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The apyrene paraspermatogenesis in the freshwater gastropod Pomaceacanaliculata has been studied with electron microscopy. Matureapyrene parasperm result from a cytodifferentiation processwithout maturation division. The atypical condition is recognizedearly. Paraspermatogonia are characterized by voluminous nucleiwith irregular clusters of heterochromatin, numerous dilated cisternaeof the rough endoplasmic reticulum and small electron-dense granulesspread through the cytoplasm. As this process advances, the nucleibecome lobed and chromatin degenerates. The remnant chromatin condensesto form dense bodies which are finally excreted from the cells.At the cytoplasmic level a centriolar multiplication with the consequentflagellogenesis takes place. The axonemal microtubules run alongthe entire length of the cell and emerge from the posteriorend forming a tuft of three or more free flagella. The roughendoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex are involved inthe production of secretory granules, some of which are laterreleased by exocytosis. At the end of paraspermatogenesis matureapyrene parasperm are fusiform-shaped anuclear ciliated cells. (Received 20 January 2000; accepted 18 July 2000)  相似文献   
AIMS: To compare galactose-negative strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus isolated from fermented milk products and known to produce exopolysaccharides (EPSs). METHODS AND RESULTS: The structures of the EPSs were determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and their genetic relationships determined using restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Similar groupings were apparent by REA and RAPD, and each group produced an EPS with a particular subunit structure. CONCLUSION: Although none of the strains assimilated galactose, all inserted a high proportion of galactose into their EPS when grown in skimmed milk, and fell into three distinct groups. Significance and Impact of the Study: This information should help in an understanding of genetic exchanges in lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Evaluation of the fertility of a cohort of formerly bilaterally cryptorchid men in comparison with a group of formerly unilaterally cryptorchid men, and a group of control men. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using a detailed questionnaire concerning paternity and factors related to paternity, a cohort of formerly bilateral cryptorchid men were studied and compared with men who had undergone orchiopexy for unilateral cryptorchidism, and a group of control men. All study subjects had had surgery at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., between 1955 and 1975. A subset of the full cohort underwent clinical evaluation that included a physical examination, serum hormonal determination and semen analyses. RESULTS: Paternity rates are significantly lower among the formerly bilaterally cryptorchid men who have attempted to father a child (65.3%) as compared to the formerly unilaterally cryptorchid (89.7%; p < 0.001) and control men (93.2%; p < 0.001). Differences in the ability to father children are also apparent when semen and hormone levels are compared between the three groups. The bilateral group has significantly lower sperm density and inhibin B levels, and higher FSH and LH levels, than the unilateral and control groups. CONCLUSIONS: Men born with bilateral cryptorchidism have severely compromised fertility in adulthood. This reduction in fertility is clearly shown in comparisons of both paternity rates, and in semen and hormone analyses, between the formerly bilateral, formerly unilateral, and control groups.  相似文献   
Abstract: The effect of timing of application on the incompatibility of three fungicides (metalaxyl, mancozeb, copper oxide) and isolate MK2001 of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin was assessed in vitro . Isolate MK 2001 at 1 × 107 conidia/ml concentration was highly pathogenous to adults of Lygus lineolaris (Hemiptera) (84% mortality at day 4 post-treatment). The fungicides at the manufacturer recommended rate (1X) were strongly fungistatic and inhibited the fungal isolate radial growth on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA). Mancozeb, metalaxyl and copper oxide exhibited insecticidal activity of 24, 40 and 48% respectively, on L. lineolaris adults. It is clear that application of the fungal isolate MK2001 2–4 days before applying fungicides metalaxyl, mancozeb or copper oxide synergized the insecticidal effect of the isolate. On the contrary, application of metalaxyl, mancozeb, copper oxide 2–4 days before applying isolate MK2001 antagonized the insecticidal effect. The simultaneous use of each fungicide (metalaxyl, mancozeb or copper oxide) and the isolate gave lesser insect mortality. This study revealed that although some fungicides are incompatible for use alongside fungal isolates, the proper evaluation of their time of use could be beneficial in biological control or IPM programmes. Furthermore, the application of B. bassiana isolate MK2001 followed by fungicide application could synergize insecticidal activity.  相似文献   
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