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Reactive hyperemia is the sudden rise in blood flow after release of an arterial occlusion. Currently, the mechanisms mediating this response in the cutaneous circulation are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to 1). characterize the reactive hyperemic response in the cutaneous circulation and 2). determine the contribution of nitric oxide (NO) to reactive hyperemia. Using laser-Doppler flowmetry, we characterized reactive hyperemia after 3-, 5-, 10-, and 15-min arterial occlusions in 10 subjects. The total hyperemic response was calculated by taking the area under the curve (AUC) of the hyperemic response minus baseline skin blood flow (SkBF) [i.e., total hyperemic response = AUC - [baseline SkBF as %maximal cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC(max) x duration of hyperemic response in s]]. For the characterization protocol, the total hyperemic response significantly increased as the period of ischemia increased from 5 to 15 min (P < 0.05). However, the 3-min response was not significantly different from the 5-min response. In the NO contribution protocol, two microdialysis fibers were placed in the forearm skin of eight subjects. One site served as a control and was continuously perfused with Ringer solution. The second site was continuously perfused with 10 mM NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) to inhibit NO synthase. CVC was calculated as flux/mean arterial pressure and normalized to maximal blood flow (28 mM sodium nitroprusside). The total hyperemic response in control sites was not significantly different from l-NAME sites after a 5-min occlusion (3261 +/- 890 vs. 2907 +/- 531% CVC(max. s). Similarly, total hyperemic responses in control sites were not different from l-NAME sites (9155 +/- 1121 vs. 9126 +/- 1088% CVC(max. s) after a 15-min arterial occlusion. These data suggest that NO does not directly mediate reactive hyperemia and that NO is not produced in response to an increase in shear stress in the cutaneous circulation.  相似文献   
Comparative studies investigating relationships between plant traits and species rarity and commonness were surveyed to establish whether global patterns have emerged that would be of practical use in management strategies aimed at the long‐term conservation of species. Across 54 studies, 94 traits have been examined in relation to abundance, distribution and threatened status at local, regional and geographical spatial scales. Most traits (63) have yet to be the focus of more than one study. Half of the studies involved less than 10 species, and one‐quarter did not replicate rare–common contrasts. Although these features of the literature make it difficult to demonstrate robust generalizations regarding trait relationships with species rarity, some important findings surfaced in relation to traits that have been examined in two or more studies. Species with narrow geographical distributions were found to produce significantly fewer seeds (per unit measurement) than common species (in four of six studies), but did not differ with respect to breeding system (five of five studies). The majority of traits (including seed size, competitive ability, growth form and dispersal mode) were related to rarity in different ways from one study to the next. The highly context‐dependent nature of most trait relationships with rarity implies that application of knowledge concerning rare–common differences and similarities to management plans will vary substantially for different vegetation types and on different continents. A comparative analysis of distribution patterns in relation to several life‐history and ecological traits among 700 Australian eucalypt species was then performed. A significantly dispro­portionate number of tall species and species with long flowering durations had wide geographical ranges. Trait relationships with distribution were explored further through the development of a methodology incorporating multiple spatial scales. Eight theoretical categories were described illustrating variation in distribution patterns (and hence rarity and commonness) across small, intermediate and large spatial scales, based on the spatial structure of species occurrence across the Australian landscape. Each eucalypt species was placed into a category, and trait variation was explored across all species in relation to distribution patterns across multiple spatial scales. This approach yielded important information about trait relationships with distribution among the eucalypts, linking the spatial structure of points‐of‐occurrence with patterns of rarity and commonness. With the pressing need to protect increasing numbers of threatened species and slow rates of extinction, the development and refinement of a broadly usable methodology for rarity studies that encompasses multiple spatial scales, which can be used for any geographical location, will be useful in both conservation and management.  相似文献   
Bacterial DNA is enriched in unmethylated CpG motifs that have been shown to activate the innate immune system. These immunostimulatory DNA sequences (ISS) induce inflammation when injected directly into joints. However, the role of bacterial DNA in systemic arthritis is not known. The purpose of the present experiments was to determine whether ISS contributes to the development of adjuvant arthritis in Lewis rats after intradermal injection of heat-killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). The results showed that Mtb DNA was necessary for maximal joint inflammation in adjuvant arthritis but could be replaced by synthetic ISS oligodeoxynucleotides. The arthritis-promoting effect of the Mtb DNA or of the ISS oligodeoxynucleotides correlated with an increased Th1 response to Mtb Ags, as measured by the production of IFN-gamma and increased production of the osteoclast differentiation factor, receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL). The Mtb DNA did not enter the joints but dispersed to the bone marrow and spleen before the onset of systemic joint inflammation. Thus, adjuvant arthritis is a microbial DNA-dependent disease. In this model, we postulate that massive and prolonged activation of macrophages, dendritic cells, and osteoclast precursors in the bone marrow may prime the joints for the induction of inflammatory Th1 immune responses to Mtb Ags.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis and progression of several tauopathies, including Alzheimer''s disease. The deposition of fibrillar inclusions made of tau protein is one of the pathological hallmarks of these disorders. Although it is becoming increasingly evident that the specific fibril structure may vary from one tauopathy to another and it is recognized that different types of isoforms (three-repeat and four-repeat tau) can be selectively deposited, little is known about the role oxidation may play in aggregation. Four-repeat tau contains two cysteines that can form an intramolecular disulfide bond, resulting in a structurally restrained compact monomer. There is discrepancy as to whether this monomer can aggregate or not. Using isolated four-repeat tau monomers (htau40) with intramolecular disulfide bonds, we demonstrate that these proteins form fibrils. The fibrils are less stable than fibrils formed under reducing conditions but are highly effective in seeding oxidized tau monomers. Conversely, a strong seeding barrier prevents incorporation of reduced tau monomers, tau mimics in which the cysteines have been replaced by alanines or serines, and three-repeat tau (htau23), a single-cysteine isoform. The barrier also holds true when seed and monomer types are reversed, indicating that oxidized and reduced tau are incompatible with each other. Surprisingly, fibrils composed of compact tau disaggregate upon reduction, highlighting the importance of the intramolecular disulfide bond for fibril stability. The findings uncover a novel binary redox switch that controls the aggregation and disaggregation of these fibrils and extend the conformational spectrum of tau aggregates.  相似文献   
Geographical gradients in seed mass in relation to climate   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Aim To determine whether latitudinal and longitudinal gradients in seed mass are related to variation in climatic features including temperature, solar radiation and rainfall. Location Australia. Methods Seed mass was estimated from over 1600 provenances covering the latitudinal and longitudinal extents of 34 perennial Glycine taxa in Australia. Climatic data were obtained from ANUCLIM 5.1 for collection locations based on long‐term meteorological records across Australia. These climatic data were subject to principal components analysis to extract three components as climatic indices. Generalized linear models were used in three separate sets of analyses to evaluate whether seed mass–latitude and seed mass–longitude relationships persisted after taking climatic variation into account. First, relationships were examined across species in analyses that did not explicitly consider phylogenetic relationships. Secondly, phylogenetic regressions were performed to examine patterns of correlated evolutionary change throughout the Glycine phylogeny. Within‐species analysis was also performed to examine consistency across different taxonomic levels. Results Geographical variation in seed mass among species was related primarily to temperature and solar radiation, while rainfall was much less influential upon seed mass. Partialing out the influence of temperature and solar radiation in models resulted in the disappearance of significant seed mass–latitude and seed mass–longitude relationships. Patterns within species were generally consistent with patterns among species. However, in several species, factors additional to these climatic variables may contribute to the origin and maintenance of geographical gradients in seed mass, as significant seed mass–latitude and seed mass–longitude relationships remained after controlling for the influence of climatic variables. Main conclusions Our empirical results support the hypotheses that (1) seed mass is larger at low latitudes and in the interior of the Australian continent due to increased metabolic costs at high temperatures, and that (2) higher levels of solar radiation result in an increase in the availability of photosynthate, which in turn leads to an increase in biomass for the production of large seeds. In effect, our findings show that greater energy is available precisely where needed, that is, where high temperatures require large seed mass on the basis of metabolic requirements.  相似文献   
This paper describes the discovery of alpha-trifluoroketoacetamides as potent antibacterial agents against Gram-positive organisms. The initial SAR indicates that the aryl ethyl side chain is essential in maintaining antibacterial activity. The SAR observations have been utilized to design a bioisostere for the alpha-trifluoroketoacetamide with good activity against Gram-positive organisms.  相似文献   
Combining fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and indirect immunofluorescence staining of protein markers provides a highly specific method for identifying chromosomes in phenotypically defined cells and tissues. We developed a technique enabling dual chromosome painting and immunofluorescence staining of archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded material, and used this to phenotype chimeric cells in female-to-male human liver transplants.  相似文献   
We present a bacterial genome computational analysis pipeline, called GenVar. The pipeline, based on the program GeneWise, is designed to analyze an annotated genome and automatically identify missed gene calls and sequence variants such as genes with disrupted reading frames (split genes) and those with insertions and deletions (indels). For a given genome to be analyzed, GenVar relies on a database containing closely related genomes (such as other species or strains) as well as a few additional reference genomes. GenVar also helps identify gene disruptions probably caused by sequencing errors. We exemplify GenVar's capabilities by presenting results from the analysis of four Brucella genomes. Brucella is an important human pathogen and zoonotic agent. The analysis revealed hundreds of missed gene calls, new split genes and indels, several of which are species specific and hence provide valuable clues to the understanding of the genome basis of Brucella pathogenicity and host specificity.  相似文献   
Organisms isolated from activated sludge and identified as Zoogloea ramigera accumulated large amounts of sudanophilic granules as the cultures flocculated. The granules were extracted by chloroform and precipitated with ether from acid-hydrolyzed cells. Identification of the sudanophilic granules as poly-β-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) was confirmed by physical, chemical, and infrared spectral analyses. The isolated polymer accounted for 12.0 to 50.5% of the dry weight of the cells. The polymer was not synthesized when the culture was grown in a growth-limiting concentration of organic substrate; it did accumulate when the culture was grown in medium enriched with carbon and energy sources. An increase in concentration of intracellular PHB was directly proportional to optical density and uptake of glucose. Aside from intracellular storage of PHB as endogenous metabolite, the accumulation of PHB is noted as a possible mechanism of flocculation.  相似文献   
Commercial sealers exterminated the original fur seal population at Macquarie Island in the early 1800s. The first breeding record since the sealing era was not reported until March 1955. Three species of fur seal now occur at Macquarie Island, the Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella), subantarctic (A. tropicalis) and New Zealand (A. forsteri) fur seal. Census data from 54 breeding seasons in the period 1954–2007 were used to estimate population status and growth for each species. Between the 1950s and 1970s, annual increases in pup production for the species aggregate were low. Between 1986 and 2007, pup production of Antarctic fur seals increased by about 8.8% per year and subantarctic fur seals by 6.8% per year. The New Zealand fur seal, although the most numerous fur seal species on Macquarie Island, has yet to establish a breeding population, due to the absence of reproductively mature females. Hybridisation among species is significant, but appears to be declining. The slow establishment and growth of fur seal populations on Macquarie Island appears to have been affected by its distance from major population centres and hence low immigration rates, asynchronous colonisation times of males and females of each species, and extensive hybridisation.  相似文献   
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