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Cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) converts cholesterol into 24S-hydroxycholesterol in neurons and participates in cholesterol homeostasis in the central nervous system, including the retina. We aimed to evaluate the consequences of CYP46A1 inhibition by voriconazole on cholesterol homeostasis and function in the retina. Rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of voriconazole (60 mg/kg), minocycline (22 mg/kg), voriconazole plus minocycline, or vehicle during five consecutive days. The rats were submitted to electroretinography to monitor retinal functionality. Cholesterol and 24S-hydroxycholesterol were measured in plasma, brain and retina by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The expression of CYP46A1, and GFAP as a marker for glial activation was analyzed in the retina and brain. Cytokines and chemokines were measured in plasma, vitreous, retina and brain. Voriconazole significantly impaired the functioning of the retina as exemplified by the reduced amplitude and increased latency of the b-wave of the electroretinogram, and altered oscillary potentials. Voriconazole decreased 24S-hydroxycholesterol levels in the retina. Unexpectedly, CYP46A1 and GFAP expression was increased in the retina of voriconazole-treated rats. ICAM-1 and MCP-1 showed significant increases in the retina and vitreous body. Minocycline did not reverse the effects of voriconazole. Our data highlighted the cross talk between retinal ganglion cells and glial cells in the retina, suggesting that reduced 24S-hydroxycholesterol concentration in the retina may be detected by glial cells, which were consequently activated.  相似文献   
The type I signal peptidase SipS of Bacillus subtilis is of major importance for the processing of secretory precursor proteins. In the present studies, we have investigated possible mechanisms of thermal inactivation of five temperature-sensitive SipS mutants. The results demonstrate that two of these mutants, L74A and Y81A, are structurally stable but strongly impaired in catalytic activity at 48 degrees C, showing the (unprecedented) involvement of the conserved leucine 74 and tyrosine 81 residues in the catalytic reaction of type I signal peptidases. This conclusion is supported by the crystal structure of the homologous signal peptidase of Escherichia coli (Paetzel, M., Dalbey, R. E., and Strynadka, N. C. J. (1998) Nature 396, 186-190). In contrast, the SipS mutant proteins R84A, R84H, and D146A were inactivated by proteolytic degradation, indicating that the conserved arginine 84 and aspartic acid 146 residues are required to obtain a protease-resistant conformation. The cell wall-bound protease WprA was shown to be involved in the degradation of SipS D146A, which is in accord with the fact that SipS has a large extracytoplasmic domain. As WprA was not involved in the degradation of the SipS mutant proteins R84A and R84H, we conclude that multiple proteases are responsible for the thermal inactivation of temperature-sensitive SipS mutants.  相似文献   
The attachment of glycolipid anchors to the Thy-1 glycoprotein during biosynthesis was followed by the change of detergent-binding properties of biosynthetically labelled Thy-1 precursors upon phospholipase C treatment in the murine thymoma lines BW5147 and S1A. In S1A, 80% of the Thy-1 molecules were phospholipase-C-sensitive after a 2 min pulse with [35S]methionine, indicating that these molecules were already anchored via a glycolipid tail. In BW5147, 47% of the Thy-1 molecules had phospholipase-C-sensitive anchors attached after a 1.5 min labelling and, with longer pulses, this percentage rose to 76%. Tunicamycin did not block the addition of glycolipid anchors, and glycolipid attachment also occurred at 21 degrees C. The findings suggest that the attachment of glycolipid anchors occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   
Summary A versatile plasmid marker rescue transformation system was developed for homology-facilitated cloning in Bacillus subtilis. It is based on the highly efficient host-vector system 6GM15-pHPS9, which allows the direct selection of recombinants by means of -galactosidase -complementation. The system offers several advantages over previously described cloning systems: (1) the convenient direct selection of recombinants; (2) the ability to effectively transform B. subtilis competent cells with plasmid monomers, which allows the forced cloning of DNA fragments with high efficiency; (3) the availability of 6 unique target sites, which can be used for direct clone selection, SphI, NdeI, NheI, BamHI, SmaI and EcoRI; and (4) the rapid segregational loss of the helper plasmid from the transformed cells.  相似文献   
Three rat monoclonal antibodies (MAb) capable of stimulating interleukin 2 (IL 2) production by a variant subline of EL4 thymoma cells (EL4-6.1) have been produced. The stimulatory capacity of these MAb (designated RL73, RL119, and RL388) was originally found to be dependent on the presence of irradiated peritoneal exudate cells; however, this requirement could be replaced by the cellfree supernatant of the "macrophage-like" cell line P388D1 or by biochemically purified human interleukin 1 (IL 1). A number of other rat MAb directed against cell surface structures did not stimulate IL 1-dependent IL 2 production by EL4-6.1 cells; however, certain MAb directed against Thy-1 as well as the lectin phytohemagglutin did have this capacity. Furthermore, the stimulatory activity of MAb RL73, RL119, and RL388 appeared to be restricted to the EL4-6.1 variant line, because neither the parental EL4 line from which it was derived nor a series of ovalbumin-specific T-T hybrids responded to these MAb. The cell surface antigens recognized by MAb RL73, RL119, and RL388 were present on a wide variety of T cell lines and T-T hybrids, as well as on lines of B cell, macrophage, and fibroblast origin. Interestingly, the MAb reacted with the majority (approximately 85%) of thymocytes but not (or only to a very small extent) with resting T lymphocytes. After stimulation by concanavalin A, however, the three MAb reacted strongly with activated T lymphoblasts. The latter data suggest that MAb RL73, RL119, and RL388 may react with cell surface structures that are normally expressed as a consequence of lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   
In palmipeds, overfeeding leads to hepatic steatosis, also called “foie gras” which is the result of many metabolic mechanisms. In order to understand these mechanisms, we decided to measure the expression of genes implicated in lipid metabolism during 12 hours (h) following the last meal of the overfeeding period. We have shown that there is a precocious expression (within 2 h) of fatty acid synthase and acyl CoA synthetase long-chain 1 in liver and muscle of mule ducks in addition with a later peak. Furthermore, di-acyl glycerol acyl transferase presents the highest induction of expression in liver and it is overexpressed quite a long time, positioning this enzyme as a key factor in hepatic steatosis. These observations are quite similar in muscle. Lipoprotein secretion is upregulated later in postprandial period, with an upregulation of apolipoprotein and microsomal triglycerides transfer protein beginning at 5 h in liver or muscle. Regarding hepatic re-uptake of lipid, lesser variations are observed, suggesting that fatty acid binding protein and very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) are already at their maximum expression specifically in these tissues. In muscle, VLDLR and LDLR upregulation is observed 5 h after the meal, associated with an overexpression in the adipose tissue of lipase maturation factor 1 involved in the maturation of lipoprotein lipase. These findings will allow us to better understand the kinetic treatment in lipid metabolism after a meal in overfed ducks. This first report on kinetic expression will allow researcher to better target their sampling time knowing the optimal point of expression of each gene.  相似文献   
A system is described that enables the cloning of genes specifying detrimental proteins inEscherichia coli. The system is based on pUC plasmids and was developed for the expression of theBacillus subtilis csaA gene, which is lethal when expressed at high levels. Suppressor strains that tolerate the presence of plasmids for high-level expression ofcsaA were isolated, which contained small cryptic deletion variants of the parental plasmid in high copy numbers. The cryptic plasmids consisted mainly of the pUC replication functions and lacked thecsaA region and selectable markers. The co-resident, incompatible, cryptic plasmids enabled the maintenance of thecsaA plasmids by reducing their copy number 20-fold, which resulted in a concomitant 3- to 7-fold reduction in the expression of plasmid-encoded genes. Strains carrying these cryptic endogenous plasmids proved to be useful for the construction of pUC-based recombinant plasmids carrying other genes, such as theskc gene ofStreptococcus equisimilis, which cannot be cloned in high copy numbers inE. coli. Several strategies to reduce production levels of heterologous proteins specified by plasmids are compared.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of single strand origins (SSOs) of several cryptic Bacillus subtilis plasmids which use the rolling-circle mechanism of replication. The plasmids used in this study involved pTA1015, pTA1020, pTA1030, pTA1040, pTA1050 and pTA1060. The SSO of pTA1015 was isolated by shotgun cloning in a specially designed vector, pWM100, which has no SSO of its own. Sequence analysis revealed that the SSO of pTA1015 is almost identical to formerly described palT type SSOs. Also pTA1020 and pTA1060 were shown to contain SSOs highly homologous to palT. Using Southern hybridization with the palT of pTA1015 as a probe, the SSO of pTA1040 was cloned. Sequence analysis revealed a region of 200 bp which is 77% identical to the palT of pTA1015. The plasmids pTA1030 and pTA1050 contain an SSO which is highly homologous to the SSO of pTA1040. The majority of the SSOs of rolling-circle plasmids from B.subtilis seem to belong to two related families which we denote as palT1 (present on pTA1015, pTA1020 and pTA1060) and palT2 (present on pTA1030, pTA1040 and pTA1050). Both families of SSOs are highly efficient single-strand-conversion signals in B.subtilis.  相似文献   
The Pgp-1 glycoprotein was identified on a minor (27%) subset of peripheral Lyt-2+ or L3T4+ T cells. In contrast, mature medullary-type thymocytes (Lyt-2+ L3T4-, Lyt-2- L3T4+) were nearly devoid of cells expressing detectable surface Pgp-1. The appearance of peripheral Pgp-1- T cells was found to be thymus dependent, as demonstrated by the diminished proportion of Pgp-1- T cells after thymectomy and their virtual absence in athymic nude mice. The subsequent acquisition of surface Pgp-1 was found to be a stable differentiation event occurring concomitantly with primary antigenic stimulation; selected Pgp-1- mature T cells from thymus or periphery acquired constitutive expression of Pgp-1 after stimulation in vitro with alloantigen or mitogens. These observations were extended by studies in vivo showing that immunization with various antigens augmented the percentage of Pgp-1+ spleen cells within the Lyt-2+ subset. Furthermore, the frequencies of antigen-specific CTLp, after immunization by any of three different antigens tested, were greatly enriched in the Pgp-1+ compared with the Pgp-1- subpopulations. Peritoneal exudate Lyt-2+ cells, after a localized allograft rejection, demonstrated a particularly prominent Pgp-1+ subpopulation (78%) that contained virtually all the allospecific cytolytic activity. A model consistent with all of these data proposes that mature thymocytes lacking surface Pgp-1 upon emigration to the periphery acquire its expression at the time of primary antigenic stimulation. Hence, expression of Pgp-1 among peripheral T cells is an important differentiation marker for identifying antigen-stimulated memory T cells.  相似文献   
A Conzelmann  A Spiazzi  R Hyman    C Bron 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(12):3291-3296
Recent evidence shows that mature Thy-1 glycoprotein lacks amino acids 113-143 predicted from the cDNA sequence and is anchored to the plasma membrane by a phosphatidylinositol-containing glycolipid attached to amino acid 112. Previously characterized Thy-1-deficient mutant lymphoma lines of complementation classes A and E were analysed. They make detergent binding Thy-1 precursors but, in contrast to wild-type, the detergent binding moiety cannot be removed by phospholipase C. Moreover, tryptophan which only occurs at position 124 is incorporated into mutant but not parental Thy-1. This suggests that the mutants make a Thy-1 precursor of 143 amino acids but fail to replace its C-terminal end by a glycolipid anchor.  相似文献   
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