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The involvement of type I chaperonins in bacterial and organellar protein folding has been well-documented. In E. coli and mitochondria, these ubiquitous and highly conserved proteins form chaperonin oligomers of identical 60 kDa subunits (cpn60), while in chloroplasts, two distinct cpn60 α and β subunit types co-exist together. The primary sequence of α and β subunits is ~50% identical, similar to their respective homologies to the bacterial GroEL. Moreover, the A. thaliana genome contains two α and four β genes. The functional significance of this variability in plant chaperonin proteins has not yet been elucidated. In order to gain insight into the functional variety of the chloroplast chaperonin family members, we reconstituted β homo-oligomers from A. thaliana following their expression in bacteria and subjected them to a structure-function analysis. Our results show for the first time, that A. thaliana β homo-oligomers can function in vitro with authentic chloroplast co-chaperonins (ch-cpn10 and ch-cpn20). We also show that oligomers made up of different β subunit types have unique properties and different preferences for co-chaperonin partners. We propose that chloroplasts may contain active β homo-oligomers in addition to hetero-oligomers, possibly reflecting a variety of cellular roles.  相似文献   
A chloroplast protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was previously proposed to regulate translation of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast psbA mRNA, encoding the D1 protein, in response to light. Here we show that AtPDI6, one of 13 Arabidopsis thaliana PDI genes, also plays a role in the chloroplast. We found that AtPDI6 is targeted and localized to the chloroplast. Interestingly, AtPDI6 knockdown plants displayed higher resistance to photoinhibition than wild‐type plants when exposed to a tenfold increase in light intensity. The AtPDI6 knockdown plants also displayed a higher rate of D1 synthesis under a similar light intensity. The increased resistance to photoinhibition may not be rationalized by changes in antenna or non‐photochemical quenching. Thus, the increased D1 synthesis rate, which may result in a larger proportion of active D1 under light stress, may led to the decrease in photoinhibition. These results suggest that, although the D1 synthesis rates observed in wild‐type plants under high light intensities are elevated, repair can potentially occur faster. The findings implicate AtPDI6 as an attenuator of D1 synthesis, modulating photoinhibition in a light‐regulated manner.  相似文献   
Growth rate has long been considered one of the most valuable phenotypes that can be measured in cells. Aside from being highly accessible and informative in laboratory cultures, maximal growth rate is often a prime determinant of cellular fitness, and predicting phenotypes that underlie fitness is key to both understanding and manipulating life. Despite this, current methods for predicting microbial fitness typically focus on yields [e.g., predictions of biomass yield using GEnome-scale metabolic Models (GEMs)] or notably require many empirical kinetic constants or substrate uptake rates, which render these methods ineffective in cases where fitness derives most directly from growth rate. Here we present a new method for predicting cellular growth rate, termed SUMEX, which does not require any empirical variables apart from a metabolic network (i.e., a GEM) and the growth medium. SUMEX is calculated by maximizing the SUM of molar EXchange fluxes (hence SUMEX) in a genome-scale metabolic model. SUMEX successfully predicts relative microbial growth rates across species, environments, and genetic conditions, outperforming traditional cellular objectives (most notably, the convention assuming biomass maximization). The success of SUMEX suggests that the ability of a cell to catabolize substrates and produce a strong proton gradient enables fast cell growth. Easily applicable heuristics for predicting growth rate, such as what we demonstrate with SUMEX, may contribute to numerous medical and biotechnological goals, ranging from the engineering of faster-growing industrial strains, modeling of mixed ecological communities, and the inhibition of cancer growth.  相似文献   
In a foraging game, predators must catch elusive prey while avoiding injury. Predators manage their hunting success with behavioral tools such as habitat selection, time allocation, and perhaps daring—the willingness to risk injury to increase hunting success. A predator’s level of daring should be state dependent: the hungrier it is, the more it should be willing to risk injury to better capture prey. We ask, in a foraging game, will a hungry predator be more willing to risk injury while hunting? We performed an experiment in an outdoor vivarium in which barn owls (Tyto alba) were allowed to hunt Allenby’s gerbils (Gerbillus andersoni allenbyi) from a choice of safe and risky patches. Owls were either well fed or hungry, representing the high and low state, respectively. We quantified the owls’ patch use behavior. We predicted that hungry owls would be more daring and allocate more time to the risky patches. Owls preferred to hunt in the safe patches. This indicates that owls manage risk of injury by avoiding the risky patches. Hungry owls doubled their attacks on gerbils, but directed the added effort mostly toward the safe patch and the safer, open areas in the risky patch. Thus, owls dared by performing a risky action—the attack maneuver—more times, but only in the safest places—the open areas. We conclude that daring can be used to manage risk of injury and owls implement it strategically, in ways we did not foresee, to minimize risk of injury while maximizing hunting success.  相似文献   
Thyroid hormone is essential for inner ear development and is required for auditory system maturation. Human mutations in SLC26A4 lead to a syndromic form of deafness with enlargement of the thyroid gland (Pendred syndrome) and non-syndromic deafness (DFNB4). We describe mice with an Slc26a4 mutation, Slc26a4 loop/loop , which are profoundly deaf but show a normal sized thyroid gland, mimicking non-syndromic clinical signs. Histological analysis of the thyroid gland revealed defective morphology, with a majority of atrophic microfollicles, while measurable thyroid hormone in blood serum was within the normal range. Characterization of the inner ear showed a spectrum of morphological and molecular defects consistent with inner ear pathology, as seen in hypothyroidism or disrupted thyroid hormone action. The pathological inner ear hallmarks included thicker tectorial membrane with reduced β-tectorin protein expression, the absence of BK channel expression of inner hair cells, and reduced inner ear bone calcification. Our study demonstrates that deafness in Slc26a4 loop/loop mice correlates with thyroid pathology, postulating that sub-clinical thyroid morphological defects may be present in some DFNB4 individuals with a normal sized thyroid gland. We propose that insufficient availability of thyroid hormone during inner ear development plays an important role in the mechanism underlying deafness as a result of SLC26A4 mutations.  相似文献   
Entamoeba histolytica, the protozoan parasite which causes amoebiasis, is an exclusively human pathogen so developing a vaccine could effectively impact the spread of the disease. Recently we developed a genetically modified avirulent strain, termed G3, from the virulent E. histolytica strain HM-1:IMSS. The new strain lacks the important virulence factor, the amoebapore-A. The objective of our current study was to investigate the avirulence of the attenuated strain as well as to examine the antigenic and immunogenic responses of these trophozoites as potential candidates for a live vaccine. Functional assays were conducted to characterise the virulent behaviour of the G3 strain. This behaviour was compared to the virulent strain HM-1:IMSS and the non-virulent strain Rahman. Western blots were conducted to confirm the lack of amoebapore-A in the E. histolytica G3 strain and to demonstrate that it had no influence on the presence of other virulence factors. Results of these two sets of tests proved the G3 strain to be phenotypically similar to the avirulent Rahman strain while antigenically identical to the virulent HM-1:IMSS, apart from the lack of the amoebapore-A protein. Intraperitoneal immunisation of hamsters with G3 trophozoites compared to sham immunised hamsters resulted in IgG anti-HM-1:IMSS antibodies. The level of humoral response was variable and further testing has to take place before introducing this new strain as a vaccine.  相似文献   
For wild primates, demography studies are increasingly recognized as necessary for assessing the viability of vulnerable populations experiencing rapid environmental change. In particular, anthropogenic changes such as habitat loss and fragmentation can cause ecological and behavioral changes in small, isolated populations, which may, over time, alter population density and demographic structure (age/sex classes and group composition) in fragment populations relative to continuous forest populations. We compared our study population of Endangered black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in 34 forest fragments around Palenque National Park (PNP), Mexico (62 groups, 407 individuals), to the adjacent population in PNP, protected primary forest (21 groups, 134 individuals), and to previous research on black howlers in fragments in our study area (18 groups, 115 individuals). We used χ2 and Mann–Whitney U tests to address the questions: (a) what is the current black howler demographic population structure in unprotected forest fragments around PNP? (b) How does it compare to PNP's stable, continuous population? (c) How has it changed over time? Compared to the PNP population, the fragment populations showed higher density, a significantly lower proportion of multimale groups, and significantly fewer adult males per group. The population's age/sex structure in the fragmented landscape has been stable over the last 17 years, but differed in a higher proportion of multifemale groups, higher density, and higher patch occupancy in the present. In the context of conservation, some of our results may be positive as they indicate possible population growth over time. However, long-term scarcity of adult males in fragments and associated effects on population demographic structure might be cause for concern, in that it may affect gene flow and genetic diversity. The scarcity of adult males might stem from males experiencing increased mortality while dispersing in the fragmented landscape, whereas females might be becoming more philopatric in fragments.  相似文献   
The Ras superfamily of guanosine-triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins regulates a diverse spectrum of intracellular processes involved in inflammation and fibrosis. Farnesythiosalicylic acid (FTS) is a unique and potent Ras inhibitor which decreased inflammation and fibrosis in experimentally induced liver cirrhosis and ameliorated inflammatory processes in systemic lupus erythematosus, neuritis and nephritis animal models. FTS effect on Ras expression and activity, muscle strength and fibrosis was evaluated in the dy2J/dy2J mouse model of merosin deficient congenital muscular dystrophy. The dy2J/dy2J mice had significantly increased RAS expression and activity compared with the wild type mice. FTS treatment significantly decreased RAS expression and activity. In addition, phosphorylation of ERK, a Ras downstream protein, was significantly decreased following FTS treatment in the dy2J/dy2J mice. Clinically, FTS treated mice showed significant improvement in hind limb muscle strength measured by electronic grip strength meter. Significant reduction of fibrosis was demonstrated in the treated group by quantitative Sirius Red staining and lower muscle collagen content. FTS effect was associated with significantly inhibition of both MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities. We conclude that active RAS inhibition by FTS was associated with attenuated fibrosis and improved muscle strength in the dy2J/dy2J mouse model of congenital muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   
The mortality response of diapausing and non-diapausing twospotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) on persimmons to hot water immersion treatments between 44 and 54 °C was examined, for potential as a quarantine treatment. The mean immersion time for mean 99% mortality (LT99) of diapausing mites at 44 °C was 211 min, and this time decreased with increasing temperature to 3.6 min at 54 °C. Non-diapausing mites were found to be less tolerant to temperatures below 48 °C, with an estimated LT99 of 102 min at 44 °C, but had similar thermotolerance above 48 °C. In 47 °C water the immersion time required to kill 99% of diapausing mites was estimated at 67 min. This time was not reduced by subsequent coolstorage at 0 °C for up to eight weeks. Rather, coolstorage had the effect of keeping mites alive, relative to LT99 estimates calculated for mites stored at 20 °C. Similarly the thermotolerance of mites did not change with increased time in diapause, even though mites in diapause for 12 weeks had high control mortality. Hot water immersion appears to be a potentially useful disinfestation method for persimmons.  相似文献   
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