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The structure of the complex between d(TGATCA) and the anthracycline 4'-epiadriamycin has been determined by crystallographic methods. The crystals are tetragonal, space group P4(1)2(1)2 with unit cell dimensions of a = 28.01, c = 52.95A. The asymmetric unit consists of one strand of hexanucleotide, one molecule of 4'-epiadriamycin and 34 waters. The R-factor is 20.2% for 1694 reflections with F greater than or equal to 2 sigma F to 1.7A. Two asymmetric units associate to generate a duplex complexed with two drug molecules at the d(TpG) steps of the duplex. The chromophore intercalates between these base pairs with the anthracycline amino-sugar positioned in the minor groove. The double helix is a distorted B-DNA type structure. Our structure determination of d(TGATCA) complexed to 4'-epiadriamycin allows for comparison with the previously reported structures of 4'-epiadriamycin bound to d(TGTACA) and to d(CGATCG). The three complexes are similar in gross features and the intercalation geometry is the same irrespective of whether a d(CpG) or d(TpG) sequence is involved. However, the orientation of the amino-sugar displays a dependence on the sequence adjacent to the intercalation site. The flexibility of this amino-sugar may help explain why this class of antibiotics displays a relative insensitivity to base sequence when they bind to DNA.  相似文献   
Heptadecaoligodeoxyribonucleotides containing one or more of the bases, 6H,8H-3,4-dihydropyrimido[4,5-c][1,2]oxazin-7-one (P), 2-amino-6-methoxyaminopurine (K), and hypoxanthine (I) and combinations of P with K and I have been synthesised on a DNA synthesiser. The stability of duplexes containing these basemodified oligomers with P/A, P/G, K/C and K/T; P/A, P/G, I/C, I/T and I/A, I/G, I/C, I/T base pairs were compared by measuring their melting transition (Tm) values. Oligomers containing both P and K and P and I were more stable than those with I alone or with mismatches. These oligomers together with one with a P base at the 3'-end were used as primers in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) experiments. They were all effective primers except one with I alone and a triple mismatch. Thus the use of the degenerate bases P and K in primer design is established.  相似文献   
Accurate estimation of the phases and amplitude of the endogenous circadian pacemaker from constant-routine core-temperature series is crucial for making inferences about the properties of the human biological clock from data collected under this protocol. This paper presents a set of statistical methods based on a harmonic-regression-plus-correlated-noise model for estimating the phases and the amplitude of the endogenous circadian pacemaker from constant-routine core-temperature data. The methods include a Bayesian Monte Carlo procedure for computing the uncertainty in these circadian functions. We illustrate the techniques with a detailed study of a single subject's core-temperature series and describe their relationship to other statistical methods for circadian data analysis. In our laboratory, these methods have been successfully used to analyze more than 300 constant routines and provide a highly reliable means of extracting phase and amplitude information from core-temperature data.  相似文献   
Nonenzymatic bonding of reducing sugars to subfragment-1 of myosin (S-1) resulted in a reduction in actin-activated S-1 ATPase activity. Fructose caused a greater reduction than glucose. The Km for binding of actin to S-1 was significantly increased with sugar derivatization. In addition, sugar derivatization lowered the ability of S-1 to promote polymerization of G-actin. Western blot analysis demonstrated that glucose was nonenzymatically incorporated into the 50 and 20 kilodalton (kDa) fragments of S-1 with preponderance in the 20-kDa fragment. The reduced affinity of derivatized myosin for actin is indicated by the increased Km, the reduced ability to stimulate actin polymerization, and the positive Western blot reaction in the 20-kDa fragment.  相似文献   
Human Xq28 is highly gene dense with over 27 loci. Because most of these genes have been mapped by linkage to polymorphic loci, only one of which (DXS52) is informative in most families, a search was conducted for new, highly polymorphic Xq28 markers. From a cosmid library constructed using a somatic cell hybrid containing human Xq27.3----qter as the sole human DNA, a human-insert cosmid (c346) was identified and found to reveal variation on Southern blot analyses with female DNA digested with any of several different restriction endonucleases. Two subclones of c346, p346.8 and p346.T, that respectively identify a multiallelic VNTR locus and a frequent two-allele TaqI polymorphism were isolated. Examination of 21 unrelated females showed heterozygosity of 76 and 57%, respectively. These two markers appeared to be in linkage equilibrium, and a combined analysis revealed heterozygosity in 91% of unrelated females. Families segregating the fragile X syndrome with key Xq28 crossovers position this locus (designated DXS455) between the proximal Xq28 locus DXS296 (VK21) and the more distal locus DXS374 (1A1), which is proximal to DXS52. DXS455 is therefore the most polymorphic locus identified in Xq28 and will be useful in the genetic analysis of this gene dense region, including the diagnosis of nearby genetic disease loci by linkage.  相似文献   
Viral B capsids were purified from cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 and extracted in vitro with 2.0 M guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analyses demonstrated that extraction resulted in the removal of greater than 95% of capsid proteins VP22a and VP26 while there was only minimal (less than 10%) loss of VP5 (the major capsid protein), VP19, and VP23. Electron microscopic analysis of extracted capsids revealed that the pentons and the material found inside the cavity of B capsids (primarily VP22a) were removed nearly quantitatively, but extracted capsids remained otherwise structurally intact. Few, if any, hexons were lost; the capsid diameter was not greatly affected; and its icosahedral symmetry was still clearly evident. The results demonstrate that neither VP19 nor VP23 could constitute the capsid pentons. Like the hexons, the pentons are most likely composed of VP5. When B capsids were treated with 2.0 M GuHCl and then dialyzed to remove GuHCl, two bands of viral material were separated by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. The more rapidly migrating of the two consisted of capsids which lacked pentons and VP22a but had a full complement of VP26. Thus, VP26 must have reassociated with extracted capsids during dialysis. The more slowly migrating band consisted of torus-shaped structures approximately 60 nm in diameter which were composed entirely of VP22a. These latter structures closely resembled torus-shaped condensates often seen in the cavity of native B capsids. The results suggest a similarity between herpes simplex virus type 1 B capsids and procapsids of Salmonella bacteriophage P22. Both contain an internal protein (VP22a in the case of HSV-1 B capsids and gp8 or "scaffolding" protein in phage P22) that can be extracted in vitro with GuHCl and that is absent from mature virions.  相似文献   
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