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Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are pluripotent and could be maintained in vitro in a self-renewing state indefinitely, at the same time preserving their potential to differentiate towards more specific lineages. Despite the progress in the field, the complex network of signalling cascades involved in the maintenance of the self-renewing and pluripotent state remains not fully understood. In the present study, we have investigated the role of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a potent mitogen present in serum, in Ca2+ signalling and early gene activation in mouse ESC (mESC). In these cells, we detected the expression of the G-protein coupled LPA receptor subtypes LPA1, LPA2 and LPA3. Using fluorescence Ca2+ imaging techniques, we showed that LPA induced an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. This increase was also observed in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, suggesting the involvement of internal stores. Pre-treatment with BAPTA-AM, thapsigargin or U-73122 efficiently blocked this Ca2+ release, indicating that LPA was evoking Ca2+ mobilization from the endoplasmic reticulum via the phospholipase C (PLC) pathway. Interestingly, this signalling cascade initiated by LPA was involved in inducing the expression of the Ca2+-dependent early response gene c-myc, a key gene implicated in ESC self-renewal and pluripotency. Additionally, LPA increased the proliferation rate of mESC. Our findings therefore outline the physiological role of LPA in mESC.  相似文献   
1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) applied alone did not influence significantly the chlorophyll and carotenoid content of the older leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., but retarded the senescence of the younger ones (6th and 7th leaf nodes). However, 1-MCP effectively blocks the ethylene induced senescence of excised rosette leaves. The preliminary application of 1-MCP (3 h in advance to the treatment by Ethrel) almost totally eliminated the ethylene action. Similar trend was also observed after simultaneous application of Ethrel and 1-MCP, and the effects of both treatments on the chlorophyll and carotenoid destruction are comparable.  相似文献   
We examined the leaf chemical composition of six seedlings obtained by self-pollination of the Bulgarian wine-making variety Storgozia as well as the cultivar Bouquet, which is the susceptible parent of Storgozia. The chemical composition was investigated in the framework of a program for identification of metabolites associated with disease resistance in grape-vine. Acetone, dichloromethane and butanol extracts, as well as volatiles obtained from fresh material were analyzed by GC/MS. Based on the correlations of the GC/MS data and estimated resistance of the leaves towards the etiological agents of powdery mildew, downy mildew and botrytis as biomarkers for the fungal resistance, we proposed 16 individual metabolites – - and γ-tocopherol, squalene, -amyrine, stigmasta-3,5-diene-7-one, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, glycolic acid, 3-hydroxybutanoic acid, 3-hydroxycaproic acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, erythronic acid, arabinoic acid, monoethyl phosphate, undecyl laurate and isopropyl myristate. The obtained correlations were confirmed by cluster analysis.  相似文献   
The isomerase activity of the C-terminal fructose-6P binding domain (residues 241-608) of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase from Escherichia coli has been studied. The equilibrium constant of the C-terminal domain k(eq) ([glucose-6P]/[fructose-6-P]) = 5.0. A non-competitive product inhibition of the isomerase activity by the reaction product glucose-6-P has been detected. The existence of more than one binding and reaction sites for the substrate fructose-6P on the molecule of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase can be expected. The fructose-6P binding domain possibly includes a regulatory site, different from the catalytic center of the enzyme.  相似文献   
A cyclic peptide containing thiazole and oxazole moieties was isolated from Nostoc 31 and its structure determined by chemical degradation detailed NMR and mass spectroscopic analyses. The compound is stereochemically pure and closely related to nostocyclamide in which D-valine is replaced by D-methionine. Therefore, it differs from tenuecyclamide C reported to contain L-methionine. It shows allelopathic activity against Anabaena 7120, but is inactive against grazers.  相似文献   
The aerial parts of Artemisia chamaemelifolia Vill. afforded, in addition to five known sesquiterpene acids, a new 5-epi-cantabrenolic acid (6).  相似文献   
The significance of the C-terminal part of human interferon gamma (hIFNgamma) for its biological activity was studied by 3(')-end gene mutagenesis. A series of nine derivative genes obtained by systemic deletion of three codons was constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli LE392. It was shown that the yield of recombinant protein gradually decreased and the solubility gradually increased with truncation of the C terminus. To avoid artifacts related to the imperfect folding of the proteins during purification, the biological activity of the hIFNgamma proteins was measured in clear cell lysates containing the soluble fractions only. The deletion of the C terminus had a two-step effect on both hIFNgamma antiviral and antiproliferative activities. Whereas the removal of the last 3, 6, and 9 C-terminal amino acids led to a gradual increase (up to 10 times) in biological activity of hIFNgamma, the deletion of more than 9 amino acids had an opposite effect. The truncation of the whole unstructured C-terminal domain resulted in a 10-fold decrease (but not in a complete loss) in biological activity of hIFNgamma. The latter was sequestered upon deletion of 24 amino acids, 3 of which belonged to the alpha-helical domain F.  相似文献   
Adenosine (Ado) kinase (ADK; ATP:Ado 5' phosphotransferase, EC catalyzes the salvage synthesis of adenine monophosphate from Ado and ATP. In Arabidopsis, ADK is encoded by two cDNAs that share 89% nucleotide identity and are constitutively, yet differentially, expressed in leaves, stems, roots, and flowers. To investigate the role of ADK in plant metabolism, lines deficient in this enzyme activity have been created by sense and antisense expression of the ADK1 cDNA. The levels of ADK activity in these lines range from 7% to 70% of the activity found in wild-type Arabidopsis. Transgenic plants with 50% or more of the wild-type activity have a normal morphology. In contrast, plants with less than 10% ADK activity are small with rounded, wavy leaves and a compact, bushy appearance. Because of the lack of elongation of the primary shoot, the siliques extend in a cluster from the rosette. Fertility is decreased because the stamen filaments do not elongate normally; hypocotyl and root elongation are reduced also. The hydrolysis of S-adenosyl-L-homo-cysteine (SAH) produced from S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)-dependent methylation reactions is a key source of Ado in plants. The lack of Ado salvage in the ADK-deficient lines leads to an increase in the SAH level and results in the inhibition of SAM-dependent transmethylation. There is a direct correlation between ADK activity and the level of methylesterified pectin in seed mucilage, as monitored by staining with ruthenium red, immunofluorescence labeling, or direct assay. These results indicate that Ado must be steadily removed by ADK to prevent feedback inhibition of SAH hydrolase and maintain SAM utilization and recycling.  相似文献   
Brain cells are metabolically flexible because they can derive energy from both glucose and ketone bodies (acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate). Metabolic control theory applies principles of bioenergetics and genome flexibility to the management of complex phenotypic traits. Epilepsy is a complex brain disorder involving excessive, synchronous, abnormal electrical firing patterns of neurons. We propose that many epilepsies with varied etiologies may ultimately involve disruptions of brain energy homeostasis and are potentially manageable through principles of metabolic control theory. This control involves moderate shifts in the availability of brain energy metabolites (glucose and ketone bodies) that alter energy metabolism through glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, respectively. These shifts produce adjustments in gene-linked metabolic networks that manage or control the seizure disorder despite the continued presence of the inherited or acquired factors responsible for the epilepsy. This hypothesis is supported by information on the management of seizures with diets including fasting, the ketogenic diet and caloric restriction. A better understanding of the compensatory genetic and neurochemical networks of brain energy metabolism may produce novel antiepileptic therapies that are more effective and biologically friendly than those currently available.  相似文献   
We have used microsatellite sequences to evaluate the influence of the mismatch repair system on mutation bias in D. melanogaster. While mismatch-proficient cells have the highest mutation rate at (GT)(n) repeats, (AT)(n) repeats were the least stable ones in spel1(-/-) flies lacking functional mismatch repair. Furthermore, the mutation spectrum of long microsatellite alleles in spel1(-/-) was slightly upward biased, resulting in a gain of repeats, whereas wild-type flies have a strong downward bias. Interestingly, this mismatch repair-mediated downward mutation bias is reflected in the genome composition of D. melanogaster. When compared to other species, D. melanogaster has significantly shorter microsatellites. Our results suggest that the mismatch repair system may have an important role in shaping genome composition.  相似文献   
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