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Biological data mining using kernel methods can be improved by a task-specific choice of the kernel function. Oligo kernels for genomic sequence analysis have proven to have a high discriminative power and to provide interpretable results. Oligo kernels that consider subsequences of different lengths can be combined and parameterized to increase their flexibility. For adapting these parameters efficiently, gradient-based optimization of the kernel-target alignment is proposed. The power of this new, general model selection procedure and the benefits of fitting kernels to problem classes are demonstrated by adapting oligo kernels for bacterial gene start detection  相似文献   
Marantaceae (arrowrood) are among the few examples of plants showing unexpectedly fast movements such as the ones in the meaningful mimosa or carnivorous plants. In the Venus flytrap (Dionaea), the movement of leaves is an extreme fast reaction to mechanical stimuli and based on the propagation of electrical signals. Of course, it was interesting to investigate, whether the explosively moving style of Marantaceae is based on a comparable mechanism. Electrophysiological experiments helped to understand how one of the fastest movements in the plant kingdom is mediated.  相似文献   
Changing climatic conditions and unsustainable land use are major threats to savannas worldwide. Historically, many African savannas were used intensively for livestock grazing, which contributed to widespread patterns of bush encroachment across savanna systems. To reverse bush encroachment, it has been proposed to change the cattle‐dominated land use to one dominated by comparatively specialized browsers and usually native herbivores. However, the consequences for ecosystem properties and processes remain largely unclear. We used the ecohydrological, spatially explicit model EcoHyD to assess the impacts of two contrasting, herbivore land‐use strategies on a Namibian savanna: grazer‐ versus browser‐dominated herbivore communities. We varied the densities of grazers and browsers and determined the resulting composition and diversity of the plant community, total vegetation cover, soil moisture, and water use by plants. Our results showed that plant types that are less palatable to herbivores were best adapted to grazing or browsing animals in all simulated densities. Also, plant types that had a competitive advantage under limited water availability were among the dominant ones irrespective of land‐use scenario. Overall, the results were in line with our expectations: under high grazer densities, we found heavy bush encroachment and the loss of the perennial grass matrix. Importantly, regardless of the density of browsers, grass cover and plant functional diversity were significantly higher in browsing scenarios. Browsing herbivores increased grass cover, and the higher total cover in turn improved water uptake by plants overall. We concluded that, in contrast to grazing‐dominated land‐use strategies, land‐use strategies dominated by browsing herbivores, even at high herbivore densities, sustain diverse vegetation communities with high cover of perennial grasses, resulting in lower erosion risk and bolstering ecosystem services.  相似文献   
The Sp100 and promyelocytic leukemia proteins (PML) are constituents of nuclear domains, known as nuclear dots (NDs) or PML bodies, and are both covalently modified by the small ubiquitin-related protein SUMO-1. NDs play a role in autoimmunity, virus infections, and in the etiology of acute promyelocytic leukemia. To date, little is known about the function of the Sp100 protein. Here we analyzed Sp100 domains that determine its subcellular localization, dimerization, and SUMOylation. A functional nuclear localization signal and an ND-targeting region that coincides with an Sp100 homodimerization domain were mapped. Sequences similar to the Sp100 homodimerization/ND-targeting region occur in several other proteins and constitute a novel protein motif, termed HSR domain. The lysine residue of the Sp100 protein, to which SUMO-1 is covalently linked, was mapped within and may therefore modulate the previously described HP1 protein-binding site. A consensus sequence for SUMOylation of proteins in general is suggested. SUMOylation strictly depended on a functional nuclear localization signal but was not necessary for nuclear import or ND targeting. A three-dimensional structure of Sp100, which supports the mapping data and provides additional information on Sp100 structure/function relationships, was generated by computer modeling. Taken together, our studies indicate the existence of well defined Sp100 domains with functions in ND targeting, nuclear import, nuclear SUMOylation, and protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   
The function of conserved regions of the metazoan U5 snRNA was investigated by reconstituting U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) from purified snRNP proteins and HeLa or Xenopus U5 snRNA mutants and testing their ability to restore splicing to U5-depleted nuclear extracts. Substitution of conserved nucleotides comprising internal loop 2 or deletion of internal loop 1 had no significant effect on the ability of reconstituted U5 snRNPs to complement splicing. However, deletion of internal loop 2 abolished U5 activity in splicing and spliceosome formation. Surprisingly, substitution of the invariant loop 1 nucleotides with a GAGA tetraloop had no effect on U5 activity. Furthermore, U5 snRNPs reconstituted from an RNA formed by annealing the 5' and 3' halves of the U5 snRNA, which lacked all loop 1 nucleotides, complemented both steps of splicing. Thus, in contrast to yeast, loop 1 of the human U5 snRNA is dispensable for both steps of splicing in HeLa nuclear extracts. This suggests that its function can be compensated for in vitro by other spliceosomal components: for example, by proteins associated with the U5 snRNP. Consistent with this idea, immunoprecipitation studies indicated that several functionally important U5 proteins associate stably with U5 snRNPs containing a GAGA loop 1 substitution.  相似文献   


North America''s first medically supervised safer injecting facility for illicit injection drug users was opened in Vancouver on Sept. 22, 2003. Although similar facilities exist in a number of European cities and in Sydney, Australia, no standardized evaluations of their impact have been presented in the scientific literature.


Using a standardized prospective data collection protocol, we measured injection-related public order problems during the 6 weeks before and the 12 weeks after the opening of the safer injecting facility in Vancouver. We measured changes in the number of drug users injecting in public, publicly discarded syringes and injection-related litter. We used Poisson log-linear regression models to evaluate changes in these public order indicators while considering potential confounding variables such as police presence and rainfall.


In stratified linear regression models, the 12-week period after the facility''s opening was independently associated with reductions in the number of drug users injecting in public (p < 0.001), publicly discarded syringes (p < 0.001) and injection-related litter (p < 0.001). The predicted mean daily number of drug users injecting in public was 4.3 (95% confidence interval [CI] 3.5–5.4) during the period before the facility''s opening and 2.4 (95% CI 1.9–3.0) after the opening; the corresponding predicted mean daily numbers of publicly discarded syringes were 11.5 (95% CI 10.0–13.2) and 5.4 (95% CI 4.7–6.2). Externally compiled statistics from the city of Vancouver on the number of syringes discarded in outdoor safe disposal boxes were consistent with our findings.


The opening of the safer injecting facility was independently associated with improvements in several measures of public order, including reduced public injection drug use and public syringe disposal.Many cities are experiencing epidemics of bloodborne diseases as a result of illicit injection drug use,1,2,3 and drug overdoses have become a leading cause of death in many urban areas.4,5,6 Public drug use also plagues many inner city neighbourhoods, and the unsafe disposal of syringes in these settings is a major community concern.7,8,9,10,11,12,13In over 2 dozen European cities and, more recently, in Sydney, Australia, medically supervised safer injecting facilities, where injection drug users (IDUs) can inject previously obtained illicit drugs under the supervision of medical staff, have been established in an effort to reduce the community and public health impacts of illicit drug use.14 Inside these facilities IDUs are typically provided with sterile injecting equipment, emergency care in the event of overdose, as well as primary care services and referral to addiction treatment.13,15 Although anecdotal reports have suggested that such sites may improve public order,12 reduce the number of deaths from overdose16 and improve access to care,17 no standardized evaluations of their impact are available in the scientific literature.18On Sept. 22, 2003, health officials in Vancouver opened a government-sanctioned safer injecting facility as pilot project. The facility, the first in North America, is centrally located in Vancouver''s Downtown Eastside, which is the most impoverished urban neighbourhood in Canada and home to well-documented overdose and HIV epidemics among the estimated 5000 IDUs who reside there.19,20 Federal approval for the 3-year project was granted on the condition that the health and social impacts of the facility be rigorously evaluated. Although evaluation of the facility''s impact on certain outcomes (e.g., HIV incidence) is ongoing and will take several years, it is now possible to examine the impacts of the site on public order. Therefore, we conducted this study to test the hypothesis that changes in improperly discarded syringes and public drug use would be observed after the opening of the safer injecting facility.  相似文献   
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