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We investigated Ag trafficking from the cornea and T effector cell activation in secondary lymphoid tissue after corneal transplantation. In preliminary experiments, the central cornea was shown to contain a population of CD45(+), CD11b(+), CD11c- cells, with a few MHC class II(+) cells, and F4/80(+) cells. However, MHC class II(+) passenger leukocytes in donor cornea after allografting did not traffic to the draining lymph node. Instead, Ag (plasmid) delivered to the eye via the donor cornea during allograft was detected in host CD11c(+) and F4/80(+) APC in the draining lymph nodes and spleen. The earliest detection of APC-associated Ag was at 6 h in the draining lymph node and 24 h in the spleen. After 48 h Ag was not detected in the draining lymph node but was still present in the spleen. Ag applied to the donor corneal epithelium before allografting induced Ag-specific T cell activation and expansion in the draining lymph node with a peak response at 4-6 days, indicating that cross-presentation of Ag had occurred. We conclude therefore, that Ag is transported from the donor cornea within host APC and that this event occurs within hours after grafting. Ag is cross-presented to host CD4(+) T cells on MHC class II and leads to the activation of Ag-specific effector T cells and clonal expansion in the draining lymph node.  相似文献   
Estimates for the production of calcium carbonate by Halimeda spp. have been based on limited measures in small areas or over short periods, subsequently extrapolated over larger temporal and spatial scales. The accuracy of these extrapolations depends on the variations in time and space of the parameters used for the derivations of the production, which were evaluated in the present study for Halimeda incrassata (J. Ellis) J. V. Lamour. in the Puerto Morelos reef lagoon, Mexican Caribbean. Growth, biomass, and CaCO3 content of the branches of the thalli were determined at 1–3 monthly intervals from November 1997 until June 1999, using the marking technique with the coloring agent Alizarin Red‐S. Biomass exhibited great variability (V=25.4%), and fluctuations were closely related to changes in thallus density. Growth and CaCO3‐content changes were related to the solar cycle, having coefficients of 15.4% and 2.5%, respectively. Additionally, calcified biomasses of the thalli were determined over a large spatial (31 stations in ~7 km2 area) and time (6 y) scale. Spatial variability in calcified biomass was 59%, and the coefficient of variation attained its highest value (69%) for the samples collected over a 6 y period, from 1990 to 1996 (except 1995). Based on overall average values, branches of H. incrassata in the study area had a mean turnover of 30 d, with an annual production of 815 g CaCO3 per square meter.  相似文献   
This study describes a double-transgenic model in which monoclonal CD8 F5 T cells are chronically exposed to self Ag (nucleoprotein) in the periphery, but are not affected during thymic development. Chronic exposure of CD8 T cells to their cognate Ag rendered them unable to proliferate or produce cytokines in response to antigenic stimulation in vitro. However, the cells still retained some killer function in vivo and continuously eliminated APC expressing high levels of Ag. In addition, when crossed with mice expressing Ag in the anterior pituitary gland (triple-transgenic mice), F5 T cells migrated to this site and killed growth hormone producing somatotrophs. The anergic state was reversible upon transfer into Ag-free recipients, resulting in full recovery of in vitro responsiveness to Ag. Anergic CD8 T cells express higher levels of CD5, a negative regulator of T cell signaling, whereas after transfer and residence in Ag-free hosts, CD5 levels returned to normal. This suggests that up-regulation of negative T cell regulators in peripheral T cells exposed to chronic stimulation by Ag may prevent full functionality and thus avoid overt autoreactivity.  相似文献   
Ag expressed exclusively in the anterior pituitary gland and secreted locally by pituitary somatotrophs can gain access to the MHC class I presentation pathway and activate CD8 T cells. Influenza nucleoprotein (NP) was expressed as a transgene under the control of the human growth hormone (GH) locus control region. Activation of monoclonal F5 CD8 T cells specific for NP resulted in spontaneous autoimmune pathology of the pituitary gland in mice transgenic for both NP and the F5 TCR. Destruction of somatotrophs resulted in drastically reduced GH levels in adult mice and a dwarf phenotype. Adoptive transfer of F5 T cells into NP-transgenic hosts resulted in full T cell activation, first demonstrable in regional lymph nodes, followed by their migration to the pituitary gland. Despite the presence of activated, IFN-gamma-producing CD8 T cells in the pituitary gland and a slight reduction in pituitary GH levels, no effect on growth was observed. Thus, CD8 T cells have access to the neuroendocrine system and get fully activated in the absence of CD4 help, but Ag recognition in this location causes autoimmune pathology only in the presence of excessive CD8 T cell numbers.  相似文献   
This article discusses the intricate relationship between economics, temples, rituals, and king and kingship in early Bali. So far the anthropological representation of the organization of the pre-colonial or early colonial Balinese state and society has oscillated between the 'theatre state' in which 'power served pomp' and the alleged disjunction of the state from an economy based for the most part on irrigated agriculture (rice). This article suggests that regional lords as well as kings had a substantial share in the economy as well as in the ritual organization of irrigation agriculture. This involvement functioned on both the local or regional level, with its corresponding irrigation associations ( subak ) and their rituals, and on the transregional level, with its major temples – which also acted as redistribution centres – and their authorities.  相似文献   
The memory T cell pool is characterized by a substantial degree of heterogeneity in phenotype and function as well as anatomical distribution, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study we confirm that the memory CD4(+) T cell pool in wild-type and TCR-transgenic mice consists of heterogeneous subsets, as defined by surface marker expression or cytokine production. Extralymphoid sites contain significant numbers of memory CD4(+) T cells, which are phenotypically and functionally distinct from their lymphoid counterparts. However, we show in this study that the phenotype of lymphoid and extralymphoid memory T cells is not stable. Instead, the unique properties of extralymphoid memory T cells are acquired upon migration into extralymphoid sites and are lost when memory T cells migrate back into lymphoid organs. Thus, at least some of the extralymphoid properties may represent a transient activation state that can be adopted by T cells belonging to a single memory T cell pool. Furthermore, such intermittent activation during or after migration into extralymphoid sites could provide an important signal, promoting the survival and functional competence of memory T cells in the absence of Ag.  相似文献   
The colonization of artificially created gaps was analyzed along an alpine successional gradient from pioneer to early, late, and old successional stages. The presence/absence of species and the abundances of seedlings and adults in the gaps were recorded and compared with those of the surrounding areas. We hypothesized that in the older successional stages, the gaps were likely to be colonized by clonal ingrowth of the surrounding species. In the younger stages, we expected to find a high presence of seedlings and adults recruited by seeds. Micro-succession in the gaps occurred at each successional stage, with all life forms among the colonizers. The abundance of seedlings was significantly higher in the gaps compared with the surrounding area. At the early and late successional stages, the surrounding areas provided safe sites for seedling establishment, with the abundance of adults recruited by seeds higher at the gap edges than in the gap centers. We can confirm the first hypothesis of a higher clonal ingrowth in the old successional stage. Clonal ingrowth also occurred in the younger successional stages. Despite the lower species richness in the gaps, a positive correlation was found between gap and surrounding species frequencies, which were the highest in the pioneer and the lowest in the old successional stage. We conclude that gaps are relevant for seedling recruitment along the entire primary succession gradient. New species invasions from greater distances were not observed in the gaps. The dominant species on each site were identified to be successful gap colonizers.  相似文献   
Canonical Wnt signaling has been implicated in the regulation of hematopoiesis. By employing a Wnt-reporter mouse, we observed that Wnt signaling is differentially activated during hematopoiesis, suggesting an important regulatory role for specific Wnt signaling levels. To investigate whether canonical Wnt signaling regulates hematopoiesis in?a dosage-dependent fashion, we analyzed the effect of different mutations in the Adenomatous polyposis coli gene (Apc), a negative modulator of the canonical Wnt pathway. By combining different targeted hypomorphic alleles and a conditional deletion allele of Apc, a gradient of five different Wnt signaling levels was obtained in?vivo. We here show that different, lineage-specific Wnt dosages regulate hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), myeloid precursors, and T lymphoid precursors during hematopoiesis. Differential, lineage-specific optimal Wnt dosages provide a unifying concept that explains the differences reported among inducible gain-of-function approaches, leading to either HSC expansion or depletion of the HSC pool.  相似文献   
Several rye growing regions of Central Europe suffered from severe drought stress in the last decade. Rye is typically grown on sandy soils with low water-holding capacity in areas with low rainfall, thus drought-tolerant varieties are urgently needed. The main objective of our study was to evaluate the drought stress tolerance of rye hybrids using large-scaled field experiments. Two biparental populations (Pop-A, Pop-B) each consisting of 220 F2:4 lines from the Petkus gene pool and their parents were evaluated for grain yield testcross performance under irrigated (I) and rainfed (R) regime in six environments. We observed for most environments severe drought stress leading to an average grain yield reduction of 23.8 % for rainfed compared to irrigated regime in drought stress environments. A decomposition of the variance revealed significant (P < 0.01) genotypic and genotype × environment interaction variances but only a minor effect of drought stress on the ranking of the genotypes with regard to grain yield. In conclusion, separate breeding programs for drought-tolerant genotypes are not superior to the currently practiced selection under rainfed conditions without irrigation in hybrid rye breeding in Central Europe.  相似文献   
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