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A neoplastic mast cell tumor was grown in mice which had been raised since birth on a diet enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid. Intact harvest mastocytoma cells were stimulated with calcium ionophpore A23187 to produce lipoxygenase products from the polyunsaturated fatty acids liberated from the cellular membranes. Leukotriene B4, B5, C4 and C5 were isolated and characterized by HPLC retention time, ultraviolet absorption spectrometry and mass spectrometry. The arachidonic acid content of the mast cell tumor lipids was altered from 9.2 to 3.9 mole% while eicosapentaenoic acid increased from 0.5 to 4.5 mole % in response to the fish oil-supplement diet.The relative amount of arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids (3.9 and 4.5 mole % respectively) were associated with similar amounts of LTB4 and LTP5 synthesized by the cells. These results suggest that the epoxide leukotrine (LTA) derivative can be made efficiently from either arachidonic or eicosapentaenoic acids when both are present in cellular lipids. In contrast, the ratio of LTC4 to LTC5 (10 to 1) indicates that the reaction of LTA with glutathione may be critically dependent upon the structure of the unsaturated fatty acid with the ratio of LTC4/LTB4 (2.0) more than 10 times greater than that (0.16) for LTC5/LTP5.  相似文献   
The binding of partially purified multiple sclerosis (MS) specific brain antigens (MSG2) and of the corresponding antigens of non-MS brains (KG2) to cerebrospinal fluid IgG of patients with MS and other neurological diseases was assayed employing sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Assay of the antigen-antibody binding revealed that the concentration of MSG2 required for the optimum binding to IgG in the undiluted MS CSFs was lower than that of KG2 in all cases. The index for IgG binding capacity of an antigen (IgBC) was expressed as a ratio of the optical density of the enzymic products in ELISA at the optimal antigen-antibody binding to the lowest concentration of the antigen required for the optimal binding. The IgBC of MSG2 was found to be linearly correlated with the IgG concentration in the CSF of MS patients. These results indicate that IgG with specificity to MSG2 may be present in the CSF of MS patients.  相似文献   
A truncated version of the human urokinase plasminogen activator receptor has been obtained by in vitro mutagenesis by insertion of a premature nonsense codon in the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor cDNA. This results in a protein truncated immediately upstream of the region which appears to be required for membrane attachment of the receptor via a glycolipid anchor. The modified receptor cDNA inserted into an expression vector has been transfected into mouse LB6 cells. Transfectants produce a urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA)-binding protein that is secreted into the medium. It can be cross-linked to iodinated ATF (amino-terminal fragment of u-PA) and can also inhibit binding of iodinated ATF to mouse LB6 cells that express the wild type human receptor. The soluble u-PA receptor will be used in a variety of experiments aimed at identifying the role and mechanism of u-PA in physiological and pathological invasive processes, as well as in therapeutical attempts to block or decrease cancer cell invasion and in general u-PA-mediated tissue destruction.  相似文献   
Recent studies from this and other laboratories have resulted in the cloning and sequencing of hexokinases from a variety of tissues including yeast, human kidney, rat brain, rat liver, and mouse hepatoma. Significantly, studies on the hepatoma enzyme conducted in this laboratory (Arora, K.K., Fanciulli, M., and Pedersen, P.L. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 6481-6488) resulted also in its overexpression in Escherichia coli in active form. We have now used site-directed mutagenesis for the first time in studies of hexokinase to evaluate the role of amino acid residues predicted to interact with either glucose or ATP. Four amino acid residues (Ser-603, Asp-657, Glu-708, and Glu-742) believed to interact with glucose were mutated to alanine or glycine, whereas a lysine residue (Lys-558) thought to be directly involved in binding ATP was mutated to either methionine or arginine. Of all the mutations in residues believed to interact with glucose, the Asp-657----Ala mutation is the most profound, reducing the hexokinase activity to a level less than 1% of the wild type. The relative Vmax values for Ser-603----Ala, Glu-708----Ala, and Glu-742----Ala enzymes are 6, 10, and 6.5%, respectively, of the wild-type enzyme. Glu-708 and Glu-742 mutations increase the apparent Km for glucose 50- and 14-fold, respectively, while the Ser-603----Ala mutation decreases the apparent Km for glucose 5-fold. At the putative ATP binding site, the relative Vmax for Lys-558----Arg and Lys-558----Met enzymes are 70 and 29%, respectively, of the wild-type enzyme with no changes in the apparent Km for glucose. No changes were observed in the apparent Km for ATP with any mutation. These results support the view that all 4 residues predicted to interact with glucose from earlier x-ray studies may play a role in binding and/or catalysis. The Asp-657 and Ser-603 residues may be involved in both, while Glu-708 and Glu-742 clearly contribute to binding but are not essential for catalysis. In contrast, Lys-558 appears to be essential neither for binding nor catalysis.  相似文献   
Secular change in sex ratios is examined in relation to experience in the family. Two theoretical perspectives are outlined: Guttentag and Secord’s (1983) adaptation of social exchange theory, and sexual selection theory. Because of large-scale change in number of births and typical age differentials between men and women at marriage, low sex ratios at couple formation ages existed in the U.S. between 1965 and the early 1980s. The currently high sex ratios, however, will persist until the end of the century. High sex ratios appear to be associated with lower divorce rates, male commitment to careers that promise economic rewards, male willingness to engage in child care, higher fertility, and higher rates of sexual violence. Sexual selection theory calls attention to intrasexual competition in the numerically larger sex.  相似文献   
The respective roles of urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA) and the u-PA receptor in extracellular matrix degradation was investigated. Human pro-u-PA and the human u-PA receptor were expressed independently by two different mouse LB6 cell lines. The matrix degradation capacity of these cell lines individually or in coculture was studied. Although pro-u-PA-producing cells alone degrade the matrix in the presence of plasminogen, u-PA-receptor producing cells do not. Cocultivation of a small fraction of pro-u-PA-producing cells with the receptor-producing cells increases the rate of matrix degradation at least threefold. By immunoprecipitation it was shown that cocultivation of the two cell lines increases the conversion of the inactive pro-u-PA to the active two chain u-PA. The enhancement of matrix degradation and of pro-u-PA activation requires actual binding of pro-u-PA to its receptor because it is inhibited by u-PA-receptor antagonists. The u-PA receptor must be cell associated, as binding of pro-u-PA to a receptor solubilized from the cell surface with phosphatidyl-inositol specific phospholipase C did not enhance the activation of pro-u-PA in the presence of plasminogen. The finding that activity of u-PA is enhanced when it is bound to its receptor, even when the receptor is produced by a different cell, might have important implications for the mechanisms of u-PA-induced extracellular proteolysis in vivo.  相似文献   
We have shown the presence of surface receptors for the amino-terminal fragment (ATF) of human urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) on an in vitro-established cell line of human epidermal origin by both radio-binding assays with human 125I-u-PA-ATF and transmission electron microscopy of a gold-u-PA complex. On the basis of cross-linking experiments with 125I-u-PA-ATF and subsequent autoradiography of the gels we have observed that such receptors are not spontaneously released into the culture medium. The treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C induces the release of the receptor, which behaves as a glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol(GPI)-anchored protein. Phase-partitioning experiments on cell lysates have shown that the receptor partitions into the detergent phase. By detaching cell monolayers with the chelating agent EDTA we have prepared the cell-substratum contact sites of these cells, which represent only the 3.5% of the surface membrane of monolayered cells. Such plasma membrane remnants are highly selected since they contain about 43% of total u-PA-ATF binding sites. Such binding sites show the same biochemical and morphological characteristics of u-PA-ATF receptors observed in the monolayered cells, thus indicating that u-PA is selectively concentrated at the level of cell-substratum contacts. This is likely to enable directional proteolysis for cell migration and invasion.  相似文献   
45Ca(II) binding studies (equilibrium dialysis) on the kringle domain of bovine prothrombin fragment 1 were conducted using a mixture of peptides (residues 43-156 and 46-156) resulting from limited alpha-chymotryptic hydrolysis of fragment 1. Analysis of the Scatchard plot of these data indicates a single, low affinity Ca(II)-binding site to be present. Similar results were obtained from studies on the decarboxylated fragment 1 derivative, 10-gamma-MGlu-fragment 1. Acetylation of bovine fragment 1 in the absence of Ca(II) or Mg(II) ions results in the loss of the metal ion-promoted quenching of the intrinsic Trp fluorescence of the protein and the Ca(II)-mediated binding to phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine (PS/PC) vesicles. The acetylation of the NH2 alpha-group of Ala-1 has been shown (Welsch, D. J., and Nelsestuen, G. L. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 4946-4952) to abolish the PS/PC binding property of fragment 1. The present study demonstrates that acetylation of a second site possibly Ser-79 or Thr-81 using the conditions described in the preceding paper results in loss of both the fluorescence transition and the Ca(II)-mediated PS/PC binding of the resulting protein derivative. Removal of the O-acetyl group at the Ser-79/Thr-81 site is accomplished by aminolysis with 0.2 M hydroxylamine, pH 10, 50 degrees C; the fluorescence transition is partially restored. PS/PC binding is partially restored if the NH2 alpha-group of Ala-1 is trinitrophenylated but is not restored if the NH2 alpha-group of Ala-1 is acetylated. We conclude that the Ser-79/Thr-81 site may represent a portion of the metal ion-binding site within the kringle domain of fragment 1. Occupancy of this site by a Ca(II) ion appears to be important in the binding of the protein to PS/PC vesicles.  相似文献   
Chemical modification of bovine prothrombin fragment 1 according to the procedure of D. J. Welsch and G. L. Nelsestuen (1988) [Biochemistry 27, 4946-4952 and ealier papers] provided a series of fragment 1 derivatives in which various nitrogen-containing side chains were N-acetylated and/or N-2,4,6-trinitrophenylated. In addition the des-[Ala-1,Asn-2]- and des-[Ala-1,Asn-2,Lys-3]-fragment 1 derivatives were prepared by limited enzymatic hydrolysis of fragment 1 using cathepsin C and plasmin, respectively. Quantitative studies on the Ca(II) binding of these proteins have been accomplished using 45Ca(II) equilibrium dialysis. Binding of these fragment 1 derivatives to phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine (PS/PC) vesicles (25:75) in the presence of Ca(II) ions has been studied using the light-scattering technique. Acylation of the 5 lysine residues of fragment 1 by the action of acetic anhydride (500-fold molar excess) in the presence of 75 mM Ca(II), pH 8.0, results in loss of positive cooperativity in Ca(II) binding (Scatchard plot) and an increase in the number of Ca(II) ions bound. The Ca(II)-dependent PS/PC binding of the acylated protein is reduced. Removal of 2 and 3 residues from the amino terminus likewise leads to loss of positive cooperativity in Ca(II) binding and reduced binding affinity to PS/PC vesicles. The important role of the amino-terminal 1-10 sequence is discussed. We conclude that positive cooperativity in Ca(II) binding is not a prerequisite for the Ca(II)-dependent binding of bovine prothrombin fragment 1 to PS/PC vesicles.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that during ATP synthesis/hydrolysis F1 ATPases experience a complex pattern of nucleotide binding and release during the catalytic cycle (binding change mechanism). This type of mechanism has implications that can be correlated with the structure of the enzyme. F1-ATPases (stoichiometry 33) are essentially a symmetrical trimer of pairs of the major subunits ( and ); the minor subunits (, and ) are in single copies and interact with the trimer in an asymmetrical fashion. The asymmetry introduced by the minor subunits has important structural and functional consequences: (1) it introduces differences between the potentially equivalent binding and catalytic sites in the major subunits, (2) it restricts the ways in which a binding change mechanism can occur, and (3) it governs the way in which the F1 interacts with the (asymmetrical) F0 sector.  相似文献   
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