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Alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors mediate part of the diverse biological effects of the endogenous catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine. Three distinct subtypes of alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors, alpha(2A), alpha(2B), alpha(2C), have been identified from multiple species. Because of the lack of sufficiently subtype-selective ligands, the specific biological functions of these receptor subtypes were largely unknown until recently. Gene-targeted mice carrying deletions in the genes encoding for individual alpha(2)-receptor subtypes have added important new insight into the physiological significance of adrenergic receptor diversity. Two different strategies have emerged to regulate adrenergic signal transduction. Some biological functions are controlled by two counteracting alpha(2)-receptor subtypes, e.g., alpha(2A)-receptors decrease sympathetic outflow and blood pressure, whereas the alpha(2B)-subtype increases blood pressure. Other biological functions are regulated by synergistic alpha(2)-receptor subtypes. The inhibitory presynaptic feedback loop that tightly regulates neurotransmitter release from adrenergic nerves also requires two receptor subtypes, alpha(2A) and alpha(2C). Similarly, nociception is controlled at several levels by one of the three alpha(2)-receptor subtypes. Further investigation of the specific function of alpha(2)-subtypes will greatly enhance our understanding of the relevance of closely related receptor proteins and point out novel therapeutic strategies for subtype-selective drug development.  相似文献   
It was investigated to what extent isolated, monomeric and polymeric carbohydrates as well as cartilage specimens are affected by hydroxyl radicals generated by γ-irradiation or Fenton reaction and what products can be detected by means of NMR spectroscopy. Resonances of all protons in glucose and other monosac-charides as well as carbon resonances in 13C-enriched glucose were continuously diminished upon γ-irradiation. Formate and malondialdehyde were found as NMR detectable products in irradiated glucose solutions under physiologically relevant (aerated) conditions. In polysaccharide solutions (e.g. hyaluronic acid) γ-irradiation and also treatment with the Fenton reagent caused first an enhancement of resonances according to mobile N-acetyl groups at 2.02 ppm. This indicates a breakdown of glycosidic bonds in polysac-charides. Using higher radiation doses or higher concentrations of the Fenton reagent formate was also detected. The same sequence of events was observed upon treatment of bovine nasal cartilage with the Fenton reagent. First, glycosidic linkages in cartilage polysaccharides were cleaved and subsequently formate was formed. In contrast, collagen of cartilage was affected only to a very low extent. Thus, HO-radicals caused the same action on cartilage as on isolated polymer solutions, inducing a fragmentation of polysaccharides and the formation of formate.  相似文献   
The fate of tetanus toxin (mol wt 150,000) subsequent to its retrograde axonal transport in peripheral sympathetic neurons of the rat was studied by both electron microscope autoradiography and cytochemistry using toxin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) coupling products, and compared to that of nerve growth factor (NGF), cholera toxin, and the lectins wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), and ricin. All these macromolecules are taken up by adrenergic nerve terminals and transported retrogradely in a selective, highly efficient manner. This selective uptake and transport is a consequence of the binding of these macromolecules to specific receptive sites on the nerve terminal membrane. All these ligands are transported in the axons within smooth vesicles, cisternae, and tubules. In the cell bodies these membrane compartments fuse and most of the transported macromolecules are finally incorporated into lysosomes. The cell nuclei, the parallel golgi cisternae, and the extracellular space always remain unlabeled. In case the tetanus toxin, however, a substantial fraction of the labeled material appears in presynaptic cholinergic nerve terminals which innervate the labeled ganglion cells. In these terminals tetanus toxin-HRP is localized in 500-1,000 A diam vesicles. In contrast, such a retrograde transsynaptic transfer is not at all or only very rarely detectable after retrograde transport of cholera toxin, NGF, WGA, PHA, or ricin. An atoxic fragment of the tetanus toxin, which contains the ganglioside-binding site, behaves like intact toxin. With all these macromolecules, the extracellular space and the glial cells in the ganglion remain unlabeled. We conclude that the selectivity of this transsynaptic transfer of tetanus toxin is due to a selective release of the toxin from the postsynaptic dendrites. This release is immediately followed by an uptake into the presynaptic terminals.  相似文献   
Taurine is an important osmolyte involved in cell volume regulation. During regulatory volume decrease it is released via a volume-sensitive organic osmolyte/anion channel. Several molecules have been suggested as candidates for osmolyte release. In this study, we chose three of these, namely ClC-2, ClC-3 and ICln, because of their expression in rat astrocytes, a cell type which is known to release taurine under hypotonic stress, and their activation by hypotonic shock. As all three candidates were also suggested to be chloride channels, we investigated their permeability for both chloride and taurine under isotonic and hypotonic conditions using the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system. We found a volume-sensitive increase of chloride permeability in ClC-2-expressing oocytes only. Yet, the taurine permeability was significantly increased under hypotonic conditions in oocytes expressing any of the tested candidates. Further experiments confirmed that the detected taurine efflux does not represent unspecific leakage. These results suggest that ClC-2, ClC-3 and ICln either participate in taurine transport themselves or upregulate an endogenous oocyte osmolyte channel. In either case, the taurine efflux of oocytes not being accompanied by an increased chloride flux suggests that taurine and chloride can be released via two separate pathways.  相似文献   
Heterologous bacteriocin production in Propionibacterium freudenreichii is described. We developed an efficient system for DNA shuttling between Escherichia coli and P. freudenreichii using vector pAMT1. It is based on the P. freudenreichii rolling-circle replicating plasmid pLME108 and carries the cml(A)/cmx(A) chloramphenicol resistance marker. Introduction of the propionicin T1 structural gene (pctA) into pAMT1 under the control of the constitutive promoter (P4) yielded bacteriocin in amounts equal to those of the wild-type producer Propionibacterium thoenii 419. The P. freudenreichii clone showed propionicin T1 activity in coculture, killing 90% of sensitive bacteria within 48 h. The pamA gene from P. thoenii 419 encoding the protease-activated antimicrobial peptide (PAMP) was cloned and expressed in P. freudenreichii, resulting in secretion of the pro-PAMP protein. Like in the wild type, PAMP activation was dependent on externally added protease. Secretion of the antimicrobial peptide was obtained from a clone in which the pamA signal peptide and PAMP were fused in frame. The promoter region of pamA was identified by fusion of putative promoter fragments to the coding sequence of the pctA gene. The P4 and Ppamp promoters directed constitutive gene expression, and activity of both promoters was enhanced by elements upstream of the promoter core region.  相似文献   
Trans lipid formation induced by thiols in human monocytic leukemia cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trans lipids in humans originate exogenously from the ingestion of isomerized fats. An endogenous path comprising a thiyl radical-catalyzed cis-trans isomerization of cis-unsaturated phospholipids was proposed. However, whether an isomerization process might be feasible in eukaryotic cells remained to be established. Here we report the presence of trans lipids in human monocytic leukemia cell membranes (THP-1) before and after treatment with a 10 mM series of thiols. Oleic, linoleic, and arachidonic acid residues of membrane phospholipids were analyzed and, unexpectedly, an initial trans lipid content was found in control cells. Then, incubation for 24 h with thiols under physiological conditions slightly increased trans lipid content. Formation of trans isomers was also evaluated in the presence of thiol and under free radical stress induced by gamma-irradiation or by thermal decomposition of azo-compounds. The similarity of isomer trends formed under incubation and stress conditions, together with the reactivity order of fatty acid residues (arachidonic > linoleic approximately oleic), indicated a common radical path and some mechanistic considerations are advanced. These results offer the first evidence that trans lipids are formed in eukaryotic cells and confirm that thiyl radicals are harmful to the integrity of cis lipid geometry. This work motivates further studies into the relationship between lipid isomerization outcome and thiyl radicals in cellular systems, as well as the formation of trans lipids and the metabolic response to such a perturbation introduced into biological membranes.  相似文献   
Angiotensin II mediates is biological actions via different subtypes of G protein-coupled receptors, termed AT(1) and AT(2) receptors. In rodents, two AT(1) receptors have been identified, AT(1A) and AT(1B), whereas in humans a single AT(1) receptor exists. Recently, a number of transgenic animal models have been generated which overexpress or lack functional angiotensin II receptor subtypes. This review focuses on the physiological significance of angiotensin II receptor subtype diversity in the cardiovascular system. In the mouse, AT(1A) receptors are the major regulators of cardiovascular homeostasis by determining vascular tone and natriuresis. In addition, AT(1A) receptors mediate growth-stimulating signals in vascular and cardiac myocytes. AT(1B) receptors participate in blood pressure regulation, and their functions become apparent when the AT(1A) receptor gene is deleted. Deletion of the mouse gene for the AT(2) receptor subtype led to hypersensitivity to pressor and antinatriuretic effects of angiotensin II in vivo, suggesting that the AT(2) receptor subtype counteracts some of the biological effects of AT(1) receptor signalling.  相似文献   
Despite the obvious benefit of an immune system, its efficacy against pathogens and parasites may show great variation among individuals, populations and species. Understanding the causes of this variation is becoming a central theme in ecology. Many biotic and abiotic factors are known to influence immunocompetence (temperature, age, etc.). However, for a given age, size among individuals varies, probably as a result of accumulated resources. Thus, these variable resources could be allocated to immune defence and, consequently, body size may explain part of the variation in immune responsiveness. However, the influence of body size on immune defence is often overlooked. The present study investigates variations in haemocyte count and phenoloxidase activity in larvae of the phytophagous vine moth Eupoecilia ambiguella Hübner of the same age, although differing in body size. The measurements of immune function are made both when the insects are immunologically naïve and 24 h after a bacterial immune challenge. The base levels of these immune parameters do not covary with body size in naïve larvae. After the bacterial immune challenge, more haemocytes and phenoloxidase enzyme are mobilized, and the mobilization of these immune effectors is correlated positively with individual body size. Thus, larger larvae exhibit higher immunocompetence than smaller ones, suggesting that smaller larvae might be more vulnerable to infection. These results suggest that body size is probably an underestimated variable, which nevertheless modulates the insect immune system and should thus be considered as a covariate in insect immune system measurement. It is recommended therefore, that body size should be taken into account in ecological immunity studies with insects. © 2013 The Royal Entomological Society  相似文献   
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