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Long-term atmospheric CO2 concentration records have suggested a reduction in the positive effect of warming on high-latitude carbon uptake since the 1990s. A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the reduced net carbon sink of northern ecosystems with increased air temperature, including water stress on vegetation and increased respiration over recent decades. However, the lack of consistent long-term carbon flux and in situ soil moisture data has severely limited our ability to identify the mechanisms responsible for the recent reduced carbon sink strength. In this study, we used a record of nearly 100 site-years of eddy covariance data from 11 continuous permafrost tundra sites distributed across the circumpolar Arctic to test the temperature (expressed as growing degree days, GDD) responses of gross primary production (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and ecosystem respiration (ER) at different periods of the summer (early, peak, and late summer) including dominant tundra vegetation classes (graminoids and mosses, and shrubs). We further tested GPP, NEE, and ER relationships with soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit to identify potential moisture limitations on plant productivity and net carbon exchange. Our results show a decrease in GPP with rising GDD during the peak summer (July) for both vegetation classes, and a significant relationship between the peak summer GPP and soil moisture after statistically controlling for GDD in a partial correlation analysis. These results suggest that tundra ecosystems might not benefit from increased temperature as much as suggested by several terrestrial biosphere models, if decreased soil moisture limits the peak summer plant productivity, reducing the ability of these ecosystems to sequester carbon during the summer.  相似文献   
The presence of lamin proteins in mouse spermatogenic cells has been examined by using an anti-lamin AC and an anti-lamin B antisera which recognize somatic lamins A and C, and somatic lamin B, respectively. Anti-lamin B binds to the nuclear periphery of all cell types examined, including Sertoli cells, primitive type A spermatogonia, preleptotene, leptotene, zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes, and round spermatids. In sperm nuclei, the antigenic determinants are localized to a narrow domain of the nucleus. However, after removing the perinuclear theca, anti-lamin B localizes to the entire nuclear periphery in a punctate pattern, suggesting that it is binding to determinants previously covered by the theca constituents. On immunoblots anti-lamin B reacts with a ~ 68 kD polypeptide in all germ cells and, to a lesser extent, with four additional polypeptides present only in meiotic and post-meiotic nuclear matrices. Anti-lamin AC also reacts with the perinuclear region of the somatic cells in the testes, in particular, those of the interstitium and also the Sertoli cells of the seminiferous epithelium. In contrast to anti-lamin B, anti-lamin AC does not bind to the germ cells at any stage of spermatogenesis. In addition, nuclear matrix proteins from isolated spermatogenic cells do not bind anti-lamin AC on immunoblots, suggesting the lack of reactivity is not due to the masking of any antigenic sites. These data demonstrate that germ cells contain lamin B throughout spermatogenesis, even during meiosis and spermiogenesis when the nuclear periphery lacks a distinct fibrous lamina. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Subgrouping of bacterial populations by cellular fatty acid composition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The cellular fatty acid composition of six bacterial species isolated from the seeds and leaves of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) and from soil were analysed. The quantitative data from the fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles were highly reproducible. Numerical analysis of Xanthomonas maltophilia . FAME profiles sub-grouped strains according to when they were isolated in the growing season. The analytical method used was sensitive enough to differentiate strains of Klebsiella terrigena isolated from either soil or leaves. The results from this study confirm reports that analyses of bacterial FAME composition were rapid to perform, specific and allowed differentiation of strains within the same species.  相似文献   
A gene encoding a protein with extensive homology to the largest subunit of the multicatalytic proteinase complex (proteasome) has been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. This gene, referred to as AtPSM30, is entirely encompassed within a previously characterized radiation-induced deletion, which may thus provide the first example of a proteasome null mutation in a higher eukaryote. However, the growth rate and fertility of Arabidopsis plants do not appear to be significantly affected by this mutation, even though disruption experiments in yeast have shown that most proteasome subunits are essential. Analysis of mRNA levels in developing seedlings and mature plants indicates that expression of AtPSM30 is differentially regulated during development and is slightly induced in response to stress, as has been observed for proteasome genes in yeast, Drosophila, and mammals. Southern blot analysis indicates that the Arabidopsis genome contains numerous sequences closely related to AtPSM30, consistent with recent reports of at least two other proteasome genes in Arabidopsis. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences for all proteasome genes reported to date suggests that multiple proteasome subunits evolved in eukaryotes prior to the divergence of plants and animals.  相似文献   
In this work, hydrogels based on semi-interpenetrating polymeric networks (semi-IPN) based on collagen-polyurethane-alginate were studied physicochemically and from different approaches for biomedical application. It was determined that the matrices in the hydrogel state are crosslinked by the formation of urea and amide bonds between the biopolymer chains and the polyurethane crosslinker. The increment in alginate content (0–40 wt%) significantly increases the swelling capacity, generating semi-crystalline granular structures with improved storage modulus and resistance to thermal, hydrolytic, and proteolytic degradation. The in vitro bioactivity results indicated that the composition of these novel hydrogels stimulates the metabolic activity of monocytes and fibroblasts, benefiting their proliferation; while in cancer cell lines, it was determined that the composition of these biomaterials decreases the metabolic activity of breast cancer cells after 48 h of stimulation, and for colon cancer cells their metabolic activity decreases after 72 h of contact for the hydrogel with 40 wt% alginate. The matrices show a behavior of multidose release of ketorolac, and a higher concentration of analgesic is released in the semi-IPN matrix. The inhibition capacity of Escherichia coli is higher if the polysaccharide concentration is low (10 wt%). The in vitro wound closure test (scratch test) results indicate that the hydrogel with 20 wt% alginate shows an improvement in wound closure at 15 days of contact. Finally, the bioactivity of mineralization was evaluated to demonstrate that these hydrogels can induce the formation of carbonated apatite on their surface. The engineered hydrogels show biomedical multifunctionality and they could be applied in soft and hard tissue healing strategies, anticancer therapies, and drug release devices.  相似文献   
Frataxin is a kinetic activator of the mitochondrial supercomplex for iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Low frataxin expression or a decrease in its functionality results in Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA). With the aim of creating new molecular tools to study this metabolic pathway, and ultimately, to explore new therapeutic strategies, we have investigated the possibility of obtaining small proteins exhibiting a high affinity for frataxin. In this study, we applied the ribosome display approach, using human frataxin as the target. We focused on Affi_224, one of the proteins that we were able to select after five rounds of selection. We have studied the interaction between both proteins and discussed some applications of this specific molecular tutor, concerning the modulation of the supercomplex activity. Affi_224 and frataxin showed a KD value in the nanomolar range, as judged by surface plasmon resonance analysis. Most likely, it binds to the frataxin acidic ridge, as suggested by the analysis of chemical shift perturbations (nuclear magnetic resonance) and computational simulations. Affi_224 was able to increase Cys NFS1 desulfurase activation exerted by the FRDA frataxin variant G130V. Importantly, Affi_224 interacts with frataxin in a human cellular model. Our results suggest quaternary addition may be a new tool to modulate frataxin function in vivo. Nevertheless, more functional experiments under physiological conditions should be carried out to evaluate Affi_224 effectiveness in FRDA cell models.  相似文献   
The relationships between increasing nitrogen fertilization and growth, maximum CO2 assimilation and the initial slope of the CO2 response curve were studied in 2 ecotypes of wild strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duchn. Nitrogen accumulation of CA11, an ecotype from a low-nutrient dune site, was greater at all nitrogen concentrations than that of RCP37, an ecotype from a higher-nutrient strand site. Maximum CO2 assimilation, total Rubisco activity, dry weight, and initiation of leaves and crowns were higher in CAI1 than RCP37 as nitrogen treatment was increased from 0 to 200 mg l-1, whereas these parameters were lower in CAl1 when fertilized at 300 mg T1, but not in RCP37. The mean leaf area of CA11 was greater than RCP37 when grown with no supplemental nitrogen, but mean leaf area of the 2 lines was similar under nitrogen fertilization. Maximum CO2 assimilation and carboxylation efficiency increased with increasing leaf nitrogen in both clones. At equivalent concentrations of leaf nitrogen, RCP37 had higher CO2 assimilation and carboxylation efficiency than CA11 and the difference between the 2 clones increased as ieaf nitrogen increased. Thus, RCP37 had a higher photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency than CA11. However, at a given applied nitrogen level, CA11 allocated more nitrogen to a unit of leaf area so that photosynthetic rates were higher than RCP37, except at the highest application of 300 mg l-1. The high nitrogen accumulation capacity and resource allocation to fruiting structures (crowns) in CA11 leads us to suggest that this clone may possess genes that could increase fruit yield in cultivated strawberry.  相似文献   
Most shallow teleosts have low organic osmolyte contents, e.g. 70 mmol/kg or less of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO). Our previous work showed that TMAO contents increase with depth in muscles of several Pacific families of teleost fishes, to about 180 mmol/kg wet wt at 2.9 km depth in grenadiers. We now report that abyssal grenadiers (Coryphaenoides armatus, Macrouridae) from the Atlantic at 4.8 km depth contain 261 mmol/kg wet wt in muscle tissue. This precisely fits a linear trend extrapolated from the earlier data. We also found that anemones show a trend of increasing contents of methylamines (TMAO, betaine) and scyllo-inositol with increasing depth. Previously we found that TMAO counteracts the inhibitory effects of hydrostatic pressure on a variety of proteins. We now report that TMAO and, to a lesser extent, betaine, are generally better stabilizers than other common osmolytes (myo-inositol, taurine and glycine), in terms of counteracting the effects of pressure on NADH Km of grenadier lactate dehydrogenase and ADP Km of anemone and rabbit pyruvate kinase.  相似文献   
Isoprenylated proteins are involved in signal transduction, control of cell growth and differentiation, organization of the nuclear lamina and cytoskeleton, and vesicle sorting. The isoprenoid moiety facilitates the interaction of these proteins with membranes and/or other proteins. However, many isoprenylated proteins remain unidentified. A method is described for identifying novel and known cDNAs encoding isoprenylated proteins. Sufficient details of the screening procedure are given so that this method may be easily used to identify cDNAs encoding other covalently modified proteins or proteins possessing high affinity ligand binding sites.  相似文献   
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