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We have developed a model for characterizing calcium handling by the intact cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) that yields data consistent with both mathematical simulations of in situ SR Ca2+ uptake and deduced behavior of the Ca2(+)-induced Ca2+ efflux channels in mechanically skinned single cardiac cells. In Na(+)-based media (37 degrees C, pH 7.2, 50 mM Pi, 10 mM MgATP, pMg 3.3, 10 mM phosphocreatine), SR 45Ca2+ uptake by digitonin-lysed rat myocytes as a function of free [Ca2+] peaked at pCa 6.2, declined until pCa 5.6 and increased again at lower pCa. When Ca2(+)-induced Ca2+ efflux was inhibited with 30 microM ruthenium red and 10 mM procaine, uptake was saturable with a Vmax of 160 +/- 5 nmol.min-1.mg-1, K0.5 of 500 nM free [Ca2+] and slope factor of 1.6. In K(+)-based media, maximum Pi- and oxalate-supported uptake increased to 220 and 260 nmol.min-1.mg-1, respectively. Without phosphocreatine, 45Ca2+ uptake declined under all conditions; this was correlated with a decrease in ATP/ADP. Vmax for 45Ca2+ uptake was increased 20% in hyperthyroid myocytes but depressed 30% in myocytes from heart failure-prone rats. In canine myocytes, Vmax was the same as in normal rat cells, but K0.5 was 830 nM. Without efflux inhibitors, ryanodine caused a concentration-dependent decline in net Pi-supported 45Ca2+ uptake at pCa 6.3 (K0.5 = 1 microM), while 10 microM ryanodine depressed uptake at all pCa between 7.2 and 5.6. Ruthenium red/procaine fully reversed this effect.  相似文献   
The mRNA for type II collagen was purified from embryonic chick sternum or from purified sternal chondrocytes with guanidine thiocyanate as the extractant. Double-stranded cDNAs to procollagen mRNAs from sternum were synthesized and dC-tailed. After annealing with PstI-cleaved, dG-tailed pBR322, this DNA was used to transform Escherichia coli X1776. Transformed colonies were screened by colony hybridization to type I and II collagen cDNAs. Clones that preferentially hybridized to type II cDNA were characterized further. Four such cDNA clones, pCgII-2, 3, 10 and 12, with inserts of 400, 320, 260 and 750 bp, have been identified as type II collagen cDNA clones by several criteria, including their preference for hybridizing with type II rather than type I collagen mRNAs in hybrid-selected translation experiments.  相似文献   
Isolated beef heart mitochondria were treated with A23187 in the presence of different concentrations of Mg2+ or EDTA to establish varying levels of total mitochondrial Mg2+. The Mg2+ content was related to the rate of passive swelling of the mitochondria in potassium acetate and other potassium salts in which swelling is presumed to depend on K+ entry via an endogenous K+/H+ antiport. Swelling in these salts does not commence until Mg2+ has been depleted from an initial value of 36 nmol X mg-1 of protein to 8 nmol/mg-1, or less. Below this level, swelling increases linearly with decreasing Mg2+ to a maximum rate at 2 nmol of Mg2+ X mg-1. Rotenone-treated heart mitochondria suspended in 75 mM potassium acetate at pH 7.80 show no delta pH by 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazolidinedione distribution. Distribution of methylamine also shows essentially no delta pH under these conditions when allowance is made for binding of [14C]methylamine by mitochondrial membranes under these conditions. Addition of A23187 results in a small and transient delta pH (delta pH less than 0.14, acid interior) as measured by methylamine distribution. Estimation of the maximum matrix free Mg2+ concentration from the maximum delta pH observed and the external free Mg2+ concentration at equilibrium with A23187 shows that swelling is not initiated until matrix free Mg2+ is decreased to below 150 microM. An independent estimate of free Mg2+ using a null-point procedure gives a lower, but quite similar value (50 microM) for maximum matrix free Mg2+ when swelling commences. The large depletion of total and free Mg2+ that is required to activate swelling in potassium acetate (and presumably K+/H+ antiport activity) does not appear to be compatible with previous indications that free Mg2+ acts as a "carrier brake" to regulate K+ extrusion from the mitochondrion on such an antiport (Garlid, K. D. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 11273-11279). The removal of a tightly bound component of mitochondrial Mg2+ is closely related to increased K+ permeability and increased passive swelling in potassium salts. This Mg2+ appears to play a role in the maintenance of mitochondrial membrane structure and integrity.  相似文献   
Nodulation (nod) genes are required for invasion of legumes by Rhizobium bacteria. Mutant WL131 is a derivative of 102F51 that has a severe Nod- phenotype on alfalfa. Upon examination of the extended DNA region containing host-specific nodulation genes nodFEG and nodH, we found that the nodG gene of WL131 bears a novel insertion sequence, ISRm3. Complementation studies implied, however, that the phenotype on alfalfa correlated with the nodH locus. We found that nodH in WL131 encodes an altered gene product. Correlation of the WL131 defect with nodH was also supported by phenotypic behavior. Each mutation affected nodulation more severely on alfalfa (Medicago sativa) than on sweet clover (Melilotus albus). However, we found that the degree of requirement for nodH in nodulation varied with the conditions under which the plant was grown.  相似文献   
Quinine inhibits the respiration-dependent extrusion of K+ from Mg2+-depleted heart mitochondria and the passive osmotic swelling of these mitochondria in K+ and Na+ acetate at alkaline pH. These observations concur with those of Nakashima and Garlid (J. Biol. Chem. 257, 9252, 1982) using rat liver mitochondria. Quinine also inhibits the respiration-dependent contraction of heart mitochondria swollen passively in Na+ or K+ nitrate and the increment of elevated respiration associated with the extrusion of ions from these mitochondria. Quinine, at concentrations up to 0.5 mM, inhibits the respiration-dependent42K+/K+ exchange seen in the presence of mersalyl, but higher levels of the drug produce increased membrane permeability and net K+ loss from the matrix. These results are all consistent with an inhibition of the putative mitochondrial K+/H+ antiport by quinine. However, quinine has other effects on the mitochondrial membrane, and possible alternatives to this interpretation are discussed.  相似文献   
Mitochondria contain a latent K+/H+ antiporter that is activated by Mg2+-depletion and shows optimal activity in alkaline, hypotonic suspending media. This K+/H+ antiport activity appears responsible for a respiration-dependent extrusion of endogenous K+, for passive swelling in K+ acetate and other media, for a passive exchange of matrix42K+ against external K+, Na+, or Li+, and for the respiration-dependent ion extrusion and osmotic contraction of mitochondria swollen passively in K+ nitrate. K+/H+ antiport is inhibited by quinine and by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide when this reagent is reacted with Mg2+-depleted mitochondria. There is good suggestive evidence that the K+/H+ antiport may serve as the endogenous K+-extruding device of the mitochondrion. There is also considerable experimental support for the concept that the K+/H+ antiport is regulated to prevent futile influx-efflux cycling of K+. However, it is not yet clear whether such regulation depends on matrix free Mg2+, on membrane conformational changes, or other as yet unknown factors.  相似文献   
The observed association between HLA-B*13 and control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection has been linked to the number of Gag-specific HLA-B*13-restricted cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) responses identified. To date, the Gag escape mutations described that result in an in vitro fitness cost to the virus have been located within structural protein p24 only. Here we investigated the hypothesis that CTL escape mutations within other regions of HIV Gag may also reduce viral fitness and contribute to immune control. We analyzed an HLA-B*13-restricted CTL response toward an epitope in p1 Gag, RQANFLGKI429-437 (RI9), where amino acid variation at Gag residues 436 and 437 is associated with HLA-B*13 expression. In this work, we assessed the impact of amino acid substitutions at these positions on CTL recognition and on HIV-1 fitness. We demonstrated that substitutions I437L and I437M largely abrogate CTL recognition and reduce viral fitness while variants K436R and I437V have only a marginal effect on recognition and fitness. Examination of the patterns of protein synthesis indicated that the loss of fitness in the I437L and I437M mutants is associated with the accumulation of unprocessed Gag precursors. A significant reduction in ribosomal frameshifting efficiency was observed with I437M, suggesting that this mechanism contributes to the observed reduced fitness of this virus. These studies illustrate the apparent trade-off available to the virus between evasion of CTL recognition in p1 Gag and the functional consequences for viral fitness.  相似文献   
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