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Receptors for interleukin-4 (IL-4) are expressed at low levels on a wide variety of primary cells and cultured cell lines. Fluorescence-activated sorting of CTLL-2 cells resulted in the isolation of a subclone, CTLL 19.4, which expressed 10(6) IL-4 receptors per cell. These cells were used for the purification of IL-4 receptor protein and to prepare a hybrid-subtracted cDNA probe for isolation of cDNA clones. Three classes of IL-4 receptor cDNA were identified. The first encoded a 140 kd membrane bound IL-4 receptor containing extracellular, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains. The second class lacked the cytoplasmic region, and the third encoded a secreted form of the receptor. All cDNA clones expressed in COS-7 cells had IL-4 binding properties comparable to the native IL-4 receptor. The soluble form of the IL-4 receptor blocked the ability of IL-4 to induce CTLL cell proliferation and may represent a regulatory molecule specific for IL-4-dependent immune responses.  相似文献   
We studied hormonal changes resulting from long-term treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and 17beta estradiol valerate in 40 healthy middle-aged male-to-female transsexuals over a period of two years. All of the participants received injections of 3.8 mg goserelin acetate every four weeks in combination with 6 mg oral 17beta estradiol valerate per day for cross-sex hormone treatment for male-to-female transsexuals. There was a significant reduction in the levels of serum luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone to the hypogonadal stage. Mean testosterone levels decreased by 97% to 0.52 and 0.59 nmol/l after 12 months and 24 months, respectively. There was a significant reduction in dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate by 37% after 12 months and 43% after 24 months, and androstendione by 29% after 12 months and 27% after 24 months, respectively. Cortisol levels were reduced by 43% and 50%, respectively. Estrogen levels were significantly increased from 77.51 to 677 after 12 months and 661 pmol/l after 24 months. Sex hormone-binding globulin and corticoid-binding globulin levels were significantly increased after 12 and 24 months. There was a significant decrease in all measured androgen fractions and cortisol during long-term treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and 17beta estradiol valerate. Apart from suppression of testicular hormone production, one possible interpretation is that treatment with long-term gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and 17beta estradiol valerate influences adrenal hormone levels in healthy middle-aged male-to-female transsexuals. Cortisol serum levels may be decreased due to estrogen-induced increase in corticoid-binding globulin.  相似文献   
Beckmann K  Grskovic M  Gebauer F  Hentze MW 《Cell》2005,122(4):529-540
Drosophila MSL-2 is the limiting component of the dosage compensation complex. Female flies must inhibit msl-2 mRNA translation for survival, and this inhibition is mediated by Sex-lethal (SXL) binding to sites in both the 5' and the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). Here, we uncover the mechanism by which SXL achieves tight control of translation initiation. SXL binding to the 3'UTR regulatory region inhibits the recruitment of 43S ribosomal preinitiation complexes to the mRNA. Ribosomal complexes escaping this block and binding to the 5' end of the mRNA are challenged by SXL bound to the 5'UTR, which interferes with scanning to the downstream initiation codon of the mRNA. This failsafe mechanism thus forms the molecular basis of a critical step in dosage compensation. The results also elucidate a two step principle of translational control via multiple regulatory sites within an mRNA.  相似文献   
Yang H  Burke T  Dempsey J  Diaz B  Collins E  Toth J  Beckmann R  Ye X 《FEBS letters》2005,579(16):3385-3391
We investigated why treatment of cells with dual aurora A and B kinase inhibitors produces phenotypes identical to inactivation of aurora B. We found that dual aurora kinase inhibitors in fact potently inhibit cellular activities of both kinases, indicating that inactivation of aurora B bypasses aurora A in mitosis. RNAi experiments further established that inactivation of aurora B indeed bypasses the requirement for aurora A and leads to polyploidy. Inactivation of aurora A activates checkpoint kinase BubR1 in an aurora B-dependent manner. Our results thus show that aurora B is responsible for mitotic arrest in the absence of aurora A.  相似文献   
Calpain 3 (CAPN3) is a calcium-dependent protease, mutations in which cause limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2A. To explore the physiological function of CAPN3, we compared the proteomes of transgenic mice that overexpress CAPN3 (CAPN3 Tg) and their nontransgenic (non-Tg) counterparts. We first examined known muscular dystrophy-related proteins to determine if overexpression of CAPN3 results in a change in their distribution or concentration. This analysis did not identify any known muscular dystrophy proteins as substrates of CAPN3. Next, we used a proteomic approach to compare and identify differentially represented proteins in 2-DE of CAPN3 Tg and non-Tg mice. LC-MS/MS analysis led to the identification of ten possible substrates for CAPN3, classified into two major functional categories: metabolic and myofibrillar. Myosin light chain 1 (MLC1) was focused upon because our previous studies suggested a role for CAPN3 in sarcomere remodeling. In this study, CAPN3 was shown to proteolyze MLC1 in vitro. These studies are the first to identify possible substrates for CAPN3 in an in vivo system and support a role for CAPN3 in sarcomere remodeling by cleavage of myofibrillar proteins such as MLC1. In addition, these data also suggest a role for CAPN3 in mitochondrial protein turnover.  相似文献   
Consistent individual differences in behaviour, termed personality, are common in animal populations and can constrain their responses to ecological and environmental variation, such as temperature. Here, we show for the first time that normal within-daytime fluctuations in temperature of less than 3°C have large effects on personality for two species of juvenile coral reef fish in both observational and manipulative experiments. On average, individual scores on three personality traits (PTs), activity, boldness and aggressiveness, increased from 2.5- to sixfold as a function of temperature. However, whereas most individuals became more active, aggressive and bold across temperature contexts (were plastic), others did not; this changed the individual rank order across temperatures and thus altered personality. In addition, correlations between PTs were consistent across temperature contexts, e.g. fish that were active at a given temperature also tended to be both bold and aggressive. These results (i) highlight the importance of very carefully controlling for temperature when studying behavioural variation among and within individuals and (ii) suggest that individual differences in energy metabolism may contribute to animal personality, given that temperature has large direct effects on metabolic rates in ectotherms.  相似文献   
Teneurins are type II transmembrane proteins expressed during pattern formation and neurogenesis with an intracellular domain that can be transported to the nucleus and an extracellular domain that can be shed into the extracellular milieu. In Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and mouse the knockdown or knockout of teneurin expression can lead to abnormal patterning, defasciculation, and abnormal pathfinding of neurites, and the disruption of basement membranes. Here, we have identified and analyzed teneurins from a broad range of metazoan genomes for nuclear localization sequences, protein interaction domains, and furin cleavage sites and have cloned and sequenced the intracellular domains of human and avian teneurins to analyze alternative splicing. The basic organization of teneurins is highly conserved in Bilateria: all teneurins have epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats, a cysteine-rich domain, and a large region identical in organization to the carboxy-half of prokaryotic YD-repeat proteins. Teneurins were not found in the genomes of sponges, cnidarians, or placozoa, but the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis has a gene encoding a predicted teneurin with a transmembrane domain, EGF repeats, a cysteine-rich domain, and a region homologous to YD-repeat proteins. Further examination revealed that most of the extracellular domain of the M. brevicollis teneurin is encoded on a single huge 6,829-bp exon and that the cysteine-rich domain is similar to sequences found in an enzyme expressed by the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. This leads us to suggest that teneurins are complex hybrid fusion proteins that evolved in a choanoflagellate via horizontal gene transfer from both a prokaryotic gene and a diatom or algal gene, perhaps to improve the capacity of the choanoflagellate to bind to its prokaryotic prey. As choanoflagellates are considered to be the closest living relatives of animals, the expression of a primitive teneurin by an ancestral choanoflagellate may have facilitated the evolution of multicellularity and complex histogenesis in metazoa.  相似文献   
Natural and anthropogenic boundaries have been shown to affect population dynamics and population structure for many species with movement patterns at the landscape level. Understanding population boundaries and movement rates in the field for species that are cryptic and occur at low densities is often extremely difficult and logistically prohibitive; however genetic techniques may offer insights that have previously been unattainable. We analysed thirteen microsatellite loci for 739 mountain lions (Puma concolor) using muscle tissue samples from individuals in the Great Basin throughout Nevada and the Sierra Nevada mountain range to test the hypothesis that heterogeneous hunting pressure results in source‐sink dynamics at the landscape scale. We used a combination of non‐spatial and spatial model‐based Bayesian clustering methods to identify genetic populations. We then used a recently developed Bayesian multilocus genotyping method to estimate asymmetrical rates of contemporary movement between those subpopulations and to identify source and sink populations. We identified two populations at the highest level of genetic structuring with a total of five subpopulations in the Great Basin of Nevada and the Sierra Nevada range. Our results suggest that source‐sink dynamics occur at landscape scales for wide‐ranging species, such as mountain lions, and that source populations may be those that are under relatively less hunting pressure and that occupy refugia.  相似文献   
Freshly isolated human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are small and round cells which upon cultivation adopt a polarized morphology and redistribute certain cell surface antigens. To functionally dissect this polarization process, we addressed impacts of protein synthesis, HSPC trafficking, cytoskeleton organization or lipid raft integrity on the establishment and maintenance of the cell polarity of human HSPCs. Effects on the morphology, sub-cellular distribution of lipid raft-associated molecular polarization markers (Flotillin-1, Flotillin-2, ICAM-3) and in vitro migration capabilities of treated cells were studied. We could distinguish two levels of cellular polarization, a molecular and a morphological level. Our data suggest that protein synthesis, lipid raft integrity and enzymatic activities of PI3K and aPKC are required to organize the molecular cell polarity. The morphological cell polarization process, however, also depends on actin polymerization and rho-GTPase activities. In summary, our data qualify HSPC polarization processes as new pharmaceutical target to interfere with migratory and with homing capabilities of HSPCs.  相似文献   
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