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Captive propagation of parrots for the companion bird trade provides a potential means of reducing the economic incentive to capture these birds from the wild. To test whether environmental and social manipulations might stimulate reproduction in captive, wild-caught orange-winged Amazon parrots (Amazona amazonica), we compared reproductive performance in pairs presented with nest boxes (controls) or nest boxes plus additional environmental and social manipulations (enriched group) consisting of misting, fruit supplementation, nest hole restriction, enlarged nest boxes, and pair separation/reunification. In the first breeding trial, in 1990, enriched pairs were more likely to lay eggs (six of seven enriched pairs vs. one of eight control pairs; P < 0.09). When treatments were reversed the following years (e.g., 1990 controls were exposed to enriched conditions in 1991), reproductive performance was not different between the groups (four of seven enriched pairs laid eggs vs. five of seven control pairs), although three pairs in the 1991 enriched group laid eggs which had not laid eggs before. These results are consistent with the idea that while enriched environments may enhance the probability of a first episode of egg laying in captivity, once pairs have laid eggs in captivity, little stimulation beyond that provided by nest box presentation is required to reinitiate egg laying. The environmental and social manipulations of the enriched conditions could be useful in increasing reproductive performance of captive Amazon parrots for the companion bird trade. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The synthesis of the β-crystallin polypeptides has been studied in different regions of the embryonic chicken lens. Seven β-crystallin polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from approximately 19,000 (19K) to 35,000 (35K) daltons were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Each polypeptide was synthesized in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system supplemented with RNA from the embryonic lens fiber cells suggesting that each is encoded by a separate mRNA. Analysis of the cell-free translation products of the RNAs from 6-, 15-, and 19-day-old embryonic chicken lens fibers demonstrated that all seven polypeptides are translated at each of the stages and that the proportion of β-crystallin mRNAs increases as the chicken embryo matures. Fingerprints of methionine-containing tryptic peptides indicated that the three predominant β-crystallin polypeptides synthesized in the reticulocyte lysate (20K, 26K, and 35K) have related but distinct primary structures. Surprisingly, both the 35K β-crystallin polypeptide and its mRNA were selectively absent from the cells in the central region of the epithelium. Synthesis of this polypeptide from extracted RNAs was detected in the elongating cells of the equatorial region of the epithelium and from the fiber cells. In contrast to the 35K polypeptide, the six lower-molecular-weight β-crystallin polypeptides were synthesized in a reticulocyte lysate directed by RNAs extracted from all three regions of the lens. These data indicate that lens cell elongation and fiber cell differentiation in the embryonic chicken are accompanied by the appearance of the mRNA for the 35K polypeptide.  相似文献   
We recently reported three truncating mutations of the cytochrome P4501B1 gene (CYP1B1) in five families with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) linked to the GLC3A locus on chromosome 2p21. This could be the first direct evidence supporting the hypothesis that members of the cytochrome P450 superfamily may control the processes of growth and differentiation. We present a comprehensive sequence analysis of the translated regions of the CYP1B1 gene in 22 PCG families and 100 randomly selected normal individuals. Sixteen mutations and six polymorphisms were identified, illustrating an extensive allelic heterogeneity. The positions affected by these changes were evaluated by building a three-dimensional homology model of the conserved C-terminal half of CYP1B1. These mutations may interfere with heme incorporation, by affecting the hinge region and/or the conserved core structures (CCS) that determine the proper folding and heme-binding ability of P450 molecules. In contrast, all polymorphic sites were poorly conserved and located outside the CCS. Northern hybridization analysis showed strong expression of CYP1B1 in the anterior uveal tract, which is involved in secretion of the aqueous humor and in regulation of outflow facility, processes that could contribute to the elevated intraocular pressure characteristic of PCG.  相似文献   
In barley straw, all stem tissues except the chlorenchyma are lignified. Electronmicroscopic investigations employing staining for cell-wall constituents and replica techniques revealed the presence of a tertiary wall covering the secondary wall and a warty layer deposited on the tertiary wall. The tertiary wall was composed of cellulose fibrils orientated in all directions, which were embedded in matrix material. The warty layer was comprised of granules and globules that were in many instances associated with a thin, flat, continuous layer. Though the tertiary wall could be degraded, the warty layer was resistant to degradation by rumen microorganisms. Only where the warty layer was mechanically disrupted could underlying cell-wall material be degraded. Bacteria could also burrow beneath these layers from exposed cell walls at the cut edges of the plant material. The warty layer forms a barrier to cell-wall-degrading bacteria and limits their colonization of straw stem.  相似文献   
Synopsis We hypothesized that blue tang, Acanthurus coeruleus, territories on sites with low biogenic structure would be larger than territories on sites with relatively high biogenic structure due to differences in the amount and distribution of resources. We tested this hypothesis by tracking blue tang over uncolonized pavement and reef crest, two habitat types at opposite ends of the habitat structure spectrum. We recorded density, feeding rates and aggression events in order to evaluate our findings in the context of a territory model and the ideal free distribution model. Territories of A. coeruleus averaged nearly four times larger on pavement sites than on reef crest sites. Conversely, densities of A. coeruleus were significantly lower on pavement sites. While there was no significant difference in the average rates of movement between habitats, average turning angles were significantly higher on reef crest. There were no significant differences in feeding rates between habitats, suggesting that higher territory sizes and lower densities may allow fish on uncolonized pavement to match resource acquisition of fish on reef crest. The insignificant difference of aggression encounters between habitats suggests that movement and density differences among habitats are not solely legacies of differential settlement.  相似文献   
The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in free-ranging chickens is a good indicator of the prevalence of T. gondii oocysts in the soil because chickens feed from the ground. The prevalence of T. gondii in 61 free-range chickens (Gallus domesticus) from provinces of Santiago del Estero and Entre Rios, Argentina was determined. Antibodies to T. gondii were assayed by the modified agglutination test (MAT) and were found in 25 chickens; titers were 1:5 in 6 chickens, 1:10 in 1 chicken, 1:20 in 2 chickens, 1:40 in 1 chicken, 1:80 in 2 chickens, 1:60 in 4 chickens, 1:120 in 2 chickens, 1:640 in 3 chickens, and 1: 1,280 or higher in 4 chickens. Hearts, pectoral muscles, and brains of 22 seropositive (MAT 1:10 or higher) chickens were bioassayed individually in mice. Tissue from 39 chickens with titers of 1:5 or less were pooled and fed to 3 T. gondii-free cats. Feces of cats were examined for oocysts, but none was found. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated from 17 of 22 chickens with MAT titers of 1:10 or higher. Genotyping of these 17 isolates using polymorphisms at the SAG2 locus indicated that 4 were Type I, 3 were Type II, and 10 were Type III. Toxoplasma gondii isolates (2 Type I and I Type III) from 3 chickens were virulent for mice and 1 Type I was not mouse virulent. Prevalence of T. gondii antibodies in chickens varied among regions, being 3 times greater in the humid Pampeana region (61.2%) than in the semiarid plain of Santiago del Estero (20%).  相似文献   
The multiprotein exon junction complex (EJC) is assembled on mRNAs as a consequence of splicing. EJC core components maintain a stable grip on mRNAs even as the overall EJC protein composition evolves while mRNAs travel to the cytoplasm. Here we show that recombinant EJC subunits MLN51, MAGOH and Y14, together with the DEAD-box protein eIF4AIII bound to ATP, are necessary and sufficient to form a highly stable complex on single-stranded RNA. Cross-linking and RNase protection studies indicate that this recombinant complex recapitulates the EJC core. The stable association of the recombinant EJC core with RNA is maintained by inhibition of eIF4AIII ATPase activity by MAGOH-Y14. We elucidate the modalities of EJC binding to RNA and provide the first example of how cellular machineries may use RNA helicases to clamp several proteins onto RNA in stable and sequence-independent manners.  相似文献   
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