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In cultured hippocampal neurons, synaptogenesis is largely independent of synaptic transmission, while several accounts in the literature indicate that synaptogenesis at cholinergic neuromuscular junctions in mammals appears to partially depend on synaptic activity. To systematically examine the role of synaptic activity in synaptogenesis at the neuromuscular junction, we investigated neuromuscular synaptogenesis and neurotransmitter release of mice lacking all synaptic vesicle priming proteins of the Munc13 family. Munc13-deficient mice are completely paralyzed at birth and die immediately, but form specialized neuromuscular endplates that display typical synaptic features. However, the distribution, number, size, and shape of these synapses, as well as the number of motor neurons they originate from and the maturation state of muscle cells, are profoundly altered. Surprisingly, Munc13-deficient synapses exhibit significantly increased spontaneous quantal acetylcholine release, although fewer fusion-competent synaptic vesicles are present and nerve stimulation-evoked secretion is hardly elicitable and strongly reduced in magnitude. We conclude that the residual transmitter release in Munc13-deficient mice is not sufficient to sustain normal synaptogenesis at the neuromuscular junction, essentially causing morphological aberrations that are also seen upon total blockade of neuromuscular transmission in other genetic models. Our data confirm the importance of Munc13 proteins in synaptic vesicle priming at the neuromuscular junction but indicate also that priming at this synapse may differ from priming at glutamatergic and gamma-aminobutyric acid-ergic synapses and is partly Munc13 independent. Thus, non-Munc13 priming proteins exist at this synapse or vesicle priming occurs in part spontaneously: i.e., without dedicated priming proteins in the release machinery.  相似文献   
The amyloid precursor protein (APP) gives rise toc beta-amyloid peptides, which are the main constituents of senile plaques in brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. Non-amyloidogenic processing of the APP can be stimulated by phorbol esters (PEs) and by intracellular diacylglycerol (DAG) generation. This led to the hypothesis that classical and novel protein kinase Cs (PKCs), which are activated by DAG/PEs, regulate APP processing. However, in addition to PKCs, there are other DAG/PE receptors present in neurons that may participate in the modulation of APP processing. Munc13-1, a presynaptic protein with an essential role in synaptic vesicle priming, represents such an alternative target of the DAG second messenger pathway. Using Munc13-1 knock-out mice and knock-in mice expressing a Munc13-1(H567K) variant deficient in DAG/PE binding, we determined the relative contributions of PKCs and Munc13-1 to PE-stimulated secretory APP processing. We establish that, in addition to PKC, Munc13-1 significantly contributes to the regulation of secretory APP metabolism.  相似文献   
The use of functional traits to describe community structure is a promising approach to reveal generalities across organisms and ecosystems. Plant ecologists have demonstrated the importance of traits in explaining community structure, competitive interactions as well as ecosystem functioning. The application of trait‐based methods to more complex communities such as food webs is however more challenging owing to the diversity of animal characteristics and of interactions. The objective of this study was to determine how functional structure is related to food web structure. We consider that food web structure is the result of 1) the match between consumer and resource traits, which determine the occurence of a trophic interaction between them, and 2) the distribution of functional traits in the community. We implemented a statistical approach to assess whether or not 35 466 pairwise interactions between soil organisms are constrained by trait‐matching and then used a Procrustes analysis to investigate correlations between functional indices and network properties across 48 sites. We found that the occurrence of trophic interactions is well predicted by matching the traits of the resource with those of the consumer. Taxonomy and body mass of both species were the most important traits for the determination of an interaction. As a consequence, functional evenness and the variance of certain traits in the community were correlated to trophic complementarity between species, while trait identity, more than diversity, was related to network topology. The analysis was however limited by trait data availability, and a coarse resolution of certain taxonomic groups in our dataset. These limitations explain the importance of taxonomy, as well as the complexity of the statistical model needed. Our results outline the important implications of trait composition on ecological networks, opening promising avenues of research into the relationship between functional diversity and ecosystem functioning in multi‐trophic systems.  相似文献   
Citrate utilization (Cit+) is encoded by a specific subgroup of incompatibility HI plasmids, viz., IncHI1 plasmids. Only one IncHI1 plasmid, pRG1271, which originated in a Mexican typhoid outbreak in 1972, did not specify Cit+. All other Cit+ plasmids hybridized to a Cit+ probe, a 2-kilobase BglII fragment derived from the Cit+ transposon Tn3411. The position of the Cit+ determinant was mapped to a 13.5-kilobase ApaI fragment within the prototype IncHI1 plasmid R27. No other functions have been mapped within this region. Citrate utilization mediated by IncHI1 was observed only after a prolonged lag period of approximately 150 h, and certain Escherichia coli strains, e.g., E. coli K-12 J53-1, were not able to utilize citrate specified by the H plasmids. Most E. coli strains harboring the multicopy Cit+ plasmid pOH2, a derivative of pBR322, required only 18 to 24 h to express the Cit+ phenotype, but E. coli J53-1 (pOH2) required at least 72 h for expression.  相似文献   
Schizophrenia is a devastating disease that affects approximately 1% of the population across cultures. Its neurobiological underpinnings are still unknown. Accordingly, animal models of schizophrenia often lack construct validity. As concordance rate in monozygotic twins amounts to only 50%, environmental risk factors (e.g. neurotrauma, drug abuse, psychotrauma) likely act as necessary ‘second hit' to trigger/drive the disease process in a genetically predisposed individual. Valid animal models would have to consider this genetic–environmental interaction. Based on this concept, we designed an experimental approach for modeling a schizophrenia‐like phenotype in mice. As dysfunction in synaptic transmission plays a key role in schizophrenia, and complexin2 (CPLX2) gene expression is reduced in hippocampus of schizophrenic patients, we developed a mouse model with Cplx2 null mutation as genetic risk factor and a mild parietal neurotrauma, applied during puberty, as environmental ‘second hit'. Several months after lesion, Cplx2 null mutants showed reduced pre‐pulse inhibition, deficit of spatial learning and loss of inhibition after MK‐801 challenge. These abnormalities were largely absent in lesioned wild‐type mice and non‐lesioned Cplx2 null mutants. Forced alternation in T‐maze, object recognition, social interaction and elevated plus maze tests were unaltered in all groups. The previously reported mild motor phenotype of Cplx2 null mutants was accentuated upon lesion. MRI volumetrical analysis showed a decrease of hippocampal volume exclusively in lesioned Cplx2 null mutants. These findings provide suggestive evidence for the ‘second hit' hypothesis of schizophrenia and may offer new tools for the development of advanced treatment strategies.  相似文献   
The type of vesicular transporter expressed by a neuron is thought to determine its neurotransmitter phenotype. We show that inactivation of the vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (Viaat, VGAT) leads to embryonic lethality, an abdominal defect known as omphalocele, and a cleft palate. Loss of Viaat causes a drastic reduction of neurotransmitter release in both GABAergic and glycinergic neurons, indicating that glycinergic neurons do not express a separate vesicular glycine transporter. This loss of GABAergic and glycinergic synaptic transmission does not impair the development of inhibitory synapses or the expression of KCC2, the K+ -Cl- cotransporter known to be essential for the establishment of inhibitory neurotransmission. In the absence of Viaat, GABA-synthesizing enzymes are partially lost from presynaptic terminals. Since GABA and glycine compete for vesicular uptake, these data point to a close association of Viaat with GABA-synthesizing enzymes as a key factor in specifying GABAergic neuronal phenotypes.  相似文献   
1.?Model analyses show that the stability of population dynamics and food web persistence increase with the strength of interference competition. Despite this critical importance for community stability, little is known about how external factors such as the environmental temperature affect intraspecific interference competition. 2.?We aimed to fill this void by studying the functional responses of two ground beetle species of different body size, Pterostichus melanarius and Poecilus versicolor. These functional response experiments were replicated across four predator densities and two temperatures to address the impact of temperature on intraspecific interference competition. 3.?We generally expected that warming should increase the speed of movement, encounter rates and in consequence interference among predator individuals. In our experiment, this expectation was supported by the results obtained for the larger predator, P.?melanarius, whereas the opposite pattern characterized the interference behaviour of the smaller predator P.?versicolor. 4.?These results suggest potentially nontrivial implications for the effects of environmental temperature on intraspecific interference competition, for which we propose an explanation based on the different sensitivity to warming of metabolic rates of both species. As expected, increasing temperature led to stronger interference competition of the larger species, P.?melanarius, which exhibited a weaker increase in metabolic rate with increasing temperature. The stronger increase in the metabolic rate of the smaller predator, P.?versicolor, had to be compensated by increasing searching activity for prey, which did not leave time for increasing interference. 5.?Together, these results suggest that any generalization how interference competition responds to warming should also take the species' metabolic response to temperature increases into account.  相似文献   
Neurotransmitter release proceeds by Ca(2+)-triggered, SNARE-complex-dependent synaptic vesicle fusion. After fusion, the ATPase NSF and its cofactors α- and βSNAP disassemble SNARE complexes, thereby recycling individual SNAREs for subsequent fusion reactions. We examined the effects of genetic perturbation of α- and βSNAP expression on synaptic vesicle exocytosis, employing a new Ca(2+) uncaging protocol to study synaptic vesicle trafficking, priming, and fusion in small glutamatergic synapses of hippocampal neurons. By characterizing this protocol, we show that synchronous and asynchronous transmitter release involve different Ca(2+) sensors and are not caused by distinct releasable vesicle pools, and that tonic transmitter release is due to ongoing priming and fusion of new synaptic vesicles during high synaptic activity. Our analysis of α- and βSNAP deletion mutant neurons shows that the two NSF cofactors support synaptic vesicle priming by determining the availability of free SNARE components, particularly during phases of high synaptic activity.  相似文献   
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