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This study was designed to examine aspects of digestive function that may limit assimilation of water and oxidation of orally ingested carbohydrate (CHO) during exercise. Eight males completed a crossover study in which each cycled on four occasions for 80 min at 70% maximal O2 consumption. Beverage was consumed at 0, 20, 40, and 60 min. Beverages were water, 4.5% glucose (4.5G), 17% glucose (17G), and 17% maltodextrin (17MD). CHO beverages contained 20 meq/l NaCl and were 13C enriched to measure exogenous CHO oxidation. Gastric (beverage) volume was measured at 80 min. Water uptake was estimated by including 2H2O in the beverage and measuring 2H accumulation in blood. Jejunal perfusion tests were conducted at rest with the same subjects and beverages. In 60 min, 1,294 +/- 31 (SE) ml were ingested; at 80 min, volumes emptied with H2O (1,257 +/- 32 ml) and 4.5G (1,223 +/- 32 ml) were greater than with 17G (781 +/- 56 ml) and 17MD (864 +/- 71 ml; P less than 0.05). Total CHO oxidized was similar with all beverages, but there was a greater increase in exogenous CHO oxidation over time with 17G and 17MD than with 4.5G; 54, 19, and 18% of the CHO ingested with 4.5G, 17G, and 17MD, respectively, was oxidized. This represents 57, 32, and 27%, respectively, of the CHO emptied from the stomach. 2H accumulation in the blood was more rapid with H2O and 4.5G than with 17G or 17MD. Net jejunal water absorption was greater from 4.5G than from water. Net water absorption was also observed from 17MD, whereas net secretion was observed with 17G.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Relaxation dynamics is universal in science and engineering; its study serves to parameterize a system's response and to help identify a microscopic model of the processes involved. When measured data for a phenomenon cannot be fitted using one exponential, the choice of an alternative function to describe the decay becomes nontrivial. Here, we contrast two different, but fundamentally related approaches to fitting nontrivial decay curves; exponential decomposition and the gamma probability density function. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The enzymatic aldose ketose isomerisation of glucose and fructose sugars involves the transfer of a hydrogen between their C1 and C2 carbon atoms and, in principle, can proceed through either a direct hydride shift or via a cis-enediol intermediate. Pyrococcus furiosus phosphoglucose isomerase (PfPGI), an archaeal metalloenzyme, which catalyses the interconversion of glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate, has been suggested to operate via a hydride shift mechanism. In contrast, the structurally distinct PGIs of eukaryotic or bacterial origin are thought to catalyse isomerisation via a cis-enediol intermediate. We have shown by NMR that hydrogen exchange between substrate and solvent occurs during the reaction catalysed by PfPGI eliminating the possibility of a hydride-shift-based mechanism. In addition, kinetic measurements on this enzyme have shown that 5-phospho-d-arabinonohydroxamate, a stable analogue of the putative cis-enediol intermediate, is the most potent inhibitor of the enzyme yet discovered. Furthermore, determination and analysis of crystal structures of PfPGI with bound zinc and the substrate F6P, and with a number of competitive inhibitors, and EPR analysis of the coordination of the metal ion within PfPGI, have suggested that a cis-enediol intermediate-based mechanism is used by PfPGI with Glu97 acting as the catalytic base responsible for isomerisation.  相似文献   


The electroencephalography (EEG) is an attractive and a simple technique to measure the brain activity. It is attractive due its excellent temporal resolution and simple due to its non-invasiveness and sensor design. However, the spatial resolution of EEG is reduced due to the low conducting skull. In this paper, we compute the potential distribution over the closed surface covering the brain (cortex) from the EEG scalp potential. We compare two methods – L-curve and generalised cross validation (GCV) used to obtain the regularisation parameter and also investigate the feasibility in applying such techniques to N170 component of the visually evoked potential (VEP) data.


Using the image data set of the visible human man (VHM), a finite difference method (FDM) model of the head was constructed. The EEG dataset (256-channel) used was the N170 component of the VEP. A forward transfer matrix relating the cortical potential to the scalp potential was obtained. Using Tikhonov regularisation, the potential distribution over the cortex was obtained.


The cortical potential distribution for three subjects was solved using both L-curve and GCV method. A total of 18 cortical potential distributions were obtained (3 subjects with three stimuli each – fearful face, neutral face, control objects).


The GCV method is a more robust method compared to L-curve to find the optimal regularisation parameter. Cortical potential imaging is a reliable method to obtain the potential distribution over cortex for VEP data.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a lactic acid bacterium that is found in a large variety of ecological habitats, including artisanal and industrial dairy products, the oral cavity, intestinal tract or vagina. To gain insights into the genetic complexity and ecological versatility of the species L. rhamnosus, we examined the genomes and phenotypes of 100 L. rhamnosus strains isolated from diverse sources. The genomes of 100 L. rhamnosus strains were mapped onto the L. rhamnosus GG reference genome. These strains were phenotypically characterized for a wide range of metabolic, antagonistic, signalling and functional properties. Phylogenomic analysis showed multiple groupings of the species that could partly be associated with their ecological niches. We identified 17 highly variable regions that encode functions related to lifestyle, i.e. carbohydrate transport and metabolism, production of mucus-binding pili, bile salt resistance, prophages and CRISPR adaptive immunity. Integration of the phenotypic and genomic data revealed that some L. rhamnosus strains possibly resided in multiple niches, illustrating the dynamics of bacterial habitats. The present study showed two distinctive geno-phenotypes in the L. rhamnosus species. The geno-phenotype A suggests an adaptation to stable nutrient-rich niches, i.e. milk-derivative products, reflected by the alteration or loss of biological functions associated with antimicrobial activity spectrum, stress resistance, adaptability and fitness to a distinctive range of habitats. In contrast, the geno-phenotype B displays adequate traits to a variable environment, such as the intestinal tract, in terms of nutrient resources, bacterial population density and host effects.  相似文献   
Bacillus pumilus was isolated from surface-sterilized tissues of the medicinal plant Ocimum sanctum. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imaging confirmed the presence of a rod shaped bacterium within the plant tissues. The bacterium was identified as B. pumilus by biochemical analyses and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In vitro analyses indicate that the isolated strain of B. pumilus was endowed with multiple plant growth promotion (PGP) traits such as phosphate solubilization and the production of indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore and hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Phosphate solubilization (37.3 μg ml?1) and IAA production (36.7 μg ml?1) by the isolate was found to reach a maximum after 60 h of incubation. Siderophore mediated iron sequestration by B. pumilus may confer a competitive advantage to the host with respect to pathogen inhibition. Siderophore produced by the isolate was found to be of a trihydroxamate type with hexadentate nature. The B. pumilus isolate also exhibited cellulolytic, proteolytic and chitinolytic activity. Cell free supernatant, culture filtrates of the isolate were found to suppress the growth of fungal phytopathogens. The culture filtrate retained its antifungal activity even after exposure to heat. In addition to PGP, the isolate exhibited probiotic properties such as acid tolerance (pH2), bile salt tolerance (2 %), auto-aggregation, antibiotic resistance and the absence of haemolytic activity. These finding suggest the possibility of utilizing this endophytic strain of B. pumilus as a bioinoculant to enhance plant growth and also as a probiotic.  相似文献   
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS) of vertebrates, but has also been reported in multiple cell types outside the CNS. A GABAergic system has been proposed in neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs) in monkey lungs. Pulmonary NEBs are known as complex intraepithelial sensory airway receptors and are part of the NEB microenvironment. Aim of the present study was to unravel a GABAergic signaling system in the NEB microenvironment in mouse lungs, enabling the use of genetically modified animals for future functional studies. Immunostaining of mouse lungs revealed that glutamic acid decarboxylase 65/67 (GAD65/67), a rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of GABA, and the vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT) were exclusively expressed in NEB cells. In GAD67-green fluorescent protein (GFP) knock-in mice, all pulmonary NEBs appeared to express GFP. For confocal live cell imaging, ex vivo vibratome lung slices of GAD67-GFP mice can be directly loaded with fluorescent functional probes, e.g. a red-fluorescent calcium dye, without the necessity of time-consuming prior live visualization of NEBs. RT-PCR of the NEB microenvironment obtained by laser microdissection revealed the presence of both GABAA and GABAB (R1 and R2) receptors, which was confirmed by immunostaining. In conclusion, the present study not only revealed the presence of a GABAergic signaling pathway, but also the very selective expression of GFP in pulmonary NEBs in a GAD67-GFP mouse model. Different proof of concept experiments have clearly shown that adoption of the GAD67-GFP mouse model will certainly boost future functional imaging and gene expression analysis of the mouse NEB microenvironment.  相似文献   
Although the color of indigo is strongly dependent on its environment, it is blue in most commonly encountered situations. Indigo's absorption at such long wavelengths for such a small molecule is unique, and I provide here an overview of the concepts advanced to account for this feature. A traditional valence–bond approach may be used to provide a reasonable qualitative explanation. A more rigorous, quantitative explanation is provided by molecular orbital methods of varying degrees of sophistication and several explanations have been proposed based on these models. Commonly, it is suggested that the important structural unit in determining color is based on the cross-conjugated “H-chromophore” concept. A second closely related explanation describes it as two symmetrically coupled merocyanine chains. Another proposal suggests that the basic chromophore may be interpreted as the aza analogue of two coupled anti aromatic-cyclopentadienyl ions. PiSYSTEM, a commercially available quantum mechanics program, has been used to provide a successful quantitative account of the colors of indigo and indirubin, a red isomer.  相似文献   
The assembly of ribosomal subunits from their individual components (rRNA and ribosomal proteins) requires the assistance of a multitude of factors in order to control and increase the efficiency of the assembly process. GTPases of the TRAFAC (translation-factor-related) class constitute a major type of ribosome-assembly factor in Eukaryota and Bacteria. They are thought to aid the stepwise assembly of ribosomal subunits through a 'molecular switch' mechanism that involves conformational changes in response to GTP hydrolysis. Most conserved TRAFAC GTPases are involved in ribosome assembly or other translation-associated processes. They typically interact with ribosomal subunits, but in many cases, the exact role that these GTPases play remains unclear. Previous studies almost exclusively focused on the systems of Bacteria and Eukaryota. Archaea possess several conserved TRAFAC GTPases as well, with some GTPase families being present only in the archaeo-eukaryotic lineage. In the present paper, we review the occurrence of TRAFAC GTPases with translation-associated functions in Archaea.  相似文献   
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