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Undesired activation of the complement system is a major pathogenic factor contributing to various immune complex diseases and conditions such as hyperacute xenograft rejection. We aim for prevention of complement-mediated damage by specific inhibition of the classical complement pathway, thus not affecting the antimicrobial functions of the complement system via the alternative pathway and the lectin pathway. Therefore, 42 peptides previously selected from phage-displayed peptide libraries on basis of C1q binding were synthesized and examined for their ability to inhibit the function of C1q. From seven peptides that showed inhibition of C1q hemolytic activity but no inhibition of the alternative complement pathway, one peptide (2J) was selected and further studied. Peptide 2J inhibited the hemolytic activity of C1q from human, chimpanzee, rhesus monkey, rat, and mouse origin, all with a similar dose-response relationship (IC(50) 2-6 microM). Binding of C1q to peptide 2J involved the globular head domain of C1q. In line with this interaction, peptide 2J dose-dependently inhibited the binding of C1q to IgG and blocked activation of C4 and C3 and formation of C5b-9 induced via classical pathway activation, as assessed by ELISA. Furthermore, the peptide strongly inhibited the deposition of C4 and C3 on pig cells following their exposure to human xenoreactive Abs and complement. We conclude that peptide 2J is a promising reagent for the development of a therapeutic inhibitor of the earliest step of the classical complement pathway, i.e., the binding of C1q to its target.  相似文献   


The relaxin-like peptide family belongs in the insulin superfamily and consists of 7 peptides of high structural but low sequence similarity; relaxin-1, 2 and 3, and the insulin-like (INSL) peptides, INSL3, INSL4, INSL5 and INSL6. The functions of relaxin-3, INSL4, INSL5, INSL6 remain uncharacterised. The evolution of this family has been contentious; high sequence variability is seen between closely related species, while distantly related species show high similarity; an invertebrate relaxin sequence has been reported, while a relaxin gene has not been found in the avian and ruminant lineages.  相似文献   
Winter wheat was grown at ambient and elevated (ambient plus 350 μL L–1) CO2 concentrations in open top chambers and in field-tracking sun-lit climatized enclosures (elevated is 718 μL L–1). There was no significant effect of CO2 concentration on sheath, leaf and root biomass and leaf area in the early spring (January to April). 24-h canopy CO2 exchange rate (CCER) was not significantly affected either. However, elevated CO2 concentration increased CCER at midday, decreased evapotranspiration rate and increased instantaneous water-use-efficiency during early spring. Leaf, sheath and root nitrogen concentration per unit dry weight decreased and nonstructural carbohydrate concentration increased under elevated CO2, and N-uptake per unit ground area decreased significantly (– 22%) towards the end of this period. These results contrast with results from the final harvest, when grain yield and biomass were increased by 19% under elevated CO2. N concentration per dry weight was reduced by 5%, but N-uptake per unit ground area was significantly higher (+ 11%) for the elevated CO2 treatment. 24-h and midday-CCER increased significantly more in late spring (period of 21 April to 30 May) (respectively by + 40% and 53%) than in the early spring (respectively 5% and 19%) in response to elevated CO2. Midday evapotranspiration rate was reduced less by elevated CO2 in the late spring (– 13%) than in early spring (– 21%). The CO2 response of midday and 24-h CCER decreased again (+ 27% and + 23% resp.) towards the end of the growing season. We conclude that the low response to CO2 concentration during the early spring was associated with a growth-restriction, caused by low temperature and irradiance levels. The reduction of nitrogen concentration, the increase of nonstructural carbohydrate, and the lower evapotranspiration indicated that CO2 did have an effect towards the end of early spring, but not on biomass accumulation. Regression analysis showed that both irradiance and temperature affected the response to CO2.  相似文献   
 Genome-analysis tools are useful for dissecting complex phenotypes and manipulating determinants of these phenotypes in breeding programs. Quantitative trait locus (QTL)-analysis tools were used to map QTLs conferring adult plant resistance to stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis f.sp. hordei) in barley. The resistance QTLs were introgressed into a genetic background unrelated to the mapping population with one cycle of marker-assisted backcrossing. Doubled-haploid lines were derived from selected backcross lines, phenotyped for stripe-rust resistance, and genotyped with an array of molecular markers. The resistance QTLs that were introgressed were significant determinants of resistance in the new genetic background. Additional resistance QTLs were also detected. The susceptible parent contributed resistance alleles at two of these new QTLs. We hypothesize that favorable alleles were fixed at these new QTLs in the original mapping population. Genetic background may, therefore, have an important role in QTL-transfer experiments. A breeding system is described that integrates single-copy and multiplex markers with confirmation of the target phenotype in doubled-haploid lines phenotyped in field tests. This approach may be useful for simultaneously producing agronomically useful germplasm and contributing to an understanding of quantitatively inherited traits. Received: 6 May 1997 / Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   
Protoplasts isolated from root cap cells of maize were shown to secrete fucose-rich polysaccharides and were used in a patch-clamp study to monitor changes in whole-cell capacitance. Ca2+ was required for exocytosis, which was measured as an increase in cell capacitance during intracellular dialysis with Ca2+ buffers via the patch pipette. Exocytosis was stimulated significantly by small increases above normal resting [Ca2+]. In the absence of Ca2+, protoplasts decreased in size. In situ hybridization showed significant expression of the maize annexin p35 in root cap cells, differ-entiating vascular tissue, and elongating cells. Dialysis of protoplasts with maize annexins stimulated exocytosis at physiological [Ca2+], and this could be blocked by dialysis with antibodies specific to maize annexins. Dialysis with milli-molar concentrations of GTP strongly inhibited exocytosis, causing protoplasts to decrease in size. GTPgammaS and GDPbetaS both caused only a slight inhibition of exocytosis at physiological Ca2+. Protoplasts were shown to internalize plasma membrane actively. The results are discussed in relation to the regulation of exocytosis in what is usually considered to be a constitutively secreting system; they provide direct evidence for a role of annexins in exocytosis in plant cells.  相似文献   
The effect of elevated [CO2] on the productivity of spring wheat, winter wheat and faba bean was studied in experiments in climatized crop enclosures in the Wageningen Rhizolab in 1991–93. Simulation models for crop growth were used to explore possible causes for the observed differences in the CO2 response. Measurements of the canopy gas exchange (CO2 and water vapour) were made continuously from emergence until harvest. At an external [CO2] of 700 μmol mol?1 Maximum Canopy CO2 Exchange Rate (CCERmax) at canopy closure was stimulated by 51% for spring wheat and by 71% for faba bean. At the end of the growing season, above ground biomass increase at 700 μmol mol?1 was 58% (faba bean), 35% (spring wheat) and 19% (winter wheat) and the harvest index did not change. For model exploration, weather data sets for the period 1975-88 and 1991–93 were used, assuming adequate water supply and [CO2] at 350 and 700 μmol mol?1. For spring wheat the simulated responses (35–50%) were at the upper end of the experimental results. In agreement with experiments, simulations showed smaller responses for winter wheat and larger responses for faba bean. Further model explorations showed that this differential effect in the CO2 response may not be primarily due to fundamental physiological differences between the crops, but may be at least partly due to differences in the daily air temperatures during comparable stages of growth of these crops. Simulations also showed that variations between years in CO2 response can be largely explained by differences in weather conditions (especially temperature) between growing seasons.  相似文献   
Can heroin addicts give consent to research on trials in which heroin is prescribed to them? Analyses of addicts and informed consent have been objects of debate in several articles. Informed consent requires the agent not only to be competent but also to give consent voluntarily. This has been questioned because of alleged features of heroin addiction. Until recently the discussion has focused on heroin addicts' desires for heroin, whether these are irresistible and thus pose a problem for giving consent. Still, in light of empirical evidence, there seems to be a consensus more or less that the problem is not whether the addicts can resist their desire for heroin. A recent article concentrates specifically on heroin addicts' false assumptions of options and voluntariness. We argue that the prevailing framing of the options in this discussion in terms of heroin and access to it is problematic. The way in which the options are typically laid out suggests an assumption that participation in the research is allegedly based on the addicts' views on using the drug. We argue that this way of presenting the options is, first, a mismatch to the studies carried out and, second, symptomatic of potential misconceptions about heroin addiction and addicts. Furthermore, we also suggest that the account of voluntariness needs to be realistic in order for subjects to be able to give consent voluntarily in actual situations, and for medical research to carry out studies on improving outcomes in addiction treatment in an ethical way.  相似文献   
Effects of mowing frequency on ground cover composition and on numbers of predators, parasitoids, and select phytophagous arthropods in the ground cover of three reduced‐insecticide pear orchards were determined. Concurrent samples taken in the tree canopy (with beating trays) and in the herbicide strips on the orchard floor (with pitfall traps) tested whether counts of natural enemies in these two habitats were also affected by mowing regime. A reduction in frequency of mowing from two to three times per month (= control) to once per month or once per growing season led to increased cover of grasses, broadleaf plants, and broadleaf plants in flower. Sweep net samples of natural enemies in the ground cover were dominated numerically by spiders (Araneae), parasitic Hymenoptera, and predatory Heteroptera, with lesser numbers of other taxa (Syrphidae, Neuroptera, Coccinellidae). Predators and parasitoids showed substantial increases in numbers associated with decreased mowing frequency. Sweep net counts of aphids, Lygus spp. (Heteroptera: Miridae), and leafhoppers/planthoppers, all potential prey of predators, also increased significantly with decreased mowing frequency. In the pitfall samples, only the European earwig (Forficula auricularia L.) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) exhibited a change in counts associated with mowing treatment; numbers of earwigs in pitfall traps declined as mowing frequency decreased. For the beat tray samples, mean tray counts for most natural enemy taxa were higher in the less frequently mowed plots, but significantly (P < 0.05) so only for two taxa: spiders and a predatory mirid, Deraeocoris brevis (Uhler) (Heteroptera: Miridae). It remains to be determined whether biological control of pests in the tree canopy can be enhanced by manipulating mowing frequency. Questions raised by this study include whether there is extensive movement by natural enemies between the ground cover and tree canopy, and whether plot size affects the likelihood of showing that mowing frequency influences predator densities in the tree canopy.  相似文献   
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