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Allochronic speciation refers to a mode of sympatric speciation in which the differentiation of populations is primarily due to a phenological shift without habitat or host change. However, it has been so far rarely documented. The present paper reports on a plausible case of allochronic differentiation between sympatric populations of the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa. The PPM is a Mediterranean insect with winter larval development. A phenologically atypical population with early adult activity and summer larval development was detected 10 years ago in Portugal. Mitochondrial and nuclear sequences strongly suggest that the 'summer' individuals are closely related to the sympatric winter population, while microsatellite data show a reduction in allelic richness, a distortion of allelic frequencies and significant genetic differentiation. Moreover, monitoring of adult flights suggests that reproductive activity does not overlap between the summer and winter populations. We postulate that the summer population appeared after a sudden phenological shift of some individuals of the sympatric winter population, leading to a founder effect and complete reproductive isolation. Given that the individuals showing this new phenology are subject to different selection pressures, the observed allochronic differentiation may rapidly lead to deeper divergence.  相似文献   
Fungi are an omnipresent and highly diverse group of organisms, making up a significant part of eukaryotic diversity. Little is currently known about the drivers of fungal population differentiation and subsequent divergence of species, particularly in symbiotic, mycorrhizal fungi. Here, we investigate the population structure and environmental adaptation in Suillus brevipes (Peck) Kuntze, a wind‐dispersed soil fungus that is symbiotic with pine trees. We assembled and annotated the reference genome for Su. brevipes and resequenced the whole genomes of 28 individuals from coastal and montane sites in California. We detected two clearly delineated coast and mountain populations with very low divergence. Genomic divergence was restricted to few regions, including a region of extreme divergence containing a gene encoding for a membrane Na+/H+ exchanger known for enhancing salt tolerance in plants and yeast. Our results are consistent with a very recent split between the montane and coastal Su. brevipes populations, with few small genomic regions under positive selection and a pattern of dispersal and/or establishment limitation. Furthermore, we identify a putatively adaptive gene that motivates further functional analyses to link genotypes and phenotypes and shed light on the genetic basis of adaptive traits.  相似文献   
Geographic isolation is a significant factor to consider when characterizing human populations. The knowledge of the genetic structure of isolated populations has been of great importance to disease-locus positioning and gene identification. To investigate the genetic structure of the Azorean population, we conducted a survey based on the frequencies of surnames listed in the 2001 telephone book. We calculated the following parameters: isonymy (I), the random component of inbreeding (F(ST)), genetic diversity according to Fisher (alpha), Karlin-McGregor's migration rate (v), and Nei's distance. For the 1,271 subscribers and 163 different surnames, Graciosa island presented the lowest value of abundance of surnames (alpha = 15.75), suggesting great genetic isolation compared to the other eight islands. Migration, calculated on the basis of the diversity of surnames within islands, ranged from 0.2747 (Corvo island) to 0.0026 (S?o Miguel island), indicating that people migrated preferentially toward the economically more developed islands. The value of the random component of inbreeding obtained for the whole population (F(ST) = 0.0039) indicates little genetic differentiation (Wright's F(ST) < 0.05). Moreover, isonymy similarity revealed using the UPGMA method shows three subclusters corresponding to the geographic distribution of the islands.  相似文献   
The enantioselective epoxidation of 6-cyano-2,2-dimethylchromene (Chrom) catalysed by the Jacobsen catalyst, using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) as oxygen source, at room temperature, was performed in a series of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium and tetra-alkyl-dimethylguanidium based ionic liquids. All the room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) could be used as reaction media for the enantioselective epoxidation of the alkene giving, generally, moderate to good epoxide yields and enantiomeric excesses (ee%).For the series of ionic liquids derived from the 1,3-dialkylimidazolium cation, it was observed some relationship between the RTILs physical properties and the catalytic reaction parameters, exemplified by linear correlations between (i) the ee% and the α Kamlet-Taft parameter (hydrogen bond acidity of the solvent) for CH2Cl2 and [C4mnim][BF4] ionic liquids (n = 1 or 2), and (ii) the ee% and the β Kamlet-Taft parameter (hydrogen bond basicity of the solvent) for CH2Cl2 and [C4mim][X] ionic liquids (X = PF6, NTf2 or BF4).All the RTILs could be reused in further catalytic cycles, with the exception of [C8mim][PF6]. The reutilisation of the Jacobsen catalyst for four times generally led to a decrease in the epoxide yield and to a slight decrease in the enantioselectivity. The recycling of the catalyst could be improved by imparting an ionic character to the complex through abstraction of the axially coordinated chloride anion (Cat 2). Other oxygen sources, such as iodosylbenzene, hydrogen peroxide and urea-hydrogen peroxide adduct, were also tested coupled with Jacobsen catalyst, but the best results were achieved with NaOCl.  相似文献   
Mercury compounds exert toxic effects via interaction with many vital enzymes involved in antioxidant regulation, such as selenoenzymes thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). Selenium supplementation can reactivate the mercury-inhibited TrxR and recover the cell viability in vitro. To gain an insight on how selenium supplementation affects mercury toxicity in vertebrates, we investigated the effects of selenium on the mercury accumulation and TrxR and GPx activities in a fish model. Juvenile zebra-seabreams were exposed either to methylmercury (MeHg) or inorganic mercury (Hg(2+)) in the presence or absence of sodium selenite (Se) for 28 days followed by 14 days of depuration. Mercury accumulation was found to be 10-fold higher under MeHg exposure than under Hg(2+) exposure. Selenium supplementation caused a half decrease of the accumulation of MeHg but did not influence Hg(2+) accumulation. Exposure to both mercurials led to a decrease of the activity of TrxR (<50% of control) in all organs. Se supplementation coincident with Hg(2+) exposure protected the thioredoxin system in fish liver. However, supplementation of Se during the depuration phase had no effects. The activity of GPx was only affected in the brain of fishes upon the exposure to MeHg and coexposure to MeHg and Se. Selenium supplementation has a limited capacity to prevent mercury effects in brain and kidney. These results demonstrate that Se supplementation plays a protective role in a tissue-specific manner and also highlight the importance of TrxR as a main target for mercurials in vivo.  相似文献   
Hydroelectric reservoirs can stratify, producing favorable conditions for mercury methylation in the hypolimnion. The methylmercury (MeHg) can be exported downstream, increasing its bioavailability below the dam. Our objective was to assess the mercury levels in plankton, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and fish collected upstream (UP) and downstream (DW) from the Reservatório de Samuel dam, an Amazonian reservoir that stratifies during half of the year. Mercury concentrations in both SPM and plankton were similar between the two sites, which could indicate there are no conditions favoring methylation at the moment of sampling (absence of stratification). Almost all mercury found in the muscle of fishes was in organic form, and differences of mercury levels between sites were dependent on the fishes trophic level. Herbivores showed similar mean organic mercury levels (UP = 117 μg g?1; DW = 120 μg g?1; n = 12), whereas omnivores (UP = 142 μg g?1; DW = 534 μg g?1; n = 27) and carnivores (UP = 545 μg g?1; DW = 1,366 μg g?1; n = 69) showed significantly higher values below the dam. The absence of a reservoir effect in herbivores is expected, since they feed on grassy vegetation, near the riverbanks, which is not much influenced by mercury in aquatic systems. On the other hand, the higher mercury levels below the dam observed for omnivores and carnivores suggest a possible influence of the reservoir since they feed on items that could be contaminated by MeHg exported from upstream. The results highlight the necessity of assessing areas downstream of reservoirs.  相似文献   
Pancreatic islets from adult rats whose mothers were protein restricted during lactation undersecrete insulin. The current work analyzes whether this secretory dysfunction can be improved when the pancreatic islets are grafted into hyperglycemic diabetic rats. Two groups of rats were used: the adult offspring from dams that received a low protein diet (4%) during the initial 2/3 of lactation (LP) and, as a control, the adult offspring from dams that consumed a normal protein diet (23%) during the entire period of lactation (NP). Islets from NP- and LP-rats were transplanted into diabetic recipient rats, which were generated by streptozotocin treatment. The islets were transplanted via the portal vein under anesthesia. The fed blood glucose levels were monitored during the 4 days post-transplantation. Transplanted islets from LP-rats (T LP) decreased the fed glucose levels of diabetic rats 34% (21.37 ± 0.24 mM, p<0.05); however, the levels still remained 2-fold higher than those of the sham-operated controls (6.88 ± 0.39 mM, p<0.05). Grafts with NP-islets (T NP) produced the same effect as the LP-islets in diabetic rats. The high fasting blood glucose levels of diabetic rats were improved by the transplantations. Islet grafts from both rat groups recovered 50% of the retroperitoneal fat mass of the diabetic rats (0.55 ± 0.08 g/100 g of body weight for T NP and 0.56 ± 0.07 g/100 g of body weight for T LP, p<0.05). Because pancreatic islets from both the NP- and LP-rats were able to regulate fasting blood glucose concentrations in hyperglycemic rats, we propose that the altered function of pancreatic islets from LP-rats is not permanent.  相似文献   
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