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Encephalitozoon spp. are the primary microsporidial pathogens of humans and domesticated animals. In this experiment, we test the efficacy of 4 commercial antimicrobials against an Encephalitozoon sp. infecting a grasshopper (Romalea microptera) host. Oral treatment with fumagillin or thiabendazole significantly reduced pathogen spore counts (93% and 88% respectively), whereas spore counts of grasshoppers fed quinine produced a non-significant 53% reduction in spores, and those fed streptomycin a non-significant 29% increase in spores, compared to the control. We observed a moderate dose-response effect for thiabendazole, whereby spore count decreased as drug consumption increased. No thiabendazole-treated animals died, whereas 27% of streptomycin-treated animals died, suggesting that thiabendazole was not toxic at the doses administered. The deaths among streptomycin-treated animals may have been caused by drug toxicity, parasite burden, or both. Although fumagillin and thiabendazole significantly reduced spore counts, in no individual was the pathogen totally eliminated. Our data confirm that microsporidia are difficult to control and that fumagillin and thiabendazole are partially effective antimicrobials against this group. Our study suggests that quinine and related alkaloids should be further examined for antimicrosporidial activity, and streptomycin should be examined as a possible enhancer of microsporidiosis.  相似文献   
The zygomycete fungus Pirella circinans was isolated from cadavers of the beetle Hydromedion sparsutum from diverse sites on the sub-Antarctic Bird Island and was found to be the dominant or sole fungal coloniser during the primary degradation of cadavers. The fungus was observed to grow and colonise cadavers from discrete areas of the beetle carapace, some of which were not affected by alcohol surface sterilisation. The fungus is commonly reported from the dung of rodents and other small mammals, both of which are absent from Bird Island. Recovery of P. circinans as the only fungus from beetle cadavers is unusual and may indicate a close association between the beetle and the fungus.  相似文献   
Florida Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) in a suburban environment with year-round access to multiple sources of abundant, human-source foods consistently breed earlier each year and have lower baseline levels of circulating corticosterone (CORT) than jays in a nearby wildland setting. These findings suggest that food supplies influence CORT levels, which in turn may partially determine the timing of reproduction. However, wildland birds with access to high-quality supplemental foods did not advance breeding or lower CORT levels to the degree observed in the suburbs. Therefore, rather than quality or quantity of food consumed, the perception of a reliable and predictable food supply may be an important factor in determining laying dates. If a predictable food supply accelerates the reproductive process, it follows that food provided on an unpredictable schedule may slow reproduction. We subjected captive Western Scrub-Jays (A. californica) to a 30-day photoperiod transition from short- to long-days and tested whether birds with access to food on an unpredictable schedule exhibited delayed or reduced production of reproductive hormones compared with birds given food on a predictable schedule. Baseline CORT concentrations increased slightly during the experiment, but did not differ between treatment groups. Birds with unpredictable food had slightly lower testosterone levels relative to controls, but there was no effect on estradiol or luteinizing hormone. Our findings offer weak support for the hypothesis that an unpredictable food supply will delay the onset of reproduction; however, the artificial lab environment may limit the application of these findings to free-living populations.  相似文献   


It is hypothesized that one of the mechanisms promoting diversification in cichlid fishes in the African Great Lakes has been the well-documented pattern of philopatry along shoreline habitats leading to high levels of genetic isolation among populations. However lake habitats are not the only centers of cichlid biodiversity - certain African rivers also contain large numbers of narrowly endemic species. Patterns of isolation and divergence in these systems have tended to be overlooked and are not well understood.  相似文献   
The transverse tubular system (t-system) is a major site for signaling in mammalian ventricular cardiomyocytes including electrical signaling and excitation-contraction coupling. It consists of membrane invaginations, which are decorated with various proteins including mechanosensitive ion channels. Here, we investigated mechanical modulation of the t-system. By applying fluorescent markers, three-dimensional scanning confocal microscopy, and methods of digital image analysis, we studied isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes under different strains. We demonstrate that strain at the cellular level is transmitted to the t-system, reducing the length and volume of tubules and altering their cross-sectional shape. Our data suggest that a cellular strain of as little as 5% affects the shape of transverse tubules, which has important implications for the function of mechanosensitive ion channels found in them. Furthermore, our study supports a prior hypothesis that strain can cause fluid exchange between the t-system and extracellular space.  相似文献   
Aims: To characterize and identify a novel contaminant of aviation fuel. Methods and Results: Micro‐organisms (yeasts and bacteria) were isolated from samples of aviation fuel. A yeast that proved to have been unrecorded previously was isolated from more than one fuel sample. This novel yeast proved to be a new species of Candida and is described here. Ribosomal RNA gene sequence analyses of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions (including 5·8S subunit) plus the 26S D1/D2 domains showed the strains to cluster within the Candida membranifaciens clade nearest to, but distinct from, Candida tumulicola. Phenotypic tests were identical for both isolates. Physiological and biochemical tests supported their position as a separate taxon. The yeast was assessed for its effect on the main constituent hydrocarbons of aviation fuel. Conclusions: Two strains (IMI 395605T and IMI 395606) belonging to the novel yeast species, Candida keroseneae, were isolated from samples of aircraft fuel (kerosene), characterized and described herein with reference to their potential as contaminants of aviation fuel. Significance and Impact of the Study: As a result of isolating a novel yeast from aviation fuel, the implications for microbial contamination of such fuel should be considered more widely than previously thought.  相似文献   
Targeted alteration of the genome lies at the heart of the exploitation of S. pombe as a model system. The rate of analysis is often determined by the efficiency with which a target locus can be manipulated. For most loci this is not a problem, however for some loci, such as fin1 +, rates of gene targeting below 5% can limit the scope and scale of manipulations that are feasible within a reasonable time frame. We now describe a simple modification of transformation procedure for directing integration of genomic sequences that leads to a 5-fold increase in the transformation efficiency when antibiotic based dominant selection markers are used. We also show that removal of the pku70 + and pku80 + genes, which encode DNA end binding proteins required for the non-homologous end joining DNA repair pathway, increases the efficiency of gene targeting at fin1 + to around 75–80% (a 16-fold increase). We describe how a natMX6/rpl42 + cassette can be used for positive and negative selection for integration at a targeted locus. To facilitate the evaluation of the impact of a series of mutations on the function of a gene of interest we have generated three vector series that rely upon different selectable markers to direct the expression of tagged/untagged molecules from distinct genomic integration sites. pINTL and pINTK vectors use ura4 + selection to direct disruptive integration of leu1 + and lys1 + respectively, while pINTH vectors exploit nourseothricin resistance to detect the targeted disruption of a hygromycin B resistance conferring hphMX6 cassette that has been integrated on chromosome III. Finally, we have generated a series of multi-copy expression vectors that use resistance to nourseothricin or kanamycin/G418 to select for propagation in prototrophic hosts. Collectively these protocol modifications and vectors extend the versatility of this key model system.  相似文献   


The genetics involved in Ewing sarcoma susceptibility and prognosis are poorly understood. EWS/FLI and related EWS/ETS chimeras upregulate numerous gene targets via promoter-based GGAA-microsatellite response elements. These microsatellites are highly polymorphic in humans, and preliminary evidence suggests EWS/FLI-mediated gene expression is highly dependent on the number of GGAA motifs within the microsatellite.


Here we sought to examine the polymorphic spectrum of a GGAA-microsatellite within the NR0B1 promoter (a critical EWS/FLI target) in primary Ewing sarcoma tumors, and characterize how this polymorphism influences gene expression and clinical outcomes.


A complex, bimodal pattern of EWS/FLI-mediated gene expression was observed across a wide range of GGAA motifs, with maximal expression observed in constructs containing 20–26 GGAA motifs. Relative to white European and African controls, the NR0B1 GGAA-microsatellite in tumor cells demonstrated a strong bias for haplotypes containing 21–25 GGAA motifs suggesting a relationship between microsatellite function and disease susceptibility. This selection bias was not a product of microsatellite instability in tumor samples, nor was there a correlation between NR0B1 GGAA-microsatellite polymorphisms and survival outcomes.


These data suggest that GGAA-microsatellite polymorphisms observed in human populations modulate EWS/FLI-mediated gene expression and may influence disease susceptibility in Ewing sarcoma.  相似文献   
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is a type of non-melanoma skin cancer prevalent in immune-suppressed transplant recipients and older individuals with a history of chronic sun-exposure. SCC itself is believed to be a late-stage manifestation that can develop from premalignant lesions including Intraepidermal Carcinoma (IEC). Notably, while SCC regression is rare, IEC typically regresses in response to immune modifying topical treatments, however the underlying immunological reasons for these differential responses remain unclear. This study aimed to define whether IEC and SCC are associated with distinct immune profiles. We investigated the immune cell infiltrate of photo-damaged skin, IEC, and SCC tissue using 10-colour flow cytometry following fresh lesion digest. We found that IEC lesions contain higher percentages of CD3+ T-cells than photo-damaged skin, however, the abundance of CD3CD56+ Natural Killer (NK) cells, CD11c+HLA-DR+ conventional Dendritic Cells (cDC), BDCA-2+HLA-DR+ plasmacytoid DC (pDC), FoxP3+ Regulatory T-cells (T-reg), Vα24+Vβ11+ invariant NKT-cells, and γδ Tcells did not alter with disease stage. Within the total T-cell population, high percentages of CD4+ T-cells were associated with SCC, yet CD8+ T-cells were less abundant in SCC compared with IEC. Our study demonstrates that while IEC lesions contain a higher proportion of T-cells than SCC lesions in general, SCC lesions specifically display a lower abundance of CD8+ T-cells than IEC. We propose that differences in CD8+ T-cell abundance contribute critically to the different capacity of SCC and IEC to regress in response to immune modifying topical treatments. Our study also suggests that a high ratio of CD4+ T-cells to CD8+ T-cells may be a immunological diagnostic indicator of late-stage SCC development in immune-competent patients.  相似文献   
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