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Traditionally, protein-protein interactions were thought to be mediated by large, structured domains. However, it has become clear that the interactome comprises a wide range of binding interfaces with varying degrees of flexibility, ranging from rigid globular domains to disordered regions that natively lack structure. Enrichment for disorder in highly connected hub proteins and its correlation with organism complexity hint at the functional importance of disordered regions. Nevertheless, they have not yet been extensively characterised. Shifting the attention from globular domains to disordered regions of the proteome might bring us closer to elucidating the dense and complex connectivity of the interactome. An important class of disordered interfaces are the compact mono-partite, short linear motifs (SLiMs, or eukaryotic linear motifs (ELMs)). They are evolutionarily plastic and interact with relatively low affinity due to the limited number of residues that make direct contact with the binding partner. These features confer to SLiMs the ability to evolve convergently and mediate transient interactions, which is imperative to network evolution and to maintain robust cell signalling, respectively. The ability to discriminate biologically relevant SLiMs by means of different attributes will improve our understanding of the complexity of the interactome and aid development of bioinformatics tools for motif discovery. In this paper, the curated instances currently available in the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) database are analysed to provide a clear overview of the defining attributes of SLiMs. These analyses suggest that functional SLiMs have higher levels of conservation than their surrounding residues, frequently evolve convergently, preferentially occur in disordered regions and often form a secondary structure when bound to their interaction partner. These results advocate searching for small groupings of residues in disordered regions with higher relative conservation and a propensity to form the secondary structure. Finally, the most interesting conclusions are examined in regard to their functional consequences.  相似文献   
The Scotia Arc is the only shallow-water and island bridge linking nowadays Patagonia and the Antarctic. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current as an oceanographic peculiarity makes this region an interesting biogeographic transition zone, because this frontal system traditionally is said to isolate the Antarctic fauna from that of the adjacent northern ecosystems. Based on benthos samples from three expeditions onboard R/V Polarstern, we studied distribution patterns of 200 polychaete species and 34 major benthic taxa in order to evaluate the role of polychaetes in the benthic realm of this part of the Southern Ocean. ANOSIM test distinguished three station groups: the central eastern Scotia Sea, the continental shelf off South America and stations at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. These station groups differed in organism densities and diversities with stations at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula hosting the most diverse and dense community. The polychaete diversity patterns in the three assemblages evidenced closer connectivity between the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and the central eastern Scotia Sea than between the continental shelf off South America with either the stations off the tip of the Peninsula or the central eastern Scotia Sea. This is probably supported by the Polar Front, which divides the island chain into two branches. Species distribution and community patterns of polychaetes appear to be associated with oceanographic and sediment conditions in this region. Most of the shared species showed the capability to tolerate differences in hydrostatic pressure. We suggest that the islands of the Scotia Sea may constitute a bridge for exchange of benthic species, particularly for polychaetes with eurybathic distribution and high dispersal capabilities.  相似文献   
Recently, we established the Sleeping Beauty transposon system for germ line competent transgenesis in the pig. Here, we extend this approach to re-target a transposon-tagged locus for a site-specific gene knock-in, and generated a syngeneic cohort of piglets carrying either the original transposon or the re-targeted event. A Cre-loxP-mediated cassette exchange of the tagging transposon with a different reporter gene was performed, followed by flow cytometric sorting and somatic cell nuclear transfer of recombined cells. In parallel, the original cells were employed in somatic cell nuclear transfer to generate clone siblings, thereby resulting in a clone cohort of piglets carrying different reporter transposons at an identical chromosomal location. Importantly, this strategy supersedes the need for an antibiotic selection marker. This approach expands the arsenal of genome engineering technologies in domestic animals, and will facilitate the development of large animal models for human diseases. Potentially, the syngeneic cohort of pigs will be instrumental for vital tracking of transplanted cells in pre-clinical assessments of novel cell therapies.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that CD36 is a membrane protein that facilitates long chain fatty acid (FA) transport by muscle tissues. We also documented the significant impact of muscle CD36 expression on heart function, skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity as well as on overall metabolism. To identify a comprehensive set of genes that are differentially regulated by CD36 expression in the heart, we used two microarray technologies (Affymetrix and Agilent) to compare gene expression in heart tissues from CD36 KnocK-Out (KO-CD36) versus wild type (WT-CD36) mice. The obtained results using the two technologies were similar with around 35 genes differentially expressed using both technologies. Absence of CD36 led to down-regulation of the expression of three groups of genes involved in pathways of FA metabolism, angiogenesis/apoptosis and structure. These data are consistent with the fact that the CD36 protein binds FA and thrombospondin 1 invoved respectively in lipid metabolism and anti-angiogenic activities. In conclusion, our findings led to validate our data analysis workflow and identify specific pathways, possibly underlying the phenotypic abnormalities in CD36 Knock -Out hearts.  相似文献   
The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris is a popular yeast expression system for the production of heterologous proteins in biotechnology. Interestingly, cell organelles which play an important role in this process have so far been insufficiently investigated. For this reason, we started a systematic approach to isolate and characterize organelles from P. pastoris. In this study, we present a procedure to isolate microsomal membranes at high purity. These samples represent endoplasmic reticulum (ER) fractions which were subjected to molecular analysis of lipids and proteins. Organelle lipidomics included a detailed analysis of glycerophospholipids, fatty acids, sterols and sphingolipids. The microsomal proteome analyzed by mass spectrometry identified typical proteins of the ER known from other cell types, especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but also a number of unassigned gene products. The lipidome and proteome analysis of P. pastoris microsomes are prerequisite for a better understanding of functions of this organelle and for modifying this compartment for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
The effect of TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) upon ionic exchanges was investigated in eggs of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula. Ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake and amiloride-sensitive 24Na influx were dramatically stimulated after TPA addition, indicating an enhancement of total ionic permeabilities. Stimulation by TPA of both Na+/H+ and Na+/K+ exchanges was canceled by amiloride, suggesting that activation of protein kinase C elicits, via Na+/H+ activity, stimulation of the sodium pump. However, TPA did not stimulate sodium pump activity and Na+/H+ exchange at the same rate as fertilization, probably because of an absence of calcium-dependent events. Further fertilization of TPA-pretreated eggs triggered an enhancement of sodium pump activity when the TPA treatment duration did not exceed 10 min. It is suggested that TPA activates preexisting transporting mechanisms in plasma membranes of unfertilized eggs (Na+ pump, Na+/H+ exchange) without eliciting corresponding regulatory mechanisms (Na+ stat, pH stat).  相似文献   
The diversity of endophytic bacteria found in association with poplar was investigated as part of a larger study to assess the possibility and practicality of using endophytic bacteria to enhance in situ phytoremediation. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from the root, stem and leaf of two cultivars of poplar tree growing on a site contaminated with BTEX compounds. They were further characterised genotypically by comparative sequence analysis of partial 16S rRNA genes and BOX-PCR genomic DNA fingerprinting, and phenotypically by their tolerance to a range of target pollutants, heavy metals and antibiotics. One hundred and 21 stable, morphologically distinct isolates were obtained, belonging to 21 genera, although six isolates could not be identified with confidence to a genus. The endophytic bacteria exhibited marked spatial compartmentalisation within the plant, suggesting there are likely to be species-specific and non-specific associations between bacteria and plants. A number of isolates demonstrated the ability to degrade BTEX compounds or to grow in the presence of TCE. This study demonstrates that within the diverse bacterial communities found in poplar several endophytic strains are present that have the potential to enhance phytoremediation strategies.  相似文献   
The response of forest productivity to climate extremes strongly depends on ambient environmental and site conditions. To better understand these relationships at a regional scale, we used nearly 800 observation years from 271 permanent long‐term forest monitoring plots across Switzerland, obtained between 1980 and 2017. We assimilated these data into the 3‐PG forest ecosystem model using Bayesian inference, reducing the bias of model predictions from 14% to 5% for forest stem carbon stocks and from 45% to 9% for stem carbon stock changes. We then estimated the productivity of forests dominated by Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica for the period of 1960–2018, and tested for productivity shifts in response to climate along elevational gradient and in extreme years. Simulated net primary productivity (NPP) decreased with elevation (2.86 ± 0.006 Mg C ha?1 year?1 km?1 for P. abies and 0.93 ± 0.010 Mg C ha?1 year?1 km?1 for F. sylvatica). During warm–dry extremes, simulated NPP for both species increased at higher and decreased at lower elevations, with reductions in NPP of more than 25% for up to 21% of the potential species distribution range in Switzerland. Reduced plant water availability had a stronger effect on NPP than temperature during warm‐dry extremes. Importantly, cold–dry extremes had negative impacts on regional forest NPP comparable to warm–dry extremes. Overall, our calibrated model suggests that the response of forest productivity to climate extremes is more complex than simple shift toward higher elevation. Such robust estimates of NPP are key for increasing our understanding of forests ecosystems carbon dynamics under climate extremes.  相似文献   
Unraveling the diversification history of old, species-rich and widespread clades is difficult because of extinction, undersampling, and taxonomic uncertainty. In the context of these challenges, we investigated the timing and mode of lineage diversification in Senna (Leguminosae) to gain insights into the evolutionary role of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). EFNs secrete nectar, attracting ants and forming ecologically important ant-plant mutualisms. In Senna, EFNs characterize one large clade (EFN clade), including 80% of its 350 species. Taxonomic accounts make Senna the largest caesalpinioid genus, but quantitative comparisons to other taxa require inferences about rates. Molecular dating analyses suggest that Senna originated in the early Eocene, and its major lineages appeared during early/mid Eocene to early Oligocene. EFNs evolved in the late Eocene, after the main radiation of ants. The EFN clade diversified faster, becoming significantly more species-rich than non-EFN clades. The shift in diversification rates associated with EFN evolution supports the hypothesis that EFNs represent a (relatively old) key innovation in Senna. EFNs may have promoted the colonization of new habitats appearing with the early uplift of the Andes. This would explain the distinctive geographic concentration of the EFN clade in South America.  相似文献   
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