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The growth dynamics of populations of interacting species in the aquatic environment is of great importance, both for understanding natural ecosystems and in efforts to cultivate these organisms for industrial purposes. Here we consider a simple two-species system wherein the bacterium Mesorhizobium loti supplies vitamin B12 (cobalamin) to the freshwater green alga Lobomonas rostrata, which requires this organic micronutrient for growth. In return, the bacterium receives photosynthate from the alga. Mathematical models are developed that describe minimally the interdependence between the two organisms, and that fit the experimental observations of the consortium. These models enable us to distinguish between different mechanisms of nutrient exchange between the organisms, and provide strong evidence that, rather than undergoing simple lysis and release of nutrients into the medium, M. loti regulates the levels of cobalamin it produces, resulting in a true mutualism with L. rostrata. Over half of all microalgae are dependent on an exogenous source of cobalamin for growth, and this vitamin is synthesised only by bacteria; it is very likely that similar symbiotic interactions underpin algal productivity more generally.  相似文献   
Using a forward projecting population model, the timing and scale of Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens (LS) recovery and natural reproduction was estimated for the Milwaukee River in Wisconsin, USA for the years 2004–2048. LS, a widely distributed potamodromous Acipenseridae species in North America, have, like other sturgeon species, suffered population declines due to overharvest and other factors since the 1800s. LS recovery efforts were initiated in the early 1980s following the successful development of LS propagation techniques and stocking has become a widely utilized tool in LS recovery programs. Sturgeon recovery programs are long-term endeavors, with annual stocking usually planned for 25 plus years, along with population assessments and habitat improvements conducted over decades before project success can be verified. LS recovery activities on the Milwaukee River, a Lake Michigan tributary in southeast Wisconsin, began with barrier mitigation in 1997 and stocking in 2003. The modest size of the Milwaukee River, along with habitat improvements, and 17 years of stocking, provided an opportunity to model and predict LS population recovery trends. A forward projecting population model with an imbedded stochastic Ricker stock-recruitment relationship, adjusted for the estimated LS productive capacity of the Milwaukee River, estimated the timing and scale of LS recovery during 2004–2048 predicting a 18.3% annual average population rate of increase during the stocking period, and a 5.7% post-stocking rate. Accelerated LS growth and maturity due to goby consumption built into the model resulted in projections of gravid adult males present in 2012 and spawning adult females and natural recruitment in 2019. During the 2020 spawning period a group of adult-sized LS were observed in the Milwaukee River below an intermittent barrier on the river. The model predicted adult LS densities to grow from 22 in 2012 to 8088 in 2048, and annual natural recruitment to grow steadily from 76 yearlings in 2019 to an average of 4000 yearlings/year during 2039-2049. The estimated number of yearling recruits per spawning (gravid) female dropped steadily from 21 in 2019 to 8 recruits per gravid female in 2048 as a function of the Ricker stock-recruitment relationship built into the model. The model results indicate that significant LS recovery can possibly begin in a shorter time frame on Great Lakes tributaries than originally expected through systematic resolution of habitat issues and LS stocking. Results can also be used to help anticipate recovery trends, fine tune stocking and habitat strategies, and plan LS recovery assessments.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungWir verweisen auf die frühere schätzenswerthe Bearbeitung desselben Gegenstandes in No. 2 des Journales, März 1853, S, 96-108, und Taf. II u. III. Der Herausgeber.  相似文献   
In chloroplasts, Hsp70 and Hsp100 chaperones have been long suspected to be the motors that provide the necessary energy for the import of precursor proteins destined to the organelle. The chaperones associate with the import translocon and meet the transit peptides as they emerge through the channel. After decades of active research, recent findings demonstrated that Hsp100 chaperones recognize transit peptides both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, Hsp70 also plays a part in precursor import. The updated model of protein translocation into chloroplasts now presents new questions about the role of the chaperones in the process.  相似文献   
The territory of present day Armenia is a geographic contact zone between the Near East and the northern Caucasus. Armenian Middle and Upper Paleolithic records are both few and patchy as a result of the historical paucity of systematic archaeological research in the country. Consequently, it is currently difficult to correlate the Armenian Middle and Upper Paleolithic records with those from other neighboring regions. We present new archaeological and chronometric data (luminescence, U-Th, and 14C) from our ongoing research at Hovk 1 Cave in northeast Armenia. We discuss in particular two activity phases in Hovk 1 Cave for which we have outline chronometric data: (1) an early Middle Paleolithic occupational phase, dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to 104 ± 9.8 ka BPOSL; and (2) a Paleolithic occupational phase characterized by microlithic flakes dated by AMS 14C to 39,109 ± 1,324 calibrated years BPHulu. The two phases are separated by a hiatus in hominin occupation corresponding to MIS 4 and an episode in early MIS 3. These chronometric data, taken together with the preliminary paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Hovk 1 Cave and environment, suggest that these activity phases represent short-lived and seasonal use of the cave presumably by small groups of hunters during episodes of mild climate. Neither tool manufacture nor butchery appears to have taken place within the cave, and consequently, the archaeological record included, for the most part, finished tools and blanks. We address the chronology and techno-typological aspects of Hovk 1 lithics in relation to: (1) the Paleolithic records of Armenia, and (2) the broader interregional context of early Middle Paleolithic hominin occupation and the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in the Caucasus.  相似文献   
Control of nematode parasites with reduced reliance on the use of anthelmintics was studied in 16 ewes with suckling twin lambs on contaminated pasture in Denmark. Ewes and lambs were treated with albendazole at turn-out 3 May. Ewes were removed from the groups on 26 July, and lambs were slaughtered on 11 October. The animals were allocated to 4 groups of 8 lambs and their 4 ewes. Group TS was treated with albendazole at weeks 3, 6 and 8 after turnout and set-stocked; group TM was similarly treated but moved to clean pasture in conjunction with the last drenching; group US was untreated and set-stocked, and group UM was left untreated but moved to clean pasture week 8 after turn-out. Supplementary feed was offered in June and August due to scarcity of pasture. Strategic treatments of ewes and lambs weeks 3, 6 and 8 after turn-out, with or without a move to clean pasture, were highly effective in controlling nematode infections for most of the season. This was reflected in better weight gains and carcass characteristics in the treated compared to untreated lambs, resulting in an average increase in the value of the product by 36%. The effect of moving without treatment (UM) on faecal egg counts was limited but peak pasture infectivity was reduced to less than 10% compared to the set-stocked group and weight gains of lambs were significantly better despite poor feed availability in late season. The study showed that under set-stocked conditions repeated anthelmintic treatments of both ewes and lambs in early season may ensure sufficient nematode control whereas moving animals to clean pasture without dosing was less efficient. The latter may, however, still be a viable option in organic and other production systems where routine use of anthelmintics is banned, particularly if weaning and moving are combined or a second move is performed.  相似文献   
Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutamine synthetase (GS)-glutamine 2-oxoglutarate-aminotransferase (GOGAT) represent the two main pathways of ammonium assimilation in Corynebacterium glutamicum. In this study, the ammonium assimilating fluxes in vivo in the wild-type ATCC 13032 strain and its GDH mutant were quantitated in continuous cultures. To do this, the incorporation of 15N label from [15N]ammonium in glutamate and glutamine was monitored with a time resolution of about 10 min with in vivo 15N nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) used in combination with a recently developed high-cell-density membrane-cyclone NMR bioreactor system. The data were used to tune a standard differential equation model of ammonium assimilation that comprised ammonia transmembrane diffusion, GDH, GS, GOGAT, and glutamine amidotransferases, as well as the anabolic incorporation of glutamate and glutamine into biomass. The results provided a detailed picture of the fluxes involved in ammonium assimilation in the two different C. glutamicum strains in vivo. In both strains, transmembrane equilibration of 100 mM [15N]ammonium took less than 2 min. In the wild type, an unexpectedly high fraction of 28% of the NH4+ was assimilated via the GS reaction in glutamine, while 72% were assimilated by the reversible GDH reaction via glutamate. GOGAT was inactive. The analysis identified glutamine as an important nitrogen donor in amidotransferase reactions. The experimentally determined amount of 28% of nitrogen assimilated via glutamine is close to a theoretical 21% calculated from the high peptidoglycan content of C. glutamicum. In the GDH mutant, glutamate was exclusively synthesized over the GS/GOGAT pathway. Its level was threefold reduced compared to the wild type.  相似文献   
Translocations for conservation often involve species limited to relict distributions. However, uncertainty can exist regarding the ability of source individuals to acclimatise following a shift to a distant location. We investigated the ability of captive-reared juvenile tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) of Cook Strait stock (41°S) to adjust to outdoor, predator-protected pens within Orokonui Ecosanctuary (45 °S). We examined potential basking and within burrow temperatures, the influence of temperature on emergence, and growth rates in comparison with other locations. Tuatara at Orokonui reached their preferred temperature when basking over summer, and burrows provided protection from freezing over winter. Emergence was temperature-dependent and essentially ceased during winter. Growth rates of Orokonui-held juveniles were within the range for four other captive-rearing facilities and faster than for wild juveniles from a Cook Strait population. As all Orokonui-held juveniles have survived and grown we conclude that the climate at this southern location is suitable to consider a free-release.  相似文献   
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