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Nitric oxide (NO) has been found to inhibit the actions of the transmembrane metal reductase Fre1 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This membrane-spanning heme protein is homologous to the gp91(PHOX) protein of the NADPH oxidase enzyme complex and is responsible for reducing extracellular oxidized metals (i.e., ferric and cupric ions) before high-affinity uptake. Consistent with its role in metal metabolism, inhibition of Fre1 by NO also inhibited yeast growth in low-iron medium. Inhibition by NO was found to be O(2)-dependent and irreversible. Further examination of the chemistry responsible for activity loss shows that the generation of N(2)O(3) via NO-O(2) chemistry was responsible for the activity loss, possibly via nitrosation of the protein followed by loss of the heme prosthetic group.  相似文献   
Molybdenum is an essential component of the cofactors of many metalloenzymes including nitrate reductase and Mo-nitrogenase. The cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 uses nitrate and atmospheric N2 as sources of nitrogen for growth. Two of the three nitrogenases in this strain are Mo-dependent enzymes, as is nitrate reductase; thus, transport of molybdate is important for growth of this strain. High-affinity transport of molybdate in A. variabilis was mediated by an ABC-type transport system encoded by the products of modA and modBC. The modBC gene comprised a fused orf including components corresponding to modB and modC of Escherichia coli. The deduced ModC part of the fused gene lacked a recognizable molybdate-binding domain. Expression of modA and modBC was induced by starvation for molybdate. Mutants in modA or modBC were unable to grow using nitrate or Mo-nitrogenase. Growth using the alternative V-nitrogenase was not impaired in the mutants. A high concentration of molybdate (10 microM) supported normal growth of the modBC mutant using the Nif1 Mo-nitrogenase, indicating that there was a low-affinity molybdate transport system in this strain. The modBC mutant did not detectably transport low concentrations of 99Mo (molybdate), but did transport high concentrations. However, such transport was observed only after cells were starved for sulphate, suggesting that an inducible sulphate transport system might also serve as a low-affinity molybdate transport system in this strain.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of Ca2+ on titin (connectin)-based passive tension in skinned myocardium expressing either predominantly N2B titin (rat right ventricle, RRV) or predominantly N2BA titin (bovine left atrium, BLA). Actomyosin-based tension was abolished to undetectably low levels by selectively removing the thin filaments with a Ca2+-insensitive gelsolin fragment (FX-45). Myocardium was stretched in the presence and absence of Ca2+, and passive tension was measured. Ca2+ significantly increased passive tension during and after stretch in the BLA. The increase was insensitive to the actomyosin inhibitor 2,3-butanedione 2-monoxime, supporting the conclusion that the effect is titin based. Passive tension did not respond to calcium in the RRV, indicating that passive tension developed by N2B titin is calcium insensitive. Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence studies indicated that N2BA titin expresses E-rich PEVK motifs, whereas they are absent from N2B titin, supporting earlier single molecule studies that reported that E-rich motifs are required for calcium sensitivity. We conclude that calcium affects passive myocardial tension in a titin isoform-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Twelve percent of 853 California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) from six different geographic locations in Kern County, Calif., were found to be shedding on average 44,482 oocysts g of feces(-1). The mean annual environmental loading rate of Cryptosporidium oocysts was 57,882 oocysts squirrel(-1) day(-1), with seasonal patterns of fecal shedding ranging from <10,000 oocysts squirrel(-1) day(-1) in fall, winter, and spring to levels of 2 x 10(5) oocysts squirrel(-1) day(-1) in summer. Juveniles were about twice as likely as adult squirrels to be infected and shed higher concentrations of oocysts than adults did, with particularly high levels of infection and shedding being found among juvenile male squirrels. Based on DNA sequencing of a portion of the 18S small-subunit rRNA gene, there existed three genotypes of Cryptosporidium species in these populations of squirrels (Sbey03a, Sbey03b, and Sbey03c; accession numbers AY462231 to AY462233, respectively). These unique DNA sequences were most closely related (96 to 97% homology) to porcine C. parvum (AF115377) and C. wrairi (AF115378). Inoculating BALB/c neonatal mice with up to 10,000 Sbey03b or Sbey03c fresh oocysts from different infected hosts did not produce detectable levels of infection, suggesting that this common genotype shed by California ground squirrels is not infectious for mice and may constitute a new species of Cryptosporidium.  相似文献   
In plants, Glycoside Hydrolase (GH) Family 1 -glycosidases are believed to play important roles in many diverse processes including chemical defense against herbivory, lignification, hydrolysis of cell wall-derived oligosaccharides during germination, and control of active phytohormone levels. Completion of the Arabidopsis thalianagenome sequencing project has enabled us, for the first time, to determine the total number of Family 1 members in a higher plant. Reiterative database searches revealed a multigene family of 48 members that includes eight probable pseudogenes. Manual reannotation and analysis of the entire family were undertaken to rectify existing misannotations and identify phylogenetic relationships among family members. Forty-seven members (designated BGLU1 through BGLU47) share a common evolutionary origin and were subdivided into approximately 10 subfamilies based on phylogenetic analysis and consideration of intron–exon organizations. The forty-eighth member of this family (At3g06510; sfr2) is a -glucosidase-like gene that belongs to a distinct lineage. Information pertaining to expression patterns and potential functions of Arabidopsis GH Family 1 members is presented. To determine the biological function of all family members, we intend to investigate the substrate specificity of each mature hydrolase after its heterologous expression in the Pichia pastoris expression system. To test the validity of this approach, the BGLU44-encoded hydrolase was expressed in P. pastoris and purified to homogeneity. When tested against a wide range of natural and synthetic substrates, this enzyme showed a preference for -mannosides including 1,4--D-mannooligosaccharides, suggesting that it may be involved in A. thaliana in degradation of mannans, galactomannans, or glucogalactomannans. Supporting this notion, BGLU44 shared high sequence identity and similar gene organization with tomato endosperm -mannosidase and barley seed -glucosidase/-mannosidase BGQ60.  相似文献   
We examined the possibility of changes in "working" memory of rats following whole body exposure to microwave (MW) radiation. During each of 10 days, we exposed rats within circularly polarized waveguides for 45 min to 2450 MHz fields at whole body SARs of 0.6 W/kg (2 micros pulses, 500 pps), followed by testing in a 12 arm, radial arm maze (RAM). Rats received a preexposure injection of one of three psychoactive compounds or saline, to determine whether a compound would interact with MW exposure to affect performance in the maze. Error rate, i.e., reentry into arms already visited, and time to criterion data for 10 consecutive days of testing were analyzed by a three way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using main effects of "exposure" and "drug" and a repeated factor of "test day." Our alpha limit for significance was P <.05. Analyzes of error rates revealed no significant exposure effect, no significant drug effect and no significant interaction between the two main factors. There was a significant difference in test days, as expected, with repeated test-trial days, which indicates that learning was accomplished. There was no significant interaction of test day and the other two factors. The results of our analyzes of time to criterion data included no significant exposure effect, a significant drug effect, a significant test day effect, and a significant interaction between drug and test day factors. Post hoc analyzes of the drug factor revealed that rats treated with either physostigmine or nalrexone hydrochloride, took significantly longer to complete the maze task than rats pretreated with saline or with naloxone methodide. We conclude that there is no evidence from the current study that exposure to of MW radiation under parameters examined caused decrements in the ability of rats to learn the spatial memory task.  相似文献   
U8 snoRNP is required for accumulation of mature 5.8S and 28S rRNA in vertebrates. We are identifying proteins that bind U8 RNA with high specificity to understand how U8 functions in ribosome biogenesis. Here, we characterize a Xenopus 29 kDa protein (X29), which we previously showed binds U8 RNA with high affinity. X29 and putative homologs in other vertebrates contain a NUDIX domain found in MutT and other nucleotide diphosphatases. Recombinant X29 protein has diphosphatase activity that removes m(7)G and m(227)G caps from U8 and other RNAs in vitro; the putative 29 kDa human homolog also displays this decapping activity. X29 is primarily nucleolar in Xenopus tissue culture cells. We propose that X29 is a member of a conserved family of nuclear decapping proteins that function in regulating the level of U8 snoRNA and other nuclear RNAs with methylated caps.  相似文献   
Vertebrate axis patterning depends on cell and extracellular matrix (ECM) repositioning and proper cell-ECM interactions. However, there are few in vivo data addressing how large-scale tissue deformations are coordinated with the motion of local cell ensembles or the displacement of ECM constituents. Combining the methods of dynamic imaging and experimental biology allows both cell and ECM fate-mapping to be correlated with ongoing tissue deformations. These fate-mapping studies suggest that the axial ECM components "move" both as a composite meshwork and as autonomous particles, depending on the length scale being examined. Cells are also part of this composite, and subject to passive displacements resulting from tissue deformations. However, in contrast to the ECM, cells are self-propelled. The net result of cell and ECM displacements, along with proper ECM-cell adhesion, is the assembly of new tissue architecture. Data herein show that disruption of normal cell-ECM interactions during axis formation results in developmental abnormalities and a disorganization of the ECM. Our goal in characterizing the global displacement patterns of axial cells and ECM is to provide critical information regarding existing strain fields in the segmental plate and paraxial mesoderm. Deducing the mechanical influences on cell behavior is critical, if we are to understand vertebral axis patterning. Supplementary material for this article is available online at http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/suppmat/1542-975X/suppmat/72/v72.266.html.  相似文献   


Human centromere regions are characterized by the presence of alpha-satellite DNA, replication late in S phase and a heterochromatic appearance. Recent models propose that the centromere is organized into conserved chromatin domains in which chromatin containing CenH3 (centromere-specific H3 variant) at the functional centromere (kinetochore) forms within regions of heterochromatin. To address these models, we assayed formation of heterochromatin and euchromatin on de novo human artificial chromosomes containing alpha-satellite DNA. We also examined the relationship between chromatin composition and replication timing of artificial chromosomes.


Heterochromatin factors (histone H3 lysine 9 methylation and HP1α) were enriched on artificial chromosomes estimated to be larger than 3 Mb in size but depleted on those smaller than 3 Mb. All artificial chromosomes assembled markers of euchromatin (histone H3 lysine 4 methylation), which may partly reflect marker-gene expression. Replication timing studies revealed that the replication timing of artificial chromosomes was heterogeneous. Heterochromatin-depleted artificial chromosomes replicated in early S phase whereas heterochromatin-enriched artificial chromosomes replicated in mid to late S phase.


Centromere regions on human artificial chromosomes and host chromosomes have similar amounts of CenH3 but exhibit highly varying degrees of heterochromatin, suggesting that only a small amount of heterochromatin may be required for centromere function. The formation of euchromatin on all artificial chromosomes demonstrates that they can provide a chromosome context suitable for gene expression. The earlier replication of the heterochromatin-depleted artificial chromosomes suggests that replication late in S phase is not a requirement for centromere function.
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