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Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in our understanding of the social behaviour of microbes. Here, we take advantage of these developments to present an undergraduate laboratory exercise that uses the cooperative flocculating behaviour of yeast (Saccharomyces sp.) to introduce the concept of inclusive fitness and teach the genetics of cooperation. Students generate their own data using co-cultures of various yeast strains and perform statistical analyses to test whether kin selection or greenbeard effects determine the cooperative flocculating behaviour. The lab has run successfully for two consecutive years in a second year course with some 1, 200 students per year at the University of Toronto, Canada. We discuss the benefits of using microbes to teach social evolution, describe the set-up and learning outcomes of the laboratory exercise, and then outline possible extension and variants of the lab. In addition to providing students with the opportunity to use a model organism to study social behaviour, students are also taught common laboratory skills, such as replica plating and sterile techniques. Ultimately, while the genetics of cooperation has traditionally been taught through computer simulations and evolutionary games, this exercise demonstrates a way to experimentally introduce the topic.  相似文献   
A major stress response influenced by microRNAs (miRNAs) is senescence, a state of indefinite growth arrest triggered by sublethal cell damage. Here, through bioinformatic analysis and experimental validation, we identified miR-340-5p as a novel miRNA that foments cellular senescence. miR-340-5p was highly abundant in diverse senescence models, and miR-340-5p overexpression in proliferating cells rendered them senescent. Among the target mRNAs, miR-340-5p prominently reduced the levels of LBR mRNA, encoding lamin B receptor (LBR). Loss of LBR by ectopic overexpression of miR-340-5p derepressed heterochromatin in lamina-associated domains, promoting the expression of DNA repetitive elements characteristic of senescence. Importantly, overexpressing miR-340-5p enhanced cellular sensitivity to senolytic compounds, while antagonization of miR-340-5p reduced senescent cell markers and engendered resistance to senolytic-induced cell death. We propose that miR-340-5p can be exploited for removing senescent cells to restore tissue homeostasis and mitigate damage by senescent cells in pathologies of human aging.  相似文献   
We have examined transgene methylation in the DNA from the livers of a pedigree of mice carrying three copies of an integrated MToGH1 transgene. Utilizing the methylation-sensitive isoschizomersMsp I andHpa II, Southern blot analysis revealed that all second generation animals derived from a transgenic female had hypermethylated DNA, whereas first generation animals sired by a transgenic male displayed a range of methylation phenotypes ranging from no methylation to hypermethylation of the transgene sequences. Of the mice that exhibited hypermethylation of the transgene in CpG dinucleotides (CmCGG), a minority of these animals also exhibited apparent CpC methylation (i.e. inhibition ofMsp I cutting, presumably blocked by methylation of the outer C of CCGG). Methylation was also examined in the inner C of CC(A/T)GG sequences in the MToGH1 transgene using the isoschizomer pairBstN I andEcoR II. A minority of MToGH1 animals in the F1 generation showed clear evidence of methylation in these sites as well as in the inner and outer Cs of CCGG sites. An examination of MToGH1 expression in terms of oGH levels in serum revealed that there was a high degree of variation in the levels of circulating oGH between animals of this pedigree. There was a weak inverse relationship between the serum level of oGH and the extent of methylation of the transgene. In particular, mice exhibiting CpC together with CpG methylation were found to have very low levels of circulating oGH. Our results highlight the nature and complexity of epigenetic factors associated with transgene sequences which may ultimately influence expression of introduced genes in the mammalian genome.  相似文献   
The Src family kinase Fyn is expressed in T cells and has been shown to phosphorylate proteins involved in TCR signaling, cytoskeletal reorganization, and IL-4 production. Fyn-deficient mice have greatly decreased numbers of NKT cells and have thymocytes and T cells with compromised responses following Ab crosslinking of their TCRs. Herein we have addressed the role of Fyn in peptide/MHC class II-induced CD4(+) T cell responses. In Fyn-deficient mice, CD4(+) T cells expressing the DO11.10 TCR transgene developed normally, and the number and phenotype of naive and regulatory DO11.10(+)CD4(+) T cells in the periphery were comparable with their wild-type counterparts. Conjugation with chicken OVA peptide 323-339-loaded APCs, and the subsequent proliferation in vitro or in vivo of DO11.10(+) Fyn-deficient CD4(+) T cells, was virtually indistinguishable from the response of DO11.10(+) wild-type CD4(+) T cells. Proliferation of Fyn-deficient T cells was not more dependent on costimulation through CD28. Additionally, we have found that differentiation, in vitro or in vivo, of transgenic CD4(+) Fyn-deficient T cells into IL-4-secreting effector cells was unimpaired, and under certain conditions DO11.10(+) Fyn-deficient CD4(+) T cells were more potent cytokine-producing cells than DO11.10(+) wild-type CD4(+) T cells. These data demonstrate that ablation of Fyn expression does not alter most Ag-driven CD4(+) T cell responses, with the exception of cytokine production, which under some circumstances is enhanced in Fyn-deficient CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   
DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are critical lesions that can lead to cell death or chromosomal rearrangements. Rad51 is necessary for most mitotic and meiotic DSB repair events, although a number of RAD51-independent pathways exist. Previously, we described DSB repair in rad51Delta yeast diploids that was stimulated by a DNA region termed "facilitator of break-induced replication" (FBI) located approximately 30kb from the site of an HO-induced DSB. Here, we demonstrate that FBI is a large inverted DNA repeat that channels the repair of DSBs into the single-strand annealing-gross chromosomal rearrangements (SSA-GCR) pathway. Further, analysis of DSB repair in rad54Delta cells allowed us to propose that the SSA-GCR repair pathway is suppressed in the presence of Rad51p. Therefore, an additional role of Rad51 might be to protect eukaryotic genomes from instabilities by preventing chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   
DNA functionalisation is a proven route to program an assembly of nanoparticles into a vast array of nanostructures. In this paper, we used coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to study DNA-functionalised nanoparticles and demonstrate the effect of grafted DNA strand composition, specifically the placement and number of contiguous G/C bases in the grafted DNA single strands, on the thermodynamics and structure of nanoparticle assembly at varying grafting densities and particle sizes. At a constant G/C content, nanoparticles assemble more readily when the G/C bases are placed on the outer or middle portions of the strands than on the inner portion. In addition, the number of neighbours within the assembled cluster decreases as the placement of the G/C bases goes from the outer to middle to inner sections of the strand. As the G/C content decreases, the cluster dissociation temperature, Td, decreases, as the enthalpic drive to assemble decreases. At a high G/C content (number of grafts and G/C placement are held constant), as particle size decreases, Td increases. This is because the smaller particles experience a lower entropic loss than do larger particles upon assembly. On the other hand, at a low G/C content, small changes in particle size lead to negligible changes in Td.  相似文献   
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