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Nest predation is thought to be one of the major factors limiting northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations. We examined the relative impact of altering nest-predation rate, nesting habitat, and weather (i.e., temp and precipitation) on northern bobwhite population dynamics in a hypothetical 15,000-ha subtropical-rangeland ecosystem in south Texas using a simulation model. The systems model consisted of a 3-stage (i.e., eggs, juv, and ad) bobwhite population with dynamics influenced by variables affecting production, recruitment, nest predation, and mortality. We based model parameters on data collected from a 3-yr nest-predator study employing infrared-camera technology, from ongoing field research using a radio-marked population of wild bobwhites, and from the literature. The baseline simulated bobwhite population dynamics corresponded closely to empirical data, with no difference between medians of simulated (n = 30 yr) and observed bobwhite age ratios over a 28-yr period. Similarly, a time-series comparison of simulated and observed age ratios showed most (89%) observed values fell within the 5th and 95th percentiles of the simulated data over the 28-yr period. We created simulated population scenarios representing 1) baseline historical conditions, 2) predator control, 3) low precipitation, 4) low precipitation with predator control, 5) high temperature, 6) high temperature with predator control, 7) reduced nest-clump availability, and 8) reduced nest-clump availability with predator control that resulted in considerably different median bobwhite densities over 10 yr. For example, under simulated predator control, populations increased by about 55% from the baseline scenario, whereas under simulated reduced nest-clump availability, populations decreased by about 75% from the baseline scenario. Comparisons of time-series for each scenario showed that reduced nest-clump availability, low precipitation, and high temperature reduced bobwhite densities to a larger degree compared to a natural nest predation rate. Reduced nest-clump availability resulted in the most substantial decline of simulated bobwhite densities. Simulations suggested that management efforts should focus on maintaining adequate nest-clump availability and then possibly consider nest predator control as a secondary priority. © 2010 The Wildlife Society  相似文献   
著: 《生物信息学》2018,25(7):12-22
通过评估瑞典斯德哥尔摩和巴西圣保罗地铁系统的犯罪活动及扰乱公共秩序行为案例,探讨相关经验教训。对比2个国家地铁系统的时空犯罪模式及上述案例的研究结果,总结环境对犯罪活动及扰乱公共秩序行为的影响。研究中地理信息系统、田野调查和建模等分析过程应用了相应地铁运营商的基础数据。研究发现市中心地铁站及终点站往往比其他站点更容易发生犯罪。除了区位因素,地铁站的环境属性、周边环境及社区环境也会影响站点的犯罪机会。预防犯罪的干预措施必须针对具体犯罪活动、核心地铁站的拥挤情况,特别是易发生犯罪的高峰时段制定。以此总结今后相关研究方向,并提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   
Heat shock proteins (HSP) are conserved proteins, many of which share the ability for indiscriminate peptide binding and ATPase-coupled peptide release. In this paper, we show that heat shock cognate protein (HSC)73, a constitutively expressed member of the HSP70 family, could be a candidate for chaperone activity within the MHC class II presentation pathway. HSC73 expression in macrophages was shown to overlap with expression of MHC class II; overexpression of HSC73 in stable transfectants of a macrophage line markedly enhanced their presentation of exogenous Ag without affecting presentation of processing independent peptide. Ag from an exogenous source was demonstrated to associate with HSC73 in macrophages, and this association was sensitive to ATP treatment and inhibited by deoxyspergualin, an immunosuppressive agent that has previously been shown to bind specifically to HSC73. Furthermore, deoxyspergualin reduced Ag presentation by macrophages in relation to the amount of HSC73 expressed in these cells. The data are consistent with a potential role for HSC73 in binding and protecting peptides from extensive degradation and/or facilitating the kinetics of peptide transfer to MHC class II molecules.  相似文献   
The sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz and Neiva, 1912) is the main vector of American Visceral Leishmaniasis. In spite of its medical importance and several studies concerning adult digestive physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, very few studies have been carried out to elucidate the digestion in sandfly larvae. Even the breeding sites and food sources of these animals in the field are largely uncharacterized. In this paper, we describe and characterize several carbohydrases from the gut of L. longipalpis larvae, and show that they are probably not acquired from food. The enzyme profile of this insect is consistent with the digestion of fungal and bacterial cells, which were proved to be ingested by larvae under laboratory conditions. In this respect, sandfly larvae might have a detritivore habit in nature, being able to exploit microorganisms usually encountered in the detritus as a food source.  相似文献   
Leptospirosis is a public health problem. Infection with pathogenic Leptospira occurs by exposure to many environments and is traditionally associated with occupational risk activities. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the epidemiological relatedness among Leptospira isolates. However, analysis by PFGE yielded inconclusive data as a result of extensive DNA degradation. This degradation can be significantly reduced by the inclusion of thiourea in the electrophoresis buffer, improving the analysis of DNA banding patterns.  相似文献   
Burrowing rate index, diurnal variations in heart rate and heart rate alterations associated with behavioral patterns were studied in Anodontites trapesialis from the Pardo River (PR) and the Galo Bravo Dam (GBD). In both populations the pattern immobile/buried was associated with the lowest (basal) values of heart rate, which increase significantly during burrowing remaining steady in its phases I and II and at the first 10 min of phase III. A decrease in the frequency of digging cycles was significantly correlated with the gradual decrease in heart rate during the phase III of burrowing. Nevertheless, mussels from PR burrow faster than those of GBD and possess higher values of basal heart rate which present a diurnal variation with the higher values occurring during the light phase. Yet, the basal heart rate in mussels from GBD remained stable over the course of 24 h. Also, the increase in heart rate associated with burrowing was higher in mussels from PR and compatible with the highest burrowing index previously detected. Since mussels possess a plastic phenotype it is probable that the cited functional differences are phenotypic adaptations, but we cannot exclude the possibility of these adaptations being genotypic in nature.  相似文献   
The detection of Leishmania in naturally infected rodents in endemic areas is of fundamental importance for defining these rodents as possible reservoir hosts of infection. The use of polymerase chain reaction in conjunction with molecular hybridization has provided important results that could lead to a better understanding of the natural history of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   
Full activation of protein kinase B (PKB, also called Akt) requires phosphorylation on two regulatory sites, Thr-308 in the activation loop and Ser-473 in the hydrophobic C-terminal regulatory domain (numbering for PKB alpha/Akt-1). Although 3'-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1 (PDK1) has now been identified as the Thr-308 kinase, the mechanism of the Ser-473 phosphorylation remains controversial. As a step to further characterize the Ser-473 kinase, we examined the effects of a range of protein kinase inhibitors on the activation and phosphorylation of PKB. We found that staurosporine, a broad-specificity kinase inhibitor and inducer of cell apoptosis, attenuated PKB activation exclusively through the inhibition of Thr-308 phosphorylation, with Ser-473 phosphorylation unaffected. The increase in Thr-308 phosphorylation because of overexpression of PDK1 was also inhibited by staurosporine. We further show that staurosporine (CGP 39360) potently inhibited PDK1 activity in vitro with an IC(50) of approximately 0.22 microm. These data indicate that agonist-induced phosphorylation of Ser-473 of PKB is independent of PDK1 or PKB activity and occurs through a distinct Ser-473 kinase that is not inhibited by staurosporine. Moreover, our results suggest that inhibition of PKB signaling is involved in the proapoptotic action of staurosporine.  相似文献   
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a simple, rapid procedure that has been adapted for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis. In the present study, 85 blood samples and seven bone marrow aspirates from 85 patients with clinical symptoms suggestive of visceral leishmaniasis from the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte in the Brazilian State of Minas Gerais were screened using molecular and serological techniques. Samples that were negative (N = 12) and positive (N = 19) in parasitological and serological tests were used as controls. Of the 85 samples analyzed by PCR, 61 (71.7%) showed the expected amplification products in agarose gels. However, when the technique was combined with molecular hybridization, 72 samples (83.5%) gave a positive signal on film. Nineteen patients with Leishmania parasites in bone marrow cultures (positive controls) showed PCR hybridization in whole-blood samples, as did the seven bone marrow aspirates positive for Leishmania. None of the negative controls reacted in PCR or in an indirect immunofluorescent assay. These results indicate that PCR could replace the conventional parasitological examination in the diagnosis of leishmaniasis since it provides very satisfactory results with blood samples spotted on filter paper.  相似文献   
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