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盐生植物角果碱蓬种子二型性对环境的适应策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
角果碱蓬(Suaeda corniculata)是藜科一年生盐生植物, 在我国分布于北方盐碱滩涂和盐碱荒漠地区。角果碱蓬具有棕色和黑色两种异型体种子(简称棕色和黑色种子)。对采自内蒙古鄂托克前旗盐渍化生境的角果碱蓬二型种子的形态、休眠和萌发特性开展对比研究, 测定了二型种子休眠和萌发行为对温度、光照和盐分(NaCl)的响应, 以揭示盐生植物异型种子对温带盐漠生境的适应对策。结果表明: (1)二型性种子在大小、种皮特性和结实比例方面有显著差异。与黑色种子相比, 棕色种子个体较大, 种皮透水性强。黑色种子与棕色种子的结实比例约为5.6 : 1。(2)新成熟的棕色种子的萌发对各温度梯度和光照条件不敏感, 萌发率较高(84%-100%); 而新成熟的黑色种子萌发率较低(8%-78%), 萌发对光照敏感。(3)黑色种子具有浅度生理休眠, 种皮划破、赤霉素处理和低温层积均可有效地提高种子的萌发率。(4)二型种子萌发对土壤盐分的胁迫具有不同的响应。与黑色种子相比, 棕色种子对盐分胁迫不敏感, 在较高的盐分浓度下仍有较高的萌发率, 低温层积处理能够降低黑色种子对盐胁迫的敏感性, 有效地提高种子的初始萌发率、萌发恢复率和最终萌发率。角果碱蓬二型种子不同的形态、休眠和萌发特性, 提高了该物种在高度异质性生境中的适合度, 对种群成功地适应温带盐漠环境具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)是常见的中老年神经退行性疾病。研究表明,尼古丁具有抵抗黑质多巴胺神经元损伤的作用,其通过烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,nAChR)途径与非受体途径抑制帕金森病的发生与发展。本文就尼古丁在帕金森病中的神经保护作用以及保护机制的相关研究进行综述。  相似文献   
目的:磷酸钙骨水泥(Calcium phosphate cement,CPC)以其诸多优点正得到了越来越多的应用,但其较差的力学性能表现也限制了它的使用范围。本研究目的在于改善磷酸钙骨水泥的力学性能,同时评估改性后的磷酸钙骨水泥的其他性能。方法:通过丝素蛋白(Silk fibroin,SF)的矿化自组装方法制备丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物(silk fibroin/hydroxyapitite composite, SF/HA)。按照1%、2%、3%、4%的质量分数加入磷酸钙骨水泥中,与磷酸钙骨水泥组对比。比较内容包括力学强度、抗渍散性能及细胞毒性。结果:以丝素蛋白溶液为液相组的磷酸钙骨水泥强度大约为35MPa。随后随着添加丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物的质量分数从1%增至3%,磷酸钙骨水泥的强度逐渐增加(P〈0.05),最高约至45MPa。而当丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石的质量分数达到4%时,磷酸钙骨水泥的强度较质量分数3%组小幅度下降至43MPa(P〈0.05)。以丝素蛋白溶液作为液相时,磷酸钙骨水泥的抗溃散能力也得到了加强。在MTT法测定细胞活力的对照实验中,无论是加入丝素蛋白溶液或丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物,都未观察到细胞毒性。结论:在磷酸钙骨水泥中加入3%质量分数的丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物,能显著提高磷酸钙骨水泥的抗压强度。而丝素蛋白溶液作为液相可改善磷酸钙骨水泥的抗溃散能力。同时,丝素蛋白和丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石复合物都不表现出细胞毒性。更理想的力学强度和更强的抗溃散能力,大大扩展了磷酸钙骨水泥的应用范围。  相似文献   
Fucose is a major constituent of the protein- and lipid-linked glycans of the various life-cycle stages of schistosomes. These fucosylated glycans are highly antigenic and seem to play a role in the pathology of schistosomiasis. In this article we describe the identification and characterization of two fucosyltransferases (FucTs) in cercariae of the avian schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata, a GDP-Fuc:[Galbeta1-- >4]GlcNAcbeta-R alpha1-->3-FucT and a novel GDP-Fuc:Fucalpha-R alpha1-- >2-FucT. Triton X-100 extracts of cercariae were assayed for FucT activity using a variety of acceptor substrates. Type 1 chain (Galbeta1- ->3GlcNAc) based compounds were poor acceptors, whereas those based on a type 2 chain (Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc), whether alpha2'-fucosylated, alpha3'-sialylated, or unsubstituted, and whether present as oligosaccharide or contained in a glycopeptide or glycoprotein, all served as acceptor substrates. In this respect the schistosomal alpha3- FucT resembles human FucT V and VI rather than other known FucTs. N- ethylmaleimide, an inhibitor of several human FucTs, had no effect on the activity of the schistosomal alpha3-FucT, whereas GDP-beta-S was strongly inhibitory. Large scale incubations were carried out with Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc, GalNAcbeta1-->4GlcNAcbeta-O -(CH2)8COOCH3 and Fucalpha1-->3GlcNAcbeta1-->2Man as acceptor substrates and the products of the incubations were isolated using a sequence of chromatographic techniques. By methylation analysis and 2D-TOCSY and ROESY1H-NMR spectroscopy the products formed were shown to be Galbeta1-- >4[Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAc, GalNAcbeta1-->4[Fucalpha1-- >2Fucalpha1-->3]GlcNAcbe ta-O-(CH2)8COOCH3, and Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-- >3GlcNAcbeta1-->2Man, respectively. It is concluded that the alpha2- FucT and alpha3-FucT are involved in the biosynthesis of the (oligomeric) Lewisx sequences and the Fucalpha1-->2Fucalpha1-->3GlcNAc structural element that have been described on schistosomal glycoconjugates.   相似文献   
Eight men exercised at 66% of their maximal isometric force to fatigue after prior decrease in the glycogen store in one leg (low-glycogen, LG). The exercise was repeated with the contralateral leg (control) at the same relative intensity and for the same duration. Muscle (quadriceps femoris) glycogen content decreased in the LG leg from 199 +/- 17 (mean +/- S.E.M.) to 163 +/- 16 mmol of glucosyl units/kg dry wt. (P less than 0.05), and in the control leg from 311 +/- 23 to 270 +/- 18 mmol/kg (P less than 0.05). The decrease in glycogen corresponded to a similar accumulation of glycolytic intermediates. Muscle glucose increased in the LG leg during the contraction, from 1.8 +/- 0.1 to 4.3 +/- 0.6 mmol/kg dry wt. (P less than 0.01), whereas no significant increase occurred in the control leg (P greater than 0.05). It is concluded that during exercise glucose is formed from glycogen through the debranching enzyme when muscle glycogen is decreased to values below about 200 mmol/kg dry wt.  相似文献   
Coenzyme M (CoM, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate), once thought to be exclusively produced by methanogens, is now known to be the central cofactor in the metabolism of short-chain alkenes by a variety of aerobic bacteria. There is little evidence to suggest how, and under what conditions, CoM is biosynthesized by these organisms. A shotgun proteomics approach was used to investigate CoM-dependent propylene metabolism in the Gram-negative bacterium Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2. Cells were grown on either glucose or propylene, and the soluble proteomes were analyzed. An average of 395 proteins was identified from glucose-grown replicates, with an average of 419 identified from propylene-grown replicates. A number of linear megaplasmid (pXAUT01)-encoded proteins were found to be specifically produced by growth on propylene. These included all known to be crucial to propylene metabolism, in addition to an aldehyde dehydrogenase, a DNA-binding protein, and five putative CoM biosynthetic enzymes. This work has provided fresh insight into bacterial alkene metabolism and has generated new targets for future studies in X. autotrophicus Py2 and related CoM-dependent alkene-oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   
Many Golgi glycosyltransferases are type II membrane proteins which are cleaved to produce soluble forms that are released from cells. Cho and Cummings recently reported that a soluble form of alpha1, 3- galactosyltransferase was comparable to its membrane bound counterpart in its ability to galactosylate newly synthesized glycoproteins (Cho,S.K. and Cummings,R.D. (1997) J. Biol. Chem., 272, 13622-13628). To test the generality of their findings, we compared the activities of the full length and soluble forms of two such glycosyltransferases, ss1,4 N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GM2/GD2/ GA2 synthase; GalNAcT) and beta galactoside alpha2,6 sialyltransferase (alpha2,6-ST; ST6Gal I), for production of their glycoconjugate products in vivo . Unlike the full length form of GalNAcT which produced ganglioside GM2 in transfected cells, soluble GalNAcT did not produce detectable GM2 in vivo even though it possessed in vitro GalNAcT activity comparable to that of full length GalNAcT. When compared with cells expressing full length alpha2,6-ST, cells expressing a soluble form of alpha2,6-ST contained 3-fold higher alpha2,6-ST mRNA levels and secreted 7-fold greater alpha2,6-ST activity as measured in vitro , but in striking contrast contained 2- to 4-fold less of the alpha2,6-linked sialic acid moiety in cellular glycoproteins in vivo . In summary these results suggest that unlike alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase the soluble forms of these two glycosyltransferases are less efficient at glycosylation of membrane proteins and lipids in vivo than their membrane bound counterparts.   相似文献   
Bacterial species and evolution: Theoretical and practical perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A discussion of the species problem in modern evolutionary biology serves as the point of departure for an exploration of how the basic science aspects of this problem relate to efforts to map bacterial diversity for practical pursuits—for prospecting among the bacteria for useful genes and gene-products. Out of a confusing array of species concepts, the Cohesion Species Concept seems the most appropriate and useful for analyzing bacterial diversity. Techniques of allozyme analysis and DNA fingerprinting can be used to put this concept into practice to map bacterial genetic diversity, though the concept requires minor modification to encompass cases of complete asexuality. Examples from studies of phenetically definedBacillus species provide very partial maps of genetic population structure. A major conclusion is that such maps frequently reveal deep genetic subdivision within the phenetically defined specles; divisions that in some cases are clearly distinct genetic species. Knowledge of such subdivisions is bound to make prospecting within bacterial diversity more effective. Under the general concept of genetic cohesion a hypothetical framework for thinking about the full range of species conditions that might exist among bacteria is developed and the consequences of each such model for species delineation, and species identification are discussed. Modes of bacterial evolution, and a theory of bacterial speciation with and without genetic recombination, are examined. The essay concludes with thoughts about prospects for very extensive mapping of bacterial diversity in the service of future efforts to find useful products. In this context, evolutionary biology becomes the handmaiden of important industrial activities. A few examples of past success in commercializing bacterial gene-products from species ofBacillus and a few other bacteria are reviewed.  相似文献   
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