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Leptodora kindti is a very efficient invertebrate predator. Its searching mode of preying is tactile. The setae of the first thoracic limb act as mechanoreceptors, the other thoracic limbs, thorax and head together form the shape of an open basket in which after encounter the prey is pushed in by the aid of the first thoracic limbs and the furca. In Neusiedler See, small individuals of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (0.6–0.9 mm) are the preferred prey, rarely copepods are taken. The predation rate is influenced by temperature, prey density and predator size and varies between less than one and 12 prey items per predator per day. At high predator densities, Leptodora will have a substantial effect on the Diaphanosoma population of Neusiedler See.  相似文献   
Bacterial infections trigger the expression of type I and II interferon genes but little is known about their effect on type III interferon (IFN-λ) genes, whose products play important roles in epithelial innate immunity against viruses. Here, we studied the expression of IFN-λ genes in cultured human epithelial cells infected with different pathogenic bacteria and in the mouse placenta infected with Listeria monocytogenes. We first showed that in intestinal LoVo cells, induction of IFN-λ genes by L. monocytogenes required bacterial entry and increased further during the bacterial intracellular phase of infection. Other Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Enterococcus faecalis, also induced IFN-λ genes when internalized by LoVo cells. In contrast, Gram-negative bacteria Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Shigella flexneri and Chlamydia trachomatis did not substantially induce IFN-λ. We also found that IFN-λ genes were up-regulated in A549 lung epithelial cells infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and in HepG2 hepatocytes and BeWo trophoblastic cells infected with L. monocytogenes. In a humanized mouse line permissive to fetoplacental listeriosis, IFN-λ2/λ3 mRNA levels were enhanced in placentas infected with L. monocytogenes. In addition, the feto-placental tissue was responsive to IFN-λ2. Together, these results suggest that IFN-λ may be an important modulator of the immune response to Gram-positive intracellular bacteria in epithelial tissues.  相似文献   
The use of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens for enzyme production and its exceptional high protein export capacity initiated this study where the presence and function of multiple type I signal peptidase isoforms was investigated. In addition to type I signal peptidases SipS(ba) [Meijer, W.J.J., de Jong, A., Bea, G., Wisman, A., Tjalsma, H., Venema, G., Bron, S. & van Dijl, J.M. (1995) Mol. Microbiol. 17, 621-631] and SipT(ba) [Hoang, V. & Hofemeister, J. (1995) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1269, 64-68] which were previously identified, here we present evidence for two other Sip-like genes in B. amyloliquefaciens. Same map positions as well as sequence motifs verified that these genes encode homologues of Bacillus subtilis SipV and SipW. SipU-encoding DNA was not found in B. amyloliquefaciens. SipW-encoding DNA was also found for other Bacillus strains representing different phylogenetic groups, but not for Bacillus stearothermophilus and Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. The absence of these genes, however, could have been overlooked due to sequence diversity. Sequence alignments of 23 known Sip-like proteins from Bacillus origin indicated further branching of the P-group signal peptidases into clusters represented by B. subtilis SipV, SipS-SipT-SipU and B. anthracis Sip3-Sip5 proteins, respectively. Each B. amyloliquefaciens sip(ba) gene was expressed in an Escherichia coli LepBts mutant and tested for genetic complementation of the temperature sensitive (TS) phenotype as well as pre-OmpA processing. Although SipS(ba) as well as SipT(ba) efficiently restored processing of pre-OmpA in E. coli, only SipS(ba) supported growth at TS conditions, indicating functional diversity. Changed properties of the sip(ba) gene disruption mutants, including cell autolysis, motility, sporulation, and nuclease activities, seemed to correlate with specificities and/or localization of B. amyloliquefaciens SipS, SipT and SipV isoforms.  相似文献   
Inoculation of leguminous seeds with selected rhizobial strains is practised in agriculture to ameliorate the plant yield by enhanced root nodulation and nitrogen uptake of the plant. However, effective symbiosis between legumes and rhizobia does not only depend on the capacity of nitrogen fixation but also on the entire nitrogen turnover in the rhizosphere. We investigated the influence of seed inoculation with two indigenous Sinorhizobium meliloti strains exhibiting different efficiency concerning plant growth promotion on nitrogen turnover processes in the rhizosphere during the growth of alfalfa. Quantification of six target genes (bacterial amoA, nirK, nirS, nosZ, nifH and archaeal amoA) within the nitrogen cycle was performed in rhizosphere samples before nodule formation, at bud development and at the late flowering stage. The results clearly demonstrated that effectiveness of rhizobial inocula is related to abundance of nifH genes in the late flowering phase of alfalfa. Moreover, other genes involved in nitrogen turnover had been affected by the inocula, e.g. higher numbers of amoA copies were observed during flowering when the more effective strain had been inoculated. However, the respective gene abundances differed overall to a greater extent between the three plant development stages than between the inoculation variants.  相似文献   
C-type lectins dectin-1 and dectin-2 on dendritic cells elicit protective immunity against fungal infections through induction of T(H)1 and T(H)-17 cellular responses. Fungal recognition by dectin-1 on human dendritic cells engages the CARD9-Bcl10-Malt1 module to activate NF-κB. Here we demonstrate that Malt1 recruitment is pivotal to T(H)-17 immunity by selective activation of NF-κB subunit c-Rel, which induces expression of T(H)-17-polarizing cytokines IL-1β and IL-23p19. Malt1 inhibition abrogates c-Rel activation and T(H)-17 immunity to Candida species. We found that Malt1-mediated activation of c-Rel is similarly essential to induction of T(H)-17-polarizing cytokines by dectin-2. Whereas dectin-1 activates all NF-κB subunits, dectin-2 selectively activates c-Rel, signifying a specialized T(H)-17-enhancing function for dectin-2 in anti-fungal immunity by human dendritic cells. Thus, dectin-1 and dectin-2 control adaptive T(H)-17 immunity to fungi via Malt1-dependent activation of c-Rel.  相似文献   
Fibrosis is considered as a central factor in the loss of renal function in chronic kidney diseases. The origin of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts that accumulate in the interstitium of the diseased kidney is still a matter of debate. It has been shown that accumulation of myofibroblasts in inflamed and fibrotic kidneys is associated with upregulation of fibroblast-specific protein 1 (FSP1, S100A4), not only in the renal interstitium but also in the injured renal epithelia. The tubular expression of FSP1 has been taken as evidence of myofibroblast formation by epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). The identity of FSP1/S100A4 cells has not been defined in detail. We originally intended to use FSP1/S100A4 as a marker of putative EMT in a model of distal tubular injury. However, since the immunoreactivity of FSP1 did not seem to fit with the distribution and shape of fibroblasts or myofibroblasts, we undertook the characterization of FSP1/S100A4-expressing cells in the interstitium of rodent kidneys. We performed immunolabeling for FSP1/S100A4 on thin cryostat sections of perfusion-fixed rat and mouse kidneys with peritubular inflammation, induced by thiazides and glomerulonephritis, respectively, in combination with ecto-5-nucleotidase (5NT), recognizing local cortical peritubular fibroblasts, with CD45, MHC class II, CD3, CD4 and Thy 1, recognizing mononuclear cells, with alpha smooth muscle actin (SMA), as marker for myofibroblasts, and vimentin for intracellular intermediate filaments in cells of mesenchymal origin. In the healthy interstitium of rodents the rare FSP1/S100A4+ cells consistently co-expressed CD45 or lymphocyte surface molecules. Around the injured distal tubules of rats treated for 3–4 days with thiazides, FSP1+/S100A4+, 5NT+, SMA+, CD45+ and MHC class II+ cells accumulated. FSP1+/S100A4+ cells consistently co-expressed CD45. In the inflamed regions, SMA was co-expressed by 5NT+ cells. In glomerulonephritic mice, FSP1+/S100A4+ cells co-expressed Thy 1, CD4 or CD3. Thus, in the inflamed interstitium around distal tubules of rats and of glomerulonephritic mice, the majority of FSP1+ cells express markers of mononuclear cells. Consequently, the usefulness of FSP1/S100A4 as a tool for detection of (myo)fibroblasts in inflamed kidneys and of EMT in vivo is put into question. In the given rat model the consistent co-expression of SMA and 5NT suggests that myofibroblasts originate from resident peritubular fibroblasts.Ivan Hegyi and Michel Le Hir contributed equally to the study  相似文献   
The location of the cpe gene, encoding the enterotoxin responsible for food poisoning in humans, has been studied in a series of enterotoxigenic Ciostridium perfringens strains by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA. The cpe gene was found at the same chromosomal locus in strains associated with food poisoning in humans and was shown to be linked to a repetitive sequence, the Hin dlll repeat, and an open reading frame, ORF3, that may be part of an insertion sequence. In contrast, when the strains originated from domesticated livestock cpe was located on a large episome where it was often close to a copy of the transposable element IS 1151. In these cases, the Hin dlll repeat was not linked to the cpe gene although this was generally preceded by ORF3.  相似文献   
The distribution limits ofCrocidura russula (Hermann, 1780) andC. leucodon (Hermann, 1780) were investigated during an interval of 25 years in the bottom of the Rhone valley above Lake Geneva, Switzerland (total data set: 105 spatio-temporal occurrences, 1137 shrews). In 1975, the contact zone between the two species was situated in the region of Martigny. In 1999/2000, new sampling revealed three results: (1) The contact zone showed an upward shift of about 25 km. (2) In the expanded range ofC. russula, the resident species has totally disappeared (confirmed by owl pellets analysis). (3) This demonstrates a dominance ofC. russula overC. leucodon. Three hypotheses which may explain the range expansion ofC. russula were evaluated: (1) habitat modification favouring linear dispersal due to the construction of a highway; (2) temporal event favoured by climate fluctuations, or (3) ongoing postglacial colonisation of Europe. Hypothesis 1 was rejected, because the progression of the shrews anticipated the construction. Hypothesis 3 received only weak support because range limits ofC. russula in the region of Nice have been stable for thousands of years. Therefore hypothesis 2, admitting that ongoing climate change has facilitated range expansion, is the most probable.  相似文献   
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