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We investigated the acceptance of different sized host models by Trichogramma australicum in the laboratory. We used isoline cultures of T. australicum reared in hosts of different sizes. Helicoverpa armigera represent relatively large hosts, and those of Sitotroga cerealella are small, termed the Ha and Sc biotypes, respectively. Five sizes of glass beads were tested for acceptance: diameter 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm. The acceptance of a host model was determined by persistent attempted drilling of a glass bead by a female. The relationship between host egg size and number of eggs laid by a female was also investigated. We used three sizes of artificial egg (diameter 0.75, 1.00, and 1.50 mm of hemispherical cupules) each containing artificial diet. Ha biotype wasps accepted host models in the range 0.75--1.50 mm dia. (vol. 0.166--1.325 l), whereas those of the Sc biotype accepted host models in the range 0.50--1.00 mm dia. (vol. 0.05--0.393 l). This evidence suggests a lineal (possibly genetic) influence to host size acceptance for T. australicum, dependent on the size of the host in which the wasp has been reared. Also T. australicum lay fewer eggs in smaller artificial eggs than in larger ones. The role of host size in host acceptance and number of eggs delivered, and its implications, is discussed.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity of 159 representative genotypes of native hop (Humulus lupulus var. lupuloides E. Small, Cannabaceae) from 34 selected populations was assessed by relative magnitudes and ranges of alpha acids (AA), beta acids (BA), and the cohumulone (CoH) component of alpha acids, with reference to temporal changes between 1989-1990 and 2001, and to the same attributes in American and European hop cultivars, principally H. lupulus var. lupulus L. Chemical profiles of these genotypes were generated by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) of methanol extracts from their processed samples (cones). The alpha ratio (AR, alpha acids / alpha+beta acids) measured the degree to which alpha acids predominated in cone extracts. Synchronous ranges of AR and CoH were also selected for graphic portrayals of native hop genotypic diversity. Cones sampled and analyzed from eight populations that were accessible in both 1989 and 2001 were distinct in chemical attributes, indicating a succession of genotypes, and suggesting temporal cycling of H. lupulus var.lupuloides germplasm. The principal distinctions between the two sub-species were a markedly higher proportion of CoH (38-88% vs. 19-41%) in alpha acids of H. l. var. lupuloides, and generally higher concentrations of AA in cultivars of both American and European commercial hop cultivars, predominantly H. lupulus var. lupulus. All of the 159 native hop genotypes also contained detectable levels of xanthohumol and xanthogalenol, prenylflavonoids recently reported to have mammalian anti-cancer activity. Some native genotypes had previously exhibited natural repellence of insect and mite pests; thus H. lupulus var. lupuloides germplasm offers a diverse resource of underutilized and yet undefined biochemicals.  相似文献   
Sex determination in the mammalian embryo begins with the activation of a gene on the Y chromosome which triggers a cascade of events that lead to male development. The mechanism by which this gene, designated SRY in humans and Sry in mice (sex determining region of the Y chromosome), is activated remains unknown. Likewise, the downstream target genes for Sry remain unidentified at present. C57BL mice carrying a Y chromosome from Mus musculus musculus or molossinus develop normally as males. In contrast, C57BL/6 mice with the Y chromosome from M. m. domesticus often show sex reversal, i.e., develop as XY females. It has been documented that C57BL mice with the Y chromosome from Poschiavinus (YPOS), a domesticus subtype, always develop as females or hermaphrodites. This suggests that a C57BL gene either up- or downstream of Sry is ineffective in interacting with Sry, which then compromises the processes that lead to normal male sex development. Nonetheless, by selective breeding, we have been able to generate a sex reversal-resistant C57BL/6-congenic strain of mice in which the XYPOS individuals consistently develop as normal males with bilateral testes. Because the resistance to sex reversal was transferred from strain 129S1/Sv (nonalbino) by simple selection over 13 backcross generations, it is inferred that a single autosomal gene or chromosomal region confers resistance to the sex reversal that would otherwise result. XYPOS normal males generated in these crosses were compared to XYPOS abnormal individuals and to C57BL/6 controls for sexual phenotype, gonadal weight, serum testosterone, and major urinary protein (MUP) level. A clear correlation was found among phenotypic sex, MUP level, and testis weight in the males and in the incompletely masculinized XYPOS mice. The fully masculinized males of the congenic strain resemble C57BL/6 males in the tested parameters. DNA analysis confirmed that these males, in fact, carry the YPOS Sry gene.  相似文献   
The hematology of the laboratory mouse has beenwell characterized. Normal genetic differences at thealpha- and beta-globin gene loci serve as useful markersfor a wide variety of types of experimental studies. There are a number of naturallyoccurring or induced mutations that disrupt globinexpression and produce thalassemic phenotypes. Inaddition, much has been learned of the workings of theglobin locus control region from studies of transgenicmice, including those with mutations induced by targetedsite-specific modifications. After a new mutation ortransgene has been created, it must be maintained in living mice, and the genotypes of theoffspring must be ascertained. While it is possible todetermine genotypes by DNA analyses, such assays aretime consuming and relatively expensive. An osmoticchallenge test -- originally developed for thegenotyping of large-deletion alpha-thalassemia mutationsin mice -- has proven useful in detecting bothsevere and milder alpha- and beta-thalassemias, as wellas some transgenic genotypes in mice carrying human globin genes.Reliable genotyping can, in some cases, be completedwithin a few minutes with minimal expense.Quantification of red cell fragility for a variety ofthalassemic and transgenic mice is described here, alongwith a simplified test suitable for rapid, routinegenotyping. The osmotic challenge test is perfectlyreliable for distinguishing genotypes that causesignificantly decreased release of hemoglobin from the redcells, but it is also useful for some of the conditionsin which overall erythrocyte osmotic fragility isessentially normal.  相似文献   
The molecular ordering of cellulose, including its crystallinity,in the unlignified primary cell walls of three monocotyledons(Italian ryegrass, pineapple, and onion) and one dicotyledon(cabbage) was characterized by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy.These species were chosen because their primary cell walls havedifferent non-cellulosic polysaccharides and this may affectthe molecular ordering of cellulose. Values of the proton rotating-framerelaxation [T1p(H)] and spin-spin relaxation [T2(H)] time constantsshowed that the cellulose in the cell walls of all four specieswas in a crystalline rather than an amorphous state. Furthermore,a resolution enhancement procedure showed that the triclinic(I) and the monoclinic (I) crystal forms of cellulosewere present in similar proportions in these cell walls. However,the calculated cross-sectional dimensions of the cellulose crystallitesvaried among the cell walls (in the range 2–3 nm): thelargest were in the Italian ryegrass, the smallest were in theonion and cabbage, and those of intermediate size were in thepineapple. The crystallite dimensions may thus be affected bythe non-cellulosic polysaccha-ride compositions of the cellwalls. 4Present address: Food Science Postgraduate Programme, Departmentof Chemistry, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019,Auckland, New Zealand.  相似文献   


Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) reportedly increases the risk of cognitive decline in women over age 65 y. It is unknown whether similar risks exist for recently postmenopausal women, and whether MHT affects mood in younger women. The ancillary Cognitive and Affective Study (KEEPS-Cog) of the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS) examined the effects of up to 4 y of MHT on cognition and mood in recently postmenopausal women.

Methods and Findings

KEEPS, a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial, was conducted at nine US academic centers. Of the 727 women enrolled in KEEPS, 693 (95.3%) participated in the ancillary KEEPS-Cog, with 220 women randomized to receive 4 y of 0.45 mg/d oral conjugated equine estrogens (o-CEE) plus 200 mg/d micronized progesterone (m-P) for the first 12 d of each month, 211 women randomized to receive 50 μg/d transdermal estradiol (t-E2) plus 200 mg/d m-P for the first 12 d of each month, and 262 women randomized to receive placebo pills and patches. Primary outcomes included the Modified Mini-Mental State examination; four cognitive factors: verbal learning/memory, auditory attention/working memory, visual attention/executive function, and speeded language/mental flexibility; and a mood measure, the Profile of Mood States (POMS). MHT effects were analyzed using linear mixed-effects (LME) models, which make full use of all available data from each participant, including those with missing data. Data from those with and without full data were compared to assess for potential biases resulting from missing observations. For statistically significant results, we calculated effect sizes (ESs) to evaluate the magnitude of changes.On average, participants were 52.6 y old, and 1.4 y past their last menstrual period. By month 48, 169 (24.4%) and 158 (22.8%) of the 693 women who consented for ancillary KEEPS-Cog were lost to follow-up for cognitive assessment (3MS and cognitive factors) and mood evaluations (POMS), respectively. However, because LME models make full use all available data, including data from women with missing data, 95.5% of participants were included in the final analysis (n = 662 in cognitive analyses, and n = 661 in mood analyses). To be included in analyses, women must have provided baseline data, and data from at least one post-baseline visit. The mean length of follow-up was 2.85 y (standard deviation [SD] = 0.49) for cognitive outcomes and 2.76 (SD = 0.57) for mood outcomes. No treatment-related benefits were found on cognitive outcomes. For mood, model estimates indicated that women treated with o-CEE showed improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms over the 48 mo of treatment, compared to women on placebo. The model estimate for the depression subscale was −5.36 × 10−2 (95% CI, −8.27 × 10−2 to −2.44 × 10−2; ES = 0.49, p < 0.001) and for the anxiety subscale was −3.01 × 10−2 (95% CI, −5.09 × 10−2 to −9.34 × 10−3; ES = 0.26, p < 0.001). Mood outcomes for women randomized to t-E2 were similar to those for women on placebo. Importantly, the KEEPS-Cog results cannot be extrapolated to treatment longer than 4 y.


The KEEPS-Cog findings suggest that for recently postmenopausal women, MHT did not alter cognition as hypothesized. However, beneficial mood effects with small to medium ESs were noted with 4 y of o-CEE, but not with 4 y of t-E2. The generalizability of these findings is limited to recently postmenopausal women with low cardiovascular risk profiles.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00154180 and NCT00623311  相似文献   
Design of proteins with desired thermal properties is important for scientific and biotechnological applications. Here we developed a theoretical approach to predict the effect of mutations on protein stability from non-equilibrium unfolding simulations. We establish a relative measure based on apparent simulated melting temperatures that is independent of simulation length and, under certain assumptions, proportional to equilibrium stability, and we justify this theoretical development with extensive simulations and experimental data. Using our new method based on all-atom Monte-Carlo unfolding simulations, we carried out a saturating mutagenesis of Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR), a key target of antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs. The method predicted more than 500 stabilizing mutations, several of which were selected for detailed computational and experimental analysis. We find a highly significant correlation of r = 0.65–0.68 between predicted and experimentally determined melting temperatures and unfolding denaturant concentrations for WT DHFR and 42 mutants. The correlation between energy of the native state and experimental denaturation temperature was much weaker, indicating the important role of entropy in protein stability. The most stabilizing point mutation was D27F, which is located in the active site of the protein, rendering it inactive. However for the rest of mutations outside of the active site we observed a weak yet statistically significant positive correlation between thermal stability and catalytic activity indicating the lack of a stability-activity tradeoff for DHFR. By combining stabilizing mutations predicted by our method, we created a highly stable catalytically active E. coli DHFR mutant with measured denaturation temperature 7.2°C higher than WT. Prediction results for DHFR and several other proteins indicate that computational approaches based on unfolding simulations are useful as a general technique to discover stabilizing mutations.  相似文献   
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