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Previously we reported on the synthesis and properties of a series of highly potent piperidinyl 2-subsituted-3-cyano-1-naphthamide NK1 antagonists that includes 3 and 4. Here we report our efforts to alleviate a troublesome atropisomeric property of those derivatives by introduction of a tethering bridge that, in addition, could be used to lock the resulting cyclic derivatives in a purported NK1 pharmacophore conformation. Using 3 as a starting point, the naphtho[2,1-b][1,5]oxazocine, 17, was found to contain the optimal ring tether size (8) for retaining NK1 activity, was more NK1 versus NK2 selective, and reduced the number of atropisomers from four to two. Cyclic derivatives 29 and 32, which exist as essentially single atropisomers in the purported pharmacophore conformation, were prepared in the closely related naphtho[1,2-f][1,4]oxazocine series as part of an effort to use mono methyl substitution of the tethering bridge as a conformation stabilizing factor. Both 29 and 32 were found to be less active as NK1 antagonists than the non-methylated parent 28 possibly due to methyl group destabilization of receptor interaction. We discuss the above findings in the context of a previously proposed NK1 pharmacophore model and present a further refinement of that model.  相似文献   
The NIMA kinases are an evolutionarily conserved protein family with enigmatic roles in the regulation of mitosis. We report six new members of this family in Chlamydomonas, in addition to the previously identified NIMA-related kinase, Fa2p. Chlamydomonas NIMA-related kinases (CNKs) 1-6 were sequenced from subclones generated by RT-PCR using information from EST libraries and the recently sequenced Chlamydomonas genome. Phylogenetic and bioinformatic approaches were used to determine the relationships of the six new members with known members of the NIMA-related kinase family. Although humans express at least eleven NIMA-related kinases, the eukaryotic microbes that have been studied to date express only one or two members of the family. Thus, the discovery that Chlamydomonas expresses a total of at least seven NIMA-related kinases is intriguing. Our analyses suggest that members of this family may play roles in the assembly and function of cilia.  相似文献   
A wide variety of software tools are available to analyze microarray data. To identify the optimum software for any project, it is essential to define specific and essential criteria on which to evaluate the advantages of the key features. In this review we describe the results of our comparison of several software tools. We then conclude with a discussion of the subset of tools that are most commonly used and describe the features that would constitute the “ideal microarray analysis software suite.”  相似文献   
Mucous cell hypersecretion and increased neuropeptide production play a role in the exacerbation of symptoms associated with asthma. The source of these neuropeptides have been confined to the contributions of small afferent nerves or possibly neuroendocrine cells. We tested the hypothesis that repeated exposure to allergen would alter the sources and abundance of neuropeptides in airways. Right middle lobes from rats (8 wk old) exposed to 2.5% ovalbumin (OVA) for five episodes (30 min each) or filtered air were inflation fixed with paraformaldehyde. The lobes were dissected to expose the airway tree, permeabilized with DMSO, and incubated in antibody to rat calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), followed with a fluorochrome-labeled second antibody. CGRP-positive structures were imaged via confocal microscopy. Airways were later embedded in plastic and sectioned for cell identification. In animals challenged with OVA, CGRP-positive cells, not neuroendocrine or neuronal in origin (confirmed by a lack of protein gene product 9.5 signal), were recorded along the axial path. In section, this fluorescent signal was localized to granules within epithelial cells. Alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff staining of these same sections positively identify these cells as mucous cells. Mucous cells of animals not challenged with OVA were not positive for CGRP. We conclude that episodic allergen exposure results in the accumulation of CGRP within mucous cells, creating a new source for the release of this neuropeptide within the airway.  相似文献   
Blastocyst implantation and placentation require molecular and cellular interactions between the uterine endometrium and blastocyst trophectoderm. Previous studies showed that histamine produced in the mouse uterine luminal epithelium interacts with trophoblast histamine type-2 receptors (H2) to initiate blastocyst implantation. However, it is unknown whether similar histamine activity is operative in humans. Using a human cell line (HTR-8/SVneo) derived from first-trimester cytotrophoblasts that expresses both histamine type-1 receptor (H1) and H2, we found that histamine promotes cytotrophoblast invasiveness specifically through activation of H1. Stimulation of H1 in human cytotrophoblasts by histamine induced intracellular Ca2+ (Ca(2+)i) transients by activating phospholipase C and the inositol trisphosphate pathway. The enhanced invasion induced by histamine was blocked by pretreatment with H1 antagonist or by chelation of Ca(2+)i. These findings suggest possible differences between rodents and humans in histamine signaling to the trophoblast.  相似文献   
Synthesis of novel, multivalent glycodendrimers as ligands for HIV-1 gp120   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multivalent neoglycoconjugates are valuable tools for studying carbohydrate-protein interactions. To study the interaction of HIV-1 gp120 with its reported alternate glycolipid receptors, galactosyl ceramide (GalCer) and sulfatide, galactose- and sulfated galactose-derivatized dendrimers were synthesized, analyzed as ligands for rgp120 by surface plasmon resonance, and tested for their ability to inhibit HIV-1 infection of CXCR4- and CCR5-expressing indicator cells. Four different series of glycodendrimers were made by amine coupling spacer-arm derivatized galactose residues, either sulfated or nonsulfated, to poly(propylenimine) dendrimers, generations 1-5. One series of glycodendrimers was prepared from the ceramide saccharide derivative of purified natural GalCer, and another was from chemically synthesized 3-(beta-D-galactopyranosylthio)propionic acid. Synthesis of 3-sulfogalactopyranosyl-derivatized dendrimers was accomplished using the novel compound, 3-(beta-D-3-sulfogalactopyranosylthio)propionic acid. The fourth series was made by random sulfation of the 3-(beta-D-galactopyranosylthio)propionic acid functionalized dendrimers. Structures of the carbohydrate moieties were confirmed by NMR, and the average molecular weights and polydispersities of the different glycodendrimers were determined using MALDI-TOF MS. Surface plasmon resonance studies found that rgp120 IIIB bound to the derivatized dendrimers tested with nanomolar affinity, and to dextran sulfate with picomolar affinity. In vitro studies of the effectiveness of these compounds at inhibiting infection of U373-MAGI-CCR5 cells by HIV-1 Ba-L indicated that the sulfated glycodendrimers were better inhibitors than the nonsulfated glycodendrimers, but not as effective as dextran sulfate.  相似文献   
To study the evolution of the solute carrier family 11 (slc11; formerly Nramp) protein, we isolated and characterized two paralogs from the pufferfish Takifugu rubripes (Fugu). These teleost genes, designated Fugu slc11a-a and Fugu slc11a-b, comprise open reading frames of 1743 nucleotides (581 amino acids) and 1662 nt (554 aa), respectively. The proteins are 81% similar, and both exhibit signature features of the slc11 family of proteins including 12 transmembrane domains, a conserved transport motif and a glycosylated loop. Both Fugu paralogs are more Slc11a2-like based on sequence homology and phylogenetic studies. Analysis of gene environment placed both in the proximity of multiple loci syntenic to human chromosome 12q13, that is, within a SLC11A2 gene environment. However, Fugu slc11a-a also gave one match with chromosome 2q35, where human SLC11A1 resides. Functional diversification was suggested by differences in tissue distribution and subcellular localization. Fugu slc11a-a exhibits a restricted expression profile and a complex subcellular localization, including LAMP1 positive late endosomes/lysosomes in transiently transfected mouse macrophages. Fugu slc11a-b is expressed ubiquitously and localizes solely to late endosomes/lysosomes. This comparative analysis extends our understanding of the evolution and function of this important family of divalent cation transporters. [Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank Data Libraries under accession nos. AJ496547/8/9 and AJ496550.]  相似文献   
Old Yellow Enzyme (OYE) has long served as a paradigm for the study of flavin-containing NADPH oxido-reductases and yet its physiological role has remained a mystery. A two-hybrid interaction between Oye2p and actin led us to investigate a possible function in the actin cytoskeleton. We found that oye deletion strains have an overly elaborate actin cytoskeleton that cannot be attributed to changes in actin concentration but likely reflect stabilization of actin filaments, resulting in excessive actin assembly. Cells expressing the actin mutant act1-123p, which has a weakened interaction with Oye2p, show comparable defects in actin organization to the oye deletion strain that can be suppressed by overexpression of Oye2p. Similarly, mutation of either conserved cysteine of the potential disulfide pair Cys285-Cys374 in actin completely suppresses the actin organization defect of the oyeDelta phenotype. Strains lacking Oye function are also sensitive to oxidative stress as induced by H2O2, menadione, and diamide treatment. Mutation of either Cys285 or Cys374 of actin suppresses the sensitivity of oyeDelta strains to oxidative stress and in fact confers super-resistance to oxidative stress in otherwise wild-type strains. These results suggest that oxidative damage to actin, like that which has been observed in irreversibly sickled red blood cells, may be a general phenomenon and that OYE functions to control the redox state of actin thereby maintaining the proper plasticity of the actin cytoskeleton. In addition to uncovering a long sought biological function for Old Yellow Enzyme, these results establish that cellular sensitivity to oxidative stress can in part be directly attributed to a specific form (C285-C374 disulfide bond formation) of oxidative damage to actin.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the existing research on single-set vs. multiple-set resistance training programs. Using the meta-analytic approach, we included studies that met the following criteria in our analysis: (a) at least 6 subjects per group; (b) subject groups consisting of single-set vs. multiple-set resistance training programs; (c) pretest and posttest strength measures; (d) training programs of 6 weeks or more; (e) apparently "healthy" individuals free from orthopedic limitations; and (f) published studies in English-language journals only. Sixteen studies generated 103 effect sizes (ESs) based on a total of 621 subjects, ranging in age from 15-71 years. Across all designs, intervention strategies, and categories, the pretest to posttest ES in muscular strength was (chi = 1.4 +/- 1.4; 95% confidence interval, 0.41-3.8; p < 0.001). The results of 2 x 2 analysis of variance revealed simple main effects for age, training status (trained vs. untrained), and research design (p < 0.001). No significant main effects were found for sex, program duration, and set end point. Significant interactions were found for training status and program duration (6-16 weeks vs. 17-40 weeks) and number of sets performed (single vs. multiple). The data indicated that trained individuals performing multiple sets generated significantly greater increases in strength (p < 0.001). For programs with an extended duration, multiple sets were superior to single sets (p < 0.05). This quantitative review indicates that single-set programs for an initial short training period in untrained individuals result in similar strength gains as multiple-set programs. However, as progression occurs and higher gains are desired, multiple-set programs are more effective.  相似文献   
PlasmoDB (http://PlasmoDB.org) is the official database of the Plasmodium falciparum genome sequencing consortium. This resource incorporates the recently completed P. falciparum genome sequence and annotation, as well as draft sequence and annotation emerging from other Plasmodium sequencing projects. PlasmoDB currently houses information from five parasite species and provides tools for intra- and inter-species comparisons. Sequence information is integrated with other genomic-scale data emerging from the Plasmodium research community, including gene expression analysis from EST, SAGE and microarray projects and proteomics studies. The relational schema used to build PlasmoDB, GUS (Genomics Unified Schema) employs a highly structured format to accommodate the diverse data types generated by sequence and expression projects. A variety of tools allow researchers to formulate complex, biologically-based, queries of the database. A stand-alone version of the database is also available on CD-ROM (P. falciparum GenePlot), facilitating access to the data in situations where internet access is difficult (e.g. by malaria researchers working in the field). The goal of PlasmoDB is to facilitate utilization of the vast quantities of genomic-scale data produced by the global malaria research community. The software used to develop PlasmoDB has been used to create a second Apicomplexan parasite genome database, ToxoDB (http://ToxoDB.org).  相似文献   
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