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At the time of organ transplantation, a variety of non-parenchymal cells are transplanted simultaneously with the allograft. Recognition of the importance of these cells as potential immunostimulatory cells lead to the concept of 'passenger leukocytes' as the principal instigators of rejection. Passenger leukocytes include interstitial dendritic cells (DCs) and blood-derived monocytes/macrophages. As investigators have discovered the significance of DCs in influencing graft outcome, so have they begun to determine the best ways to influence DCs themselves. This review discusses the role of DCs in transplantation and then focuses on three different approaches for manipulating DCs to improve allograft survival: (1) targeting of chemokines involved in DC migration, (2) pharmacological arrest of DC maturation, and (3) genetic engineering of DCs.  相似文献   
Microtubule-dependent transport of secretory vesicles in RBL-2H3 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antigen-mediated activation of mast cells results in Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of preformed mediators of the inflammatory response. To investigate the role of secretory vesicle motility in this response, we have performed time-lapse confocal microscopy on RBL-2H3 cells transfected with a green fluorescent protein-Fas ligand fusion protein (GFP-FasL). Green fluorescent protein-labeled vesicles exhibit rapid, bidirectional movement in both resting and activated cells and can be localized adjacent to microtubules. Colchicine treatment inhibits the motility of secretory vesicles as measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). Colchicine also inhibits both the extent and the rate of exocytosis triggered by receptor activation or by Ca2+ ionophore, demonstrating that microtubule-dependent movement of secretory vesicles plays an important role in the exocytic response .  相似文献   
New analytical developments in post-genomic technologies are being introduced to the field of plant ecology. FT-IR fingerprinting coupled with chemometrics via cluster analysis is proposed as a tool for correlating global metabolic changes with abiotic or biotic perturbation and/or interactions. The current study concentrates on detecting chemical responses by inter-species competition between a monocotyledon Brachypodium distachyion and a dicotyledon Arabidopsis thaliana. Growth analysis of 42 days old plants showed differences in both species under competition. Clear changes in the FT-IR metabolic fingerprints of B. distachyion in competition with A. thaliana were observed, whilst there were no apparent chemical differences in the A. thaliana plant tissues. This study demonstrates the power of this approach in detecting changes in the global metabolic profiles of plants in response to biotic interactions, and we believe FT-IR is appropriate for rapid screening (10 s per sample) prior to targeted metabolite analyses.  相似文献   
A vented column, capillary liquid chromatography (LC) microelectrospray ionization (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR (9.4 T)) mass spectrometry (MS) approach to phosphopeptide identification is described. A dual-ESI source capable of rapid (approximately 200 ms) switching between two independently controlled ESI emitters was constructed. The dual-ESI source, combined with external ion accumulation in a linear octopole ion trap, allowed for internal calibration of every mass spectrum during LC. LC ESI FT-ICR positive-ion MS of protein kinase C (PKC) revealed four previously unidentified phosphorylated peptides (one within PKC(alpha), one within PKC(delta), and two within PKC(zeta)). Internal calibration improved the mass accuracy for LC MS spectra from an absolute mean (47 peptide ions) of 11.5 ppm to 1.5 ppm. Five additional (out of eight known) activating sites of PKC phosphorylation, not detected in positive-ion experiments, were observed by subsequent negative-ion direct infusion nanoelectrospray. Extension of the method to enable infrared multiphoton dissociation of all ions in the ICR cell prior to every other mass measurement revealed the diagnostic neutral loss of H3PO4 from phosphorylated peptide ions. The combination of accurate-mass MS and MS/MS offers a powerful new tool for identifying the presence and site(s) of phosphorylation in peptides, without the need for additional wet chemical derivatization.  相似文献   
To investigate the regulation of leptin secretion and pulsatility by fat mass, we performed overnight leptin sampling every 20 min for 12 h and compared leptin dynamics with total body and regional fat measurements in 20 healthy male subjects. Simultaneous growth hormone (GH), cortisol, and insulin levels were assessed to determine relatedness and synchronicity during overnight fasting. Deconvolution analyses were performed to determine simultaneous hormonal dynamics, synchronicity, and interrelatedness using cross-correlation and cross-approximate entropy (X-ApEn) analyses. Subjects demonstrated 4.7 +/- 0.4 leptin pulses/12 h. Leptin secretion correlated highly with total body fat (r = 0.78, P < 0.001) and regional fat depots. In contrast, leptin pulsatility did not correlate with total fat (r = 0.07, P = 0.785) or other measures of fat. There was synchronicity between GH and leptin (lag -39 minutes), cortisol and leptin (lag -211 min), and leptin and insulin, with leptin following insulin by 275 min. The mean random X-ApEn was significant between leptin and GH (0.854 +/- 0.030), cortisol (0.891 +/- 0.023), and insulin (0.868 +/- 0.034), demonstrating a high degree of regularity and pattern frequency. These data demonstrate differential regulation of leptin secretion and pulsatility in adipocytes and suggest that the leptin pulse generator is extrinsic to fat, whereas fat mass acts as an amplifier to modulate secretion and amplitude for a given pulsatility. We demonstrate synchronicity between leptin and GH, cortisol, and insulin. The directionality of the cross correlation suggests a temporal construct in which changes in leptin follow those of insulin but precede those of GH and cortisol during overnight fasting.  相似文献   
The Notch intercellular signalling pathway is important throughout development, and its components are modulated by a variety of cellular and molecular mechanisms. Ligand and receptor trafficking are tightly controlled, although context-specific regulation of this is incompletely understood. We show that during sense organ precursor specification in Drosophila, the cell adhesion molecule Echinoid colocalises extensively with the Notch ligand, Delta, at the cell membrane and in early endosomes. Echinoid facilitates efficient Notch pathway signalling. Cultured cell experiments suggest that Echinoid is associated with the cis-endocytosis of Delta, and is therefore linked to the signalling events that have been shown to require such Delta trafficking. Consistent with this, overexpression of Echinoid protein causes a reduction in Delta level at the membrane and in endosomes. In vivo and cell culture studies suggest that homophilic interaction of Echinoid on adjacent cells is necessary for its function.  相似文献   
Chronic infusion of angiotensin (1-7) [Ang-(1-7)] lowers blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). To assess the role of Ang-(1-7) in salt-induced hypertension, Ang-(1-7) (24 microg/kg/hr) or saline was administered chronically via osmotic minipump into the jugular vein of 5-6 wk-old male (M) and female (F) Dahl salt-sensitive rats placed on a high-salt (8% NaCl) diet for 2 weeks. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate were measured prior to the start of the diet and weekly thereafter. Ang-(1-7) significantly attenuated the BP increase after 1 wk on the diet in both M and F rats, but after 2 weeks only in F rats. Enhanced release of prostacyclin, (6-keto PGF1 alpha), following Ang-(1-7) treatment was observed in both M and F rats. In addition, significant increases in aortic blood flow and plasma levels of nitric oxide were observed in the F rats following Ang-(1-7) treatment. These findings demonstrate that the reduction in BP is due to both prostacyclin and NO and that there is a gender difference in the attenuation of salt-induced hypertension by Ang-(1-7).  相似文献   
Cardiovascular adaptations observed during exposure to microgravity results in impairment of baroreflex activity partially as a result of fluid and electrolyte shifts. The head-down tilt rat model mimics some of the physiological observations that have been made in astronauts. We examined the effects of salt-loading on baroreflex activity after 7 day simulated microgravity (30 degrees tail-suspension) and the subsequent 6 hr post-suspension in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, using low salt (0.3% NaCl) and high salt (8% NaCl) diets. In suspended animals on a low salt diet, the baroreflex response curve was shifted to the left, while the heart rate (HR) range and MAP50 values were reduced compared to their parallel tethered, non-suspended controls. For non-suspended animals, salt-loading shifted the curve to the right with a reduced HR range. In salt-loaded, suspended animals, the curve and its parameters resemble those of non-suspended animals on a low salt diet. In summary, these data have demonstrated that a short-term (seven days) simulated weightlessness may elicit cardiovascular deconditioning in rats after release from the simulation manifested as an altered responsiveness in baroreceptor-heart rate reflex and a lowered blood pressure while the rats are tethered and horizontal. Our results also suggest the counteracting effect of salt loading on cardiovascular deconditioning.  相似文献   
A gene coding for a de novo peptide sequence containing a metal binding motif was chemically synthesized and expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion with the maltose binding protein. Bacterial cells expressing the metal binding peptide fusion demonstrated enhanced binding of Cd2+ and Hg2+ compared to bacterial cells lacking the metal binding peptide. The potential use of genetically engineered bacteria as biosorbents for the removal of heavy metals from wastewaters is discussed.  相似文献   
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