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Anaerobic bioprocessing of organic wastes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anaerobic digestion of dissolved, suspended and solid organics has rapidly evolved in the last decades but nevertheless still faces several scientific unknowns. In this review, some fundamentals of bacterial conversions and adhesion are addressed initially. It is argued in the light of G-values of reactions, and in view of the minimum energy quantum per mol, that anaerobic syntrophs must have special survival strategies in order to support their existence: redistributing the available energy between the partners, reduced end-product fermentation reactions and special cell-to-cell physiological interactions. In terms of kinetics, it appears that both reaction rates and residual substrate thresholds are strongly related to minimum G-values. These new fundamental insights open perspectives for efficient design and operation of anaerobic bioprocesses. Subsequently, an overview is given of the current anaerobic biotechnology. For treating wastewaters, a novel and high performance new system has been introduced during the last decade; the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket system (UASB). This reactor concept requires anaerobic consortia to grow in a dense and eco-physiologically well-organized way. The microbial principles of such granular sludge growth are presented. Using a thermodynamic approach, the formation of different types of aggregates is explained. The application of this bioprocess in worldwide wastewater treatment is indicated. Due to the long retention times of the active biomass, the UASB is also suitable for the development of bacterial consortia capable of degrading xenobiotics. Operating granular sludge reactors at high upflow velocities (5–6 m/h) in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) systems enlarges the application field to very low strength wastewaters (chemical oxygen demand < 1 g/l) and psychrophilic temperatures (10°C). For the treatment of organic suspensions, there is currently a tendency to evolve from the conventional mesophilic continuously stirred tank system to the thermophilic configuration, as the latter permits higher conversion rates and easier sanitation. Integration of ultrafiltration in anaerobic slurry digestion facilitates operation at higher volumetric loading rates and at shorter residence times. With respect to organic solids, the recent trend in society towards source separated collection of biowaste has opened a broad range of new application areas for solid state anaerobic fermentation.W. Verstraete and D. de Beer are with the Center for Environmental Sanitation, University of Gent, Coupure L 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium; D. de Beer is also with the Max Plank Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie-Microzensor Group, Fahrenstrasse 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany. M. Pena is with the Groupo de Biotechnologia Ambiental, Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica, Universidad de Valladolid, Prado de la Magdalena, 47005 Valladolid, Spain. G. Lettinga is with the Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen Agricultural University, Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD Wageningen, The Netherlands. P. Lens is with the Environmental Research Unit. Department of Microbiology, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland.  相似文献   
The formation of anaerobic granular sludge on wastewater from sugar-beet processing was examined in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. Two strategies were investigated: addition of high-energy substrate, i.e. sugars, and varying the reactor liquid surface tension. When there were insufficient amounts of sugars i.e. less than 7% of the chemical O2 demand of the influent, no granulation was observed; moreover lowering the reactor liquid surface tension below 48 mN/m was found to increase biomass wash-out. On the other hand, when there were sufficient sugars, granular sludge growth occurred; moreover operating the reactor at a low reactor liquid surface tension reduced biomass wash-out and increased granular yield.  相似文献   
Two mathematical models to elucidate the mechanism of retromobilization (or retrotransfer), that is, the ability of conjugative plasmids to mobilize genes into the cell containing the conjugative plasmid, were developed. This study deals with retromobilization of nonconjugative plasmids (Tra-Mob+). Plasmid transfer was modeled by two mass action models. The first is based on the hypothesis that retromobilization of the Tra-Mob+ vector occurs in one step, by means of the pilus formed by the Tra+ plasmid in the original host. In the second model, retromobilization is considered to be a two-step process involving two transfer events. The first step involves the transfer of the Tra+ plasmid from the recipient cell to the donor of the nonconjugative vector, and during the second encounter the nonconjugative vector is mobilized toward the recipient. Since the relationships between the number of transconjugants and the number of recipients for the two models are different, filter matings were performed for short time periods with different initial densities of the recipient population. Comparison of the numbers of transconjugants with the results of the mathematical equations confirmed the hypothesis that retromobilization is a one-step conjugation process.  相似文献   
Prevalence of coaggregation reactions among chicken lactobacilli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L. VANDEVOORDE, H. CHRISTIAENS AND W. VERSTRAETE. 1992. Interbacterial adherence was frequently encountered among chicken lactobacilli. Fourteen of 45 combinations involving nine adhering strains were shown to be coaggregative. The coadherence mechanism was mediated by complementary heat- and sonication-sensitive cell surface structures. It was shown that intrageneric adherence enabled lactobacilli to maintain higher numbers in fed-batch reactors simulating the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanism of coaggregation can substantially increase the colonization potential of lactobacilli in environments with short residence times.  相似文献   
Addition of manganese, at levels of 50 ppm, to a liquid growth medium simulating adverse silage conditions had no effect on the growth or on the fermentation pattern of Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus vulgaris. Yet, the manganese strongly enhanced the growth of Lactobacillus plantarum. Co-cultures of L. plantarum and E. cloacae or P. vulgaris were, by addition of manganese ions, significantly altered in the favour of the former. This finding can be of use in mixed cultures where Enterobacteriaceae act as spoiler microorganisms.  相似文献   
Comparison of the equations that describe the relationship between the maximum cell yield coefficient, the maintenance coefficient, and the specific growth rate at steady-state conditions revealed that the equations used for axenic cultures are congruent with those commonly used for mixed-culture system such as activated sludge. A unified basis was proposed. The expression of the yield and maintenance coefficients in carbon units according to the unified basis permitted one to evaluate literature data on both axenic and mixed-culture systems. From this it appears that the maximum cell yield ranges from 0.50–0.80 (mg biomass carbon formed/mg substrate carbon used) for both axenic and mixed systems. However, the maintenance coefficient (mg substrate C/mg biomass C·hr) for the axenic cultures was between 0.010 and 0.100, but for activated sludge communities it was between 0.001 and 0.010. Microorganisms were isolated from sludge communities with these apparently low maintenance requirements and grown axenilly. Their maintenance coefficients but not their maximum yield coefficients decreased with decreasing specific growth rates. The consequences of this finding with regard to species selection in mixed-culture systems and the concept of cellular maintenance requirement are discussed.  相似文献   
The suspected carcinogen 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) is the most abundant chlorinated C2 groundwater pollutant on earth. However, a reductive in situ detoxification technology for this compound does not exist. Although anaerobic dehalorespiring bacteria are known to catalyze several dechlorination steps in the reductive-degradation pathway of chlorinated ethenes and ethanes, no appropriate isolates that selectively and metabolically convert them into completely dechlorinated end products in defined growth media have been reported. Here we report on the isolation of Desulfitobacterium dichloroeliminans strain DCA1, a nutritionally defined anaerobic dehalorespiring bacterium that selectively converts 1,2-dichloroethane and all possible vicinal dichloropropanes and -butanes into completely dechlorinated end products. Menaquinone was identified as an essential cofactor for growth of strain DCA1 in pure culture. Strain DCA1 converts chiral chlorosubstrates, revealing the presence of a stereoselective dehalogenase that exclusively catalyzes an energy-conserving anti mechanistic dichloroelimination. Unlike any known dehalorespiring isolate, strain DCA1 does not carry out reductive hydrogenolysis reactions but rather exclusively dichloroeliminates its substrates. This unique dehalorespiratory biochemistry has shown promising application possibilities for bioremediation purposes and fine-chemical synthesis.  相似文献   
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