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Identifying adverse events and near misses is essential to improving safety in the health care system. Patients are capable of reliably identifying and reporting adverse events. The effect of a patient safety reporting system used by families of pediatric inpatients on reporting of adverse events by health care providers has not previously been investigated.


Between Nov. 1, 2008, and Nov. 30, 2009, families of children discharged from a single ward of British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital were asked to respond to a questionnaire about adverse events and near misses during the hospital stay. Rates of reporting by health care providers for this period were compared with rates for the previous year. Family reports for specific incidents were matched with reports by health care providers to determine overlap.


A total of 544 familes responded to the questionnaire. The estimated absolute increase in reports by health care providers per 100 admissions was 0.5% (95% confidence interval −1.8% to 2.7%). A total of 321 events were identified in 201 of the 544 family reports. Of these, 153 (48%) were determined to represent legitimate patient safety concerns. Only 8 (2.5%) of the adverse events reported by families were also reported by health care providers.


The introduction of a family-based system for reporting adverse events involving pediatric inpatients, administered at the time of discharge, did not change rates of reporting of adverse events and near misses by health care providers. Most reports submitted by families were not duplicated in the reporting system for health care providers, which suggests that families and staff members view safety-related events differently. However, almost half of the family reports represented legitimate patient safety concerns. Families appeared capable of providing valuable information for improving the safety of pediatric inpatients.It has been estimated that adverse events occur in about 1% of children treated in hospital and that, on average, 60% of these events are preventable.1 To increase institutional awareness of adverse events, hospitals have implemented systems to encourage health care providers to report adverse events.2 The reporting of adverse events can be improved by making electronic systems for reporting readily accessible3 and by ensuring a “just culture,” which includes nonpunitive reporting policies.4 However, adverse events reported by health care providers account for only a small fraction of total adverse events as determined by chart review.5 Time pressures to treat patients, fear of punishment, lack of belief in the benefit of reporting and differing opinions of what defines a reportable event contribute to low reporting rates.6 However, patients and their families are readily available, keen and motivated observers who may not be subject to these reporting barriers. Family members are capable of observing and reporting adverse events in a variety of clinical settings.7 It is known that the interpretation of safety events and the threshold for reporting differ among health care disciplines and individual health care providers.6 However, it is not clear how families of pediatric patients interpret safety-related events or what their threshold would be for reporting events.The purpose of this study was to test whether the introduction of an adverse event reporting system for use by families of pediatric patients at the time of discharge from a surgical ward would significantly change the rate of reporting of adverse events by health care providers. We also evaluated the types of events that families reported, the relevance of these events with respect to patient safety, families’ desires for anonymous reporting and families’ assessments of institutional responses to reported events. We anticipated that health care providers’ reporting rates would rise with the introduction of the family reporting system, on the assumption that greater attention would be paid to reporting safety-related events on the ward. We also anticipated that families would provide useful information about safety-related events, at least some of the time. In particular, we thought that facilitating communication from the patient’s family directly to the study institution’s Quality, Safety and Outcome Improvement Department would allow more opportunities to improve safety through changes in practice.  相似文献   
Despite the clear major contribution of hyperlipidemia to the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the developed world, the direct effects of lipoproteins on endothelial cells have remained obscure and are under debate. Here we report a previously uncharacterized mechanism of vessel growth modulation by lipoprotein availability. Using a genetic screen for vascular defects in zebrafish, we initially identified a mutation, stalactite (stl), in the gene encoding microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (mtp), which is involved in the biosynthesis of apolipoprotein B (ApoB)-containing lipoproteins. By manipulating lipoprotein concentrations in zebrafish, we found that ApoB negatively regulates angiogenesis and that it is the ApoB protein particle, rather than lipid moieties within ApoB-containing lipoproteins, that is primarily responsible for this effect. Mechanistically, we identified downregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR1), which acts as a decoy receptor for VEGF, as a key mediator of the endothelial response to lipoproteins, and we observed VEGFR1 downregulation in hyperlipidemic mice. These findings may open new avenues for the treatment of lipoprotein-related vascular disorders.  相似文献   


To analyse the contribution of primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection (PHI) to the French viral epidemic.


HIV-1 pol sequences included 987 PHI from the French ANRS PRIMO cohort between 1999 and 2010 and were analysed using a population-based phylogenetic approach. Clinical features, risk factors, sexual behaviour and drug resistance for clustered and nonclustered transmission events were ascertained.


Viruses from 125 (12.7%) of PHI cosegregated into 56 transmission chains, with increasing frequency during the last years (10.2% before 2006 versus 15.2% of clusters in 2006–2010, p = 0.02). The mean number of patients per cluster was 2.44. Compared to unique PHI, clusters involved more often men, infected through homosexual intercourse, of young age, with a high number of casual sexual partnerships and frequent previous HIV serological tests. Resistant strains were found in 16.0% and 11.1% of clusters and unique PHI, respectively (p = 0.11). Overall, 34% (n = 19) clusters included patients followed in French regions far apart, involving 13 clusters with at least one Parisian patient.


PHIs are a significant source of onward transmission, especially in the MSM population. Recently infected people contribute to the spread of the viral epidemic throughout the French territory. Survey of transmitted drug resistance and behavioural characteristics of patients involved into clustered PHI may help to guide prevention and treatment interventions.  相似文献   
Genes in Development is a collection of 13 stimulating essays on "post genomic" approaches to the concept of the gene. At the risk of caricaturing some complex balances, the contributors tend to be skeptical about genetic determinism, the central dogma of molecular biology, reductionism, genes as programs and the concept of the gene as a DNA sequence. They tend to like emergent properties, complexity theory, the parity thesis for developmental resources, developmental systems theory, and membranes. But within this broad weltanschauung the essays in Genes in Development vary widely in their interests and emphases––from the history of twentieth century genetics to the social and ethical issues raised by contemporary genetics––which makes for an attractive and valuable collection.  相似文献   
Although much physiology in resistance vessels has been attributed to the cytoplasmic connection between endothelial cells (ECs) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), little is known of the protein expression between the two cell types. In an attempt to identify the proteins between ECs and VSMCs, mouse cremaster arterioles were stained with phalloidin-Alexa 594 and viewed on a confocal microscope that resolved "actin bridges" within the internal elastic lamina between ECs and VSMCs. To determine the incidence of protein, the pixel intensity from the antibodies on actin bridges were compared with the pixel intensity from antibodies within ECs or VSMCs. N-cadherin, desmin, connexin (Cx)40, and Cx43 and phosphorylated Cx43 at serine-368 were identified on actin bridges, but NG2, CD31, and Cx45 were not evident. Cx37 expression was more variable than the other connexins examined. Using this method on rat mesentery, we confirm the previously published predominance of Cx37 and Cx40 at the myoendothelial junction that was determined using electron microscopy. We conclude that this new method represents an important screening mechanism in which to rapidly test for protein expression between ECs and VSMCs and possibly a first-step in quantifying protein expression at the myoendothelial junction.  相似文献   
In 14141 male and 14141 female Greek children and adolescents ranging in age between seven and fifteen years the presence of cheek dimples was investigated. Neither sex (12.6% in both female and males) nor side differences when expressed unilaterally were observed. There was however a significant increase of dimples with age as well as significantly higher numbers of asymmetric than symmetric expressions in all age groups. With respect to these observations hypotheses of origin of cheek dimples and related effects of age are discussed.  相似文献   
Bioretention basins are man-made topographic depressions designed to collect and retain surface water runoff. In most cases these basins are used to prevent flooding and/or remove environmentally harmful pollutants and sediments from entering natural aquatic systems. To maximize environmental benefits, these systems are often planted with flood-tolerant wetland hydrophytes that are capable of withstanding extended periods of drought. Unfortunately, little is known about how these plants respond to extreme hydrologies while breaking seasonal dormancy. The purpose of this study was to better understand the morphological and physiological responses of three wetland species (Pontederia cordata L., Saururus cernuus L., and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani C.C. Gmel. Palla) often used in bioretention basins while emerging from dormancy in either flooded or drought conditions. Results indicate that only S. tabernaemontani was affected morphologically by drought with lower leaf area and aboveground biomass. While significant reductions in stomatal surface indices were also observed in drought-treated S. tabernaemontani, all three species had reductions in stomatal conductance (g) when grown in drier soils. Moreover, drought conditions promoted decreases in leaf water potential (Ψ leaf) for all three species, and reductions in tissue water content (θ) for P. cordata and S. tabernaemontani. Based on the overall morphological and physiological responses, S. cernuus maintained the lowest productivity, and appeared to be the best suited for tolerating sustained soil water deficits. If high plant productivity is desired, however, S. tabernaemontani was able to maintain high plant growth while making necessary modifications that facilitated greater drought-resistance.  相似文献   
In a sextuplet pregnancy which followed gonadotrophin therapy the principal problems were threatened abortion, premature labour, and placental insufficiency. Delivery was by caesarean section soon after the onset of labour at 32 weeks. The five liveborn babies thrived. The sixth was a macerated stillbirth.  相似文献   
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