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Voltage-gated K(+) (Kv) channels regulate membrane potential in many cell types. Although the channel surface density and location must be well controlled, little is known about Kv channel delivery and retrieval on the cell surface. The Kv2.1 channel localizes to micron-sized clusters in neurons and transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells, where it is nonconducting. Because Kv2.1 is postulated to be involved in soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor-mediated membrane fusion, we examined the hypothesis that these surface clusters are specialized platforms involved in membrane protein trafficking. Total internal reflection-based fluorescence recovery after photobleaching studies and quantum dot imaging of single Kv2.1 channels revealed that Kv2.1-containing vesicles deliver cargo at the Kv2.1 surface clusters in both transfected HEK cells and hippocampal neurons. More than 85% of cytoplasmic and recycling Kv2.1 channels was delivered to the cell surface at the cluster perimeter in both cell types. At least 85% of recycling Kv1.4, which, unlike Kv2.1, has a homogeneous surface distribution, is also delivered here. Actin depolymerization resulted in Kv2.1 exocytosis at cluster-free surface membrane. These results indicate that one nonconducting function of Kv2.1 is to form microdomains involved in membrane protein trafficking. This study is the first to identify stable cell surface platforms involved in ion channel trafficking.  相似文献   
The carboxylate platform is a flexible, cost-effective means of converting lignocellulosic materials into chemicals and liquid fuels. Although the platform's chemistry and engineering are well studied, relatively little is known about the mixed microbial communities underlying its conversion processes. In this study, we examined the metagenomes of two actively fermenting platform communities incubated under contrasting temperature conditions (mesophilic 40°C; thermophilic 55 °C), but utilizing the same inoculum and lignocellulosic feedstock. Community composition segregated by temperature. The thermophilic community harbored genes affiliated with Clostridia, Bacilli, and a Thermoanaerobacterium sp, whereas the mesophilic community metagenome was composed of genes affiliated with other Clostridia and Bacilli, Bacteriodia, γ-Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria. Although both communities were able to metabolize cellulosic materials and shared many core functions, significant differences were detected with respect to the abundances of multiple Pfams, COGs, and enzyme families. The mesophilic metagenome was enriched in genes related to the degradation of arabinose and other hemicellulose-derived oligosaccharides, and the production of valerate and caproate. In contrast, the thermophilic community was enriched in genes related to the uptake of cellobiose and the transfer of genetic material. Functions assigned to taxonomic bins indicated that multiple community members at either temperature had the potential to degrade cellulose, cellobiose, or xylose and produce acetate, ethanol, and propionate. The results of this study suggest that both metabolic flexibility and functional redundancy contribute to the platform's ability to process lignocellulosic substrates and are likely to provide a degree of stability to the platform's fermentation processes.  相似文献   
Positive supercoils are introduced in cellular DNA in front of and negative supercoils behind tracking polymerases. Since DNA purified from cells is normally under-wound, most studies addressing the relaxation activity of topoisomerase I have utilized negatively supercoiled plasmids. The present report compares the relaxation activity of human topoisomerase I variants on plasmids containing equal numbers of superhelical twists with opposite handedness. We demonstrate that the wild-type enzyme and mutants lacking amino acids 1–206 or 191–206, or having tryptophane-205 replaced with a glycine relax positive supercoils faster than negative supercoils under both processive and distributive conditions. In contrast to wild-type topoisomerase I, which exhibited camptothecin sensitivity during relaxation of both negative and positive supercoils, the investigated N-terminally mutated variants were sensitive to camptothecin only during removal of positive supercoils. These data suggest different mechanisms of action during removal of supercoils of opposite handedness and are consistent with a recently published simulation study [Sari and Andricioaei (2005) Nucleic Acids Res., 33, 6621–6634] suggesting flexibility in distinct parts of the enzyme during clockwise or counterclockwise strand rotation.  相似文献   
We developed a homogenous microtiter based assay using the cationic dye 3, 3′-Diethyloxacarbocyanine iodide, DiOC2(3), to measure the effect of compounds on membrane potential in Staphylococcus aureus. In a screen of 372 compounds from a synthetic compound collection with anti-Escherichia coli activity due to unknown modes of action at least 17% demonstrated potent membrane activity, enabling rapid discrimination of nuisance compounds.  相似文献   
Soundscapes pose both evolutionarily recent and long-standing sources of selection on acoustic communication. We currently know more about the impact of evolutionarily recent human-generated noise on communication than we do about how natural sounds such as pounding surf have shaped communication signals over evolutionary time. Based on signal detection theory, we hypothesized that acoustic phenotypes will vary with both anthropogenic and natural background noise levels and that similar mechanisms of cultural evolution and/or behavioral flexibility may underlie this variation. We studied song characteristics of white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli) across a noise gradient that includes both anthropogenic and natural sources of noise in San Francisco and Marin counties, California, USA. Both anthropogenic and natural soundscapes contain high amplitude low frequency noise (traffic or surf, respectively), so we predicted that birds would produce songs with higher minimum frequencies in areas with higher amplitude background noise to avoid auditory masking. We also anticipated that song minimum frequencies would be higher than the projected lower frequency limit of hearing based on site-specific masking profiles. Background noise was a strong predictor of song minimum frequency, both within a local noise gradient of three urban sites with the same song dialect and cultural evolutionary history, and across the regional noise gradient, which encompasses 11 urban and rural sites, several dialects, and several anthropogenic and natural sources of noise. Among rural sites alone, background noise tended to predict song minimum frequency, indicating that urban sites were not solely responsible for driving the regional pattern. These findings support the hypothesis that songs vary with local and regional soundscapes regardless of the source of noise. Song minimum frequency from five core study sites was also higher than the lower frequency limit of hearing at each site, further supporting the hypothesis that songs vary to transmit through noise in local soundscapes. Minimum frequencies leveled off at noisier sites, suggesting that minimum frequencies are constrained to an upper limit, possibly to retain the information content of wider bandwidths. We found evidence that site noise was a better predictor of song minimum frequency than territory noise in both anthropogenic and natural soundscapes, suggesting that cultural evolution rather than immediate behavioral flexibility is responsible for local song variation. Taken together, these results indicate that soundscapes shape song phenotype across both evolutionarily recent and long-standing soundscapes.  相似文献   
Enclosed populations of pine mice were studied over a 28-month period and compared with populations in surrounding natural areas. The enclosed populations reached densities far greater than any observed in surrounding natural areas. It is suggested that the restriction placed on dispersal by the enclosure walls and the addition of food in the form of trap bait could have allowed the enclosed populations to reach higher densities than normally observed at SRP.  相似文献   
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