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Nutrient transport affinities of nutrient-starved microbial populations were measured as initial slopes of plots of limiting-nutrient transport rates versus extracellular limiting-nutrient concentrations. A method was devised for the determination of soluble reactive phosphate (Pi) affinity in Pi-limited continuous culture (aT), which was then used as an indicator of the effects of light/dark cycle (LD) perturbations on the temporal Pi transport abilities of three species of freshwater algae. Cell division was asynchronous for the green alga Selenastrum capricornutum grown in continuous cultures exposed to LD cycles. An apparent rhythm in aT for Pi was greatly affected by the population size parameter. Cell division was phased for the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda grown in LD continuous culture. A rhythm in aT for Pi was not greatly affected by the biomass parameter. Cell division was also phased in LD continuous culture for the blue-green alga (cyanobacterium) Synechococcus Nägeli, but rhythms in other parameters could not be detected. Synechococcus Nägeli was an extremely efficient Pi transporter at low Pi concentrations in LD continuous culture, and so aT could not be calculated. The results demonstrate that aT is well suited to describing the temporal response of Pi transport in LD-perturbed, Pi-limited continuous culture.  相似文献   
Sewage effluent and outfall confluence samples were collected at the Barceloneta Regional Treatment Plant in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico; outfall confluence samples at Ocean City, Md., were also collected. Samples from uncontaminated open ocean areas served as clean-water controls. Bacteria were enriched in marine broth 2216 amended with 1 microgram of one of a set of chemicals selected for study per ml: nitrobenzene, dibutyl phthalate, m-cresol, o-cresol, 4-nitroaniline, bis(tributyltin) oxide, and quinone. MICs of the chemicals were determined individually for all isolates. Bacterial isolates were evaluated for resistance to nine different antibiotics and for the presence of plasmid DNA. Treated sewage was found to contain large numbers of bacteria simultaneously possessing antibiotic resistance, chemical resistance, and multiple bands of plasmid DNA. Bacteria resistant to penicillin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid, ampicillin, m-cresol, quinone, and bis(tributyltin) oxide were detected in nearly all samples, but only sewage outfall confluence samples yielded bacterial isolates that were resistant to streptomycin. Bacteria resistant to a combination of antibiotics, including kanamycin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, and tetracycline, were isolated only from sewage effluent samples. It is concluded that bacterial isolates derived from toxic chemical wastes more frequently contain plasmid DNA and demonstrate antimicrobial resistance than do bacterial isolates from domestic sewage-impacted waters or from uncontaminated open ocean sites.  相似文献   
The steady-state growth of a Flavobacterium strain known to utilize pentachlorophenol (PCP) was examined when cellobiose and PCP simultaneously limited its growth rate in continuous culture. A concentration of 600 mg of PCP per liter in influent medium could be continuously degraded without affecting steady-state growth. We measured specific rates of PCP carbon degradation as high as 0.15 +/- 0.01 g (dry weight) of C per h at a growth rate of 0.045 h-1. Comparable specific rates of PCP degradation were obtained and maintained by PCP-adapted, natural consortia of epilithic microorganisms. The consortium results suggest that a fixed-film bioreactor containing a PCP-adapted natural microbial population could be used to treat PCP-contaminated water.  相似文献   
Rhizobium trifolii 0403 was treated with 16.6 mM succinate and other nutrients and thereby induced to grow in nitrogen-free medium. The organism grew microaerophilically on either semisolid or liquid medium, fixing atmospheric nitrogen to meet metabolic needs. Nitrogen fixation was measured via 15N incorporation (18% 15N enrichment in 1.5 doublings) and acetylene reduction. Nitrogen-fixing cells had a Km for acetylene of 0.07 atm (ca. 7.09 kPa), required about 3% oxygen for optimum growth in liquid medium, and showed a maximal specific activity of 5 nmol of acetylene reduced per min per mg of protein at 0.04 atm (ca. 4.05 kPa) of acetylene. The doubling time on N-free liquid medium ranged from 1 to 5 days, depending on oxygen tension, with an optimum temperature for growth of about 30°C. Nodulation of white clover by the cultures showing in vitro nitrogenase activity indicates that at least part of the population maintained identity with wild-type strain 0403.  相似文献   
A calf thymus cDNA expression library was constructed in the EcoRI site of lambda gt11 and probed with an antibody raised against calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha. Three classes of antibody-reactive clones were isolated. The largest class carried a 1.9 kilobase calf cDNA insert and expressed a 165-175 kilodalton beta-galactosidase:calf fusion protein which displayed DNA polymerase activity. The characteristic responses of the polymerase activity to alpha-specific inhibitors and antibodies identified the 1.9 kilobase cDNA as a sequence specifically derived from the structural gene encoding the pol alpha catalytic core.  相似文献   
Analogues of dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE) have been prepared with head groups modified by N-alkylation, alkylation of carbon 2 of the ethanolamine group, or interposition of extra methylene segments between the phosphoryl and amino groups. The phases formed by these lipids in aqueous dispersions have been examined by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry and Raman spectroscopy. All of the DMPE analogues examined, excepting N-methyl-DMPE but including N-ethyl-DMPE, form hydrated gel phases that are metastable with respect to a dehydrated "high-melting" solid phase that has been observed previously for DMPE itself. The properties and the conditions of formation of this high-melting phase are qualitatively distinct from those of the "subgel" phase, which is observed for dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and for some of the DMPE analogues examined in this study. The high-melting phases of different DMPE analogues all exhibit similarly tight packing of the acyl chains, which however do not pack according to a single type of subcell that can be universally and specifically associated with this phase. Increasing the size of the PE head group invariably decreases the melting temperature of the hydrated gel phase, even when the normal hydrogen-bonding capability of the head group is preserved. By contrast, addition of larger alkyl substituents to either the amino group or carbon 2 of the ethanolamine moiety substantially increases the transition temperature of the high-melting solid phase, indicating that the contributions of the head group to the energies of the hydrated gel and the high-melting phases are fundamentally different. Our results suggest that the head group structural requirements for a neutral phospholipid to form stable hydrated bilayers are rather stringent, a fact that may explain the overwhelming predominance of only a few such head group structures in most natural membranes.  相似文献   
The opioid neuropeptides have previously been shown to bind to and affect leukocyte function including lymphocyte proliferation, NK-cell activity, mononuclear cell chemotaxis, immunoglobulin synthesis, and lymphokine production. The effect of the opioid peptides beta-endorphin and Met-enkephalin on interferon gamma (IFN) production by concanavalin A-stimulated human mononuclear cells was examined. Both beta-endorphin and Met-enkephalin enhanced IFN production by the majority of donor mononuclear cells tested and did so at concentrations between 10(-14) and 10(-10) M. When 10(-12) M beta-endorphin or Met-enkephalin were included in concanavalin A-stimulated mononuclear cell cultures, IFN concentrations were significantly enhanced to 205 +/- 45 and 252 +/- 67% of control, respectively. Although the majority of cell preparations tested exhibited an enhanced production of IFN in response to these opioid peptides, some did not. When beta-endorphin or Met-enkephalin were utilized at 10(-11) M, 10 of 15 and 7 of 11 responded with IFN production greater than 20% above the control (untreated) level. There was not an absolute correlation between an enhanced response to beta-endorphin and Met-enkephalin, suggesting the presence of multiple receptor types on these cells for opioids. The opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone, did not significantly prevent the opiate effect. When 10(-8) M naloxone was included in cultures containing 10(-12) M beta-endorphin or Met-enkephalin no significant inhibition of the effect of either opioid on IFN production was observed.  相似文献   
We present a computer-based mathematical model that can simulate characteristic features of the clinical time course of human myeloma. It asserts that therapy resistance in myeloma cells is an inherited trait associated with the longer inter-mitotic times of some cells and that the strength of this trait affects tumour growth characteristics. These kinetic differences within the malignant cell clone may also influence therapeutic efficacy. In the model, the same total therapy, administered in different time-dose fractions, could be 'curative' or 'minimally effective' depending on kinetic properties. For example, as others have shown, in myeloma pulsed intermittent therapy is often more effective than low dose continuous therapy. According to our model this finding is compatible with a high coefficient of inheritability of resistance from one cell generation to the next. The model also suggests that if there are subclones of varying resistance, a therapy must have some effect on each of them if it is to be employed in a curative fashion. While many aspects of the model are not yet clinically testable, exploration of its concepts might increase knowledge about fundamental neoplastic mechanisms.  相似文献   
B-cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1) can be translated in vitro in Xenopus laevis oocytes. This activity is blocked by an antibody to BSF-1. The RNA species coding for BSF-1 activity sediments of approximately 8-9S and is separable from RNA coding for interleukin-2 activity which sediments at approximately 11.5S. Finally, the fact that BSF-1 can be translated in vitro confirms that functions attributed to BSF-1 do not depend on contamination with other biologically active molecules such as phorbol myristate acetate.  相似文献   
Human endothelial cells release components into the growth medium that stimulate cell-substratum adhesion. Several macromolecular components were isolated by ultracentrifugation of the endothelial cell conditioned medium. The components were heterogeneous, consisting of several sizes when examined by sedimentation velocity and gel filtration. When the extracellular components were evaluated by electron microscopy, structurally discrete particles were observed. The extracellular components and the complexes mediated cell-substratum adhesion to both human umbilical and arterial endothelial cells. The majority of the extracellular components that promote endothelial cell adhesion were pelleted by ultracentrifugation. Although the complexes contained fibronectin, antibodies to fibronectin did not inhibit cell adhesion to the complexes. Significant inhibition of endothelial cell adhesion was observed in the presence of heparin and heparan sulfate. The supernatant fraction following ultracentrifugation of the growth medium contained a component that suppressed endothelial cell adhesion to culture dishes coated with fibronectin, type I collagen, and endothelial cell complexes. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the complexes contained several components, and the majority of the large-molecular-weight components were pelleted by ultracentrifugation. The conditioned medium from human endothelial cells contains specific complexes that promote cell-substratum adhesion and components that suppress cell-substratum adhesion.  相似文献   
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