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We examined the effects of the conversion of tropical forest to pasture on soil organic matter (SOM) origin and quality along a chronosequence of sites, including a primary forest and six pastures. Bulk soil samples received a physical size-fractionation treatment to assess the contribution of each compartment to total SOM pool. Besides a general increase in total C and N stocks along the chronosequence, we observed a reduction of the relative contribution of the coarser fractions to total soil C content, and an increased concentration in the finer fractions. The origin of the C in each size fraction was established from measurements of13C abundance. After 80 years about 93% of the C in the least humified fraction of the top 10 cm of soil was of pasture origin, while in the most humified it was 82%. Chemical analyses indicated that the fine silt and coarse clay fractions contained the most refractory carbon.  相似文献   
We assessed the presence and the role of membrane TGF-α in two rat liver epithelial cell lines, either parental or transfected with c-fos proto-oncogene. c-fos overexpressing cells had more TGF-α-like activity in their membranes. When TGF-α was removed by elastase or neutralized, the growth rates of both cell lines were markedly reduced, but to a higher extent for parental cells. If membrane TGF-α seemed to play a key contribution in normal cell growth, both cell lines were unable to react to the addition of soluble TGF-α, showing that these two forms of growth factors are not equivalent.  相似文献   
Abstract A strain of Bacillus polymyxa (BP1), isolated from cauliflower seeds, inhibited the growth of microbial phytopathogens. Growth of this strain in liquid medium containing lactose, ammonium sulfate, biotin, and amino acids, resulted in optimal inhibition in vitro. Two new antibacterial substances were isolated and purified from culture broth. Their molecular masses were, respectively, 911 and 903 dallons. The first compound was named gavaserin because it contained glutamic acid, alanine, valine, serine and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid, and octanoic acid. No fatty acid was detected in the second compound, which was named saltavalin because it contained serine, alanine, leucine, threonine, valine, and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid.  相似文献   
A complex of human interferon-γ (IFN- γ) with the soluble extracellular domain of the IFN- γ receptor α-chain (IFN-γ-R) has been crystallised. Crystals of the complex were grown using PEG 4000 as the precipitating agent in the presence of β-octyl glucoside. The receptor-ligand complex crystallizes in a monoclinic space group and diffracts to about 3.0 Å resolution. Isomorphous crystals have been obtained with complex containing selenomethionine and cysteine mutants of IFN-γ, which may facilitate the ongoing X-ray structure determination. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary Using a highly sensitive antibody to somatostatin, its hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic distribution in the rat was re-examined by light microscopic immunohistochemistry (PAP-method). The scattered somatostatin-producing perikarya occur in multiple layers within the subependymal neuropil surrounding the third ventricle. They supply with short-distance projections the following hypothalamic nuclei: 1) preoptic nuclei (especially their suprachiasmatic and medial components), 2) the peripheral zones of the suprachiasmatic nuclei, 3) the ventromedial and 4) arcuate nuclei, and 5) the ventral premammillary nuclei. Furthermore, the following long-distance projections have been observed: In a rostral direction (A1) rostral of the anterior commissure to the lamina terminalis, (A2) to the OVLT, (A3) to the olfactory tubercle, and (A4) rostrally and caudally by-passing the anterior commissure to the dorsal part of the stria terminalis.More caudally, at the retrochiasmatic level an ascending dorso-lateral projection joins the ventral amygdalo-hypothalamic pathway in a reciprocal manner (B1). In addition, a descending ventrolateral tract projects to the optic tract bending dorsal to it in different directions: (C1) medial to the median eminence, (C2) lateral to the corticomedial amygdala, and (C3) caudal for additional support of the arcuate and ventral premammillary nuclei.The principal tract of somatostatin-containing fibers descends in the subependymal neuropil to the median eminence (D).The results are discussed with reference to a possible participation of the somatostatin fiber system in the afferent branch of the circuit connecting the hypothalamus with the amygdala via the stria terminalis.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung befaßt sich mit besonderen Haarfeinstrukturen der Soricidae, wobei geklärt werden soll, ob dem H-förmigen Haarquerschnitt-Profil eine taxonomische Bedeutung zukommt. Wir überprüften deshalb die betreffenden Haarstrukturen mit Hilfe des REM in 8 Gattungen.Das besondere Haarprofil, das auf das Terminalsegment der Grannenhaare beschränkt ist, findet sich bei folgenden Gattungen:Sorex, Neomys, Blarina undCryptotis, alles Vertreter der Subfamilie Soricinae. Sämtliche untersuchten Vertreter der Subfamilie Crocidurinae, d.h.Crocidura, Praesorex, Suncus undSylvisorex weisen ein einfaches Haarprofil auf.Das H-Profil wird als Synapomorphie der Soricinae angesehen und charakterisiert diese als monophyletische Gruppe. Die haarmorphologischen Kriterien ergänzen somit die osteologischen Kriterien von Repenning (1967) und sprechen für die Beibehaltung der von vielen Autoren abgelehnten Subfamilien.
Special hair structures in Soricidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) and their taxonomic interpretation
Summary The following study should clear up the structures of the H-shaped profile found in the hairs of some shrews and show if it has a taxonomic signification. Therefore we studied the concerned hair structures by scanning electron microscopy in 8 genera.The special hair-shape, which is confined to the terminal segment of guard hairs, is found in the species of the following genera:Sorex, Neomys, Blarina andCryptotis, all members of the subfamily Soricinae. All the examined members of the subfamily Crocidurinae, i.e.Crocidura, Praesorex, Suncus andSylvisorex show a simple hair shape.The H-shaped hair characterizes the Soricinae as a monophyletic unity. Yet, the morphological criteria of hair complete the osteological criteria of Repenning (1967) an plead for the validitiy of the often refuted subfamilies.

Mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Nr. 3.515.71, 3.821.72, 3.413-0.74)

Unser Dank gilt Herrn Prof. N. Schönenberger, Herrn Prof.R. Krstic und Frau C. Regamey, die uns bei der histologischen Präparation behilflich waren, insbesondere auch Herrn Dr. T. Jalanti, der uns in die REM-Technik einführte. Kostbares Material wurde uns von Frau A. Geraets (Bonn), Herrn Prof. U. Rahm (Basel) und Herrn Dr. V. Aellen (Genf) zur Verfügung gestellt; auch ihnen sei hierfür herzlich gedankt.  相似文献   
Summary In UV-irradiated cells of Escherichia coli K-12 a partial release of the restriction of non-modified phage is observed when the cells are recA + lexA +. We show here that the induction of this restriction allevation (RA) also depends on the recBC enzyme and that the expression of RA requires protein synthesis. Maximum expression was reached within 60 to 90 min after irradiation. Experiments are presented which show that upon UV-irradiation a signal is created which triggers the development of RA when protein synthesis is allowed. This signal decayed with a half-life of only a few minutes in cells treated with chloramphenicol. The decay kinetics were similar in uvr + and uvrA mutants. RA appeared to be specific for EcoK insofar as no allevation of restriction by EcoRI, EcoRII and EcoP1 occurred. During maximum expression of RA no gross reduction of the activities of the recBC enzyme (exonuclease V) and the restriction endonuclease EcoK was observed and no new DNA modifying activity appeared in the cells. Since, in fully expressed cells, up to 75% of the infecting DNA was converted to acid-soluble material within 20 min after infection we suggest that only a small specific fraction of infections may undergo RA.  相似文献   
13C NMR of labelled alkyl isocyanide ligands has been used with a view to probe the protein environment around the heme site of Soybean leghemoglobin, and comparatively, those of sperm whale myoglobin and monomeric Glycera hemoglobin. The terminal carbon of the isocyanide, which is known to be highly sensitive to change in hybridization of the nitrogen, could be expected to reflect the movement of the alkyl group through steric interactions. Three alkyl isocyanides (alkyl = methyl, ethyl & n-butyl) have therefore been used and the 13C° chemical shift values were measured for each ligand bound to the various proteins studied.In all cases, the 13C° resonances of the bound ligand were shifted considerably downfield with respect to those of the free unbound species, but the pattern of these displacements revealed more pronounced steric hindrance in the case of some proteins compared to others. The modifications of the chemical shift values on binding Δδ = δbound — δfree) were least in the case of leghemoglobin; moreover, the Δδ values were insensitive to the length of the alkyl chain (methyl to n-butyl) when bound to leghemoglobin, in contrast to the other proteins examined. The results are interpreted as arising from a diminished steric hindrance to isocyanide binding with leghemoglobin, in conformity with the recently published X-ray structure which reports the existence of a large heme pocket on the distal side.  相似文献   
Summary The present ultrastructural results indicate that, in the rat, the vasopressin-synthesizing perikarya of the supraoptic nucleus (NSO) attain a certain degree of maturity earlier than those of the paraventricular nucleus (NPV). In the neonate rat, the stainability of the nuclear areas is very weak; in the perikarya of the NSO a few labeled granules can be found, whereas the perikarya of the NPV often display only a labeled Golgi area, the cytoplasm being devoid of granules. At the end of the first (NSO) and the second (NPV) postnatal weeks, the filling of the neurosecretory granules with vasopressin is inhomogeneous with irregular spots of reaction product distributed on the granules. This feature is less obvious during the following week and has nearly disappeared after the third and fourth postnatal weeks. Already in the neonate two types of vasopressin-positive fibers are observed in the median eminence, characterized by the different diameters of their granules and by their typical location in the internal and the external pericapillary contact zone. Especially in one and two week-old animals, in the internal zone of the median eminence and, to a lesser degree in the neural lobe, the immunocytochemical reaction product is deposited on an axonal tubular network. Judging from the presence of very few vasopressin-negative fibers in the neural lobe of the neonate, the development of the oxytocin system appears to be delayed. A characteristic relationship between pituicytes and the neurosecretory fibers can be observed during the first two postnatal weeks. After the third postnatal week the immunocytochemical features of the vasopressin system correspond approximately to that in adult rats.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   
We have used isoelectric focusing to measure the differences between the pI values of various normal and mutant human haemoglobins when completely deoxygenated and when fully liganded with CO. It was assumed that the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) values might correspond quantitatively to the intrinsic alkaline Bohr effect, as most of the anionic cofactors of the haemoglobin molecule are `stripped' off during the electrophoretic process. In haemoglobins known to exhibit a normal Bohr coefficient (ΔlogP50/ΔpH) in solutions, the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) values are lower the higher their respective pI(ox.) values. This indicates that for any particular haemoglobin the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) value accounts for the difference in surface charges at the pH of its pI value. This was confirmed by measuring, by the direct-titration technique, the difference in pH of deoxy and fully liganded haemoglobin A02β2) solutions in conditions approximating those of the isoelectric focusing, i.e. at 5°C and very low concentration of KCl. The variation of the ΔpH(deox.–ox.) curve as a function of pH (ox.) was similar to the isoelectric-focusing curve relating the variation of ΔpI(deox.–ox.) versus pI(ox.) in various haemoglobins with Bohr factor identical with that of haemoglobin A0. In haemoglobin A0 the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) value is 0.17 pH unit, which corresponds to a difference of 1.20 positive charges between the oxy and deoxy states of the tetrameric haemoglobin. This value compares favourably with the values of the intrinsic Bohr effect estimated in back-titration experiments. The ΔpI(deox.–ox.) values of mutant or chemically modified haemoglobins carrying an abnormality at the N- or C-terminus of the α-chains are decreased by 30% compared with the ΔpI value measured in haemoglobin A0. When the C-terminus of the β-chains is altered, as in Hb Nancy (α2βTyr-145→Asp2), we observed a 70% decrease in the ΔpI value compared with that measured in haemoglobin A0. These values are in close agreement with the estimated respective roles of the two major Bohr groups, Val-1α and His-146β, at the origin of the intrinsic alkaline Bohr effect [Kilmartin, Fogg, Luzzana & Rossi-Bernardi (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7039–7043; Perutz, Kilmartin, Nishikura, Fogg, Butler & Rollema (1980) J. Mol. Biol. 138, 649–670]. In other mutant haemoglobins it is demonstrated also that the ΔpI(deox.–ox.) value may be decreased or even suppressed when the substitution affects residues involved in the stability of the tetramer. These results support the interpretation proposed by Perutz, Kilmartin, Nishikura, Fogg, Butler & Rollema [(1980), J. Mol. Biol. 138, 649–670] for the mechanism of the alkaline Bohr effect, and also indicate that the transition between the two quaternary configurations is a prerequisite for the full expression of the alkaline Bohr effect.  相似文献   
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