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The mechanism underlying the interaction of the Escherichia coli signal recognition particle receptor FtsY with the cytoplasmic membrane has been studied in detail. Recently, we proposed that FtsY requires functional interaction with inner membrane lipids at a late stage of the signal recognition particle pathway. In addition, an essential lipid-binding α-helix was identified in FtsY of various origins. Theoretical considerations and in vitro studies have suggested that it interacts with acidic lipids, but this notion is not yet fully supported by in vivo experimental evidence. Here, we present an unbiased genetic clue, obtained by serendipity, supporting the involvement of acidic lipids. Utilizing a dominant negative mutant of FtsY (termed NG), which is defective in its functional interaction with lipids, we screened for E. coli genes that suppress the negative dominant phenotype. In addition to several unrelated phenotype-suppressor genes, we identified pgsA, which encodes the enzyme phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase (PgsA). PgsA is an integral membrane protein that catalyzes the committed step to acidic phospholipid synthesis, and we show that its overexpression increases the contents of cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol. Remarkably, expression of PgsA also stabilizes NG and restores its biological function. Collectively, our results strongly support the notion that FtsY functionally interacts with acidic lipids.  相似文献   
Primate fruit choice among plant species has been attributed to different morphological plant and fruit characteristics. Despite a high abundance of animal-dispersed plant species in the savanna–forest mosaic of West Africa, few data are available on the interplay between morphological fruit traits and primate fruit consumers in this ecosystem. We tested whether olive baboons (Papio anubis) at Comoé National Park, north-eastern Ivory Coast, prefer fruit species with particular characteristics relative to the availability of these traits among the woody plant species at the study site. Specifically we were interested in the suites of traits that best predict fruit choice and seed handling by baboons. The baboons ate fruit/seeds from 74 identified plant species, representing 25 percent of the regional pool of woody plant species. They preferred trees to shrubs and lianas as fruit sources. Otherwise, baboons seemed to consume whatever fruit type, color, and size of fruit and seeds available, though they especially included larger fruit into their diet. Against expectations from the African bird–monkey fruit syndrome of brightly colored drupes and berries, baboons ate mostly species having large, dull-colored fruit. Fruit type and color best described whether baboons included a species into their diet, whereas fruit type and seed size best predicted whether baboons predated upon the seeds of their food plant species. As most plant species at the study site had medium-sized to large fruits and seeds, large frugivores like baboons might be particularly important for plant fitness and plant community dynamics in West African savanna–forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Statistical analyses of the relation between the amount of working hours and impairments to health, based on data from a European survey on working conditions in 2000, clearly reveal that there is a substantial correlation between the number of working hours per week and the frequencies of health complaints. This applies to both musculo-skeletal disorders as well as to psycho-vegetative complaints. The relationship of the duration of the exposure to working conditions to health impairments is moderated by a great number of individual (e.g., age) and situational (e.g., shift-work) variables, showing additive or interactive effects for which selected examples have been presented. In general, however, there is a consistent functional relationship between the number or working hours and their effects on the workers that holds over a great variety of conditions. It is argued that requests for extending working hours should thus be handled with care.  相似文献   
We have studied the human CD4 T cell response to a functionally conserved domain of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein-1, cysteine interdomain region-1alpha (CIDR-1alpha). Responses to CIDR-1alpha were striking in that both exposed and nonexposed donors responded. The IFN-gamma response to CIDR-1alpha in the nonexposed donors was partially independent of TCR engagement of MHC class II and peptide. Contrastingly, CD4 T cell and IFN-gamma responses in malaria-exposed donors were MHC class II restricted, suggesting that the CD4 T cell response to CIDR-1alpha in malaria semi-immune adults also has a TCR-mediated component, which may represent a memory response. Dendritic cells isolated from human peripheral blood were activated by CIDR-1alpha to produce IL-12, IL-10, and IL-18. IL-12 was detectable only between 6 and 12 h of culture, whereas the IL-10 continued to increase throughout the 24-h time course. These data strengthen previous observations that P. falciparum interacts directly with human dendritic cells, and suggests that the interaction between CIDR-1alpha and the host cell may be responsible for regulation of the CD4 T cell and cytokine responses to P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes reported previously.  相似文献   
To produce progeny virus, human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) Gag assembles into capsids that package the viral genome and bud from the infected cell. During assembly of immature capsids, Gag traffics through a pathway of assembly intermediates (AIs) that contain the cellular adenosine triphosphatase ABCE1 (ATP-binding cassette protein E1). In this paper, we showed by coimmunoprecipitation and immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) that these Gag-containing AIs also contain endogenous processing body (PB)-related proteins, including AGO2 and the ribonucleic acid (RNA) helicase DDX6. Moreover, we found a similar complex containing ABCE1 and PB proteins in uninfected cells. Additionally, knockdown and rescue studies demonstrated that the RNA helicase DDX6 acts enzymatically to facilitate capsid assembly independent of RNA packaging. Using IEM, we localized the defect in DDX6-depleted cells to Gag multimerization at the plasma membrane. We also confirmed that DDX6 depletion reduces production of infectious HIV-1 from primary human T cells. Thus, we propose that assembling HIV-1 co-opts a preexisting host complex containing cellular facilitators such as DDX6, which the virus uses to catalyze capsid assembly.  相似文献   
The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated (Cas) system provides adaptive and heritable immunity against foreign genetic elements in most archaea and many bacteria. Although this system is widespread and diverse with many subtypes, only a few species have been investigated to elucidate the precise mechanisms for the defense of viruses or plasmids. Approximately 90% of all sequenced archaea encode CRISPR/Cas systems, but their molecular details have so far only been examined in three archaeal species: Sulfolobus solfataricus, Sulfolobus islandicus, and Pyrococcus furiosus. Here, we analyzed the CRISPR/Cas system of Haloferax volcanii using a plasmid-based invader assay. Haloferax encodes a type I-B CRISPR/Cas system with eight Cas proteins and three CRISPR loci for which the identity of protospacer adjacent motifs (PAMs) was unknown until now. We identified six different PAM sequences that are required upstream of the protospacer to permit target DNA recognition. This is only the second archaeon for which PAM sequences have been determined, and the first CRISPR group with such a high number of PAM sequences. Cells could survive the plasmid challenge if their CRISPR/Cas system was altered or defective, e.g. by deletion of the cas gene cassette. Experimental PAM data were supplemented with bioinformatics data on Haloferax and Haloquadratum.  相似文献   
In African trypanosomes, the detoxification of broad spectrum hydroperoxides relies on a unique cascade composed of trypanothione (T(SH)(2)), trypanothione reductase, tryparedoxin (Tpx), and nonselenium glutathione peroxidase-type enzymes. All three proteins are essential for Trypanosoma brucei. Here, we subjected the complete system to a high throughput screening approach with nearly 80,000 chemicals. Twelve compounds inhibited the peroxidase system. All but one carried chloroalkyl substituents. The detailed kinetic analysis showed that two compounds weakly inhibited trypanothione reductase, but none of them specifically interacted with the peroxidase. They proved to be time-dependent inhibitors of Tpx-modifying Cys-40, the first cysteine of its active site WCPPC motif. Importantly, gel shift assays verified Tpx as a target in the intact parasites. T(SH)(2), present in the in vitro assays and in the cells in high molar excess, did not interfere with Tpx inactivation. The compounds inhibited the proliferation of bloodstream T. brucei with EC(50) values down to <1 μM and exerted up to 83-fold lower toxicity toward HeLa cells. Irreversible inhibitors are traditionally regarded as unfavorable. However, a large number of antimicrobials and anticancer therapeutics acts covalently with their target protein. The compounds identified here also interacted with recombinant human thioredoxin, a distant relative of Tpx. This finding might even be exploited for thioredoxin-based anticancer drug development approaches reported recently. The fact that the T(SH)(2)/Tpx couple occupies a central position within the trypanosomal thiol metabolism and delivers electrons also for the synthesis of DNA precursors renders the parasite-specific oxidoreductase an attractive drug target molecule.  相似文献   
One of the most abundantly IFN-γ-induced protein families in different cell types is the 65-kDa guanylate-binding protein family that is recruited to the parasitophorous vacuole of the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Here, we elucidate the relationship between biochemistry and cellular host defense functions of mGBP2 in response to Toxoplasma gondii. The wild type protein exhibits low affinities to guanine nucleotides, self-assembles upon GTP binding, forming tetramers in the activated state, and stimulates the GTPase activity in a cooperative manner. The products of the two consecutive hydrolysis reactions are both GDP and GMP. The biochemical characterization of point mutants in the GTP-binding motifs of mGBP2 revealed amino acid residues that decrease the GTPase activity by orders of magnitude and strongly impair nucleotide binding and multimerization ability. Live cell imaging employing multiparameter fluorescence image spectroscopy (MFIS) using a Homo-FRET assay shows that the inducible multimerization of mGBP2 is dependent on a functional GTPase domain. The consistent results indicate that GTP binding, self-assembly, and stimulated hydrolysis activity are required for physiological localization of the protein in infected and uninfected cells. Ultimately, we show that the GTPase domain regulates efficient recruitment to T. gondii in response to IFN-γ.  相似文献   
The glycoprotein CD86 is an important costimulatory molecule that has been shown to be predominantly expressed on APCs, such as dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells. More recently, CD86 was also detected on T cells in specific pathological conditions. The mechanisms of how CD86 might be induced and its functional role in T cells are not well understood. In the present study, we showed that treatment with IL-2 markedly upregulated CD86, but not CD80, in human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. This upregulation occurred in the absence of bystander cells, and isolated naive CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells exhibited different time-dependent CD86-expression patterns in response to IL-2. Upregulation of CD86 on activated T cells was reduced by Abs that block IL-2 and IL-2Rα (CD25), indicating a receptor-mediated mechanism. IL-2-dependent CD86 upregulation was blocked by pharmacological inhibitors of the NFAT and mammalian target of rapamycin pathways and was largely reduced by simultaneous exposure to IFN-α. Importantly, a marked increase in CD86 on T cells was also observed in vivo in IL-2-treated patients. In conclusion, IL-2 upregulates CD86 expression on human CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells via a receptor-dependent mechanism that involves the NFAT and mammalian target of rapamycin pathways.  相似文献   
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