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The study of tumourigenesis commonly involves the use of established cell lines or single cell suspensions of primary tumours. Standard methods for the generation of short-term tumour cell cultures include the disintegration of tissue based on enzymatic and mechanical stress. Here, we describe a simple and rapid method for the preparation of single cells from primary carcinomas, which is independent of enzymatic treatment and feeder cells. Tumour biopsies are processed to 1 mm3 cubes termed explants, which are cultured 1–3 days on agarose-coated well plates in specified medium. Through incisions generated in the explants, single cells are retrieved and collected from the culture supernatant and can be used for further analysis including in vitro and in vivo studies. Collected cells retain tumour-forming capacity in xenotransplantation assays, mimic the phenotype of the primary tumour, and facilitate the generation of cell lines.  相似文献   
The response of Hypothenemus hampei (Ferr.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) (coffee berry borer, CBB) females to olfactory stimuli was demonstrated to be related with the physiological status; especially with age, whether they were mated or not, and whether they have already oviposited. A special behaviour, the abandonment of the native berry, was also found to play a major role. In contrast, response to visual stimuli (false coffee berries) was found to be independent of the physiological status of CBB females. Variations in behavioural responses to visual and olfactory stimuli are discussed in relation to colonization strategy.  相似文献   
In this study, we used faecal analysis to determine the diet of the alpine mouse Apodemus alpicola in the field for the first time. This species consumes mainly insects in spring and fruits and seeds of small herbaceous dicotyledons in summer and autumn. Compared to the two congeneric species A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus, which also occur in the Alps, the diet of A. alpicola is rich in contrasts, with a very pronounced difference between spring and summer. The absence of tree seeds also suggests a mostly terrestrial behaviour. We explain these facts by the specificity of the habitat of A. alpicola: the extreme weather conditions produce great seasonal changes in the vegetation, and the rocky ground favours the adaptation to rock climbing rather than to arboreal living.


Nahrungszusammensetzung bei der Alpenwaldmaus Apodemus alpicola in den Schweizer AlpenDie Nahrungszusammensetzung der Alpenwaldmaus Apodemus alpicola wurde erstmals an Wildfängen und anhand von Kotanalysen qualitativ und quantitativ untersucht. Die Alpenwaldmaus konsumierte im Frühjahr hauptsächlich Insekten, im Sommer und Herbst Früchte und Samen kleiner Dicotyledonen der Krautschicht. Verglichen mit der Gelbhalsmaus A. flavicollis und der Waldmaus A. sylvaticus, die ebenfalls in den Alpen vorkommen, ist die Nahrungspalette von A. alpicola kontrastreicher, mit größeren Unterschieden zwischen Frühjahrs- und Sommerkost. Wir erklären dies durch extreme Klimabedingungen, die zu ausgeprägten jahreszeitlichen Änderungen in der Vegetation führen. Das Fehlen von Baumsamen läßt auf ein vorwiegend terrestrisches Futtersuchverhalten schließen. Große Hinterfüße und langer Schwanz sind offenbar Anpassungen ans Felsklettern und nicht an arboricoles Verhalten.  相似文献   
Whereas the majority of disease-related mitochondrial DNA mutations exhibit significant biochemical and clinical heterogeneity, mutations within the mitochondrially encoded human cytochrome b gene (MTCYB) are almost exclusively associated with isolated complex III deficiency in muscle and a clinical presentation involving exercise intolerance. Recent studies have shown that a small number of MTCYB mutations are associated with a combined enzyme complex defect involving both complexes I and III, on account of the fact that an absence of assembled complex III results in a dramatic loss of complex I, confirming a structural dependence between these two complexes. We present the biochemical and molecular genetic studies of a patient with both muscle and brain involvement and a severe reduction in the activities of both complexes I and III in skeletal muscle due to a novel mutation in the MTCYB gene that predicts the substitution (Arg318Pro) of a highly conserved amino acid. Consistent with the dramatic biochemical defect, Western blotting and BN-PAGE experiments demonstrated loss of assembled complex I and III subunits. Biochemical studies of the equivalent amino-acid substitution (Lys319Pro) in the yeast enzyme showed a loss of enzyme activity and decrease in the steady-state level of bc1 complex in the mutant confirming pathogenicity.  相似文献   
The marine alkaloid lamellarin D (LAM-D) has been recently characterized as a potent poison of human topoisomerase I endowed with remarkable cytotoxic activities against tumor cells. We report here the first structure-activity relationship study in the LAM-D series. Two groups of triester compounds incorporating various substituents on the three phenolic OH at positions 8, 14 and 20 of 6H-[1]benzopyrano[4',3':4,5]pyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinolin-6-one pentacyclic planar chromophore typical of the parent alkaloid were tested as topoisomerase I inhibitors. The non-amino compounds in group A showed no activity against topoisomerase I and were essentially non cytotoxic. In sharp contrast, compounds in group B incorporating amino acid residues strongly promoted DNA cleavage by human topoisomerase I. LAM-D derivatives tri-substituted with leucine, valine, proline, phenylalanine or alanine residues, or a related amino side chain, stabilize topoisomerase I-DNA complexes. The DNA cleavage sites detected at T downward arrow G or C downward arrow G dinucleotides with these molecules were identical to that of LAM-D but slightly different from those seen with camptothecin which stimulates topoisomerase I-mediated cleavage at T downward arrow G only. In the DNA relaxation and cleavage assays, the corresponding Boc-protected compounds and the analogues of the non-planar LAM-501 derivative lacking the 5-6 double bond in the quinoline B-ring showed no effect on topoisomerase I and were considerably less cytotoxic than the corresponding cationic compounds in the LAM-D series. The presence of positive charges on the molecules enhances DNA interaction but melting temperature studies indicate that DNA binding is not correlated with topoisomerase I inhibition or cytotoxicity. Cell growth inhibition by the 41 lamellarin derivatives was evaluated with a panel of tumor cells lines. With prostate (DU-145 and LN-CaP), ovarian (IGROV and IGROV-ET resistant to ecteinascidin-743) and colon (LoVo and LoVo-Dox cells resistant to doxorubicin) cancer cells (but not with HT29 colon carcinoma cells), the most cytotoxic compounds correspond to the most potent topoisomerase I poisons. The observed correlation between cytotoxicity and topoisomerase I inhibition strongly suggests that topoisomerase I-mediated DNA cleavage assays can be used as a guide to the development of superior analogues in this series. LAM-D is the lead compound of a new promising family of antitumor agents targeting topoisomerase I and the amino acid derivatives appear to be excellent candidates for a preclinical development.  相似文献   
Orchestia cavimana is a crustacean that cyclically replaces its calcified cuticle during molting cycles in order to grow. Its terrestrial way of life requires storage of calcium during each premolt period, as calcareous concretions, in tubular diverticula of the midgut. During the postmolt period the stored calcium is reabsorbed and is translocated through the storage organ epithelium as calcified small spherules. In a previous study, we sequenced and characterized a remarkable component of the organic matrix of the premolt storage structures, Orchestin, which is a calcium-binding phosphoprotein. In this paper, we analyzed the spatiotemporal expression of the orchestin gene by Northern blotting and in situ hybridization, and its translated product by immunocytochemistry. We found evidence that the gene and the protein are expressed specifically during premolt in the storage organs. More interestingly, we demonstrated that the protein is synthesized also during the postmolt period, as a component of the organic matrix of the calcium resorption spherules. Thus, Orchestin is a matrix component that is synthesized by the same cells to contribute alternately to the elaboration of two different calcifications. These results, in addition to the physical and chemical features of the protein, suggest that Orchestin is probably a key molecule in the calcium carbonate precipitation process leading to the cyclic elaboration of two transitory calcified mineralizations by the crustacean Orchestia.  相似文献   
Restricted maximum likelihood was used to estimate genetic parameters of male and female wing and thorax length in isofemale lines ofDrosophila melanogaster, and results compared to estimates obtained earlier with the classical analysis of variance approach. As parents within an isofemale line were unknown, a total of 500 parental pedigrees were simulated and mean estimates computed. Full and half sibs were distinguished, in contrast to usual isofemale studies in which animals were all treated as half sibs and hence heritability was overestimated. Heritability was thus estimated at 0.33, 0.38, 0.30 and 0.33 for male and female wing length and male and female thorax length, respectively, whereas corresponding estimates obtained using analysis of variance were 0.46, 0.54, 0.35 and 0.38. Genetic correlations between male and female traits were 0.85 and 0.62 for wing and thorax length, respectively. Sexual dimorphism and the ratio of female to male traits were moderately heritable (0.30 and 0.23 for wing length, 0.38 and 0.23 for thorax length). Both were moderately and positively correlated with female traits, and weakly and negatively correlated with male traits. Such heritabilities confirmed that sexual dimorphism might be a fast evolving trait inDrosophila. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
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