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Properties of cysteinyl residues in the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) of synaptic vesicles isolated from Torpedo californica were probed. Cysteine-specific reagents of different size and polarity were used and the effects on [3H]vesamicol binding determined. The vesamicol dissociation constant increased 1,000-fold after reaction with p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate or phenylmercury acetate, but only severalfold after reaction with relatively small methylmercury chloride or methylmethanethiosulfonate (MMTS). Methylmercury chloride, but not MMTS, protected binding from phenylmercury acetate. Thus, two classes of cysteines react to affect vesamicol binding. Class 1 reacts with only organomercurials, and class 2 reacts with both organomercurials and MMTS. Quantitative analysis of the competition between p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate and VAChT ligands was possible after defining second-order reaction conditions. The results indicate that each cysteinyl class probably contains a single residue. Acetylcholine protects cysteine 1, but apparently does not protect cysteine 2. Vesamicol, which binds to a different site than acetylcholine does, apparently protects both cysteines, suggesting that it induces a conformational change. The relatively large reagent glutathione removes a substituent from cysteine 1, but not cysteine 2, suggesting that cysteine 2 is deeper in the transporter than cysteine 1 is. The complete sequence of T. californica VAChT is given, and possible identities of cysteines 1 and 2 are discussed.  相似文献   
The role of ABA in freezing tolerance and cold acclimation in barley   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of ABA in freezing resistance in nonacclimated and cold‐acclimated barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) was studied. Eleven nonacclimated cultivars differed in their LT50, ranging from −10.8 to −4.8°C. Sugars, free proline, soluble proteins and ABA were analyzed in nonacclimated cultivars and during cold acclimation of one cultivar. There was an inverse correlation between LT50 and both ABA and sucrose contents. Exogenous ABA caused a decrease in the freezing point of leaf tissue in the cultivar with the lowest level of endogenous ABA, but not in the cultivar with the highest level, suggesting that ABA in the latter may be near the optimum endogenous level to induce freezing tolerance. Plants of cv. Aramir treated with ABA or allowed to acclimate to cold temperature increased their soluble sugar content to a similar level. The LT50 of leaves of cold‐acclimated cv. Aramir decreased from −5.8 to −11.4°C, with biphasic kinetics, accumulating proline and soluble sugars with similar kinetics. The biphasic profile observed during cold acclimation could be a direct consequence of cryoprotectant accumulation kinetics. ABA and soluble protein accumulation showed a single step profile, associated mainly with the second phase of the LT50 decrease. Thus, a significant increase in endogenous ABA is part of the response of barley to low temperature and may be required as a signal for the second phase of cold acclimation. Endogenous ABA contents in the nonacclimated state may determine constitutive freezing tolerance.  相似文献   
Following the January 2006 European ban of antibiotics used as growth promoters in the veal calf industry, new feed additives are needed in order to maintain animal health and growth performance. As an alternative to in vivo experiments in the testing of such additives, an in vitro system modeling the intestinal ecosystem of the veal calf was developed. Stabilization of the main cultured microbial groups and their metabolic activity were tracked in an in vitro continuous fermentor operated under anaerobiosis, at pH 6.5, and at a temperature of 38.5°C and supplied with one of three different nutritive media (M1, M2, or M3). These media mainly differed in their concentrations of simple and complex carbohydrates and in their lipid sources. In vitro microbial levels and fermentative metabolite concentrations were compared to in vivo data, and the biochemical composition of the nutritive media was compared to that of the veal calf intestinal content. All three nutritive media were able to stabilize anaerobic and facultative anaerobic microflora, lactate-utilizing bacteria, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, enterococci, and Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria at levels close to in vivo values. The microbiota was metabolically active, with high concentrations of lactate, ammonia, and short-chain fatty acids found in the fermentative medium. Comparison with in vivo data indicated that M3 outperformed M1 and M2 in simulating the conditions encountered in the veal calf intestine. This in vitro system would be useful in the prescreening of new feed additives by studying their effect on the intestinal microbiota levels and fermentative metabolite production.European regulations introduced in January 2006 banned the use of antibiotics as growth promoters (AGP) at subtherapeutic levels in animal feed (regulation EC 1831/2003), particularly for veal calves. AGP generated significantly enhanced growth performance via complex processes. The mechanism of growth promotion is still speculative, but many studies suggest the involvement of the intestinal microbiota (7, 9). First of all, AGP did not promote the growth of germfree animals (6). Moreover, they strongly inhibited the bacterial catabolism of urea and amino acids and the fermentation of carbohydrates both in vitro and in vivo (10, 28, 35). AGP treatment thus provided the animal with higher nutrient availability and led to a decrease in the toxic metabolites produced by bacteria, like ammonia or amines, limiting the energy needed by the animal to detoxify the organism. Some authors also argue that another beneficial effect of AGP results from improved control of intestinal pathologies, such as necrotic enteritis in poultry (12). The January 2006 ban is thus expected to have an impact on veal calf health by leading to more frequent digestive disorders, as previously observed in pigs and poultry in the Nordic countries (36), where AGP have been totally prohibited since the 1990s. Even though no scientific study has yet been done on calves, there have already been reports of higher death rates on experimental commercial farms subsequent to the withdrawal of AGP. The main digestive diseases leading to veal calf deaths are enteritis and enterotoxemia, which are mainly triggered by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens (22, 30).Veal calf producers are looking for new feed additives to allay the consequences of the AGP ban. Alternative approaches include the use of prebiotics, probiotics, or plant extracts. Several studies have reported both consistent improvements in weight gain and feed conversion and a reduction of the incidence of diarrhea with the addition of such additives to the veal calf diet (1, 11, 14). One of the hypotheses used to explain these beneficial effects involves the modulation of the intestinal microbiota. In particular, oligosaccharides containing mannose or fructose are known to selectively increase the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, including lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (21). Timmerman et al. (33) showed that a calf-specific probiotic containing six Lactobacillus species reduced the fecal counts of E. coli. Green tea extracts also improved the intestinal microbial balance by maintaining high fecal levels of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus spp. and decreasing those of C. perfringens (16).As indicated above, it is important to assess the action of newly developed feed additives on the veal calf intestinal microbiota. High interindividual variability makes it difficult and expensive to carry out in vivo studies. Alternatively, experiments can be conducted via in vitro systems modeling the intestinal environment of the animals, provided the model has been checked as pertinent. This approach should allow an economical and ethical way to prescreen feed additives by studying their effects on the intestinal microbiota cultured in the in vitro system and its metabolic activity. With this objective in mind, a necessary requirement is knowledge of the veal calf intestinal ecosystem. Thus, the bacterial and biochemical composition of the jejunoileal chyme of calves was previously characterized (13).The aims of the present study were (i) to set up an in vitro system where the main cultured microbial groups identified in the veal calf intestinal chyme are reproducibly stabilized and metabolically active and (ii) to validate our model by comparing the in vitro and in vivo levels of selected biotic and abiotic variables.  相似文献   
Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I (ammonia; E C was purified from the liver of Rana catesbeiana (bullfrog). Crystals of the protein have been obtained at 22°C by the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique, with polyethylene glycol as precipitant. Tetragonal crystals of about 0.3 × 0.3 × 0.7 mm diffract at room temperature to at least 3.5 Å using a conventional source and are stable to X-radiation for about 12 h. Therefore, these crystals are suitablefor high resolution studies. The space group is P41212 (or its enantiomorph P43212), with unit cell dimensions a = b = 291.6 Å and c = 189.4 Å. Density packing considerations areconsistent with the presence of 4-6 monomers (Mr of the monomer, 160,000) in the asymmetric unit. Amino-terminal sequence of the enzyme and of a chymotryptic fragment of 73.7 kDa containing the COOH-terminus has been obtained. The extensive sequence identity with rat and human carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I indicates the relevance for mammals of structural data obtained with the frog enzyme. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Stimulation of quiescent 3T3 cells by serum dramatically induces the synthesis of a group of secreted polypeptides with a molecular weight (MW) of 45 K (p45 A, B, C, D). The synthesis of these polypeptides increases 10-fold during the first 2 h. Cycloheximide superinduces the 45 K polypeptides and actinomycin D (actD) blocks completely their induction by serum. Peptide mapping analysis and pulse-chase experiments revealed that p45 A is a precursor of polypeptides p45 B, C, D. Tunicamycin treatment inhibits the synthesis of all four polypeptides but a new related protein appears, p-p45, the unglycosylated precursor. In the presence of tunicamycin, p-p45 is also found in the medium, demonstrating that glycosylation is not essential for the secretion. In vitro translation experiments show that the levels of p45 mRNA present in stimulated cells are severalfold higher than that of non-stimulated cells. Purified growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) induce the synthesis of p45 in quiescent cells.  相似文献   
The Thamnophilidae is a diverse radiation of insectivorous passerine birds that comprises nearly 220 species and is mostly restricted to the lowlands and lower montane forests of the Neotropics. Current classification within Thamnophilidae relies primarily on morphological variation, but recent incorporation of molecular and vocal data has promoted changes at various taxonomic levels. Here we demonstrate that the genus Terenura is polyphyletic because Terenura callinota, T. humeralis, T. spodioptila, and T. sharpei are phylogenetically distant from the type species of the genus, Terenura maculata. More importantly, the former four species are not particularly closely related to any other thamnophilids and represent a clade that is sister to all other members of the family. Because no genus name is available for this previously undetected lineage in the Thamnophilidae, we describe the genus Euchrepomis for callinota, humeralis, spodioptila, and sharpei, and erect the subfamily Euchrepomidinae. We discuss the taxonomic and evolutionary significance of this divergent lineage. This study highlights the importance of taxonomic coverage and the inclusion of type taxa to redefine classifications to reflect accurately evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   
Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins are used worldwide as insecticides in agriculture, in forestry, and in the control of disease transmission vectors. In the lepidopteran Manduca sexta, cadherin (Bt-R1) and aminopeptidase-N (APN) function as Cry1A toxin receptors. The interaction with Bt-R1 promotes cleavage of the amino-terminal end, including helix α-1 and formation of prepore oligomer that binds to APN, leading to membrane insertion and pore formation. Loops of domain II of Cry1Ab toxin are involved in receptor interaction. Here we show that Cry1Ab mutants located in domain II loop 3 are affected in binding to both receptors and toxicity against Manduca sexta larvae. Interaction with both receptors depends on the oligomeric state of the toxin. Monomers of loop 3 mutants were affected in binding to APN and to a cadherin fragment corresponding to cadherin repeat 12 but not with a fragment comprising cadherin repeats 7–12. In contrast, the oligomers of loop 3 mutants were affected in binding to both Bt-R1 fragments but not to APN. Toxicity assays showed that either monomeric or oligomeric structures of Cry1Ab loop 3 mutations were severely affected in insecticidal activity. These data suggest that loop 3 is differentially involved in the binding with both receptor molecules, depending on the oligomeric state of the toxin and also that possibly a “ping pong” binding mechanism with both receptors is involved in toxin action.  相似文献   
Tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) is an ectoenzyme crucial for bone matrix mineralization via its ability to hydrolyze extracellular inorganic pyrophosphate (ePPi), a potent mineralization inhibitor, to phosphate (Pi). By the controlled hydrolysis of ePPi, TNAP maintains the correct ratio of Pi to ePPi and therefore enables normal skeletal and dental calcification. In other areas of the body low ePPi levels lead to the development of pathological soft-tissue calcification, which can progress to a number of disorders. TNAP inhibitors have been shown to prevent these processes via an increase of ePPi. Herein we describe the use of a whole blood assay to optimize a previously described series of TNAP inhibitors resulting in 5-((5-chloro-2-methoxyphenyl)sulfonamido)nicotinamide (SBI-425), a potent, selective and oral bioavailable compound that robustly inhibits TNAP in vivo.  相似文献   
The contribution of α-adrenoceptors and nitric oxide (NO) on the alterations of sympathetically mediated cardiovascular responses after acute (AcH) and chronic (ChH) hypertension was evaluated in pithed aortic coarcted hypertensive rats. Pressor and tachycardia response produced by electrical stimulation of preganglionic sympathetic fibers or exogenous noradrenaline (NA) were recorded in the absence and presence of prazosin (α1-antagonist), rauwolscine (α2-antagonist), or N G-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME; an inhibitor of NO synthase). Compared with age-matched sham-operated rats (Nt), the pressor response produced by electrical stimulation or NA was smaller in AcH rats and larger in ChH rats. Prazosin caused a decrease of pressor response elicited by electrical stimulation or NA in all groups. However, this effect was higher in ChH. Rauwolscine produced a similar increase of sympathetically mediated pressor response in Nt and AcH rats. Nevertheless, this antagonist did not affect the sympathetically mediated pressor response in ChH rats. In addition, rauwolscine did not affect the NA-induced pressor response in all groups. The pressor response elicited by l-NAME was larger in all groups compared without l-NAME and in presence of l-arginine. Moreover, l-NAME in the presence of NA increased sympathetically mediated pressor response is in all groups, compared without it or in the presence of l-arginine. Compared with Nt, basally produced NO in aortic rings was increased in AcH but decreased in ChH. Collectively, our data suggest that decreased cardiovascular reactivity in AcH is due to an increase in basally produced NO. In ChH, enhanced cardiovascular response appears to be associated with a decrease in produced NO and an increase in released NA from sympathetic nerves.  相似文献   
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