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Abstract The development and physiology of cord-forming saprotrophic basidiomycetes, which form extensive and persistent mycelial networks in woodland ecosystems, can be conveniently studied on non-sterile soil in laboratory microcosms mimicking field conditions. Morphological responses of Phanerochaete velutina mycelial systems to resource encounters, and decay partitioning following encounters, varied according to whether simulated woody litter was unsterile or autoclaved and on whether encounter took place at the mycelial foraging front or behind the margin (simulating litter fall onto established systems in the field). Results show that encounter of discrete resources by P. velutina is rapidly communicated to the entire mycelial system; that resource capture takes high priority at the expense of continued system extension and decay-derived carbon reallocation; and that polarized growth toward newly encountered resources, previously considered to occur infrequently with this species, may be readily detected using image analysis techniques. Potential advantages of polarized development of P. velutina are discussed.  相似文献   


Autoantibodies against citrullinated peptides/proteins (ACPA) are found in approximately 75% of the sera of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The RA-specific ACPA are frequently present prior to disease onset and their presence associates with a more erosive disease course. ACPA can therefore be used to aid the diagnosis and prognosis of RA. Recently, it became clear that ACPA are very heterogeneous, both in an individual patient and among different patients. The aim of this study was to investigate whether clinically meaningful ACPA profiles exist in early RA patients.


Twenty citrullinated peptides and the corresponding non-citrullinated control peptides were immobilized on microarray sensor chips. Sera from 374 early arthritis patients were analyzed by surface plasmon resonance imaging (iSPR) of biomolecular interactions on the sensor chip.


Cluster analysis of the reactivities with the citrullinated peptides, after subtraction of the reactivities with the corresponding control peptides confirmed the heterogeneity of the ACPA response in RA and revealed 12 distinct ACPA profiles. The association of the 5 most frequent profiles with clinical features at diagnosis and during the disease course was examined, showing no statistically significant associations.


Compared to the detection of ACPA in RA sera by CCP-based assays, ACPA profiling in early arthritis patients did not reveal associations with disease activity and progression scores.  相似文献   
A Bayesian analysis, utilizing a combined data set developed from the small subunit (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) rDNA gene sequences, was used to resolve relationships and clarify generic boundaries among 84 strains of plastid‐containing euglenophytes representing 11 genera. The analysis produced a tree with three major clades: a Phacus and Lepocinlis clade, a Discoplastis clade, and a Euglena, Colacium, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas, Monomorphina, and Cryptoglena clade. The majority of the species in the genus Euglena formed a well‐supported clade, but two species formed a separate clade near the base of the tree. A new genus, Discoplastis, was erected to accommodate these taxa, thus making the genus Euglena monophyletic. The analysis also supported the monophyly of Colacium, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas, Monomorphina, and Cryptoglena, which formed two subclades sister to the Euglena clade. Colacium, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas, all of which produce copious amounts of mucilage to form loricas or mucilaginous stalks, formed a well‐supported lineage. Our analysis supported retaining Strombomonas and Trachelomonas as separate genera. Monomorphina and Cryptoglena formed two well‐supported clades that were sister to the Colacium, Trachelomonas, and Strombomonas clade. Phacus and Lepocinclis, both of which have numerous small discoid chloroplasts without pyrenoids and lack peristaltic euglenoid movement (metaboly), formed a well‐supported monophyletic lineage that was sister to the larger Euglena through Cryptoglena containing clade. This study demonstrated that increased taxon sampling, multiple genes, and combined data sets provided increased support for internal nodes on the euglenoid phylogenetic tree and resolved relationships among the major genera in the photosynthetic euglenoid lineage.  相似文献   
Prosocial decisions may lead to unequal payoffs among group members. Although an aversion to inequity has been found in empirical studies of both human and nonhuman primates, the contexts previously studied typically do not involve a trade-off between prosociality and inequity. Here we investigate the apparent coexistence of these two factors, specifically the competing demands of prosociality and equity. We directly compare the responses of brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) among situations where prosocial preferences conflict with equality, using a paradigm comparable to other studies of cooperation and inequity in this species. By choosing to pull a tray towards themselves, subjects rewarded themselves and/or another in conditions in which the partner either received the same or different rewards, or the subject received no reward. In unequal payoff conditions, subjects could obtain equality by choosing not to pull in the tray, so that neither individual was rewarded. The monkeys showed prosocial preferences even in situations of moderate disadvantageous inequity, preferring to pull in the tray more often when a partner was present than absent. However, when the discrepancy between rewards increased, prosocial behavior ceased.  相似文献   


Stressful events are thought to contribute to the aetiology, maintenance and exacerbation of rheumatic diseases. Given the growing interest in acute stress responses and disease, this review investigates the impact of real-life experimental psychosocial, cognitive, exercise and sensory stressors on autonomic, neuroendocrine and immune function in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.  相似文献   


In late 2002, the health authorities of Mozambique implemented sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP)/amodiaquine (AQ) as first-line treatment against uncomplicated falciparum malaria. In 2004, this has been altered to SP/artesunate in line with WHO recommendations of using Artemisinin Combination Therapies (ACTs), despite the fact that all the neighbouring countries have abandoned SP-drug combinations due to high levels of SP drug resistance. In the study area, one year prior to the change to SP/AQ, SP alone was used to treat uncomplicated malaria cases. The study described here investigated the immediate impact of the change to SP on the frequency of SP and CQ resistance-related haplotypes in the Plasmodium falciparum genes Pfdhfr, Pfdhps and Pfcrt before and a year after the introduction of SP.


Samples were collected during two cross sectional surveys in early 2002 and 2003 involving 796 and 692 children one year or older and adults randomly selected living in Maciana, an area located in Manhiça district, Southern Mozambique. Out of these, 171 and 173 P. falciparum positive samples were randomly selected to measure the frequency of resistance- related haplotypes in Pfdhfr, Pfdhps and Pfcrt based on results obtained by nested PCR followed by sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe (SSOP)-ELISA.


The frequency of the SP-resistance associated Pfdhps double mutant (SGEAA) haplotype increased significantly from 14% to 35% (P < 0.001), while the triple mutant Pfdhfr haplotype (CIRNI) remained high and only changed marginally from 46% to 53% (P = 0.405) after one year with SP as first-line treatment in the study area. Conversely, the combined Pfdhfr/Pfdhps quintuple mutant haplotype increased from 8% to 26% (P = 0.005). The frequency of the chloroquine resistance associated Pfcrt -CVIET haplotype was above 90% in both years.


These retrospective findings add to the general concern on the lifespan of the combination of SP/artesunate in Mozambique. The high frequency of quintuple Pfdhfr/Pfdhps haplotypes found here as early as 2002 most likely cause ideal conditions for the development of artesunate tolerance in the P. falciparum populations and may even endanger the sensitivity to the second-line drug, Coartem®.  相似文献   
Like other coastal zones around the world, the inland sea ecosystem of Washington (USA) and British Columbia (Canada), an area known as the Salish Sea, is changing under pressure from a growing human population, conversion of native forest and shoreline habitat to urban development, toxic contamination of sediments and species, and overharvest of resources. While billions of dollars have been spent trying to restore other coastal ecosystems around the world, there still is no successful model for restoring estuarine or marine ecosystems like the Salish Sea. Despite the lack of a guiding model, major ecological principles do exist that should be applied as people work to design the Salish Sea and other large marine ecosystems for the future. We suggest that the following 10 ecological principles serve as a foundation for educating the public and for designing a healthy Salish Sea and other coastal ecosystems for future generations: (1) Think ecosystem: political boundaries are arbitrary; (2) Account for ecosystem connectivity; (3) Understand the food web; (4) Avoid fragmentation; (5) Respect ecosystem integrity; (6) Support nature’s resilience; (7) Value nature: it’s money in your pocket; (8) Watch wildlife health; (9) Plan for extremes; and (10) Share the knowledge.  相似文献   
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