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In this work we present evidence of an opposite regulation in the phytopathogenic bacteria Erwinia amylovora between the virulence-associated Type III secretion system (TTSS) and the flagellar system. Using loss-of-function mutants we show that motility enhanced the virulence of wild-type bacteria relative to a nonmotile mutant when sprayed on apple seedlings with unwounded leaves. Then we demonstrated through analyses of motility, flagellin export and visualization of flagellar filament that HrpL, the positive key regulator of the TTSS, also down-regulates the flagellar system. Such a dual regulation mediated by an alternative sigma factor of the TTSS appears to be a level of regulation between virulence and motility not yet described among Proteobacteria.  相似文献   
Induced pluripotent stem(iPS) cells can be derived from human somatic cells by cellular reprogramming.This technology provides a potential source of non-controversial therapeutic cells for tissue repair,drug discovery,and opportunities for studying the molecular basis of human disease.Normally,mouse embryonic fibroblasts(MEFs) are used as feeder layers in the initial derivation of iPS lines.The purpose of this study was to determine whether SNL fibroblasts can be used to support the growth of human iPS cell...  相似文献   
Gliding arc (glidarc) discharge is a physicochemical technique for decontamination at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature. It leads to the destruction of bacterial phytopathogens responsible for important losses in industrial agriculture, namely, Erwinia spp., without the formation of resistant forms. We investigated the effect of a novel optimized prototype allowing bacterial killing without lag time. This prototype also decreases the required duration of treatment by 50%. The study of the time course effect of the process on bacterial morphology suggests that glidarc induces major alterations of the bacterial membrane. We showed that glidarc causes the release of bacterial genomic DNA. By contrast, an apparent decrease in the level of extractible lipopolysaccharide was observed; however, no changes in the electrophoretic pattern and cytotoxic activity of the macromolecule were noted. Analysis of extractible proteins from the outer membrane of the bacteria revealed that glidarc discharge induces the release of these proteins from the lipid environment, but may also be responsible for protein dimerization and/or aggregation. This effect was not observed in secreted enzymatic proteins, such as pectate lyase. Analysis of the data supports the hypothesis that the plasma generated by glidarc discharge is acting essentially through oxidative mechanisms. Furthermore, these results indicate that, in addition to effectively destroying bacteria, glidarc discharge should be used to improve the extraction of bacterial molecules.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine the efficiency of an electric discharge of the gliding arc type for the destruction of Staphylococcus epidermidis planktonic, adherent and biofilm cells. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterial cells were treated in humid air and at atmospheric pressure by a nonthermal quenched plasma of the glidarc type. The kinetics of destruction (followed by plating) were modelled by an Add-inn for Microsoft Excel, GInaFiT. For planktonic cells, log-linear destruction was obtained, whereas biphasic kinetics were observed for sessile cells. An increased resistance of biofilm cells was observed: the reduction of 6 logarithm units of the population was obtained in 15, 30 and 70 min for planktonic, adherent and biofilm cells, respectively. The experiments also show that the cells destruction did not depend on the adhesion surface but was governed by the gap between the target and the plasma source. CONCLUSION: The complete destruction of planktonic, adherent and more resistant biofilm cells of Staph. epidermidis is achieved by a glidarc air plasma at atmospheric pressure. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The glidarc plasma technology is a promising candidate among the emerging nonthermal techniques for decontamination, as it can destroy even biofilms that are known as particularly resistant to various antimicrobials.  相似文献   
This study aimed to characterize the bacterium-destroying properties of a gliding arc plasma device during electric discharges and also under temporal postdischarge conditions (i.e., when the discharge was switched off). This phenomenon was reported for the first time in the literature in the case of the plasma destruction of microorganisms. When cells of a model bacterium, Hafnia alvei, were exposed to electric discharges, followed or not followed by temporal postdischarges, the survival curves exhibited a shoulder and then log-linear decay. These destruction kinetics were modeled using GinaFiT, a freeware tool to assess microbial survival curves, and adjustment parameters were determined. The efficiency of postdischarge treatments was clearly affected by the discharge time (t*); both the shoulder length and the inactivation rate kmax were linearly modified as a function of t*. Nevertheless, all conditions tested (t* ranging from 2 to 5 min) made it possible to achieve an abatement of at least 7 decimal logarithm units. Postdischarge treatment was also efficient against bacteria not subjected to direct discharge, and the disinfecting properties of “plasma-activated water” were dependent on the treatment time for the solution. Water treated with plasma for 2 min achieved a 3.7-decimal-logarithm-unit reduction in 20 min after application to cells, and abatement greater than 7 decimal logarithm units resulted from the same contact time with water activated with plasma for 10 min. These disinfecting properties were maintained during storage of activated water for 30 min. After that, they declined as the storage time increased.  相似文献   
Different dolphin and tuna species have frequently been reported to aggregate in areas of high frontal activity, sometimes developing close multi-species associations to increase feeding success. Aerial surveys are a common tool to monitor the density and abundance of marine mammals, and have recently become a focus in the search for methods to provide fisheries-independent abundance indicators for tuna stock assessment. In this study, we present first density estimates corrected for availability bias of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Golf of Lions (GoL), compared with uncorrected estimates of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT; Thunnus thynnus) densities from 8 years of line transect aerial surveys. The raw sighting data were further used to analyze patterns of spatial co-occurrence and density of these three top marine predators in this important feeding ground in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. These patterns were investigated regarding known species-specific feeding preferences and environmental characteristics (i. e. mesoscale activity) of the survey zone. ABFT was by far the most abundant species during the surveys in terms of schools and individuals, followed by striped dolphins and fin whales. However, when accounted for availability bias, schools of dolphins and fin whales were of equal density. Direct interactions of the species appeared to be the exception, but results indicate that densities, presence and core sighting locations of striped dolphins and ABFT were correlated. Core sighting areas of these species were located close to an area of high mesoscale activity (oceanic fronts and eddies). Fin whales did not show such a correlation. The results further highlight the feasibility to coordinate research efforts to explore the behaviour and abundance of the investigated species, as demanded by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).  相似文献   
Tumorigenic (CG49) and nontumorigenic (CG484) strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens bv. 3 attached to grape roots at a higher level than did a nonpectinolytic mutant of CG49 (CG50) or a tumorigenic strain of A. tumefaciens bv. 1 (CG628). Strains attached equally well to wounded and unwounded grape roots. Strains responded differently to pea plants in that biovar 3 strains consistently attached to unwounded roots at a lower level than they did to wounded roots, whereas CG628 attached equally well regardless of wounding. The lowest levels of attachment to pea roots were consistently observed for CG50. Population curves were calculated for the strains inoculated into wound sites on grape and pea roots. A. tumefaciens bv. 3 wild-type strains developed greater populations at wound sites on grape roots after 100 h (resulting in root decay) than did CG50 or CG628. Population curves for strains at wound sites on pea roots were different from those on grape roots. There were no significant differences in populations after 100 h, and no strains caused root decay. No differences in the chemotaxis of wild-type and mutant A. tumefaciens bv. 3 strains towards grape roots, crown pieces, or root extracts were observed, but the biovar 1 strain, CG628, always migrated the greatest distance towards all substrates. Polygalacturonase production may affect attachment to grape roots and multiplication of A. tumefaciens bv. 3 at wound sites and thus be associated with the specificity of the bacterium for grape.  相似文献   
Lethal effect of the gliding arc discharges on Erwinia spp   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIMS: To compare the decontamination performances of glidarc on strains of Erwinia of industrial interest. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cultures of Erwinia carotovora carotovora, Erwinia carotovora atroseptica and Erwinia chrysanthemi taken in stationary phase were exposed to the plasma generated by electric discharges in a gliding arc reactor prototype. The kinetics of destruction of bacteria were followed by direct platting. All bacterial strains presented a three-phase destruction kinetics leading to an apparent sterilization within 10 min. Epifluorescent observations using life/dead probes revealed the absence of viable but not cultivable resistant forms. Measurement of the physical parameters of the medium confirmed that the technique was nonthermal but that reactive species responsible for a decrease of the pH were generated. However, even after neutralization the medium did not allow bacterial growth. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that glidarc allows a rapid and complete destruction of planctonic strains of Erwinias without formation of resistant forms. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The reduction rate obtained by this technique shows the great industrial interest of glidarc for decontamination and suggests that it can be used for sterilization of industrial water effluents.  相似文献   
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