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Wind chill is defined as the excess of sensible heat loss over what would occur at zero wind speed with other conditions unchanged. Wind chill can be broken down into a part that is determined by air temperature and a radiative part that comprises wind-dependent effects on additional long-wave radiative exchange and on solar radiation (by reducing solar warming). Radiative exchange and gain from solar radiation are affected by changes that are produced by wind in both surface and fleece insulations. Coefficients are derived for (a) converting the components of sensible heat exchange (air-temperature-dependent including both convective and associated long-wave radiative, additional long-wave radiative and solar) into the components of the total heat loss that are associated with wind and (b) for calculating equivalent air temperature changes. The coefficients contain terms only in wind speed, wetting of the fleece and fleece depth; these determine the external insulation.Calculation from standard meteorological records, using Plymouth and Aberdeen in 1973 as examples, indicate that in April–September 1973 at Plymouth reduction in effective solar warming constituted 28% of the 24-h total wind chill, and 7% in the other months of the year combined; at Aberdeen the corresponding percentages were 25% and 6%. Mean hour-of-day estimates for the months of April and October showed that at midday reduction in solar warming due to wind rose to the order of half the air-temperature-dependent component of wind chill, with a much smaller effect in January. For about six hours at midday in July reduction in solar warming due to wind was similar in magnitude to the air-temperature-dependent component.It is concluded that realistic estimates of wind chill cannot be obtained unless the effect of solar radiation is taken into account. Failure to include solar radiation results not only in omitting solar warming but also in omitting the effects of wind in reducing that warming.The exchange of sensible (non-evaporative) heat loss between a homeothermic animal and its environment can be divided into two parts: one part is due to the temperature difference between the animal and the surrounding air, and the other part is due to additional long-wave radiative exchange between animal and environment and to solar radiation. Both parts of the heat exchange are determined in magnitude by the animal's thermal insulation, which is itself affected by windspeed and wetting. Wind diminishes as animal's external insulation, so increasing heat loss under all conditions when the air temperature is lower than the animal's surface temperature: this effect is termed wind chill. Wind chill has previously been investigated more commonly in relation to man (Burton an Edholm, 1955; Smithson and Baldwin, 1978; Mumford, 1979; Baldwin and Smithson, 1979). This paper is concerned with the separate contributions to wind chill calculated for sheep that can be associated with convective and radiative heat exchanges.  相似文献   
Deglycosylation of ricin may be necessary to prevent the entrapment of antibody-ricin conjugates in vivo by cells of the reticuloendothelial system which have receptors that recognise the oligosaccharide side chains on the A- and B-chains of the toxin. Carbohydrate-deficient ricin was therefore prepared by recombining the A-chain, which had been treated with alpha-mannosidase, with the B-chain, which had been treated with endoglycosidase H or alpha-mannosidase or both. By recombining treated and untreated chains, a series of ricin preparations was made having different carbohydrate moieties. The removal of carbohydrate from the B-chain did not affect the ability of the toxin to agglutinate erythrocytes, and alpha-mannosidase treatment of the A-chain did not affect its ability to inactivate ribosomes. The toxicity of ricin to cells in culture was only reduced in those preparations containing B-chain that had been treated with alpha-mannosidase, when a 75% decrease in toxicity was observed. The toxicity of the combined ricin preparation to mice varied from double to half that of native ricin, depending on the chain(s) treated and the enzymes used. Removal of carbohydrate greatly reduced the hepatic clearance of the toxin and the levels of toxin in the blood were correspondingly higher. These results suggest that antibody-ricin conjugates prepared from deglycosylated ricin would be cleared more slowly by the liver, inflict less liver damage, and have greater opportunity to reach their target.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of angiotensin infusion on the glomerular ultrastructure of freshwater- and seawater-adapted rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, has been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Adaptation of trout to seawater resulted in epithelial podocyte flattening, primary process broadening and apparent loss of foot processes in almost all glomeruli, features which were uncommon in freshwater-adapted trout. Similar changes were induced by infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin, suggesting that the renin-angiotensin system plays a role in the modification of glomerular epithelial ultrastructure. Adaptation of trout to seawater also reduced glomerular diameter, but infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin did not mirror this effect. Infusion of angiotensin into seawater-adapted animals increased the overall thickness of glomerular basement membrane by increasing the lamina rara interna and lamina densa. This did not occur when freshwater-adapted fish were either infused with angiotensin or adapted to seawater. These findings suggest that other humoral systems are involved in the control of glomerular diameter and basement membrane thickness as part of an integrated response to increased environmental salinity.  相似文献   
Rat neuronal identifier (ID) elements are located in chromatin regions that are organized in nucleosomal structures in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells. A subpopulation of ID sequences in chromatin of liver and kidney cells are relatively resistant to micrococcal nuclease digestion and are organized in nucleosomes exhibiting an atypically short repeat length. Other repetitive elements do not show this organization.  相似文献   
Summary A cDNA clone encoding the human T lymphocyte sheep erythrocyte receptor [the CD2 (T11) antigen] was used as a probe to define the chromosomal location of the gene. The signal, revealed by hybridisation to Southern blots of genomic DNA from somatic cell hybrids, showed a high degree of concordance for human chromosome 1. In particular, the hybrid F4Sc13C19 which contained the short arm only of human chromosome 1 was positive. The location of the CD2 gene to 1p13 was confirmed by in situ hybridisation.  相似文献   
Circulating patterns of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) were monitored for 5 yr in ewes maintained either outdoors in natural conditions or indoors in a fixed, short photoperiod (8L:16D). The ewes were ovariectomized and each was treated with a Silastic implant containing estradiol to provide a fixed negative feedback signal to the reproductive neuroendocrine axis. Serum concentrations of LH and PRL were subjected to a statistical algorithm developed for the purpose of detecting hormone cycles. In ewes maintained outdoors, serum concentrations of both hormones underwent high amplitude cycles with a period no different from 365 days. Among ewes maintained in the fixed photoperiod, unambiguous cycles of LH and PRL persisted through the 5 yr of exposure to short days. Period of these cycles differed from 365 days. Further, the LH cycles became desynchronized among ewes housed together and desynchronized with respect to the LH cycles in ewes kept outdoors. These findings document the existence of an endogenous circannual rhythm of reproductive neuroendocrine function in ewes.  相似文献   
Human neutrophils label with fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibody 31D8 as bright or dull. We determined the source and fate of 31D8 dull neutrophils by studying volunteers injected with endotoxin, epinephrine, or hydrocortisone, by examining bone marrow, and by examining skin blister exudate. We find that 31D8 dull neutrophils are normally not present in significant numbers in the circulation, are present in large numbers in normal marrow, and are recruited from the marrow by endotoxin, to a lesser extent by steroid, but not at all by epinephrine. 31D8 dull pattern correlates with morphologic immaturity in postendotoxin peripheral blood and bone marrow; however, blister exudate neutrophils contain only morphologically mature neutrophils, of which a significant number are 31D8 dull. We conclude that 31D8 dull neutrophils reside primarily in bone marrow and are released by agents which enhance bone marrow release of neutrophils. Their accumulation in skin blister exudate is unexplained, but suggests a special role in the inflammatory process.  相似文献   
The spore coat of a fucosylation mutant in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strain HL250 of Dictyostelium discoideum cannot convert GDP-mannose to GDP-fucose, resulting in an inability to fucosylate protein. This affects a group of proteins which are normally fucosylated intracellularly and then secreted via prespore vesicles to become part of the outer lamina of the spore coat. We have found that strain HL250 nevertheless accumulates typical amounts of these proteins, stores them normally in prespore vesicles, and secretes them normally to become a part of the spore coat. However, affected proteins are proteolyzed after germination, the spore coat is more accessible to penetration by a macromolecular probe, and germination is inefficient in older spores. These findings can be explained by a dependence of the integrity of the outer layer of the spore coat on protein-linked fucose.  相似文献   
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