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Salmonellae have been some of the most frequently reported etiological agents in fresh-produce-associated outbreaks of human infections in recent years. PCR assays using four innovative pairs of primers derived from hilA and sirA, positive regulators of Salmonella invasive genes, were developed to identify Salmonella enterica serotype Montevideo on and in tomatoes. Based on examination of 83 Salmonella strains and 22 non-Salmonella strains, we concluded that a pair of hilA primers detects Salmonella specifically. The detection limits of the PCR assay were 101 and 100 CFU/ml after enrichment at 37°C for 6 and 9 h, respectively. When the assay was validated by detecting S. enterica serotype Montevideo in and on artificially inoculated tomatoes, 102 and 101 CFU/g were detected, respectively, after enrichment for 6 h at 37°C. Our results suggest that the hilA-based PCR assay is sensitive and specific, and can be used for rapid detection of Salmonellae in or on fresh produce.  相似文献   
The prohibitin 3 untranslated region (3UTR) belongs to a novel class of non-coding regulatory RNAs. It arrests cell cycle progression by blocking G1-S transition in breast and other cancers. Our previous studies comparing MCF7 derived clones constitutively expressing a common allelic form of prohibitin RNA (UTR/C) to various controls demonstrated that it functions as a tumor suppressor. Here, we further characterized the morphology and motility of these transgenic breast cancer cells when grown in cell culture and on nude mice. In contrast to empty vector (EV) cells, UTR/C cells were observed to grow in an organized manner with more cell-cell contact and differentiate into structures with a duct-like appearance. Computer assisted cytometry to evaluate differences in nuclear morphology was performed on UTR/C and EV tissues from nude mice. Receiver operator curve areas generated using a logistic regression model were 0.8, indicating the ability to quantitatively distinguish UTR/C from EV tissues. Keratinocyte growth factor-induced motility experiments showed that migration of UTR/C cells was significantly reduced (80–90%) compared to EV cells. Together, these data indicate that this novel 3UTR influences not only the tumorigenic phenotype but also may play a role in differentiation and migration of breast cancer cells.  相似文献   
Photoinactivation was employed to eliminate EHDV-2 from in vitro produced bovine embryos experimentally exposed to this virus. Immature oocytes were matured, fertilized, and cultured in chemically defined conditions. All treatments were performed on zygotes. Developmental potential of zygotes and cell numbers of resulting hatched blastocysts were assessed after exposure to a 1 mW helium neon laser (633 nm, red) for 1, 5, 10, and 15 min; the photosensitive chemicals hematoporphyrin (15 microM) and hypericin (1 and 10 microM) for 15 min; a combination of 10 microM hypericin and laser light for 1, 3, or 5 min; and a combination of 15 microM hematoporphyrin and laser light for 1, 2, or 3 min. There were no significant differences among proportions of embryos developing or cell numbers after treatment with or without exposure to laser light alone for up to 10 min. No differences were observed after exposure of zygotes to photosensitive chemicals alone. Exposure to 10 microM hypericin and 5 min of laser light or 15 microM hematoporphyrin and 2 min of laser light compromised zygote developmental potential. After exposure to 10(6) TCID50/mL EHDV-2 for 90 min groups of 10 zygotes were exposed to 10 microM hypericin or 15 microM hematoporphyrin and laser light to inactivate the virus. Hematoporphyrin was effective with 3 min light exposure at reducing the percentage of EHDV-2 contaminated zygote pools (16.7%) as compared to EHDV-2 exposed pools without treatment (88.9%) but hematoporphyrin + 1 min light was ineffective. Hypericin + 3 min light provided an intermediate effect (55.6%).  相似文献   
The fate of salmonellae applied to tomato plants was investigated. Five Salmonella serotypes were used to inoculate tomato plants before and after fruits set, either by injecting stems with inoculum or brushing flowers with it. Ripe tomato fruits were subjected to microbiological analysis. Peptone wash water, homogenates of stem scar tissues, and homogenates of fruit pulp were serially diluted and plated on bismuth sulfite agar before and after enrichment. Presumptive Salmonella colonies were confirmed by serological tests, PCR assay using HILA2 primers, and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR. Of 30 tomatoes harvested from inoculated plants, 11 (37%) were positive for Salmonella. Of the Salmonella-positive tomatoes, 43 and 40%, respectively, were from plants receiving stem inoculation before and after flower set. Two of eight tomatoes produced from inoculated flowers contained Salmonella. Higher percentages of surface (82%) and stem scar tissue (73%) samples, compared to pulp of Salmonella-positive tomatoes (55%), harbored the pathogen. Of the five serotypes in the inoculum, Montevideo was the most persistent, being isolated from tomatoes 49 days after inoculation, and Poona was the most dominant, being present in 5 of 11 Salmonella-positive tomatoes. Results suggest that Salmonella cells survive in or on tomato fruits from the time of inoculation at flowering through fruit ripening. Tomato stems and flowers are possible sites at which Salmonella may attach and remain viable during fruit development, thus serving as routes or reservoirs for contaminating ripened fruit.  相似文献   
The freezability and survivability of zona-intact and zona-free (hatched) bovine blastocysts obtained by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) were assessed. Day 7 or 8 blastocysts were cryopreserved by slow freezing using 1.5 M glycerol and 0.2 M sucrose. Embryos were exposed to solutions in a 2-step procedure at room temperature and frozen in a programmed cell freezer. Blastocysts that re-expanded within 6 h of post-thaw culture were considered viable. The cleavage, morula and blastocyst development rates after ICSI were 52.4 (131/250), 39.7 (52/131), and 24.4% (32/131), respectively. Blastocyst stage embryos were randomly divided into 2 groups. The first group of embryos was frozen with their zonae intact, while the second group was allowed to hatch from their zonae during the additional 18 h culture, after which they were frozen. The data showed that more Group 2 blastocysts (14/16, 87.5%) than Group 1 (12/16; 75.0%; P<0.05) survived, and more zona-free bovine blastocysts frozen with glycerol as the cryoprotective agent (CPA) than zona-intact blastocysts after slow freezing retained their viability.  相似文献   
One of the diseases of veterinary and public health importance affecting the Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis) on the Kafue flats is brucellosis, for which only scant information is available. During the 2003 (October), 2004 (December), and 2008 (July-December) hunting seasons in the Kafue flats, we conducted a study to determine the seroprevalence of Brucella spp. in the Kafue lechwe and to evaluate serologic tests for detection of Brucella spp. antibodies in lechwe. The Rose Bengal Test (RBT), competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA), and fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) were used. A total of 121 Kafue lechwe were hunted for disease investigations in 2003, 2004, and 2008 in the Kafue Flat Game Management Area. Of these, 21.6%, (95% confidence interval [CI]: 14.2-29.1%) had detectable antibodies to Brucella spp. The Kafue lechwe in Lochnivar National Park had higher antibody results than those in Blue Lagoon National Park (odds ratio=3.0; 95% CI: 0.94-9.4). Infection levels were similar in females (21.6%) and males (21.7%). Results were similar among RBT, FPA, cELISA tests, suggesting that these could effectively be used in diagnosing brucellosis in the Kafue lechwe. Our study demonstrates the presence of Brucella infections in the Kafue lechwe in two national parks located in the Kafue flats and further highlights the suitability of serologic assays for testing the Kafue lechwe. Because the Kafue lechwe is the most hunted wildlife species in Zambia, hunters need to be informed of the public health risk of Brucella spp. infection.  相似文献   
SEPALLATA3: the 'glue' for MADS box transcription factor complex formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Plant MADS box proteins play important roles in a plethora of developmental processes. In order to regulate specific sets of target genes, MADS box proteins dimerize and are thought to assemble into multimeric complexes. In this study a large-scale yeast three-hybrid screen is utilized to provide insight into the higher-order complex formation capacity of the Arabidopsis MADS box family. SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) has been shown to mediate complex formation and, therefore, special attention is paid to this factor in this study.  相似文献   
Limited information is available regarding the development of systemic organ stress by dermal exposure to JP-8 fuel. In this study, the systemic stress potential of this fuel is evaluated in a rat model subjected to dermal applications of JP-8 for 7 days at 300 μl per day. Tissue histology indicated that JP-8 induces morphological alterations that suggest that tissue stress in the heart is more substantial than stress in the kidney and liver. Immunoblot analysis of tissues revealed increased levels of the inducible heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the heart, kidney, and liver after this dermal JP-8 exposure. This exposure also leads to increased levels of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1/HSP3) in the liver. Additionally during this exposure, a negative regulator of inflammation, IκBα (inhibitor of NF-κB), was increased in the liver, slightly increased in the kidney, and not increased in the heart. Two regions of the rat brain were also examined and HSP70 and IκBα were increased in the cerebellum but not significantly increased in the cortex. This study indicates dermal JP-8 exposure causes systemic alterations that are associated with cytoprotective activities (e.g., in the liver) as well as potentially toxic mechanisms (heart and kidney).  相似文献   
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