, a small set of highly‐discriminatory outlier loci could assign petrels to ocean basin and potentially to island group, though the latter needs further verification. Genomic data hold the key to revealing substantial regional genetic structure within wide‐ranging circumpolar species previously assumed to be panmictic.  相似文献   
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