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In this work, hydrogels based on semi-interpenetrating polymeric networks (semi-IPN) based on collagen-polyurethane-alginate were studied physicochemically and from different approaches for biomedical application. It was determined that the matrices in the hydrogel state are crosslinked by the formation of urea and amide bonds between the biopolymer chains and the polyurethane crosslinker. The increment in alginate content (0–40 wt%) significantly increases the swelling capacity, generating semi-crystalline granular structures with improved storage modulus and resistance to thermal, hydrolytic, and proteolytic degradation. The in vitro bioactivity results indicated that the composition of these novel hydrogels stimulates the metabolic activity of monocytes and fibroblasts, benefiting their proliferation; while in cancer cell lines, it was determined that the composition of these biomaterials decreases the metabolic activity of breast cancer cells after 48 h of stimulation, and for colon cancer cells their metabolic activity decreases after 72 h of contact for the hydrogel with 40 wt% alginate. The matrices show a behavior of multidose release of ketorolac, and a higher concentration of analgesic is released in the semi-IPN matrix. The inhibition capacity of Escherichia coli is higher if the polysaccharide concentration is low (10 wt%). The in vitro wound closure test (scratch test) results indicate that the hydrogel with 20 wt% alginate shows an improvement in wound closure at 15 days of contact. Finally, the bioactivity of mineralization was evaluated to demonstrate that these hydrogels can induce the formation of carbonated apatite on their surface. The engineered hydrogels show biomedical multifunctionality and they could be applied in soft and hard tissue healing strategies, anticancer therapies, and drug release devices.  相似文献   
Frataxin is a kinetic activator of the mitochondrial supercomplex for iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Low frataxin expression or a decrease in its functionality results in Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA). With the aim of creating new molecular tools to study this metabolic pathway, and ultimately, to explore new therapeutic strategies, we have investigated the possibility of obtaining small proteins exhibiting a high affinity for frataxin. In this study, we applied the ribosome display approach, using human frataxin as the target. We focused on Affi_224, one of the proteins that we were able to select after five rounds of selection. We have studied the interaction between both proteins and discussed some applications of this specific molecular tutor, concerning the modulation of the supercomplex activity. Affi_224 and frataxin showed a KD value in the nanomolar range, as judged by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Most likely, it binds to the frataxin acidic ridge, as suggested by the analysis of chemical shift perturbations (nuclear magnetic resonance) and computational simulations. Affi_224 was able to increase Cys NFS1 desulfurase activation exerted by the FRDA frataxin variant G130V. Importantly, Affi_224 interacts with frataxin in a human cellular model. Our results suggest quaternary addition may be a new tool to modulate frataxin function in vivo. Nevertheless, more functional experiments under physiological conditions should be carried out to evaluate Affi_224 effectiveness in FRDA cell models.  相似文献   
Silicified polyplacophorans are common in the Lower Devonian Garra Formation in New South Wales. Four taxa occur within the lower 237 m of the formation at 14 horizons associated with an abundant and diverse fauna. Chelodes calceoloides Etheridge ranges through the section. New taxa are Chelodes cordatus sp. nov., Acutichiton depressolatus sp. nov., and Jugochiton patulus gen. and sp. nov. A single plate of an indeterminate genus occurs in the lower portion of the Camelford Limestone.  相似文献   
 Mutations causing a visible phenotype in the adult serve as valuable visible genetic markers in multicellular genetic model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans and Arabidopsis thaliana. In a large scale screen for mutations affecting early development of the zebrafish, we identified a number of mutations that are homozygous viable or semiviable. Here we describe viable mutations which produce visible phenotypes in the adult fish. These predominantly affect the fins and pigmentation, but also the eyes and body length of the adult. A number of dominant mutations caused visible phenotypes in the adult fish. Mutations in three genes, long fin, another long fin and wanda affected fin formation in the adult. Four mutations were found to cause a dominant reduction of the overall body length in the adult. The adult pigment pattern was found to be changed by dominant mutations in wanda, asterix, obelix, leopard, salz and pfeffer. Among the recessive mutations producing visible phenotypes in the homozygous adult, a group of mutations that failed to produce melanin was assayed for tyrosinase activity. Mutations in sandy produced embryos that failed to express tyrosinase activity. These are potentially useful for using tyrosinase as a marker for the generation of transgenic lines of zebrafish. Received: 17 June 1996 / Accepted: 15 July 1996  相似文献   
Isoprenylated proteins are involved in signal transduction, control of cell growth and differentiation, organization of the nuclear lamina and cytoskeleton, and vesicle sorting. The isoprenoid moiety facilitates the interaction of these proteins with membranes and/or other proteins. However, many isoprenylated proteins remain unidentified. A method is described for identifying novel and known cDNAs encoding isoprenylated proteins. Sufficient details of the screening procedure are given so that this method may be easily used to identify cDNAs encoding other covalently modified proteins or proteins possessing high affinity ligand binding sites.  相似文献   
Enhanced zooplankton biomass was found in shallow (<900 m)and deep (>900 m) net samples collected over the EndeavourRidge hydrothermal plume in 1991 and 1992. This enhanced biomasswas manifest in considerably higher abundance values for mostspecies in proximity to the vent field compared with abundancevalues from net samples collected 10–50 km off-axis. Thespecies most enriched in abundance by the hydrothermal plumewere those normally found in the mid-depth scattering layerat 400–900 m depth. These mid-depth animals were alsothe dominant fauna in the deep scattering layers that overliethe hydrothermal plume at depths of 1200–1900 m near themain vent field. The abundance and biomass dominants were specieswith pronounced ontogenetic migration patterns, and their associatedpredators. The abundance of many typically deep species wasalso enhanced over the main vent field. Faimal compositionsof net samples were compared using a similarity measure andaverage linkage rule. Deep fauna in proximity to the vent fieldbut not associated with scattering layers (Group 1), were similarto deep fauna 10–50 km off axis. The fauna of the deepscattering layer over the vent field (Group 2) was most similarto surface and mid- depth scattering layer fauna found withina 50km radius of the vent field. Statistical tests of linkagesobtained using a bootstrap method indicate that the abundanceand taxonomic composition of the two faunal groups were significantlydistinct in 1992, but not in 1991. We conclude that there wasconsiderable infiltration of shallow fauna into the deep scatteringlayers within 2–3 km of the main vent field, less extensiveinfiltration 10–15 km to the noilh and south of the ventfield in 1991, and insignificant infiltration at stations 50kmto the west of the vent field in 1992. A bootstrap analysiscomparing the faunal composition of nets towed above 900 m depthshowed that shallow fauna were not significantly distinct betweenthe two sampling years or up to 50 km away from the vent field.  相似文献   
Fluorescence microscopy was used to study meiosis in microsporocytes from wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and a T-DNA-tagged meiotic mutant. Techniques for visualizing chromosomes and β-tubulin in other plant species were evaluated and modified in order to develop a method for analyzing meiosis in A. thaliana anthers. Like most dicots, A. thaliana microsporocytes undergo simultaneous cytokinesis in which both meiotic divisions are completed prior to cytokinesis. However, two unique events were observed in wild-type A. thaliana that have not been reported in other angiosperms: (1) polarization of the microsporocyte cytoskeleton during prophase I prior to nuclear envelope breakdown, and (2) extensive depolymerization of microtubules just prior to metaphase II. The first observation could have implications regarding a previously uncharacterized mechanism for determining the axis of the metaphase I spindle during microsporogenesis. The second observation is peculiar since microtubules are known to be involved in chromosome alignment in other species; possible explanations will be discussed. A T-DNA-tagged meiotic mutant of A. thaliana ( syn1 ), which had previously been shown to produce abnormal microspores with variable DNA content, was also cytologically characterized. The first observable defect occurs in microsporocytes at telophase I, where some chromosomes are scattered throughout the cytoplasm, usually attached to stray microtubules. Subsequent developmental stages are affected, leading to complete male sterility. Based on similarities to synaptic mutants that have been described in other species, it is suggested that this mutant is defective in synaptonemal complex formation and/or cohesion between sister chromatids.  相似文献   
Shields, Richard K., Laura Frey Law, Brenda Reiling, KellySass, and Jason Wilwert. Effects of electrically induced fatigueon the twitch and tetanus of paralyzed soleus muscle in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1499-1507, 1997.We analyzed the twitch and summated torque(tetanus) during repetitive activation and recovery of the human soleusmuscle in individuals with spinal cord injury. Thirteen individualswith complete paralysis (9 chronic, 4 acute) had the tibial nerveactivated every 1,500 ms with a 20-Hz train (7 stimuli) for 300 ms anda single pulse at 1,100 ms. The stimulation protocol lasted 3 min andincluded 120 twitches and 120 tetani. Minimal changes were found forthe acute group. The chronic group showed a significant reduction inthe torque and a significant slowing of the contractile speeds of boththe twitch and tetanus. The decrease in the peak twitch torque was significantly greater than the decrease in the peak tetanus torque early during the fatigue protocol for the chronic group. The twitch time to peak and half relaxation time were prolonged during fatigue, which was associated with improved fusion of the tetanus torque. At theend of the fatigue protocol, the decrease in the peak twitch torque wasnot significantly different from the decrease in the peak tetanustorque. After 5 min of rest, the contractile speeds recovered causingthe tetanus to become unfused, but the tetanus torque became lessdepressed than the twitch torque. The differential responses for thetwitch and the tetanus suggest an interplay between optimal fusioncreated from contractile speed slowing and excitation contractioncoupling compromise. These issues make the optimal design of functionalelectrical stimulation systems a formidable task.

Synopsis The incorporation of dissolved oceanic constituents in the otoliths of fish has potential as a chemical tracer for reconstructing the early life history of marine fish. Wavelength dispersive spectrometers on an electron microprobe were used to measure Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, and Sr concentrations on the outer margins of 57 juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, otoliths from five locations in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Discriminant analyses that used various combinations of Na, P, K, Sr, and fish standard length and/or age showed that 60–80% of the samples could be assigned to the correct capture locality. While the concentrations of some of the measured elements correlated with standard length or age of the fish, there are measurable differences among localities when concentrations are length or age corrected, mainly due to differences in Na and K concentrations. Elemental composition of otoliths potentially could be used to assign fish from a mixed stock fishery to original stocks, information that is greatly needed for the effective management of fish stocks.  相似文献   
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